I will be crowned king

Chapter 1024 Sinner

As soon as he finished speaking, Lieutenant Colonel Crown, whose eyes were locked by the old judge's, seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Other charges and charges... What are other charges?

If the information provided by Anson Bach is enough to directly clear all suspicions, then there is no need to continue this trial; if not, of course the charges and charges will still be established, and both parties will argue and provide evidence, leaving it to the judge and jury to quell the rebellion. , the result will be decided after three rounds of voting.

What does it mean to say that the evidence is conclusive, but not to end the trial, and to ask for new accusations and evidence?

Just kidding, don’t you think if I really had the kind of evidence that could be produced immediately, I could hide it until now? !

Everyone in the hall, especially those in the spectator seats, exclaimed in doubt or got into heated arguments. On the contrary, the juries on both sides seemed unusually quiet, as if they had already known the result. Anticipate.

Realizing a certain possibility, Lieutenant Colonel Crown tried his best to control his trembling body and gritted his teeth - could it be said that some adults in the Army Department really planned to take a step back?

Just kidding, doesn't that mean that the person responsible for the entire accusation has really become their abandoned son? !

What's more, if they give in at this time, wouldn't Anson Bach and his Storm Legion completely lose control and no longer be under the jurisdiction of the War Department? How can the Bayonet Club and the "Continental Army School" still carry the majesty and control the situation?

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the Army officers in the jury box beside him, only to find that all the adults had dark faces and remained silent, as if they were already prepared for this outcome.

From their eyes that ignored their surroundings, Crown felt a biting chill in his heart.

"Quiet—! Quiet—!"

The old judge banged the hammer again to maintain order: "Plaintiff, please tell me if there is any other evidence and accusations that need to be made. The patience and time of this court are limited."

The cold words hit Lieutenant Colonel Crowne's heart, like a dull bell, echoing over and over again in his chest.

Those were the approaching footsteps of the God of Death, and the revolver pressing against his forehead.

After being silent for dozens of seconds and no longer paying attention to the gaze of the Army Minister behind him, Lieutenant Colonel Crown suddenly raised his head and said directly:

"Yes, I have clear evidence that proves that Anson Bach is definitely suspected of treason!"

"Since there is, please submit it in the form of a dossier, and this court will start the trial immediately." The old judge said expressionlessly:

"Of course, since it is a new accusation, it must have the minimum evidence. The plaintiff's last round of accusations has already been suspected of being incomplete. If a similar situation occurs again, this court will directly reject it."

Not entirely true?

A strange expression flashed across Anson's face... Although he didn't know what happened, the real meaning of the so-called "not completely established" seemed to be "completely not established".

In other words, all the actions you have done in the new world have been completely washed away, and the meaning of the three judges cannot be more obvious - if you want to frame someone again, your original excuses will no longer work. You must Get a new one.

Not only that, but clear evidence and clues must be provided... This can no longer be described as partial. To put it bluntly, the old judge has almost announced the outcome of the trial.

There was a problem. There was a big problem in the fifteen minutes from when the other party left to when he came back... Everything seemed to be business as usual, but the direction of the whole thing had been completely reversed inadvertently.

From the beginning of the trial... no, it should be said from the moment he arrived in Clovis City, all of Anson's plans were centered around the goal of destroying the War Department, or at least a heavy blow to the opponent's authority; but if things go as they are now If the trend continues, it is likely that the Army Department's evidence is not strong enough and the charges will be dropped.

In this way, he was innocent, and the Army Department had only acted excessively. It could even be seen as being too dedicated to his duties and had gone to extremes. He had become a thorn in the side of the organization who refused to accept management and suffered exclusion and marginalization.

Could it be that the War Department took the initiative to give in, or...

"Of course."

Lieutenant Colonel Crown said solemnly, his eyes full of determination: "I have very sufficient intelligence and evidence to prove that after Anson Bach arrived in North Port, he immediately had a meeting with the mayor of North Port and the head of the Cecil family. They had a private exchange and meeting; in addition, Viscount Bognar, who secretly left Clovis City, was also involved!"

"They united and colluded in Beigang, trying to coordinate the reformists, local forces, and many armed forces who were dissatisfied with the status quo and order of the kingdom, led by Anson Bach, to completely overthrow the existing order of the kingdom, oust the Osterian royal family, and become the king of the kingdom. The actual person in power!”

Before he finished speaking, there was already an uproar in the hall!

Viscount Bognar sat upright in shock and instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Lieutenant Colonel Crown took out a few documents from his arms unhurriedly, and continued: "Not only that, I also have transactions between Viscount Bogner and Brigadier General Anson Bach, and there are many bribes. The evidence shows that the two have had an interest in each other since at least one hundred years ago in the Christian calendar."

"At that time, our Brigadier General was just the head of a security group. He acted under the orders of the Archbishop and used the power at his disposal to clear the name of Viscount Bognar, who was almost killed at the hands of rioting workers. There is a suspicion that the old god sect has some connection with each other!”

"As for the transfer of interests between the North Port Cecil family and our brigadier general, it can be traced back to when he was still in the New World not long ago... I have sufficient evidence to prove that the Cecil family is making arrangements with the permission of the royal family. Next, he privately leased the warship to Anson Bach and his Storm Legion, and was later rewarded with a large sum of money!"

"With a leader of the Privy Council, a leader of a local faction, and a commander in charge of a corps... central, local, military, I have every reason to suspect that this is an attempt to overthrow Osterley The Ya Dynasty, the conspiracy group that usurps the power of the Kingdom of Clovis!”

Ignoring the commotion around him, Lieutenant Colonel Crown threw stacks of documents on the table with an almost indifferent attitude, staring directly at the three judges above:

"All the evidence is available. I can even provide Viscount Bogner's ticket receipt, the confession of a certain guard at the Royal Capital's Central West Station, and the details of the Cecil family's profits from the New World's ocean-going trade for at least the past two years. List.”

"This is all for nothing else. I just hope to get rid of a group of corpse-like and ambitious conspirators for the kingdom, a group of disloyal ministers who are always threatening His Majesty's authority and dignity!"

Looking at Lieutenant Colonel Crowne who lowered his head heavily, Anson, who had been surprised for a moment, understood instantly - he was planning to break the pot and perish together with himself.

Obviously... no matter what had happened, the War Department seemed to have made up its mind to take a step back and try to compromise; but Lieutenant Colonel Crown didn't want to, or couldn't.

He has become a talker pushed to the stage by the War Department. If he cannot nail himself to the pillar of shame as a traitor, he will have to bear the censure of the entire War Department and countless people who think that they have been cheated or that their efforts have been wasted. soldiers.

The upper echelons of the War Department cannot bear this kind of blame and anger, so they must let him bear it and use him to quell public anger.

So... there is no choice, even if he knows that doing so will cause uncontrollable consequences, in order to survive, Crown will detonate this bomb and drag everyone into the abyss of "traitor".


Compared with the scene, the three judges still seemed so calm and calm: "Plaintiff, this court will accept the accusations and evidence you filed."

"But due to the kingdom's laws and accusation principles, your evidence can only be used to accuse one defendant, and cannot implicate others. At least...not in this trial. Are you willing to accept it?"


Lieutenant Colonel Crown answered without hesitation, calmly and calmly as if he had seen through life and death: "Everything is left to the court's judgment. No matter what the outcome is, I am willing to accept it."

"Very good, then..." The old judge turned his attention to the figure in the defendant's seat: "Brigadier General Anson Bach, do you have anything else to explain about these powerful accusations and the various evidences attached to them?"

A thick and steady voice sounded in the hall, and all the noise disappeared instantly.

Major General Ludwig, Miss Sophia, Viscount Bognar, the head of the Renard family, Lady Caterina... all eyes were focused on Anson at this moment.

Everyone is waiting for his next speech.

If he pleads guilty, he will not be the only one to die. The entire city of Clovis will trigger a tsunami that will shatter the earth. It may even trigger countless accusations and a frenzy of accusations. All political tacit understandings and mutual tacit understandings will be towards the end. The battle with absolutely no lower limit is getting fiercer.

But if he denies it... the evidence that Crown risked his life to produce was also carefully collected and prepared by the Ministry of War. It is basically impossible to deny it. The result of his harsh words can only be exchanged for a more ferocious and merciless slap in the face.

Thinking of this, Fabian began to look at Anson's back with anxiety; no matter how confident he was in the Commander-in-Chief, he could no longer remain calm as before.

But Anson, who was supporting the table with both hands and raising his head slightly, just looked around without saying a word.

He seemed to be waiting and thinking.

It is true that in this kind of situation, one sentence may make things completely out of control. Serious consideration and repeated calculations are necessary, but...

"Defendant, is there anything else you would like to explain?"

The old judge said coldly, obviously not prepared to give him time to think: "If not, then I will announce the start of the second round of jury voting, and you will no longer be able to raise any objections to the evidence and charges."

This bastard, what on earth is he waiting for... Sophia gritted her teeth in the stands, completely unaware that her right hand pressed harder on Ludwig's shoulder, to the point where the major general couldn't help but frown.

"Explanation...Your honors, and everyone on the jury, if what you want to hear is an explanation, then I really have nothing to say."

Anson said calmly, but before Crown could look happy, he immediately changed the topic: "Because... I really don't think that a group of loyal people who care about the kingdom talk about a beautiful vision together, and there is something that needs to be explained. place."

"Oh?" The old judge sitting in the middle raised his eyebrows:

"Are you saying that all these accusations and evidence are unfounded?"

"On the contrary, all the evidence is true, and all the things that happened are true; but... I personally do not think that these can be regarded as evidence of the so-called 'conspiracy and rebellion', because all of the above are not There are so-called secrets.”

Anson said solemnly: "The Cecil family privately leased the warship to me? Are you kidding me? Do they think that there is nothing reported to the War Department, even if it is 'privately'? Do they forget that the Royal Fleet is under the direct management of His Majesty, and do not even Need permission from the Privy Council?”

"Have they forgotten that the colony was in a precarious situation at that time, and I had to arrive in the colony before the New Year; have they forgotten that the sailors of the Royal Fleet risked anchoring in the frozen sea in November for the benefit of the kingdom - if it was really for the benefit , who is willing to do such a risky thing?"

"Have they forgotten that I was already under surveillance by the inquisitors of the Seeking Truth Order at that time, and the work of appeasing Viscount Bognar was arranged for me by the chief inquisitor at the time; if Lord Viscount Bognar is really in contact with the old The God Sect is involved, so I’m afraid the two of us would have been caught in one fell swoop!”

"As for colluding with the Cecil family in transferring interests... Such ridiculous remarks are obviously a misunderstanding of the relationship between the colony and the mainland - the tax collector who came to the colony to collect taxes and purchases was William Cecil. Colonel, this is a candidate recognized by both Your Majesty and the Privy Council. How can it be that both Your Majesty and the entire Privy Council have an interest-transfer relationship with me?"

"Even if they step back ten thousand steps, the Cecil family fought for the colony that was in danger at the time and was constantly threatened by the imperial fleet, and protected the safety of the kingdom's waterways. Do they still have the qualifications to participate in ocean trade and profit from it?!"

Looking around at everyone present, Anson took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I have no intention of speculating on the views of the Army Department and Lieutenant Colonel Crown on me, but it is obvious that he and those behind him who tried to accuse me, and I don’t know what to do to protect the kingdom’s interests to the greatest extent.”

“They could not see an emerging country that had got rid of the shackles of the empire, gained independence, had a unified market and fixed tariffs, had a long coastline, was rich in resources but lacked manufactured industrial products, cash and various hard currencies, and had an increasing demand for raw materials. How complementary they are to each other, Clovis, who was cut off from trade exchanges by the empire!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Crown said that we colluded in private...wrong! Our 'collusion' was blatant and aboveboard. We just didn't hold up the loudspeaker and submitted a formal report to the Department of the Army in writing."

"Our 'collusion' is a group of like-minded people who unanimously see the best future and vision for the kingdom, and exchange the channels and information they have with each other."

"If this can be called a 'conspiracy group,' I would like to be Clovis's biggest conspirator."

"If loyalty is also a sin, then I will be willing to be what they call a 'sinner'!"

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