I will be crowned king

Chapter 1025 The King Arrives

At this moment, there were calls of relief from the jury and spectators, and many people even had smiles on their faces.

"What an eloquent guy, he can even express such nonsense." Mrs. Catalina couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth: "I think it is really unfair to let this guy stay in the army. He should go Run for Congress!”


Viscount Bogner, who was finally no longer nervous, couldn't help but glance sideways, and looked at Lady Caterina who was slumped in the chair with a smile: "How can you be sure that what you just said was not a campaign speech by our Brigadier General Anson Bach?"

"You mean..."

"The Ministry of War...may really be ushering in reforms. In a sense, it would not be a bad thing to give them a seat in the Privy Council and Cabinet." Viscount Bogner nodded slightly:

"Although this will definitely lead to an increase in the status of the military and take away some of the power, it can at least alleviate the current conflicts between the two sides. If a slight concession and sacrifice can win enough solid allies, it will still be beneficial to everyone in general."

"This is like exchanging a colony that is dispensable to the kingdom for the firm alliance of the Free Confederacy. It should be a major benefit to the kingdom...so I really can't understand what those who refuse are thinking in their hearts. .”

"Benefit? I'm afraid it's only temporary." Mrs. Catalina couldn't help snorting: "What if another North Sea Kingdom is supported, how can you say this is a benefit? Don't forget, the Kingdom of Naxir is still there. The war has not stopped, and there are already signs that the three countries in the North Sea are about to be unified!"

"It's just an isolated island on the sea, so what if it's unified? Clovis is a continental country, and its core interests lie in the land rather than the sea." Viscount Bogner didn't care:

"As long as they can maintain their absolute advantage in size and control the excellent ports on the edge of the coastline, this kind of island country will never truly become the center of the world - being a foil, dependency, and marginal group to the mainland kingdom is their only destiny."

Lady Caterina did not continue speaking, but just hummed to express her dissatisfaction; Viscount Bogner also understood that he was a little complacent after "luckily" escaping, so he decisively chose to remain silent and turned his attention to the court again. central.

"Defendant Brigadier General Anson Bach, the complaint you just made is very powerful, but it is not enough to completely refute the accusation made by Lieutenant Colonel Crown." The old judge put down the document in his hand:

"Viscount Bognor left Clovis City privately, your dealings with the Cecil family, and your common contacts in North Port... The problems between Mayor Cecil and Viscount Bognar can basically be explained. As an important minister of the kingdom, and as members of Congress, they do have freedom in this regard from the Department of the Army.”

"But you are not! You are the brigadier general of the Kingdom of Clovis. Generally speaking, you should obey the Ministry of War - at least, you should report your important schedule and whereabouts to the Ministry of War; unfortunately, in the evidence submitted by both parties, we did not I haven’t seen any mention of this, so it can be assumed that you met with the two adults behind the back of the Ministry of War. Do you have any objection to this verdict?”

"Not at all." Anson nodded slightly: "If the Army Department wants to make accusations based on one point, then I will accept it willingly."

"But before that, I must emphasize that the War Department sent a commissioner the day after I arrived in Northport...ah, this Lieutenant Colonel Crown, arrived in Northport and announced that I had been charged with treason, and then immediately I took the train to Clovis with the whole legion."

"During this period, the two commissioners have been conducting various cross-examinations on my subordinates and myself. After arriving in Clovis City, I was detained by the inquisitor on suspicion of colluding with the Old Gods. It was only recently that the suspicion was removed. , regained my freedom - to be precise, almost three days ago, and during this period I stayed in the military camp and did not leave, waiting for today's trial."

"So what you are saying is that the reason why you did not report to the Ministry of War was because you did not have the opportunity and time, or because the commissioner of the Ministry of War appeared very promptly, which led you to misjudge and think that the Ministry of War had already registered the situation. So there is no need to report again?" The old judge asked:

"I don't know, can I understand it this way?"

"The situation is basically as you said." Anson nodded slightly:

"While that may sound like a strong statement, all I can say is it's both."

"It is indeed suspected of sophistry, but judging from the objective actual situation, it is consistent with normal logic." The old judge said thoughtfully: "But in any case, you did not declare to the Ministry of War. Am I right? ?”

"What on earth is this guy trying to say?!"

Sophia, who was sitting in the spectator seats, couldn't help but say, with a hint of sullenness in her expression: "No declaration, no declaration... Why do you always insist on this point? Do you really want to convict Anson Bach?!"

"Of course this guy must have committed a heinous crime, but this excuse is too strong and unreasonable!"

"Can you be a little quieter, or think carefully before you speak?" Ludwig sighed helplessly. He already regretted following Sophia.

Why do you have to hold on to this "little mistake"? Of course we can't let it go, otherwise wouldn't this trial turn into a victory for Anson Bach, a total loss of face for the War Department, and a complete loss of control over hundreds of thousands of soldiers and officers on staff?

Yes, in Ludwig's view, the guy still standing in the defendant's seat in the audience at this moment is already the substantial winner of this trial. From now on, regardless of the jury's vote or the judge's interrogation, It was just flowers and applause for the victor.

To be more precise, the trial was actually over from the moment the three judges returned from their departure... All the accusations about the New World were found to be unfounded, and the Ministry of War had no excuse to put him aside. To death.

As for Lieutenant Colonel Crown, who wanted to hold him and die together... Ludwig glanced at the silent figure in the audience, and the last trace of sympathy in his eyes disappeared; his words indeed constituted a considerable threat. , but with the "tacit cooperation" between Anson and the judges, it has become a complete squib.

Fifteen minutes, the key to all problems lies in those fifteen minutes. Someone intervened in the trial midway.

Could it be the father?

This idea came to Ludwig's mind, but he was immediately denied by himself... If the Archbishop of Clovis is really omnipotent, then there should not be this trial at all, and a tacit agreement with the War Department can be reached privately. His style; and since he decided to open a trial, it was enough to prove that his father also came with the determination to defeat the War Department.

But if the current situation continues, it is obviously impossible to do this; but if it were not my father, then it would be...

"Since you are willing to admit it and there is evidence of the fact, then the accusation is confirmed." The old judge's voice sounded again:

"It's just that...the mere fact of 'failure to report to the War Department' is not sufficient evidence that the defendant Anson Bach attempted to rebel. Under the premise that the plaintiff cannot provide other evidence and accusations, this court can only use 'malfeasance in duty' The defendant will be tried for the highest charge.”

"Then all members of the jury, please start the second round of voting. The party with more than half of the votes will decide..."

"Wait a moment--!"

The sudden hoarse voice interrupted the old judge's words.

The head of the Renard family, who was leaning on crutches, stood up from his seat tremblingly. He first looked around, and then turned his attention to the three judges: "I am very sorry, I am indiscriminately interfering with the court in this trial. authority; according to the tradition of the Kingdom of Clovis, the defendant and plaintiff should be given additional time for public speeches before the second round of voting."

"This is not a right stipulated in the laws of the kingdom, but it is a habit that Clovis has had since the founding of the country. I also ask the three fair lords not to violate this fine tradition of Clovis and let the defendant and Each plaintiff can win the jury's vote as fairly as possible."

After finishing speaking, the old man did not forget to bow to the judges, but his obviously unstable movement made people even more concerned about whether he would accidentally stumble to the ground.

After a moment, the three judges looked at each other and finally broke the silence: "Lord Renard is one of the important recorders of the history of the Kingdom of Clovis. Although customary law is not included in legal documents, it can still be considered valid.”

"Therefore, the defendant and the plaintiff, from now on, each of you will have two minutes to speak freely. Anything said during this period will not be used as material submitted to this court and does not need to be confirmed."

"All members of the jury can make the next vote based on their speeches and your own ideas." Pushing up his monocle, the old judge looked at Lieutenant Colonel Crown, who lowered his head:

"Then plaintiff, you start first."

"Me? I have nothing to say."

Lieutenant Colonel Crown's tone was calm, but it was not difficult for anyone to detect a trace of anger on his face that no longer had any expression: "Ah... if I insist on saying it, it should be a warning to you."

"Anson Bach...the man standing before you is by no means as loyal as you see, as he claims to be; on the contrary, his rebellious heart has never stopped, and his ambitions are far beyond The limit of what you can imagine.”

"To take refuge in the Franz family, to Clovis Cathedral, to participate in the Hantu War... all of these are just means for him to realize his ambition! He relied on this loyalty to climb up step by step, using only a short time In just two years, he was promoted from captain to brigadier general!"

"Two years... I would like to ask everyone here, have you ever heard of an officer who was loyal enough to climb to the position of Brigadier General Anson Bach in just two years?!"

Lieutenant Colonel Crowne sneered full of ridicule: "Of course not, otherwise great Clovis, the number of generals would probably not exceed that of soldiers!"

"Then how did our 'loyal' Brigadier General achieve the status he has today, standing at the top of hundreds of thousands of Clovis soldiers at the age of less than thirty... ah, it should be twenty-five years old?"

"How did he make himself indispensable, how did he use the resources at hand to publicize a so-called victory that would never have appeared in the "Kingdom Loyal News"? How did he turn a levy regiment into a levy in the name of loyalty? In order to have a regular army, he turned the territory belonging to the kingdom into his private territory, and then transferred it to his foreign allies?!"

"Loyalty... This is really a very good excuse. As long as the word loyalty is used, it can make this 'loyal officer' do whatever he wants, just add later that 'everything is just out of loyalty' 'That's it."

The smiling Lieutenant Colonel Crown suddenly raised his head, letting his words echo under the vault of the hall: "So I really admire you, Mr. Anson Bach, and I believe from the bottom of my heart that you will definitely This unique gesture of loyalty has been recorded in the annals of the history of the Kingdom of Clovis.”

After speaking, he lowered his head deeply again and said no more.

In the stands, Viscount Bogner and Lady Caterina remained silent, while the Franz brothers and sisters opposite them frowned in unison, but their expressions were slightly different.

Fabian, who was sitting behind Anson, lowered his head and continued to flip through the files, with a disdainful sneer on his lips.

"Then, the plaintiff's free speech time is over." The old judge coughed lightly: "Defendant, can you now... huh?"

The words stopped suddenly, and the old judge suddenly turned around and looked at the guard who was approaching him with a nervous expression: "Are you here already?"

The guard pursed his lips and nodded.

"Then...how much time is left?"

"We're already in the corridor, so..."

"I see."

Nodding directly, the old judge showed an extremely solemn expression: "Tell everyone to prepare immediately and follow the monthly drill."


After ordering the guards behind him, the old judge stood up with his hands on the table: "Dear members of parliament, ministers of the kingdom, and all the people of Clovis, please stand up immediately, face the court door with the most respectful attitude, and respectfully invite us Your beloved King, His Majesty Carlos II, is here!"


The heavy door was smashed open by the butts of two rifles, and thunderous noises were mixed with panicked exclamations from everyone present, one after another in the hall.

But soon, all these noises gradually disappeared in the footsteps of the guards pouring in, and the court stands with various expressions fell silent.

Faintly feeling the gaze from behind, Anson in the dock couldn't help but turn around and look at the figure walking towards him step by step behind the door with a smile and open hands.

He spoke softly, with a hint of innate humor in his words:

"Everyone, my dear subjects..."

"…Good afternoon."

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