I will be crowned king

Chapter 104 Something big happened!

In the early morning, the biting cold wind howled in the hazy sky of Clovis City. The snowfall that started last night not only did not weaken, but also became more intense.

In just one night, the dark and muddy Bleman Street was decorated in pure white; Anson, holding a cup of hot coffee, sat by the warm fireplace, looking at the goose feathers flying in the sky outside the window, while leisurely flipping through the pages just now After buying the "Clovis Truth", Lisa's snoring could still be faintly heard in the bedroom behind her.

Speaking of which, the first two days after arriving in Clovis City, Lisa was not used to the bed. She had to be extremely sleepy or lie on the floor to fall asleep. On the third day, she had already fully adapted to it.

After confirming twice that there was no news about St. Isaac's College last night in the newspaper, Anson, who was slightly relieved, put down the coffee in his hand and began to plan today's trip.

Later, he would go out first to confirm whether anyone from the Guards was following him; then he would go to the "Clovis Truth" newspaper office to see if he could find any clues about a certain talkative novelist.

If you still have time, then go to a place farther away to see if there are any missionary schools that girls can attend. I think there should be some, but the important thing is their teaching level. Good missionary schools should also be recommended. Xin, we have to find a way to solve this...

Wait, it seems that I haven’t had time to write yesterday’s diary yet, right?

Hey... forget it, I can come back in time in the evening; at worst, I will skip writing today. Anyway, it doesn't matter if I stop updating for a day or two...

"Dong dong dong!"

Just when Anson was still thinking wildly, a leisurely knock on the door reached his ears.

Knocking on the door at this hour... Mrs. Bogner? No, if she never knocked when she wanted in, who would it be?

The cautious Anson clasped the knuckles of his right hand. After hesitating for a second, he chose to let go. He took the Dayi from the hanger and put it on, and put the left hand holding the revolver in his pocket.

After all the preparations were completed, he hurriedly walked to the door and opened it: "Sorry, I didn't hear clearly if there was really someone knocking on the door just now, so...Bron?!"

Standing outside the door was the young bachelor who was suspected of being a confidant of the Black Mage. The original loose bachelor's uniform was replaced by an ordinary white shirt, black jacket and trousers, which made him appear straight and thin; if it weren't for the ice-cold pair under the bowler hat, His blue eyes made it hard to believe that he was the same person as before.

He looked Anson up and down with his hands behind his back, his somewhat indifferent eyes lingered on the left pocket for a few seconds, and then he said suspiciously: "Are you getting ready to go out?"

"I have something urgent and I must inform Professor Mace Honnard as soon as possible!" Anson nodded with a solemn expression and said without thinking:

"Is he still at St. Isaac's?"

"No, the professor is in Baihu Park, which is nearby."

Bloen shook his head slightly, his ice-blue eyes "accidentally" glanced behind him, and a homeless man smoking a cigarette leaning against a gas lamp immediately turned his head away.

"Are you being watched?" Blown asked coldly as he looked away.

"Yes." Anson nodded easily, smiled softly and pretended to chat with him:

"The Guards."

The moment the words fell, there was no trace of surprise on Bloen's slightly cold face, as if he had already expected something.

"Follow me." Blown whispered: "The professor is already waiting for you, we have to hurry up."

"The watcher outside the door..."

"Don't worry about them."

After saying that, Bronn turned around and left with his hands behind his back. Anson, who had no time to ask, had to stuff the revolver behind his waist again, locked the door, and followed quickly.

The two walked one after another along the street next to Boleman Street, towards the intersection; almost as soon as they left the door, they immediately felt a cold touch on the back of their necks.

Two people, at least two people, were following behind him.

Anson, who had his hands in his pockets, resisted the urge to turn his head to look, and kept a relaxed pace, following Bloun right behind him as if he were shopping with friends.

His current conjurer ability and "superpowers" are locked, but Anson has no intention of turning them on, but is preparing to see what the black mage's cronies in front of him will do.

Since he had already discovered, or had expected that someone would be following him, he should have come prepared.

Soon, after crossing the intersection, the two left Boleman Street and walked straight towards the Red Brick Street; the eyes behind them followed them vaguely, always keeping about ten meters away from the two. distance.

Bloen, who was walking in front, did not use the crowds at the intersection to take cover, nor did he keep turning at the intersections between streets to try and get rid of his pursuers. Instead, he continued to walk straight ahead unhurriedly.

Just when Anson thought he was going to walk all the way to Red Brick Street, Bloen, who was holding his hands behind his back, suddenly turned around and took a detour into the alley between the two buildings.

The long narrow alley leads straight to the other end of the street, but only two people can pass by it at the same time.

"Follow me."

Bloen slowed down and whispered without looking back: "No matter what happens later, be sure to keep quiet."

Um? Feeling the approaching sight from behind, Anson had a huge question mark in his heart.

He purposely ran into a deserted alley... Was he planning to kill all the pursuers alone?

As long as the people following me are dead, no one will be watching?


Bronn, who had his hands behind his back, suddenly snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a sharp sound sounded in Anson's ears.

Feeling the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, he tightened his heartstrings and didn't pay too much attention. His left hand in his pocket had already grasped the handle of the bayonet.

Five meters, four meters, three meters...

Six steps, four steps, two steps...

Anson, whose body was tense, looked straight ahead, and at the same time observed the figure that had walked to his left with the corner of his eye.

But the next second, he realized that his vigilance was unnecessary.

Two Guardsmen dressed as homeless people passed by on the right side of the long alley one after another, as if they couldn't see themselves. They looked around vigilantly and walked towards the end of the long alley.

When the two people left the long alley, Bloen, who was walking slowly, stopped and snapped his fingers again; the harsh chirping gradually faded away.

"That's it."

Bronn, who had his hands behind his back, slowly turned around: "They won't cause you any more trouble within two days, but a certain degree of caution is still necessary."

"Okay." Anson breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked casually, pretending to be relaxed:

"By the way, what kind of magic was that just now?"

Bloen did not answer immediately. He hesitated for a moment as if he was hesitant. He raised his head and stared at Anson with his ice-blue eyes: "In terms of faith, the professor and I both chose Mutt, the King of Dark Magic."

"Then... Your Excellency Anson Bach, as a student who teaches at the same time, I must remind you - this kind of behavior among spell casters that is suspected of prying into other people's details is very disrespectful. Unless the other party takes the initiative to be honest, it can easily cause hostility."

"Ah, that's it!" Anson pretended to suddenly realize it, and then quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."


Throwing out a reply that didn't count as an answer, Bloen turned around and continued walking forward.

After leaving the long alley, the two people walking along the street came to an old-style "Old William Cafe" at the corner of an intersection.

Immediately following Bronn who pushed the door open, Anson walked into the hall and walked into a box; Mace Honnard, wearing a doctor's robe, was sitting at the table and looked at himself with a smile as he walked in the door.

Anson, whose heart was tense, immediately stepped forward and looked at the other party with a solemn expression:

"Professor, I have some important information to report to you!"

"We may have been exposed!"

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