I will be crowned king

Chapter 105 Mace Honnard’s Surprise

Chapter 105 Mace Honnard’s surprise

"Don't be so anxious, sit down first."

Gently closing the copy of "The Life of Isaac Rand" in his hand, the gentle-faced Mace Honnard had a relaxed and natural smile on his lips, as if he had not heard what Anson just said:

"Want something to drink? The red wine and coffee here are good."

Anson glanced at Brohn, who was still standing against the wall with his hands behind his back. After a slight hesitation, he sat down opposite the professor frankly: "Coffee is fine, thank you."

Mace Honnard looked at Anson, smiled and nodded:

"Bloan, two cups of coffee and a cream cake."

"As commanded."

The young bachelor turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

"This store has recently purchased a new steam coffee machine, which tastes very different from hand-ground coffee." Pushing the book aside, Mace Honnard smiled and chatted with Anson:

"Their pastry chef is an Adelaide. He is different from the stereotypical Clovis people who only know butter and sugar. He likes to flavor the pastries with fruits, nuts, wine and brandy of different seasons; although he only came here once by chance. , but it gave me a lot of surprises.”

"Dear Anson Bach, it's like a surprise for me."

Anson was slightly startled, but his expression was still serious, and he forced a smile: "Professor, you are very grateful."

"On the contrary, just such a compliment is not enough to express my mood at the moment." Mace Honnard showed a very happy expression:

"I've already learned the general situation from Broen - you were targeted by the Guards because of your encounter with Draco Vertes on the Iron Sky; as for the person who made you decide to leave the party guest……"

"They are from the Church of Order!"

The moment Anson spoke, the professor's expression changed obviously.

Mace Honnard hesitated for a moment, then chuckled lightly: "Are you sure?"

"I swear in the name of the Original Ring, I am very sure." Anson nodded extremely solemnly and said:

"They collided head-on with the Guards when I was ambushed. After the conflict, they took me and another Guards officer back to Clovis Cathedral, and they also wanted to force questions about Draco Vere from me. The whereabouts of Tes.”

"But fortunately, because of the battle for Thunder Castle, I have an autographed letter from Ludwig Franz, the son of the archbishop of the kingdom. They don't dare to do anything to me."

Mace Honard thought for a moment, and his expression finally turned serious: "So you think that the Church of Order has also begun to take action against us, right?"

"At least, they have already started taking action." Anson said seriously: "They may not start targeting us immediately, but they will definitely not remain indifferent."

"Perhaps the current Church of Order is trapped in the current war and the various conflicts with the Privy Council and the Guards and has no time to worry about anything else. It has relaxed its blockade on us and even the entire Kingdom's Old God Sect... But it is temporary after all!"

"Our ultimate goal, the Old God Sect's 'big plan'... is to break the balance of the world created by the church and rebuild the faith of the Three Old Gods; they will never sit idly by, Professor!"

Anson became more and more excited as he spoke, and his body was trembling slightly.

Mace Honnard's eyes moved slightly and he looked at Anson calmly.

"Judging from the information from the people who brought me back to Clovis Cathedral, not only the church, but also the Guards have noticed our movements." Anson continued:

"To some extent, they are even more dangerous than the Church of Order - because the Guards are facing the risk of being dismantled. If at this time, any member or organization of the Old Gods is captured by them..."

"It will greatly improve their reputation and reduce the possibility of being eliminated." Mace Hornard nodded slightly, with a bright light in his eyes:

"Yes, dear Anson Bach, your judgment is very correct; right now, the Guards are the biggest enemy to us, and even to the grand plan of the entire Old God Sect."

"In fact, not long ago, I just got the latest intelligence that they have started taking action against us!"

Anson's face froze, and he showed an expression of surprise and a little anger in response to the situation.

"If a novelist hadn't interfered with it, I'm afraid all the clues about the Old God Sect in the Royal Capital and the information about the siege of Thunder Castle would have been sent to the desk of the Archbishop of the Kingdom." Mace Honard narrowed his eyes slightly. , doesn't seem to worry about this at all:

"Yes, the name of that 'novelist' is Draco Vertes - in a sense, he is as good at creating surprises as you are."

The moment he heard the name, Anson, with a solemn expression, immediately sat upright and looked at the professor with understanding:

"What do you need me to do?"

"Dear Anson Bach, you have never let me down." The corners of Mace Honard's mouth raised inadvertently, and he was very satisfied with Anson's reaction speed:

"I need you to find a way to find out the true identity of Draco Vertes and the forces behind him that support him and the Guards."

"Of course, I don't force you to complete it right away. This will be a relatively long-term task, as long as you can make some progress regularly." Mace Honnard changed the topic and said in a very relaxed tone: "It's necessary I will provide resources, and I will also send Broun to assist you when necessary."

"And your most important task right now is to find a way to gain the trust of the Church of Order and wait for an opportunity to join the church!"

"Church?!" Anson blurted out in surprise.

"That's right, the church." Mace Hornard raised the corner of his mouth and stared at Anson's expression calmly:

"As you said, what we need to deal with now is the Guards, to ensure that these soldiers who are angry at the prospect of being abolished will not affect the Old God Sect's 'big plan' because of their desperate measures."

"But! At the same time, we also need to understand the movements of the Church of Order so that when we carry out the next operations, we will not be attacked by the Judgment Knights and the Tribunal."

"And you, dear Anson Bach, won the trust of the High Septon's son at the Battle of Thunderclap; use this to your advantage and do whatever you can to gain the trust of the Church."

"This is a task that only you can complete, and whether you can break into the Church of Order in the Kingdom of Clovis is crucial to the 'big plan' of the entire Old God Sect!"

"Are you... willing to take on this burden?"

Do you... remember what you told me last time?

Anson rolled his eyes countless times in his heart.

"I do!"

Nodding heavily, Anson pursed his lips and looked at the professor: "Although I don't know if it can be successful, I am willing to give it a try as long as I have the chance."

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Mace Honnard nodded, and was about to say something when the door of the box suddenly opened, and Bloen walked towards them carrying a tray.

"Ah, our coffee is finally here." The professor, whose eyes lit up, looked at Anson with a smile:

"Try it, I hope it brings you the same surprise as me."

"And after you enjoy it, I have prepared another surprise for you!"

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