I will be crowned king

Chapter 1054 The target of assassination

After sending away the suspicious Ludwig, the smile on Anson's face immediately disappeared and he looked at Fabian with a serious face: "Can you get in touch with the Shotgun Club and ask them to find a way to organize manpower to delay the Legion's internal attack? City time?”

"I advise you not to do that." Fabian raised his eyebrows, and his hurried steps forward revealed that he was also a little panicked:

"The plan is progressing smoothly so far and is completely under your control. It is best not to take unnecessary actions at this time. If there is any accident, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Major General Ludwig has already come to the door. If he knows that you suddenly left the Osteria Palace just after he left, it will inevitably make him think that he has been deceived; Viscount Bogner, The presidents of the Northern Chamber of Commerce are also in the Privy Council right now. There is no guarantee that their people and informants will not be in the inner city. It is almost...no, there is no possibility that you can hide your whereabouts!"

"Of course it's impossible to simply hide it, but what if we can use some method to distract them?" Anson still didn't intend to give up: "For example, if there are some minor accidents on the streets of an inner city, maybe..."

"Absolutely not!"

While Fabian's expression was ugly, his tone was almost pleading: "Commander-in-Chief, your most important task now is to stay at the temporary headquarters openly and above board, so that everyone can see that the Storm Legion remains unmoved and responds calmly. The best choice.”

"We are all aware of your concerns, but now is really not the time. If it is not critical to the entire plan, please stay here and never have any thoughts of leaving again!"

The hurried words echoed in the headquarters. Carl Bain, who was represented on the side, pursed his lips tightly and looked thoughtfully.

He probably guessed that it was probably because of the information that Young Master Ludwig had just inadvertently revealed: the Truth Seeking Order had raided the Bayonet Club, and the upper echelons of the War Department were finished.

As for this information, the Storm Legion really knew nothing about it.

However, Karl estimated that the real reason that made Anson so uncool was not the surface of the matter, but the involvement of a certain person or event behind the scenes, which would have a considerable impact on the commander-in-chief's subsequent plans.

This is indeed the case. When he heard about the Inquisitor's attack on the Bayonet Club, the first thought that came to Anson's mind was that Maurice Périgord had finally taken action!

Since the goal of Little Périgord is to cause chaos in the city of Clovis, then the information that "the Truth Seeking Order successfully attacked the Bayonet Club" can have two explanations; the first is that this is actually a trap, and the former Truth The members of the guild left a well-prepared trap, preparing to uproot the power of Inquisitor Clovis.

However, the possibility of this outcome is relatively small. After all, he and Lisa had killed many of his subordinates last time. If he could really muster the strength to destroy the entire Truth-seeking Order, he would not be trapped in Bolaiman. On the street, he made a living by selling out information about the Holy See.

As for the second type... the Bayonet Club has been attracted the attention of the Inquisitor by him as an abandoned son. Maurice Périgord himself may have left the Bayonet Club, or even the city of Clovis.

So without the help of internal traitors, how can he rely on to create chaos in Clovis? The answer is clear at a glance:

Of course it is the standing army of 300,000 mutinies!

Ludwig was still counting on private compromises and promises to win over and divide the mutinous generals, but he didn't know that the real enemy was actually the leader of the monastery, the Holy See.

The original Ministry of War is finished. If the Holy See is willing to recognize this mutiny and endorse their actions, then things will be completely different; the generals who have no worries may still not be united, but it makes them hesitate to march into the interior. The psychological pressure in urban areas will be reduced a lot.

Of course, doing so is tantamount to breaking the treaty signed by the Holy See and all the kingdoms of the Order World at the Second Ordinary Council in the 47th year of the Saints Calendar, promising not to interfere in secular affairs; but this treaty is a preparation from the moment it exists. Broken by others.

The reason why the Holy See signed this treaty that was extremely unfavorable to them was, of course, that it realized that it was no longer possible to integrate all the splintered sects by relying solely on force, and at the same time, its own strength was not enough to make all the kingdoms of the Order World, especially the Empire, Take the initiative to bow your head; a compromise that must be made in order to avoid degenerating from the supreme spiritual leader to the leader of a third-rate small country.

But in the winter of the 102nd year of the Saints calendar, all these conditions that restricted them no longer existed!

The Qiuzhen Sect disappeared with the death of Saint Isaac, the Protector Sect has been reduced to the level where the emperor amuses himself, and the Universal Sect self-exiled to the New World, and is still being hunted everywhere by the Holy See like a rabbit.

And what about the Holy See?

The archdiocesan system maintains the foundation of faith, church banks and church coins guarantee financial hegemony, and the monastic education system cooperates with the Inquisition to suppress alien ideas and monopolize knowledge and research resources...

In addition to the territory that has no actual control and the army that absolutely obeys the church, it can be said that the status of the Church of Order has long been unshakable.

Even the latter two have come to an end with the Holy War in the New World and have become the possessions of the Church; but if they want to truly exert their power and become a regular force that can compete with Clovis and even the Empire, there are long way to go.

But no matter what, the Holy See must make compromises and abide by the prerequisites of the Second Public Order Conference Treaty. All that is left is the signature on the piece of waste paper. In the forty-seventh year of the Saint's Calendar, the entire world of order can threaten force for the sake of peace. The Holy See accepts this result. Can the current empire, Clovis and even the Elf Kingdom of Yser be united for the same reason?

Maybe, but very little.

He could think clearly about such a simple question. Anson had reason to believe that the generals were not fools. They must have had the same idea before they made up their mind to launch this mutiny.

More importantly, is it the last resort of Périgord to instigate and seduce these generals who were already unstable in their stance to launch a rebellion?

If he were him, he would throw out the Bayonet Club and use it as a pawn to attract the attention of the inquisitor, and then use the generals to launch a mutiny to create chaos. If he didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity to cause trouble, it would be a waste of money!

Now he cannot easily leave the square outside the Osteria Palace. Cordorian has no time to care. All the people who can restrict the movement of little Périgord have been dismissed by him. At the same time, the whole city is in mutiny and chaos. Everyone is in danger, and the traces of anything they do can be easily erased afterwards...

So for a guy who is committed to causing chaos in Clovis, destroying the balance of forces, and being extremely cautious, what will he do at this time?


At this time, if you want to make a big move, you will inevitably attract attention. When everyone's attention is focused on the mutiny, carry out an assassination to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost; and the object to be killed must and must be able to Upsetting Clovis's political balance.

Miss Sophia, Archbishop Luther, Viscount Bogner...these were the three names that immediately popped into Anson's mind, but they were quickly rejected by himself.

Yes, Sophia's existence is of great significance, but even without her, it is not impossible to form a new Ministry of War; the same is true for Viscount Bogner. It is dangerous for the reformist faction to suddenly lose its leader, but it will not cause the entire political faction to collapse, or even It may have the opposite effect.

As for the archbishop... Regardless of whether the other party can do it, even if everything goes well, aren't they afraid that everyone in the diocese will be in danger? Isn't this openly creating divisions in the church?

So who else...killing anyone can immediately create chaos in Clovis and even cause the entire kingdom to suddenly lose control...huh? !

Anson's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly looked back at his deputy commander: "Where is your Majesty now?!"


Not only Fabian, but also Karl next to him was stunned. After a moment of silence, both of them widened their eyes at the same time, thinking of the same thing in tacit understanding.

"You, you mean someone...someone wants to assassinate His Majesty?!"

Carl Bain stammered and spoke, with a shocked expression as if he had suddenly absorbed new knowledge and had his worldview shattered: "But why? Who would benefit from doing this?"

Anson did not explain to his chief of staff, but looked at Fabian with stern eyes: "Tell me, where is he now?"

The former Guards officer and royal spy took a deep breath and tried his best to restrain his panicked eyes: "This, this I...I..."

"Where is he?!"

"Of course it's in the Osteria Palace! But..." Fabian, who was being questioned, subconsciously yelled, and his eyes stopped moving and he was thinking about his own thoughts quickly: "I still don't recommend that you ask about this kind of thing, after all Even if you know, it's useless. There is a high probability that you will not have the opportunity to meet with His Majesty in private; if others know that you are inquiring about such things, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble."

"What's more, there are royal guards in the Osteria Palace, and there is no shortage of power to deal with all kinds of emergencies; even if your guess is true, then I'm afraid..."

"I just ask one question."

Seeing that Fabian was still trying to persuade him, Anson raised his hand to stop him: "Can the defense force of Osteria Palace block the attack of the inquisitor of the Truth-seeking Order?"


Fabian hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and gave the answer:

"Unfortunately, no."

"That's it." Anson nodded slightly, and the result was not unexpected: "If I tell you, there is a high probability that there is a force as good as the Inquisitor ready to assassinate His Majesty, and even... they may have legitimate reasons. Or if your identity enters the Osteria Palace, and we can’t stop it, what are you going to do?”

The loyal deputy commander of the legion fell into silence, while Carl Bain focused on the map table.

"Um...I don't mean to question or interrupt the pleasant chat between you two." The chief of staff silently raised his right hand and looked at the two pairs of eyes directed at him:

"But look at Clovis City now - not to mention the outer city, it is already a war zone, and all the streets in the inner city have been blocked by their own militia."

"Not to mention a group of killers, even if anyone walks alone on the street now, he will immediately become a thorn in everyone's side, and he will not be able to go anywhere."

"We assume that the killer is in the inner city. The nearest community here is the Friedrichstrasse business district. It is nearly four intersections away from the square. He has to cross four streets to get to Osteria. To see His Majesty in the palace - before that, we have to pass through the square blocked by our Storm Legion."

"Excuse me, how does he want to see His Majesty?"


Just as the three of them were looking at each other, Yu Lian, commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment, suddenly opened his tent and walked into the headquarters, not forgetting to give Anson a military salute first.

"Report, the Fifth Infantry Regiment has something to report!"

"Debriefing allowed."

Anson, who was still frowning, immediately said: "What's wrong?"

"That's right, because the mutiny happened very suddenly, many members of the Privy Council and cabinet ministers were not able to rush to the Osteria Palace as soon as possible this morning, and were blocked in the communities where their respective residences are located; the current situation It doesn’t seem too bright, and they are coming in batches.”

Julien released his right hand that was placed on his chest and said with a straight face: "Now, MPs and ministers have arrived in the square one after another, and they are blocked at the entrance by the Fifth Infantry Regiment; I am wondering if I should ask for instructions from above. , do you want to let them in?"

The moment the words fell, the three people who had been thinking hard just now suddenly had a huge exclamation mark on their heads.

"You did the right thing. This matter must be reported to the top. They must not be allowed to enter so easily."

Anson first praised the other party's cautious attitude, and then immediately asked: "How many people are gathered outside now? Can you confirm their identities? I'm not just talking about them, including the driver and the accompanying servants, and even family!"

"Currently there are two cabinet ministers and fifteen members of parliament...including the entourage, there are about sixty people." Julien couldn't help but frowned:

"They seemed to be frightened by the mutiny and were very emotional. If it cannot be resolved as soon as possible, it may have a bad impact."

"The most important thing is that these people are probably not all, and there will be many in the future - we have received several requests from street militia armed forces. Please send troops to escort some people passing by them."

If there is a killer who is preparing to assassinate, there is a high probability that he is among these people... The three people are thinking exactly the same thing in their minds.

The problem is that we can't let this matter go, let alone prevent them from entering. Anson couldn't help but sigh:

"Anyway...tell Miss Sophia about this first and let her think of a solution."

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