I will be crowned king

Chapter 1055 Firm Determination

Morwitzstrasse, Bayonet Club.

In the dark hall with the door closed, there were twisted and ferocious corpses lying everywhere. Dark red blood flowed quietly on the cold floor under the corpses, soaking in the white eyes, broken skulls, and twisted limbs.

"This is really...a little bit..."

Cole Dorian, who was slumped in the corner, covered his injured right arm, gasping for air while laughing at himself; although he was not completely unprepared, the surprise left by the "mysterious friend" still made him, the young chief inquisitor, A little shocked.

Perhaps due to the surrounding environment, or perhaps due to excessive blood loss, the pale Cole felt increasingly dizzy. If it weren't for the stimulation from the wound, he would have fainted long ago.

The power of his own bloodline, "Peak Will," is the type most suitable for fighting among Clovis Inquisitors, possessing twice the physical strength of ordinary humans.

This means that if it takes an ordinary person ten seconds to sprint 100 meters, it only takes five seconds for me; explosive power, endurance, resistance to blows, jumping ability... everything is twice that of a normal person's peak state; at the same time, this state is still normal. Transformed, there are no prerequisites for activation like other bloodline powers.

It is precisely because of this that Cole Dorian has the confidence to dismiss all the Inquisitors and deal with the traps in the Bayonet Club alone.

However, such an easy-to-use bloodline power is not perfect. It has a small flaw: it cannot be injured.

As long as the body suffers trauma, the effect of the power of blood will be lost proportionally; for other types of talented people, this is of course fatal, but the Holy Grail Knight's innate vitality is tenacious, and the recovery speed is almost faster than those next to it. It is more than twice as powerful as the Wild Hunt Knight, so this flaw can be completely ignored.

But if the damage received at one time is too serious, then that is another matter...

"In the past, Captain Lawrence was standing in front of me. I only had to make sure to solve the target, but in the end I neglected the importance of dodge..."

Curling the corners of his mouth in self-mockery, Cole tried to lift his increasingly heavy eyelids. Several corpses with their heads blown apart began to twitch violently again, crawling up from the ground in an absolutely inhuman way.

Thirty-sixth time.

Cole thought silently in his heart, from the moment he ordered the door to be closed, he had fought with these "dead people" thirty-six times.

This is definitely not a normal phenomenon, especially when Cole found that the door behind him could not be opened, he had already vaguely guessed that he had probably fallen into a trap carefully laid by a black mage or conjuration mage; but no matter how he tried, I just can't find a way to crack it.

In the end, he was left fighting in vain against these monsters that he could not kill. On the one hand, he refused to give up, and on the other hand, he also hoped to buy time and nail the difficult target to this place.

As long as they have not been killed and as long as they can still breathe, they will not dare to leave, let alone lift the trap. They must fight with themselves until one of them falls.

But no matter what kind of magic a guy uses, his energy is not unlimited, right?

Let's see who lasts until the end.

Raising his hand to hold the hot flint hair ax, the delirious Chief Inquisitor could only do this to keep himself calm and not fall into irrational madness.

The strange corpses slowly stood up one after another. The stiff muscles and cold bones collided within the bodies, making harsh sounds in the dead darkness.

The dead senior officials of the Ministry of War... They swayed and staggered towards the chief inquisitor sitting slumped in the corner.


Although Cole was not being choked, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of suffocation, and felt something flowing out of his nostrils and ears.

It was difficult to breathe, followed by bursts of weakness. The flint-hair ax that could have been easily lifted became so heavy that lifting it with one hand would cause the arm to tremble continuously.

But the good news is that he doesn't have to lift it up, the ammunition has been used up long ago... He couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Just as he was about to throw the flintlock ax as a javelin, there was a sudden vibrating echo in his ears; the confused chief inquisitor subconsciously thought it was an illusion, and his sense of balance began to fail.

But...that's not an illusion.


The sound became louder and more obvious, so much so that the crystal chandelier on the ceiling began to shake, dust fell, and the whole room trembled.

Um? !

Cole, who finally noticed something unusual, opened his eyes wide and looked at the corpse that suddenly stopped moving.

Difficult, could it be...

"Wilhelm Kluge, Sigmund Rohn, Walter Reuel, Erwin Georg..."

An extremely calm female voice recited the names of the dead officers in the darkness. She paused slightly every time she read a sentence, and the vibrations around her became more intense:

"You are all from Clovis' upper-class wealthy families. You have a background and wealth that is unmatched by ordinary people. You enjoy the best living conditions and educational resources in the entire ordered world. You have naturally inherited a status that is completely inconsistent with your abilities from your fathers."

"Despite this, greed is still growing infinitely deep in your hearts, and eventually it completely swallows up your little reason. In the end, you are used by others to drain all the value in the form of puppets, and then you are rightfully abandoned and end up like this. Even the body has to end up being disposed of randomly.”

Along with the strong vibration, the pitch-black darkness also began to disperse in a strange way; the extinguished crystal lamp flickered on and off, and candles and kerosene lamps appeared on the table and wall at some point, with sudden bright light. It reflected the entire hall, causing Cole Dorian to subconsciously block his sight with his arm.

But the next second, crisp footsteps sounded from behind, and when he came to his senses, a slender figure was already standing behind the corpses. Stand proudly with your chest held high and your hands behind your back.

The three-cornered hat and the high collar of the jet black windbreaker covered most of the face, revealing only the scarlet blood pupils:

"I, Sera Virgil, with the authority given to me by the Ring of Order, hereby declare that your corruption ends here."

As she spoke, she raised her right hand from behind and lightly snapped her fingers toward the ceiling:

"All your sins have been atoned for."

With a crisp sound, more than a dozen corpses collapsed to the ground without any warning, and blood overflowed every corner.


Osteria Palace, Privy Council Gate.

Relying on the contacts he had accumulated in the past, Fabian spent a lot of effort to bribe his former colleagues, and finally persuaded them to send a message to Miss Sophia Franz inside for him.

There is no way, Anson cannot come forward easily at this time, otherwise it will be easy for people inside to mistakenly think that the situation is out of control; the only two people in the legion who are qualified to come forward to find people are him and Karl, and the chief of staff is in Clo The connections in Weicheng...

In fact, when he thought about this problem, Fabian knew exactly what he should do.

Fortunately, because of the old friendship, the colleague who took the money did not cheat him again. The loyal deputy commander soon saw the distinguished eldest daughter of Franz, in a sense, his only "real boss" Sophia Honorary Governor.

Well, the other one is of course Miss Thalia August Rune.

After telling what happened in the fastest and most concise words, Sophia's expression quickly changed from calm at the beginning to tense, and she even looked more nervous than herself.

"Then what's there to worry about? Of course we can't let them in!"

Even before Fabian finished speaking, Sophia said without hesitation: "Since there are assassins who can threaten Carlos, they must not be allowed to enter the Osteria Palace. We can’t let them go back!”

"But the problem is that this is just the commander-in-chief's speculation, and there is no evidence to support it." Fabian answered carefully, pretending not to hear the offensive words just made by the eldest lady:

"Those people who were stopped were all members of the Privy Council, and even two cabinet ministers... either wealthy nobles, or influential figures in Clovis City. The current Storm Legion does not have the capital to conflict with them head-on. "

"What's so great about Privy Councilors and Cabinet Ministers? They just come from a better family background, and they happened to be born into..."

Sophia was about to say "man" when she suddenly remembered that the person in front of her was not a maid or Anson Bach, but a guy she didn't know very well. She quickly changed the subject:

"Ahem... Anyway, you want me to come forward and keep those people away from Osteria Palace, right?"

"Exactly." Fabian smiled politely: "If the Commander-in-Chief comes forward in this matter, it would be too public. After thinking about it, I am afraid that I will have to trouble the Governor."

Perhaps because of the words "Mr. Governor", the girl's face showed a smile that could not be concealed: "That's no problem, I will go to Viscount Bognar and the guys from the conservative side immediately; you guys can do it To keep those people out, just say..."

"Well, let's just say it's the order of the honorary governor of Clovis, Sophia Franz!"

After saying this with great momentum, the girl turned around proudly and walked towards the Privy Council without looking back.

Watching the girl's leaving figure without saying a word, Fabian couldn't help but sigh, with an uneasy wry smile on his face:

"I hope... there won't be any trouble, right?"


"Rogue, some guys who just saved their lives don't seem to have the right to say such things."

In the Bayonet Club, the female inquisitor with scarlet eyes hugged her shoulders and looked condescendingly at the chief inquisitor who could only sit on the ground and could not even speak loudly:

"If it had been a few minutes later, I might have found a room full of corpses."

Cole Dorian was helpless: "I said, can you just have some faith in my strength?"

"What kind of strength? The strength to be beaten unilaterally?"

"This is a tactic, a tactic! I don't know how many people there are on the other side, so of course I can only find ways to trap the enemy and fight a war of attrition with them!"

"Oh, really, so your plan was successful?"

"This...is not entirely true."

"So, if I come a few minutes later, will my plan be more perfect?"

"...You just want to undermine my self-confidence anyway, right?"

"No, I've given up on that."

"give up?"

"Yes, after all, someone's self-confidence is like air. It can increase out of thin air no matter how much it decreases. It's really unfulfilling."


Cole, whose mouth twitched, wanted to turn his head away, but his chin was held by Sierra who suddenly squatted down; the two pairs of eyes looked at each other, silent for a long time.

The expressionless female judge pursed her lips and said without blinking: "Do you... just want to die that much?"

"Don't think I can't see it. By the day the Difference Engine was discovered at the latest, you must have guessed who the so-called old god sect behind the 'Whisper' is."

"I advised you not to pursue this matter, but you still refused to let go of this opportunity; but when you finally discovered the truth of the matter, you were afraid, and you realized that your enemy was not the old god sect at all, or Said...it's not just the Old Gods."

"You..." Cole twitched the corner of his mouth. His face was pale and he wanted to say something, but in the end he hesitated and smiled bitterly: You should have persuaded her harder in the first place. "

"But now that things have happened, there are only two roads left in front of you."

The female judge's eyes were blazing: "First, pretend that you don't know what to do, and don't continue to interfere in what will happen in Clovis City next. Let Anson Bach and those ambitious guys fight, and let Clovis Victoria City has become a mess!”

"Either... don't think otherwise, fulfill your obligations as the chief judge of the Truth-Seeking Cult, and bring the culprit who caused all this to justice!"

"...When you give advice to others, can you not be so obvious in your tendency?"

Cole Dorian couldn't help but complain: "In this case, how do you want me to choose?"

"That's your business, I don't care." The female judge said expressionlessly, "I only care about one thing, no matter what happens, you must live."

"I..." Cole looked a little surprised: "Am I...that important in your heart?"

"Put this shackle on me. The person responsible for monitoring me and not betraying the Ring of Order is you, Cole Dorian." As Sera said, she gently opened her collar with her right hand, revealing the ferocious metal iron on her neck. ring:

"According to the rules of the Tribunal, as long as you are alive, I do not need to be monitored by another judge...So you must live until one hour or one minute before the day I die."

She pinched Cole's face, which was completely stunned: "This is my choice, my last freedom... No one can take it away from me!"

Before he finished speaking, the female judge had already kissed her heavily.

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