I will be crowned king

Chapter 1102 Counterattack

The moment the fire broke out, the solid military four-wheeled carriage exploded into pieces flying in the sky. The military carriage that was swallowed up by the flames did not even have time to let out a whine, and it disintegrated right after the body, and it was literally disintegrated.

Boom-boom-boom-boom-! ! ! !

The landmines buried under the street pavement were detonated one after another, and the violent vibrations and explosions were no less than the sound of a sixty-eight-pound caron gun being lit in the street.

The difference is that the mines are not detonated at the same time, but in sequence - as long as the carriage enters this street, there is no possibility of evasion.

The fireworks dissipated, and a slightly slender figure walked into the choking smoke and slowly approached the position where the carriage was blown to pieces; the originally flat ground became undulating, and the huge crater left by the explosion directly cut off the road. .


There was a sound of confusion in the dead smoke, and the man stood there blankly - not to mention the target, even the body of the coachman who was killed by himself disappeared without a trace.


"Your Excellency looks a bit unfamiliar."

A cold voice full of joking sounded behind him: "If you don't mind, can you come back to the Truth-Seeking Club with me for a cup of black coffee to welcome this new friend of yours who has just arrived?"

The slender figure was shaken suddenly, but still slowed down, and the murderous roar of the flint-haired ax came to his ears:


The roaring gun flames tore through the dense fog, leaving a single crater like a torrential rain on the opposite wall that had not yet collapsed, plus traces of blood emitting hot steam.

Carrying a hot ax and wearing an inquisitor's cloak, Cole Dorian walked out of the smoke; the brim of his three-cornered hat and broken hair covered most of his face, only revealing the slightly raised corners of his unshaven mouth, and his right hand methodically moved from He took out another rusty machete from behind that was full of chips and had no tip.

"Oops, it seems that he is still a bit shy guest." The chief judge still said to himself in his joking tone: "But it doesn't matter, because the people in Clovis City are the biggest and the only advantage. …”

“…It’s just hospitality!”

As he finished speaking, Cole suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger of the flintlock ax again.

The roar that tore through the gunpowder smoke lit up the oncoming figure, but it only lit up for a moment - the body torn into pieces by the burning shotgun turned into scattered mist and hid in the surrounding gunpowder smoke.

"It's the fog of the undead again. How come you rats in the stinky ditch don't have any innovative spirit?"

With the corner of his mouth wishing to grin to the root of his ears, Cole moved back calmly, and several undetectable waves of air hit him, but only tore off his cuffs and a few pieces of hair; almost at the same time, the cold machete followed him. The afterimage of his right hand waving disappeared.


The sound of tearing flesh and blood came from a distance.

"Normally, I would remind guests to be careful with the ill-tempered ax in my hand, but today is an exception; in order to entertain you, this new guest, the Truth-Seeking Club has specially prepared a signature dessert."

"You should have noticed that the knife is almost completely rusted, right? But that's not actually a trace of rust, but its hair...'Hunting Knife', you can think of it as a living weapon, and even the slightest bit of damage will be caused by it. The wound, then..."

"...Let's put it this way, have you ever experienced falling into a swamp? It was just your boots that got stuck at first, but in the end your whole body fell into it."

While talking to himself, the Chief Inquisitor picked up the flintlock ax and loaded the ammunition in an orderly manner. His pupils turned rapidly, looking for the target like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

Just at this moment...


The Chief Inquisitor turned sideways without warning, and the ax blade was thrown out almost horizontally, bursting into flames of metal collision; a bloody arm suddenly stretched out from the thick fog, holding down the muzzle of the flintlock ax.

Without a moment's hesitation, Cole pulled the trigger. The gun flames accompanied the roar and penetrated directly through the flesh and blood hidden in the gunpowder smoke. However, the bloody arm remained motionless, blocking the flint in his hand like an iron pliers. Hair ax.

Cole's pupils shrank slightly. He heard the sound of breaking through the air from behind, and his right hand reached for the Inquisitor's revolver at his waist.

But...it was still half a beat too slow.

Almost at the moment he noticed it, the icy-cold tip of the knife cut open the back collar of Takamatsu in the cloak, and gently pressed against his neck - his intuition told him that it was the "hunting knife" that should have been inserted into the target. ".

"Don't act rashly. He is the leader of Judge Clovis. If he kills us, it will be very troublesome." A hoarse voice came from the smoke. Cole finally saw clearly the guy holding the flintlock ax: his naked upper body. Soaked in blood, the exposed muscles were squirming almost constantly, and the appearance of his face was constantly changing every minute.

It seems that he is not a whole body, but countless flesh and blood worms piled up into the shape of a "human".

"I know... I just want to scare him." The sinister teasing sounded behind him, and Cole could almost imagine the appearance of the other person based on his voice - a top hat, an old close-fitting double-button windbreaker, and the corner of his mouth biting Cigar sneered at himself and pressed his "hunting knife" against the back of his neck.

Well, of course it wasn't imaginary. He had seen it when he fired the gun just now, but he planned to brag to Sera like this in the future.

"The judges of the church always seem to be so pretentious, as if they are the most powerful in the world, and everyone is inferior to them - either the object of protection or the target of hunting... Ha!" The one biting his cigar. The guy sneered:

"But who is the hunter and who is the prey...it doesn't seem to be that clear, right?"

He gently turned the handle of the knife, and the rusty blade was already close to Cole's skin. If he wasn't careful, it would leave an obvious wound, and then...

"shut up."

The guy covered in blood spoke again, using his hoarse voice to say something unquestionable: "We are not here to cause trouble, so don't make trouble there."

"Your Excellency Cole Dorian, no matter why you appear here, we do not intend to be your enemy. We just hope to get a piece of information from you, that is..."


"Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, where are you now?!"

Alexey's heart was roaring, and while he turned his head to avoid the lead bullet that went straight to the back of his head, he moved around in the small tavern, his expression gradually began to distort.

The other party came to kill him, but the real target was not him, but the commander-in-chief - this was all Alexei understood after communicating with the other party for just a few minutes.

Perhaps it was really because the Fire Knights were so rare that these killers actually dared to get close to him and even held their weapons close to him. Since the other party was so polite, the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment immodestly approached him. The assassin who revealed the news turned into a human torch and threw a wine glass that turned into a fireball into the crowd with his backhand.


The bursting firelight reflected the panic expressions of the assassins, and also reflected the cold and ferocious true faces of the originally panicked tavern guests.

Alexey Dukasky...from the beginning, he had fallen into a carefully laid trap.

But... how did they do it?

Looking back on today's whereabouts, whether it was to leave the military camp on an impromptu basis or to relax in this tavern and write a letter, they were all impromptu thoughts. Even I couldn't predict them in advance. Why could these people ambush so accurately?

Therefore, it was not a prediction, but a careful preparation. He had already predicted that he would appear at this time - what kind of manpower and material resources could achieve this level? Is it really necessary for him to be targeted so hard by the other party? !

Turning his head to avoid the lead bullet nailed to the wall, Alexei, who was confused, grabbed the assassin's collar with his backhand. The flames flowed into the clothes like water before the opponent resisted, and he wailed along with the figure behind him. and was set on fire.

"Dozens of people armed with guns cornered an unarmed knight in a tavern and beat him up. You really didn't waste your money." He threw his coat on the ground and looked around at the figures with a curse:

"In that case, I won't be polite!"

While roaring, the charred coat ignited fire, and the flowing tongues of fire and its weird posture traveled on the tavern floor, spreading; and then, before everyone could react, it covered the entire tavern.


The tavern with random gunfire turned into a blazing hell in an instant; the assassins, who had looked cold just now, suddenly had a slight tremor in their hands holding their weapons.

But now is not the time to be in a daze - the twisted figure wrapped in heat waves has already rushed toward them with a low roar.


That was the sound of a violent impact on the chest. The assassin who was hit took off without any suspense, and under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes,... smoke?

Not blood, but gray-white smoke, the smoke that drifts after burning flesh and blood.

"What are you doing standing still? Take action!"

Alexey roared unbridled. He went out without weapons and waved a pair of fists that looked like they were burnt. He rushed towards the crowd hunting him like a wounded beast.

The assassins hurriedly pulled the triggers as if they were waking up from a dream, and the intensive gunfire was maximized in the small tavern. No matter how flexible Alexei's movements were, it was impossible to avoid them all.

Shoulders, knees, the middle of the torso... The assassin's muzzle never left the vital points that could incapacitate the target. Alexei's white shirt and military trousers were soon soaked with blood.

But after the blood dyed the cloth red, there was always an inconspicuous flame that swept over and closed the wound.

Perhaps it is because the Fire Knight is so rare that few people know that the "fire" of the Fire Knight...or that the core of Alexei's bloodline power is a transformation of burning vitality.

The life force burned as firewood does not necessarily have to be his own - he is just a fire. Any living body that Alexei comes into contact with can be ignited and then release its power.

What the assassins didn't realize was that when the fire covered and sealed the entire tavern, they had become firewood thrown into the stove. Every minute, they were being called "Alexey Dukasky". "The fire is burning.

But when he threw himself in front of him with wounds all over his body, no matter how stupid the assassin was, he realized that their plan had gone awry; but his mind was completely blank, and his eyes were dull as he faced the iron fist that hit him.


"Show me what you can do!"

"If you want to kill me, this ability alone is not enough!"

Loudly provoking the enemy, Alexey made a quick attack and smashed the target directly against the wall. His palms pressed against the wall pulled up a flame out of thin air, and he threw it away while avoiding the muzzle of the gun behind him. The flames burst into the crowd.

There is no skill to speak of, and Alexei, who has never learned to fight at all, is just waving his fists to unleash the power of his blood; the boiling flames flow freely in his hands, unreserved in the firewood. Burn.

In his impression, this should be the first time that he could use the power of blood so thoroughly. Even when he was in the new world, he never had such a good opportunity as this time.

Enjoying the pleasure of punching to the flesh and having a lot of vitality burning around him, Alexey became more and more calm - after the other party went through so much trouble, there would definitely be no follow-up plan.

Should he hold himself back and attack other targets, or should he use himself as a bait or target to seduce the Commander-in-Chief?

All in all, I can’t waste any more time!


"Yeah, there's no time to waste."

Cole Dorian suddenly spoke, the corners of his mouth rising unconsciously: "Although it is important to obtain as much information as possible, if you delay it any longer, you will probably be taught a lesson by Sera, right?"

"I hate being lectured by her. I didn't hate it that much before, but recently... for some reason, not only do I feel frustrated after being scolded by her, but it also makes me feel very bad."


Confusion suddenly appeared on the faces of the two assassins; the bloody spellcaster couldn't help but frown: "Who are you... talking to?"

"With whom...ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are still here." The chief judge laughed and said: "It's nothing, just chatting with friends, you don't need to pay attention."

"By the way, didn't you just want to know where that guy Anson Bach went? It's simple, he is here and has never left."

……Um? !

The spell caster, who was clenching his cigar, was shocked, and the rusty "hunting knife" in his hand almost pierced the back of Cole's neck.

"You said he...didn't leave?"

The blood-stained spellcaster raised his hoarse voice and secretly exerted force on his right hand holding the flint-hair ax, as if he was wary of something: "Your Excellency, Chief Inquisitor, we don't want to hurt you, but..."


Cole suddenly couldn't help laughing and interrupted: "I said... you must have really misunderstood, thinking that you can subdue a judge with a little trick."

"Don't let me be so self-righteous there, you prey. Just have some sense of being a prey!"

Before he finished speaking, Cole pulled hard and pointed the muzzle of the flintlock ax into the sky.

Forcibly...tear off the opponent's arm!

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