I will be crowned king

Chapter 1103 The goal of confrontation

The shield wall composed of more than a dozen metal spears suddenly appeared in front of him. Norton Crosell was stunned on the spot. He even forgot to hit the target before the enemy's next shot. His attention was completely focused on the opponent's extremely stunning side. She has a beautiful face and long flowing golden hair that reaches around her heels.

But it doesn't matter... In the next second, cold spears pierced the ground one after another; shrouded in smoke and dust, the commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment still saw the assassins scattering in panic, but he was penetrated by the spears protruding from the wall behind him and under his feet. Underarms, thighs, torso, neck... dark red blood spurted out from the tip of the gun.

"No, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Surrender, I surrender, I say everything, everything...!!!"

"Don't, don't come here, let me go, let me go...!!"

In the blink of an eye, all the assassins who ambush had been wiped out.

Norton, who had been released from "The Dustless Land", stared intently at the beautiful back in front of him, as if he was so mysterious from head to toe. Even the indifference when killing people was full of strange charm...like a rose with thorns, alluring and charming. Danger.

Until this moment, Norton finally remembered that he had seen the other party somewhere, cleared his throat slightly, and said in a more polite tone as much as possible: "Although I don't know why, I still thank you for your timely rescue, otherwise I would It may still take a lot of time to be delayed by these..."

"In any case, the Storm Legion and I will definitely remember this kindness, including the helping hand you extended in Beluga Harbor before. If you don't mind, I am very happy to express some insignificant gratitude to you, this mysterious Earth Knight…Miss!”

At the last second when the words fell, the slender figure who was about to turn around staggered obviously.


"Huh?" Norton, who was still immersed in the luck of being rescued, did not react immediately: "You just said..."

"Carno, this is my name." The Earth Knight said coldly: "If you don't mind, you can also call me Sir Carno... That is the title I should inherit."

"Oh, and Sir Carno... hmm?"

Norton was suddenly startled, as if he suddenly realized something: "Sir Carnot?"

"That's right." Carno said with an indifferent expression: "Long time no see, Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell, commander of the Third Infantry Regiment of the Storm Legion, I know you."

"Don't be nervous. I also work for your boss, Anson Bach, but I'm just a little different from the guys you guys put on the table...and there's no need to thank you. Even if I don't take action, you can still get rid of these people."

While speaking, Carno glanced at the "wall" of spears hit by cannonballs from the corner of his eyes... The high-strength metal spears he specially made have been either scrapped or deformed, and they were not able to block the cannonballs at all.

But the infantry leader in front of him was unscathed while resisting head-on, and showed no signs of fatigue at all. Based on this alone, those assassins could not be his opponents at all.

"You're flattered, uh..."

Norton, who had guessed the identity of the other party incorrectly, scratched his head in embarrassment and started to avoid his eyes intentionally: "So your appearance here is not an accident, but you knew in advance that we would be ambushed and came here specifically to support you?"

"Yes...and no."

Carno gave a vague answer with a cold face: "We are indeed here to support, but it is not because we have learned any information, it is just a coincidence."

"But I never believe in coincidences, and I think you, as a member of the Truth Society, won't believe it either, so you might as well think carefully about who has the strength to gather people to assassinate and ambush in public?"

He knew I was... Norton's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't say anything more, but really started thinking seriously.

Blockade of the streets, double-digit assassins, both light and heavy weapons...

What kind of person can have such terrifying manpower and material resources to do such a thing?

after all……



Amidst the violent sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, the spellcaster covered in blood raised his head in shock and looked at the arm still hanging on the flintlock axe.

"No, it's impossible!" The assassin hiding behind Cole exclaimed subconsciously, and the cigar in the corner of his mouth almost fell to the ground: "The strength of Hilbert's flesh and blood can actually be lost to one..."

"Can't it be possible...?!"

The Chief Inquisitor, who grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears, started to get angry. He threw his arm away and pulled out the Inquisitor's revolver with his right hand: "Did you...did you misunderstand something?!"

"No way, no way..."

"You...don't really think you...subdued a judge, right?!"

While speaking, the muzzle of the revolver had already hit the squirming forehead in front of him. The caster's pupils were focused on the rotating magazine. His breathing suddenly stopped. Even the wound on his forehead and the pain of losing his arm could not awaken the blank consciousness. .


The smooth head was shattered in the flickering gun flames, bursting out into pieces of flesh and blood mixed with bone fragments and residual flesh.

The cigar-biting assassin's eyes widened, and even his blood-colored pupils could not conceal his fear at the moment; the "hunting knife" in his right hand, which he could no longer control, stabbed the back of Cole Dorian's neck.

As long as a little bit of skin is scratched and a little bit of blood is stained, the blade will be unable to be pulled out and will keep piercing like a hunting dog chasing its target.

Yes, that's what the inquisitor said; he relied on the "Mist of the Undead" to escape the fatal blow, and he was so lucky to be able to successfully counterattack the opponent with his weapon.

Lucky? Escape?

The blade was blocking the flesh of the opponent's back neck, unable to penetrate.

But Cole Dorian had already turned around, caught him while he was stunned, and aimed a shot at his torso with the flintlock ax in his left hand.


The shotgun spread out on a flat surface in front of the Chief Inquisitor, and exploded with sparks on the surrounding ground and walls.

The assassin, who was holding his side, groaned... Although he still dodged as much as possible, he was half a beat too slow after all, so of course it was impossible to completely dodge.

As for the "mysterious" hunting knife, he had casually thrown it on the ground.

"You scum of the Old Gods... you always believe in things related to magic. It's easier for you to be fooled than to eat and drink." Cole Dorian teased while slowly approaching: "Rat Even rats can never get rid of their desire to chase garbage and carrion.”

While speaking, he did not forget to slowly pick up the hunting knife on the ground, and at the same time recharge the spellcaster who had regrown half of his head.

The characteristic of blood mages is their incredibly tenacious vitality. Not to mention their heads, they can still survive even if their hearts are gone. Don't tear them into pieces and burn their flesh and blood to ashes. Never think that the other party is completely dead.

But the curse mage's life is not so good... his mental power is not as good as that of the black mage, and his physical strength is no different from that of ordinary people; beheading or digging out the heart will definitely lead to death, and even excessive blood loss may lead to loss of life.

So the cigar-biting assassin turned around and ran for his life, desperate for his life, but he didn't dare to run too far - this was the city of Clovis, and no one could say whether there were more trials beyond the streets shrouded in gunpowder smoke. The officer ambushed him; without the assistance of his companions, his chances of surviving alone were really close to zero.

Perhaps knowing that the opponent could not run far at all, or perhaps enjoying the pleasure of teasing his prey, Cole Dorian deliberately slowed down, slowly approached the opponent, and deliberately dragged the blade of the flintlock ax on the ground. , exploding sparks and making a harsh and permeating sound.

The unhurried sense of oppression, the sound that seemed to pierce the brain, made the assassins completely lose the courage to resist; especially after knowing that Anson Bach was still here and they had not been able to successfully ambush, under multiple pressures , has completely penetrated his inner defense.


There was another loud noise, which sounded like a gunshot or a cavity explosion; but after that, the harsh sound disappeared.

Is it safe...?

The assassin breathed a sigh of relief. Based on his understanding of his companions, he shouldn't die so quickly. The blood mage's vitality is very tenacious; maybe he has recovered now and is fighting the inquisitor, or at least he has controlled the man named Cole. Guy, right?

After all, he is a subordinate of the Tribunal. If he is killed unexpectedly, it will definitely cause a riot. It will be difficult to leave Clovis City, so...


While he was still imagining, a cold feeling suddenly penetrated his chest.

The assassin who was chewing a cigar lowered his head slightly with trembling, looking at the blade of the flintlock ax that had penetrated his torso, and blood sprayed freely on his face in disbelief.

The sight that was soaked in red raised up, and he saw Cole Dorian looking at himself, who had lost the ability to resist, with a face full of teasing, and the index finger of his left hand was firmly placed on the trigger of the flintlock ax.

This...impossible...why didn't I notice it at all...why...

"Why, why can't you notice my whereabouts?" Cole Dorian's tone became even more unbeatable: "Of course because I am no longer alone."

"You bunch of rats in the sewers didn't realize that you had fallen into the black mage's trap from the very beginning. You always remained in a hypnotic state to fight me - the smoke from the explosion could last for several minutes. Drop it?"

"Moreover... you might as well take a guess, the carriage entering the street triggered the mine... has this ever happened?"

One sentence after another, constantly breaking through the assassin's inner defenses that had already collapsed.


Heart-rending screams exploded from the throat that had been soaked with plasma and minced meat, as if he was venting his remaining life force. There was no sense left in the assassin's eyes.

As a conjurer who must rely on willpower to control magic, this is almost equivalent to being sentenced to death.

"You don't dare to kill me, you don't dare!"

"Do you know what will happen if I don't get out of here alive?!"

"You will die, you will all die! Let us leave alive, or you will just wait!"

The shrill howl sounded like the beast's last desperate struggle before dying, with a fierce look and a wry heart.

But the smile on Cole Dorian's lips gradually disappeared, his eyes became extremely serious, and even the initial joking was gone.

"Yes, I know, I have known it from the beginning." The chief judge said calmly: "Who are you, why are you here, and why... I understand everything."

"If we can let you go back alive, even if you fail to complete the mission, both parties should be able to live in peace for a while; half a year, a year...then there will be a second batch, a third batch... until the goal is achieved. .”

"I know this very well. After all, the surname 'Dorian' used to be known as the executioner..."

"Executioner...Dorian..." The dying assassin's eyes widened: "You, you are...?!"

"It doesn't matter what it is." Cole interrupted mercilessly: "After all, Cole Dorian is now the leader of the Truth Seeking Order, the chief judge of Clovis...that's all."

"As the chief judge, it is my duty to kill the scum of the Old Gods who caused chaos in the ordered world."

"Hey...hey!" The assassin panicked again: "No, don't kill me, please don't kill me! I can tell you anything, anything..."

"That's why you have to die."

Cole Dorian spoke in a low voice and pulled the trigger of the flintlock ax.


Like a water balloon that had been stepped on by a naughty child, the assassin exploded into pieces. The sprayed plasma dyed the Chief Inquisitor's body red. Even his tightly pursed mouth and nasal cavity could feel the strong smell of blood. .

He raised his head, and Sera Vergil was standing opposite him silently, with his hands behind his back, staring at the flintlock ax in his hand, as if waiting for something.

With a slight sigh, Cole Dorian said in a low voice and an unskilled tone:

"Glenn Sherbert...you are a despicable and shameless thief and killer, a struggler who is unwilling to live in poverty, a seeker who has been baptized by faith and hopes to pursue the light..."

"Under the glory of the ring of order, you indulged in power, and in the bewitchment of the world, you abandoned your faith; you turned yourself into a slave of money and power, and you were willing to serve your masters in exchange for what they wanted. Provide a comfortable life, even at the cost of becoming their filthiest tool that is destined to be abandoned..."

"You may have had the opportunity to pursue the light, but the road of faith in the light is doomed to be bumpy. You failed to withstand the temptation and test and fell into the dark side of the world. You are a sad mediocre person. You are pitiful and unable to The redeemed soul.”

"I, Kor Dorian, in the name of...the Order of Truth and the authority bestowed upon me by the Circle of Order, hereby declare—"

"Your fall ends here..."

"Your sins have been redeemed by me!"

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