I will be crowned king

Chapter 1151 The Queen Mother’s hesitation

Destroy the parliament?

Even Anne Herred, who was furious, was stunned after hearing this proposal.

In the deathly silent throne room, the Queen Mother Regent frowned slightly, and the nobles at the foot of the steps looked at each other. Viscount Bognar, who was hiding in the crowd, raised his head and looked at the ruling lord with a playful look in his eyes.

After a long time, Anne finally came back to her senses and looked at Ludwig coldly:

"My Lord in Charge, are you...serious?"

"Of course, and I think that's the best way to go about it."

Ludwig turned around, and the light above his head and in front of the throne cast a huge shadow in the hall, covering the noble representatives huddled below.

"Any good politician, qualified admonisher, or loyal minister facing such a situation would advise his monarch...to be patient, to be calm, to stay rational, and not to commit massacres...Why?"

Deliberately asking a rhetorical question, Ludwig's understatement sounded sarcastic: "Because they dare not bear the consequences of not doing this."

"Using violence to break the deadlock will definitely require a huge price, but it also requires huge courage... This is the responsibility of the monarch, an unshirkable responsibility."

"What is a monarch? He is not only the guardian of the kingdom, but also the master of the kingdom; the fertile fields, mountains, rivers, livestock and even everyone on this land are his private property."

"Now someone wants to take this property away from him; of course his ministers can persuade him not to go to extremes, to reason with the other party, and not to die together, but if he himself does not have this awareness, then... Ludwig sneered:

"What kind of king is he?"

The plain words were like a sixty-eight-pound howitzer exploding in the throne room.

Anne Herred, who had been able to maintain her sanity just now, suddenly turned pale. She was so frightened and angry that her pupils shrank tightly with her fingers tightly clasped on the armrests of the throne, and even her body was trembling slightly.

The aristocratic representatives who had dared to whisper just now did not dare to express their anger at this time. They all lowered their heads in a tacit understanding and got into the gaps between the marble tiles under their feet.

The royal guards on both sides of the throne narrowed their eyes and invariably put their hands on the handles of the swords and the sides of the revolvers at their waists.

"That's enough, my ruling lord, you don't need to test the throne's patience and bottom line here."

The Queen Mother Regent broke the silence again and waved to the royal guards behind her: "Tell me what you think. The throne wants to hear more specific content."

The freezing-cold atmosphere finally eased a little. Although the nobles at the foot of the steps still did not dare to raise their heads, at least everyone knew that Anne Herrider did not intend to pursue the case.

"Yes." Ludwig stroked his chest and saluted: "The reason is actually explained clearly by Viscount Bogner just now. If the throne does not intend to completely destroy the current situation, then it must be under the system of 'parliament' and Led by Anson Bach, more than 5,000 representatives from all over the country gathered."

"This seems to be a lower cost, but I would also like to remind you that they have already formulated the outline of their own constitution, and it must be completely improved next; when it is completely completed, it will become the new fundamental law of the Kingdom of Clovis."

"This brand new constitution will replace the throne and become the core of Clovis. Even if His Majesty wants to defend his authority, he will have to submit to the constitution, otherwise... he will become the enemy of the entire Kingdom of Clovis! "

After the words fell, Anne Herred's face turned a little pale.

"I don't want to undermine your confidence, but please believe me, Anson Bach... the situation he most wants to see is like that. Under the rules he sets, he can defeat our resistance in countless ways. ." Ludwig closed his eyes and his voice became full of sorrow: "As long as the compromise begins, there will be no end until there is no retreat."

That's right, although Ludwig didn't understand what "parliament" was, nor what the "equality" those people praised like prayers was, he really understood Anson Bach very well.

Facing this guy who always has a "perfect plan", as long as you step into his logic, it will be the beginning of failure: he will give you a result that is absolutely unacceptable or difficult to accept, and then deliberately induce you to accept the seemingly "more beneficial one". " option makes you feel that it is not unacceptable to make some compromises and concessions now for "future interests".

So you accepted and compromised, and what's waiting for you is either to join him, or to completely lose the original option of perishing together in the constant compromise.

"Then I would like to ask Ludwig which loyal army of the Kingdom he intends to rely on to annihilate the National Assembly when he takes office, and which brave and capable general he intends to command?"

Viscount Bogner in the crowd stood up again and asked in his calm voice: "The Ministry of War is now completely under the control of Her Excellency Sophia Franz, which means that it is impossible for any regiment to escape Their spies.”

"I'm afraid that before your legion can enter the city, the Storm Legion and the National Assembly will come to surround the Osteria Palace."

After the words fell, even the breathing in the dead silent hall became tense.

Anne Herred looked at the cowering nobles at the foot of the steps, and then looked helplessly at Ludwig.

To be honest, she actually didn't want to rely too much on the heir of the Franz family. In a sense, he was no different from Anson Bach; if she really wanted to fully support this ambitious ruling lord, there was no guarantee that he would one day Change "ruling" to "regent".

But the performance of Clovis City's giants was obviously disappointing...except for Renard and a few others led by Bogner, it was difficult for the royal family to find anyone they could rely on.

As for those old fools like Renard and Bogner who are hedging their bets, they are completely untrustworthy!

"My southern legion can relieve your majesty's worries." Ludwig said coldly: "They are currently stationed in the southern fortress. As long as your majesty orders it, they can go north to the city of Clovis at any time; twenty-six thousand An elite warrior who is loyal and capable of conquering and fighting, capable of defending His Majesty's authority."

That's right, after more than a year of recuperation, the Southern Army has already changed its shape. It has more than tripled its size from less than 10,000 soldiers in the past.

"This is absolutely not okay!"

Before Anne Herred could speak, Viscount Bognar stood up first: "The Southern Legion shoulders the important mission of suppressing the Yser elves and reinforcing the Hantu. It is also Clovis's last mobile force in the south; once The consequences of being transferred away from the south would be unimaginable."

The sonorous and powerful words made the Queen Regent and Queen Mother, who had just been thinking about whether this was really feasible, break into a cold sweat... Yes, if the southern army is also transferred, wouldn't there be no army in the south of Clovis? ?

Slightly different from Bogner's idea, the Queen Mother Regent's focus is on losing the suppression of the legion. She is already ready to take action. The southern provinces that do not submit to the royal power are equivalent to completely losing their suppression power; no matter what they want to do, the royal family cannot Intervene immediately.

"You don't have to worry about this at all, respected Viscount Bogner." Although Ludwig's tone was respectful, his face was quite contemptuous: "But your remarks clearly reveal that you neither understand military nor war. "

"First of all, it is still spring. We completely interpret it as a normal change of defense. The temporary mobilization of the army will not cause panic in the southern provinces; as for neighboring countries...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Hantu is currently in Clovis City. As long as His Majesty is willing, we will now You can invite His Highness Leon Francois here to ensure that Hantu will not have any other ideas."

"At the same time, we can continue to use the name of defense change to mobilize the Storm Legion to the south or any fortress far away from Clovis City; without the protection of this legion, the only thing that hinders His Majesty's authority is The militiamen in various communities in Clovis City are vulnerable."

The nobles who had been nervous just now suddenly became enlightened, and many even showed excited expressions, as if they were already imagining the scene of the army suppressing the National Assembly.

Anne Herred frowned slightly, seemingly not so optimistic about the "happy ending" exaggerated by the other party.

Until late at night, the Queen Regent, who still could not make up her mind, expelled a group of people from the Osteria Palace on the pretext that "the little king needs to rest"; and in order to show that she attached great importance to the matter, she also asked everyone present to The people must remain silent on the matter, while hinting that the royal family will reuse all of them soon.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Queen Mother is still hesitant, or in other words... she does not intend to really fight to the death with the National Assembly.

"Your Majesty the Consul."

Walking out of the palace gate, Viscount Bogner suddenly called out to Ludwig who was about to get in the car: "I have a little question. I hope you can help me solve it."

"...Please tell me." Ludwig closed the carriage door with his backhand and took a few steps forward, deliberately keeping a distance from the royal guards and coachman outside the palace gate.

"It may not be polite to say this, but..." Viscount Bognar also stepped forward and lowered his voice: "You...actually don't want to fight His Excellency Anson Bach to death, right?"

"That's a bit strange to ask." Ludwig said coldly with an expressionless face: "Everyone can prove that I am the only one who favors a fight to the death with the National Assembly."

"Yes, and everyone has seen it... I also believe that before noon tomorrow, this secret that no one knows will be known to everyone; because we all know that not everyone can keep a secret."

Viscount Bognar smiled playfully: "Especially when the person who asked everyone to keep secrets takes the initiative to leak the secrets."

Ludwig: "...What are you implying?"

"I'm not hinting." Viscount Bogner shook his head: "But I still want to remind you that if something is done too obviously, even if the other party has no evidence, he will still be suspicious."

After saying that, he bowed respectfully, turned around and left without looking back, as if the two of them had a fight and didn't forget to maintain their grace.

Ludwig twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, turned around and got into the carriage, knocked on the roof of the carriage angrily, and urged to start:

"This old guy saw right through it. Why is there any need to act like this again?"


While the Queen Mother Regent was struggling with the aristocratic representatives, the representatives of the National Assembly did not stop.

Nearly 60 "walking representatives" out of more than 5,000 representatives visited the club in the name of their respective bill discussion groups, requesting the "True Heart" organization to come forward to form a constitutional party within the National Assembly, and invited Lieutenant General Anson to serve as the party leader.

After having experienced the day, all the representatives realized that the most serious problem of the National Assembly is that it is fragmented - although more than 5,000 representatives are willing to be loyal to the decisions and rules of the National Assembly, after all, they are equal in status, who can No one can be ordered and no one can be restrained.

This spirit of equality is of course what everyone is pursuing, but because of this, if a representative is bribed or changes his mind for some reason, others cannot interfere or stop it.

And the closer they get to the details of the Constitution, the more many representatives realize that they are in urgent need of a more systematic set of guiding ideology as the basic core of legislation.

Just words like "equality" are too pale; and everyone has their own ideas, and the "equality" in the eyes of tenant farmers and landlords is probably not very different.

So there is only one way to solve this problem: find the person who everyone believes in, and let him provide the final explanation.

"...and we all agree that this candidate must be Lieutenant General Ansen!" A representative of the Central Bank and the Province vowed:

"If the Lieutenant General is willing to serve as Speaker, there will be no disputes in the entire National Assembly. This will be the most critical step to unite the Assembly!"

"That's right, and those of us from other provinces have no experience in setting up organizations and committees!" Others who followed immediately responded:

“Only when Lieutenant General Anson and ‘True Heart’ take the lead and become the banner and leader of all representatives can the Constitution be truly realized!”

"That's right, Lieutenant General Anson must be made speaker and our party leader!"

...Faced with endless kind words, Teacher Erich, as the representative of "True Heart", could only keep smiling besides listening carefully.

After the crowd had been noisy for nearly a quarter of an hour, he stood up and said in the calmest tone possible:

"I will convey your thoughts to Lieutenant General Anson word for word. As for whether he accepts it, that is not something I can decide."

"But there is one thing I can assure you." He raised his right index finger and looked around at everyone seriously:

"Fighting for the interests of the kingdom is the goal that the Lieutenant General has been striving for from beginning to end; if becoming Speaker can really serve this goal, the Lieutenant General will never resist."

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