I will be crowned king

Chapter 1152 The thicker the better

Erich, who had received the entrustment from the representatives, did not dare to delay, and hurried to the apartment on Blemann Street before dawn the next day to report the great news to Anson.

In his eyes, this is simply a God-given opportunity - the formation of a constitutional party in the National Assembly, led by representatives with close ties between "Red Heart" and the Shotgun Club, will be a big step for "Red Heart" from the city of Clovis to the entire kingdom. An organization that was originally only slightly famous among some middle- and lower-level officers has exerted an influence that can instantly spread across the country and even half of the world of Order!

As for how much benefit and future this could bring to the officers of the "Skicker Section", Erich didn't even care much anymore.

At this point, when he thinks that the current situation was all planned by someone, Erich's admiration for Ansen Bach has completely reached its peak... Not only does he no longer doubt that the other party can definitely lead the skirmisher, The officers rose to prominence and even began to develop more ambitions.

Perhaps, it would not be a bad idea to completely replace the Privy Council and become the regent of the Clovis Kingdom under one person and over ten thousand people in the name of Speaker...

"It's true, and it's indeed very possible."

The sleepy Anson sat in front of the window and yawned, then slowly picked up the coffee cup on the table: "But I refuse."

"Why?" Erich asked curiously. He was not even a little excited when he was rebutted. He had completely blindly followed Anson: "Don't you think this is an excellent opportunity? Now the entire National Assembly is on your side. On one side.”

"Because of this, it is even more important to stay calm." Anson's expression was calm:

"Don't forget, at yesterday's National Assembly, I just said that the Assembly should advocate and adhere to the 'spirit of equality' and insist that all members are equal regardless of origin, power and status, and no one is nobler than anyone else; relying on This is why the constitutional proposal was so quickly recognized by everyone and the outline of the constitution was successfully formulated.”

"If I suddenly announce the formation of a political party at this time, and in the name of constitutionalism, what will the many representatives who insist on equality think? Will they think that this is a deliberate conspiracy on my part, and that I intend to take the opportunity to usurp the rights of the entire National Assembly? The result of hard work?" Anson asked:

"To put it more seriously, for someone who doesn't understand the situation, will this matter become a pure conspiracy in his eyes? Whether the National Assembly or the constitution is just a means for me to usurp power and isolate the royal family?"

"No, it's not like this, right?"

Erich tried to ease the atmosphere and smiled: "This is the common wish of the representatives, and more than one person said so..."

"Yes, more than one, but not all of them." Anson also smiled:

"But they don't actually know me. Many of them are meeting me for the first time. They are so anxious to elect me as the speaker and become the leader of the Constitutional Party. They are really warm-hearted - they obviously have a closer relationship with me. The nearby Clovis City Civic Council is not as enthusiastic as them."

"Ah, that, that might be because..."

Erich suddenly panicked. He was not a fool and he immediately realized something was wrong.

Anson actually understands the opponent's mentality very well... The officers of the skirmisher faction have been suppressed in the army system for too long, and they finally found an opportunity to come forward. Of course, they don't want to miss it, and they even think about taking a step further. This is taken for granted.

"In other words, this is actually a trap?" The panicked Erich's face suddenly became solemn:

"The purpose is to induce division within the National Assembly, prevent the completion of the constitution, and cause conflicts and contradictions to break out among representatives, or even kill each other?"

In less than half a minute, no fewer than ten possibilities emerged in his mind: a traitor on behalf of the royal family, Ludwig Franz's trick to split the parliament, and local powerful factions trying to take advantage of the opportunity to form gangs in the parliament. faction, to achieve their ambitions... to name a few.

"Well, it is indeed possible." Anson nodded: "But maybe I'm just overthinking it, and the situation is far from that serious."

To be more precise, Anson did not believe that Queen Mother Anne could condescend to win over a group of lawless National Assembly representatives; in her current status, she should be completely scornful of this group of people.

This was not the same as when she drew her together with Sophia Franz... At that time, she was just a powerless queen, not to mention a puppet. If she was not careful, she would even risk being executed as an assassin.

Now Anne Herred is Nicholas I's only reliance on the throne, almost equivalent to the incarnation of the Osterian royal family; such an identity requires compromise with rebellion in private. If the news is leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"So, is this why you are unwilling to accept the role of Speaker?"

Erich nodded thoughtfully: "I see, I understand."


"I don't understand!"

In Franz's residence, Laura, who had just woken up, spoke with her voice that was about to break, and stared at the Minister of War who came to see her with an aggrieved look:

"Why are you not allowing me to participate in today's National Assembly? I am the representative of the people on Red Brick Street in Clovis City. This is my right. You have no right to strip...cough cough cough!!!"

Before she could finish her words, she started coughing violently, her cheeks turned sickly red, and she collapsed on the bed uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes... we have no right to deprive you of the right to participate in the parliament, Miss Fulora."

Sophia turned her head helplessly and rolled her eyes. When she looked back, she smiled again: "But you have already seen it. How are you going to attend the meeting when you are so sick? Aren't you letting others worry about you?"

"I'm not sick, I'm just...slightly tired...tired..." The girl's voice became weaker and weaker, and she was so depressed that her eyes couldn't focus.

"Then you should have a good rest. How can you serve the people of Clovis City if you don't have enough energy, right?"

As Sophia spoke, she winked at the little maid Angelica at the door: "Don't worry, I have arranged a professional here to temporarily serve as your substitute. He will do his best to handle all the problems when you are no longer here." of."


"You don't need to know this. You just need to have a good rest and recharge your batteries."

Taking the potion from the little maid, Sophia opened the girl's mouth and entered little by little.

Laura, who was already on the verge of coma, couldn't resist at all. Her red and swollen throat twitched a few times before she swallowed it all.

"Very good, relax, and then have a beautiful dream. When you wake up again, you will feel that your body is much more relaxed."

After saying that, Sophia covered her with the quilt again, and at the same time motioned to the little maid to stay and take care of her, and then silently walked out of the room.

William Cecil, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, had a guilty look on his face. When he saw the Secretary of War coming out of the room, he hurried forward.

"Stop, I know what you want to say." Sophia stopped him directly: "Miss Fulaura is a guest of the Franz family. She will go to the National Assembly because of my factors. I am reasonable and take care of her. It’s all my responsibility.”

"Maybe you think so, but I still have to say that the Cecil family owes you a favor."

The young naval captain shook his head, with an embarrassed and troubled expression: "You may not know that Laura is the youngest in our family. When we first learned that she was missing, her father...ah, that is, Uncle Flanders, the mayor of North Port , how panicked he was!”

"After all, she is the youngest child in the family, so it is completely understandable... Sometimes I can feel how much pampering I have received from my family as the youngest daughter."

Sophia smiled lightly: "There is no need for favors or anything like that. As long as Beigang can stand unswervingly on the side of the parliament, it is the best thank you."

"You don't have to worry about this. The people of Beigang will always be loyal to Clovis and the National Assembly." The navy captain's expression immediately became serious:

"Whoever dares to be an enemy of the National Assembly is an enemy of the entire Northport... This is my commitment."

The Minister of War nodded slightly. Of course, she would not take this verbal promise to heart.

In fact, both parties know clearly in their hearts: Flora is under the guardianship of Sophia, which is the greatest "sincerity" of the Cecil family; no matter what happens, the Franz family must do their best to protect her and prevent any accidents. .

"Speaking of commitments, I heard that many representatives of the National Assembly seemed to have gathered to elect Lieutenant General Anson as Speaker of the National Assembly."

The naval colonel suddenly changed the topic: "I wonder if Lieutenant General has any ideas in this regard. If necessary, Beigang is also willing to provide support and help."

"Speaker?" Sophia blinked: "I remember that the National Assembly... already has a speaker?"

"Yes, and it was appointed by His Majesty." William deliberately emphasized the word "appointed": "But it is a pity that Ludwig failed to win the trust and love of the representatives when he came to power."

"Of course we all respect His Majesty's decision, but if an untrusted Speaker continues to lead the Parliament, there will definitely be problems; His Excellency should still continue to manage the Privy Council, and it is best not to continue to interfere in the affairs of the Parliament ”

"Oh? Is this your Excellency's idea, or is it the intention of the entire parliament?"

"You can ask any representative and they will not refuse to let Lieutenant General Anson serve as speaker."

The naval captain deliberately did not answer directly: "In a sense, this is even a tacit consensus."

In other words, the news that came out of the National Assembly yesterday was true. That bastard Anson was showing off his power in the parliament... Huh, you didn't tell me about such an important thing right away...

The Minister of War complained a few words in his heart, but nodded without changing his expression: "That's it. Everyone still respects His Majesty's decision. Whether to do this or not, we must consult His Majesty's opinion anyway."

Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. It's okay to hold us in front as a shield, but you have to pay a corresponding price.

"Of course I understand this." The naval captain understood it all too well: "There will definitely be representatives who will mention this matter at today's meeting. At that time, we will treat it as a formal proposal and send a dedicated person to submit it to the palace to ask for approval."

We understand the rules. Beigang will unite with other forces to put pressure on the royal family and make them recognize the reality; even if they are unwilling, we have given them face, so don’t we have the final say on what to do?

The two of them looked at each other and smiled tacitly, showing a perfect understanding.


"You really don't intend to become Speaker of the National Assembly?"

After seeing off Teacher Erich, Christian walked into the room and looked at his brother:

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I really don't think you should miss it."

"It's a good opportunity, but I'm really not interested." Anson shrugged:

"On the contrary, I think you, brother, should be the speaker of the National Assembly."

"Me?" Christian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Forget it, I don't have that ability."

"On the contrary, I think you are very suitable - mediating disputes, clarifying the facts, striving for common interests and seeking cooperation in contradictions and conflicts. These are your strengths and the most important quality of being the speaker."

"……are you serious?"

"My respected brother Christian, I really want to invite you to serve as the Speaker of the National Assembly."

The smile on Anson's face was gradually replaced by seriousness: "It's not just because your abilities are suitable, I'm almost a target now, and it's too easy to attract other people's firepower."

"But fortunately, most of them have not yet seen how powerful you are... Being ignored by the enemy is an excellent advantage in itself, what do you think?"

Christian didn't speak. With a glint in his eyes, he silently closed the door behind him.



Hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, Sophia, who had just seen off the naval captain, turned around and looked at the little maid who crept out of the room with a slightly worried look:

"How is it going?"

"Already asleep." Angelica replied while making the sign of "silence":

"But she slept very lightly. It seems like she really wants to go to that parliament."


Sophia, who was confused by this logic, thought: "She slept very lightly. Why does it mean she wants to go?"

"Well this is because..."

"Because of what?"

"Because..." The little maid stared at Sophia nervously as if she was very scared: "Because when she falls asleep, she often smiles and says someone's... name..."

"Angelica, you still haven't answered my question." Sophia was even more confused: "Reciting someone's name, what does this have to do with the National Assembly..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Seeing the little maid who seemed to want to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, Sophia felt like she understood.

After a long silence, the Secretary of War cleared his throat: "Angelica."


"Go to Miss Flora and prepare another bowl of oatmeal porridge. The thicker the better." Sophia said expressionlessly, "Remember to put more soothing and sleeping decoction in it."

"Well, the thicker the better."

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