I will be crowned king

Chapter 1153 The war ends and the quarrel

“On March 29th, it turned from sunny to cloudy.

After going through many complicated matters, I...Alan Dawn, finally temporarily ended the previous stage of work and became Lord Anson Bach's secretary again.

There is also a small episode here: Miss Fulora, who temporarily replaced me in charge of this important and sacred mission for a certain period of time, had to temporarily leave her job due to excessive fatigue and infection with wind and cold.

As a friend who has only met once, I deeply regret this, and hope that she can get better as soon as possible under Miss Sophia's meticulous care; but as a 'competitor' in a certain sense, I must admit that if this were not the case, I might I can't get my job back so quickly.

This made me feel very entangled, but fortunately, this entanglement was soon filled with endless work.

The situation in Clovis City has changed so strangely that I have to take some time to organize my thoughts so that I can truly serve the respected Lord Anson.

The first is the National Assembly... More than five thousand gentlemen from all over the country, dedicated to the interests of the kingdom, have just won an unprecedented victory.

Of course, even they themselves understand that this victory is by no means stable, and even has the element of 'bragging' - as long as His Majesty opens his mouth, all their achievements will be wiped out in an instant.

So these representatives were divided into two groups (more accurately, they should be doing two things at the same time... the little clerk corrected). One group tried to seek recognition of the past. The most important action was to ask His Majesty for orders to grant Lord Anson Title of Speaker of the National Assembly.

Considering that Lord Anson himself is not very enthusiastic about this, I am pessimistic about their hopes of success.

The other group tried to bypass the royal family and actively recommended Lord Anson to form a constitutional party, uniting representatives from all over the country to form a new force to confront the aristocratic group in Clovis City.

I am horrified by what they are doing...not just because they want Lord Anson to become the most powerful person in Clovis, which I fully support.

The fundamental thing is that this completely goes against the core logic of each kingdom since the establishment of the empire and the birth of the world of order.

Just as the core of the empire is the emperor and the core of the world of order is the church of order, the core of the Kingdom of Clovis is of course the royal family of Osteria.

With the supreme power granted by the Ring of Order, the king of the Osteria family became the link in the land of Clovis; all forces were loyal to the king, and the king united all his subjects - this is the logic of the world of order.

What the National Assembly is doing is to abandon the bond of 'King', and all forces spontaneously unite to call themselves 'Clovis'.

Yes, just like the Free Confederation of the New World.

However, the Free Confederacy was just an insignificant small country on the edge of the world, while Clovis was an undisputed power that could compete tit-for-tat with the Empire; the status of the two sides was completely different, and their impact was absolutely incomparable.

If they succeed, it will prove that the unity of Clovis does not require the existence of a king at all; this will be the most powerful shock to the world of order in the past thousands of years, and will completely destroy the logic that everyone takes for granted. The entire world of order may be soy milk This results in unpredictable changes.

As for whether the change is good or bad, it can only be left to the Circle of Order to judge.

On the other hand, the changes in the National Assembly also caused a backlash from the aristocracy; they rallied around the royal family and criticized the representatives in the name of His Majesty Nicholas for being kingless, arrogant, and acting arrogantly.

But when it came to specific measures, these nobles who claimed to be 'eliminating rebellion for His Majesty' did not seem to have done anything that could affect the situation.

According to the information available to my humble clerk, what they did included, but was not limited to, organizing secret clubs and salons, criticizing and cursing the lawlessness of the deputies, and writing anonymous letters in newspapers, suggesting that the National Assembly would soon be Disaster is coming.

As for the others...probably none.

Many representatives were very angry about these anonymous letters and vowed to catch the writers behind the scenes; however, Mr. Anson seemed to be very supportive and even planned to invest in one or two such secret salons if they were short of funds.

Your Excellency's explanation for this is: The aristocrats of Clovis City have actually completely lost their power and have become a group that can neither protect their property and status nor influence anyone; some individuals among them may still have some energy. , but as a whole, it has become a complete moth.

Cleaning up bugs is a complicated and lengthy task, so the best way until you have some free time is to maintain the status quo and keep them content with the present, without becoming overstimulated and becoming a nuisance.

The real trouble is actually within the National Assembly... It is only the wealthy families of Clovis City who have lost power. The power of the local nobles has actually expanded, and there is a tendency to control the National Assembly.

In addition, there are foreigners still stranded in Clovis City: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Hantu, the liaison representatives of the Free Confederation, envoys from the various grand duchies of the empire, large multinational chambers of commerce headed by the Northern Chamber of Commerce...

In the past, when Clovis City was united, they were unable to have any influence on the city and the country behind it; but now the chaotic situation has given them the opportunity to become very important.

The opposition forces in Clovis, the representatives of the National Assembly, the enthusiasm of the army soldiers, the attitude of the royal family, and foreigners... This is all the trouble that Lord Anson Bach has to deal with.

And to help him solve all this is my most noble mission as a humble secretary..."

After writing the final footnote with satisfaction, the proud little clerk happily closed the diary in his hand and began to continue processing the mountain of bills coming from the entire National Assembly.

After completing the initial outline and finally getting into the details, the originally united National Assembly split into countless groups as expected, and there were conflicts and intersections between the various groups.

For example, the central province hopes that the constitution can include provisions to protect trade freedom and economic freedom, but the inland provinces, especially many southern provinces, strongly oppose it, believing that the interests of farmers, or landlords, should be ensured first, and they are the most opposed to trade freedom. of.

Another example is that the vast majority of groups hope that taxation will be as low as possible, as long as it can maintain the operation of the army and the most basic government. It is best to be clean and meddle less.

But the problem is that many large industrial owners are engaged in government monopoly business. Cutting taxes is equivalent to reducing their efficiency. In the eyes of industrial owners, making less money is basically equivalent to losing money. This is absolutely unacceptable.

The various forces are constantly in conflict with each other. It is extremely difficult to seek common ground while reserving differences and compile the most basic content of the constitution.

Such a complex and tedious job naturally fell on the young clerk - he had finally ended the previous troubles in the War Department and now became the secretary of the National Assembly.

Of course, the workload this time was different from before. Both the time urgency and the scale were far greater than before, so Anson also specially arranged technical consultant William Gottfried to assist.

With the help of the difference engine, Allen's work efficiency has been significantly improved, but he is not very happy with this result - this kind of machine that can greatly reduce repetitive work gave him a small sense of crisis.

After two and a half days of almost endless work, the little clerk, whose eyes were red and who walked "lightly", finally handed the compiled documents to Anson.

With this long-awaited document in hand, His Excellency, the Chief of the Royal Guards, took the initiative to request an audience with His Majesty as a representative of the National Assembly.

The Osteria Palace was facing a formidable enemy. Even though Anson was still only one of the more than 5,000 representatives, everyone knew at this time that there was really only one thing between him and the "President of the National Assembly". It’s just short of a legitimate name.

"Lieutenant General Anson Bach, don't you think the request you made is very rude to your king?"

In the throne room, Nicholas I, who was wearing a gorgeous robe and a crown on his head, looked down at the figure at the foot of the steps, with an angry look on his face: "You are simply unabashedly trying to snatch the entire country away from me... your king!"

"On the contrary, Your Majesty, your ministers are working hard to save your kingdom." Anson said without changing his expression.

"The King of the Kingdom of Clovis is the Royal Family of Osteria and His Majesty. No one in the National Assembly has any objection to this. What we are doing is just to implement the bill that His Majesty previously approved and to implement what His Majesty transferred. It’s just a right.”

"As for the Constitutional Code... I would like to ask your Majesty to carefully recall that when the Citizens' Assembly passed it before, didn't he also agree to the request to allow partial autonomy and grant the Citizens' Assembly supervision power and partial jurisdiction."

"How come when it comes to the National Assembly, some people start to complain to His Majesty, thinking that this undermines His Majesty's authority?"

While speaking, Anson's eyes couldn't help but look around at the noble representatives present. He also looked at Sophia Franz standing proudly on the steps.

But after the arrogant Minister of War noticed it, he immediately looked away and deliberately pretended to ignore it, as if he was sulking.

What's wrong with her? Anson was extremely confused.

"But the so-called constitution you formulated not only governs the kingdom, but even my power must be under the constitution!" Nicholas I was still suppressing his anger and calmly negotiated with his "loyal ministers" as taught by his mother:

"This is simply unreasonable. The king is the supreme authority of Clovis. He should have the authority to explain everything and should not receive any restrictions!"

"If your Majesty thinks so, you are absolutely wrong."

"What did you say?!"

"In the kingdom, even the king must be restrained." Anson was neither humble nor overbearing:

"The royal power of the Osterian royal family is based on the surrender of the people and the contract of the nobles; the people and nobles serve the royal family in exchange for His Majesty's protection, which in itself is the biggest restriction."

"The king protects his subjects, ensures that his subjects can properly manage the kingdom, and prevents the land from being desolate and the people from suffering... These are all inherent responsibilities, aren't they?"

While speaking, Anson kept glancing at the Minister of War on the steps; according to the tacit understanding between the two, it was time for her to stand up and speak for herself.

But the girl still had a cold face and continued to remain silent as if she hadn't heard.

So Anson could only continue to talk on his own: "Because the kingdom is not your majesty's private property, and the kingdom does not only belong to your majesty, it also belongs to all the people of Clovis."

"What did you say?!" The little king finally couldn't help it anymore:

"Arrogant! Trespassing!"

"Is the truth!"

Anson's face remained unchanged: "I don't know who told Your Majesty that the country is your private property and this groundless slander - if it is true, wouldn't it mean that the emperor holds the title of 'Guardian of the Ordered World'? Can the entire world of order be counted as his private property?"

"Not to mention that the Ring of Order is the absolute leader of the world of Order. If the theory is true, then all church believers in the world should abandon their own countries and obey the Pope unconditionally!"

The nobles present were all stunned. Many of them had heard about Anson's speech in the National Assembly, but they were still shocked like five thunderbolts, and their minds went blank.

"Even so, as a king, I should be Clovis's master and leader!" The little king continued to retort: ​​"Even if rules are to be made, they should not be bound to me!"

"Since it is a constitution that serves the highest interests of Clovis, then of course it should benefit everyone and bind everyone." Anson bowed slightly:

"We insist on taking His Majesty into consideration precisely because His Majesty is also a member of Clovis; if we don't do this, wouldn't it mean that Your Majesty does not belong to the Kingdom of Clovis?"


Just when the little king was furious, the sound of heavy military boots suddenly sounded outside the throne room - Ludwig, who had put on a military uniform, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He walked into the hall without any scruples, first took off his hat and saluted Nicholas I on the throne, and then looked meaningfully at Anson who was not wearing military uniform, with an expression like a vulture staring at its prey.

"Government Ludwig, you are late." The young king said angrily: "Didn't my envoy tell you about this meeting in the throne room?"

"Of course I did. It's just that I have important matters at the moment, so I have to delay a little time. Please forgive me."

Although his tone was very humble, Ludwig stared expressionlessly at the little king on the throne throughout the whole process: "In fact, this is exactly what I am here for."

"Oh, what's that?"

"It's about the imperial ambassador who was detained in prison. He has already confessed." Ludwig said coldly and loudly:

"About the previous series of incidents involving the assassination of the chief of the Royal Guards, disturbing the peace of Clovis City, creating a mutiny, and assassinating His Majesty Carlos II..."

"It's the empire's elaborate conspiracy to invade Clovis!"

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