I will be crowned king

Chapter 1165 Ludwig discovered

"Soldier - stop advancing!"

The herald holding the military flag high roared from his chest. After several rounds of bugles, the rapid drumbeats stopped immediately, and the line infantry of battalions stopped advancing.

In front of them were temporary barricades built by militiamen from the outer city around the buildings on the edge of the city. In the last mutiny battle, these bunker buildings played almost no role and were crushed by the soldiers of the standing army. Into powder.

This time, apparently, it won't be any different.

The community militia hiding behind the bunker looked at the Southern Legion outside with trepidation... Similar to the previous standing army, these enemies were completely different from them in terms of quality and equipment, and they exuded a ghastly murderous aura; just that The bright bayonet, like a moving forest, is enough to scare everyone.

The situation was even more serious than last time... The mutinous legions were suddenly prepared because of the sudden incident. Several standing legions were prepared in a hurry. There was no cooperation between the legions, and it was natural for military discipline to be lax.

But the Southern Legion on the opposite side obviously does not have this problem... Even in a face-to-face confrontation, the militiamen can't see any fatigue on the other side after a long journey, and they can't even feel whether the other side is excited or nervous at all, just like... Like...

Like a machine, a killing machine.

"Everyone, stay calm!" Behind the simple fortifications, Teacher Erich shouted nervously to the trembling militia soldiers around him: "Remember, we are a just party. As long as we stick to the city and do not take the initiative to initiate Attack, the kingdom’s army will not dare to attack us!”

"Deputies of the National Assembly and our comrades have surrounded the Osteria Palace, and not even a bird can fly out; these troops must not have received permission from the king to enter the city. As long as they cross the thunder pool, they will be Cro The public enemy of Wei Kingdom, the other party will never have the courage!"

Although he tried very hard to cheer up his own people, in fact, even Erich himself was trembling with fear and had no idea at all; after all, no one could guarantee that the Southern Army would really not do anything that crossed the line; even if they If they did it, would the king definitely punish them for it and even bring their real commander-in-chief Ludwig to power?

It seems...not so absolute.

Apparently he was not the only one who realized this: behind the messy but tight barricade fortifications, many militia commanders had expressions of embarrassment on their faces. Some even pretended not to care and sat down on the fortifications to smoke. Pipe, with an expression as if he has seen the truth.

But this does not mean that they are not brave or crazy... Forty percent of the militia armed commanders are middle and lower-level officers with rich resumes. They may have more experience in commanding operations than a certain royal guard chief, and they have lived a full life. , putting life and death aside.

But it is precisely because of this that they know best how disparate the strength of the two sides is; the other side does not even need to prepare, just a few standard artillery attacks, and then let the line infantry step on the explosive point to charge with a bayonet, and the people behind the barricade The militiamen probably lost one-fifth of their strength on the spot.

But despite such a huge disparity in strength, the Southern Army still showed great caution, and was still unfolding its lines in an orderly manner, deploying formations bit by bit; as if they were not facing a barricade that could be destroyed, but a solid one that was difficult to conquer. fortress.

What's happening here?


"It's very simple. I can immediately order the Southern Legion to attack, or I can let them join you where they are and become allies of the National Assembly. The only difference lies in your attitude."

In the war hall of the Loyalty Palace, Ludwig, who was holding the edges of the sand table with both hands, hoped to the Minister of War opposite: "Dear Sophia, please give me a price; as long as it is suitable, I will never fight back."

"You're really... you're totally welcome, my most beloved brother." The surprised Sophia couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly: "It's obvious that I should be the one to speak like this, but it's really true when you say it from your mouth. …”


"...Well, it's a similar synonym anyway."

The Minister of War, who wanted to laugh but restrained his smile subconsciously, took a deep breath and his eyes became sharper: "But since you want me to make a price, you should at least tell me what bargaining chips you have first."

"The bargaining chip is my Southern Legion, which arrived in Clovis City ahead of schedule." Ludwig said solemnly: "As long as I give an order, the militia armed forces that support you will be shattered in an instant, ravaged and massacred in the wail. .”

"I admit that the Southern Army does have this strength, but at most it is at the beginning."

Facing the show of force of the ruling lord, the Minister of War, who was sitting on the Ministry of War and the "hand-cultivated" Storm Legion, was quite disdainful: "You seem to have forgotten that I also have an army, and unlike the Southern Army, they can be justified. Enter the city of Clovis and set up defenses among the narrow and strong buildings to meet the enemy."

"That's true, and I don't deny that the Storm Legion is very strong, but unfortunately they only have less than 8,000 people, while my Southern Legion has more than 20,000 people." Ludwig raised his eyebrows:

"Not only that, the firepower of my legion is also far greater than theirs - as far as I know, all the artillery fire of the Storm Legion is just an artillery battalion. I will treat it as if it has twenty cannons; if I want to block this firepower My southern legion may be quite difficult.”

"Of course, you can also use the hundreds of thousands of militiamen in Clovis City as cannon fodder to delay our legion's attack, or even completely defeat us; the price will be casualties starting at five digits, and the vitality of the National Assembly will be severely damaged. I doubt whether you will be able to organize enough strength in the future to face the imperial invasion army under the banner of the Osterian royal family?"

While speaking, he poked a flag on the sand table with his finger in a slightly provocative manner.

Sophia narrowed her eyes slightly: "My dear brother, your words don't sound like you plan to do business, but more like you want to die with us."

"Dear Sophia, you guessed it right." The smile on Ludwig's face also turned cold: "I am just using our shared demise as a bargaining chip to negotiate with you, right?"

"I'm not a fool, and I still can't see clearly what you and Anson Bach want to do, or why my father is willing to silently support you behind the scenes; but I have always been troubled by one thing - what means can be used to avoid letting go? Are you satisfied?"

"You know, Ansen Bach's previous experiences have given me a lot of inspiration... If you want to get the most benefit from your opponent, then you must first figure out what he cares about most; you must understand that when you think your opponent is When he does something incredible, it’s not because he wants to show off, but because he has no choice but to do it.”

"And he...or your various practices have just verified this logic, and it is also very applicable to Anson Bach's own 'perfect plan'." Ludwig's voice became deeper and deeper:

"You seem to have made a big noise. It seems that the representatives of the National Assembly really 'represent' thirteen provinces. But in fact, apart from themselves, how many people in each province really support this so-called replacement of the National Assembly? I’m afraid the king is still unknown, right?”

"The ones who will really stand unswervingly behind you are still the more than 230 communities in Clovis City. To be more precise, they are the most powerful militiamen currently struggling." Ludwig suddenly laughed. one time:

"If these people suffer heavy casualties, it is probably unknown how powerful the so-called 'National Assembly' will be."

At this moment, he was quite proud. He undoubtedly had the lifeblood of Sophia and Anson... He could withstand the huge casualties of the Southern Legion, but the opposite side absolutely could not bear the heavy casualties of the Clovis City militia. At least there could be no broken bones or broken bones. level of blow, otherwise the so-called "National Assembly" would have no chance of pushing forward.

Their momentum seems to be very large, even compared with the royalists in Clovis City, they can be regarded as a majority; but the real majority, the real "silent majority" who have not yet made a voice, have no influence on Osterley. The rule of the royal family is extremely angry; the Kingdom of Clovis is still far away from everyone hating the nobles.

Therefore, the strong appearance shown by the National Assembly happens to be their biggest weakness!

"It's amazing that you discovered it." Sophia, who squinted her eyes, did not show the slightest surprise, and even seemed very calm: "So, brother, what do you want?"

"Just one."

Ludwig slowly raised his index finger: "Nicholas Osteria, he must live."

"I-I'm afraid you are going to say this now..."

"Don't pretend to be embarrassed, you should know that my requirements are not high." Ludwig said solemnly: "In fact, if I guessed correctly, Anson Bach should not want his hands to be contaminated. The blood of that little king."

"The reason is also very simple. Killing the little king can certainly bring Anson Bach's popularity to the peak among his small group; but his original reputation is already one of the best; in comparison, the regicide can It's not a good reputation, especially for the many ordinary people who still remain loyal to the royal family, who will despise him and his 'comrades' as rebellious officials and traitors."

"What's more, the bloodbath of the Osterian royal family means that they have lost their only common enemy. If the mixed National Assembly loses even the common ground of opposing Ang, the split will probably be just around the corner; for someone as smart as him Unless absolutely necessary, people will never do such a useless thing."

"I see...it seems you already understand." Sophia looked at her brother:

"In this case, no matter whether you make this deal or not, it seems that we will not easily kill the little king; why do you have to pay a bargaining chip that will almost kill us in exchange for an inevitable result?"

"No, even if the results are the same, there is a difference whether you make a promise or not." Ludwig took a half step closer and said, "I hope you can promise me that you will never harm the lives of the young king and the regent and queen mother."

"That's no problem, I agree." The Minister of War was very straightforward and made the decision without thinking:

"But the only promise we can make is not to harm their lives. As for the rest...I'm sorry I can't give you any definite answer."


Ludwig nodded happily: "For the stupid decisions they made, they don't deserve more. Being alive is already the greatest gift - so are you planning to put them under house arrest?"

"Then... please forgive me for not telling you. After all, it involves the core of our plan." Sophia deliberately let it slip, and there was even a little bit of pride in the corners of her eyes:

"How to deal with the royal family can be said to be related to the future of the entire Kingdom of Clovis. You must be very clear about this."

"Just because I know it, I'm most worried that you might do whatever you want..."

Ludwig sighed: "Do you think I plan to continue to support the Royalists and fight for power with you? What I am worried about is the external environment of the entire Clovis; killing a king is fun, but don't forget that the Old World has almost All noble families are in power, and you will put Clovis in an embarrassing situation where everyone is screaming for beatings!"

"Then... don't bother the ruling lord to worry." Sophia snorted, seeming a little dissatisfied: "The most important thing you should do now is not to fulfill your promise as soon as possible?"


Ludwig shook his head helplessly: "Of course I know that."


"So, in half an hour, you should be able to see my 'sincerity'."

While speaking, he suddenly turned his gaze and looked out the window at the leaden clouds.


On the outskirts of Clovis, the Southern Legion position.

Under the trembling eyes of the militiamen, the army that had been silent for a long time finally began to take action: groups of hussars rushed out of the line waving military flags and ran along the ranks of soldiers in the deserted wilderness.

The strange thing is that every time the cavalry passes in front of a company, the originally silent soldiers will let out scattered cheers; the sound is too scattered and vague, even if there are officers with sharp ears on the side of the position, they can hear it. When I arrived, I felt that something was wrong with my body.

But soon, the sound became louder and louder, like a wave after another... When the cheers of the soldiers of the Southern Legion gradually became uniform, when they even put down their weapons and began to wave the military flag At that time, the militiamen finally heard:

"Long live Clovis..."

"National Assembly - long live..."

The cheers that shook the sky were thunderous, and the soldiers of the Southern Legion cheered and rushed to the opposite city. What greeted them were the militiamen who also threw down their weapons and enthusiastically held high the Clovis flag.

Half an hour later, information about the "Rebellion of the Southern Legion" appeared before the Queen Mother Regent.

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