I will be crowned king

Chapter 1166 Not a riot

Ludwig Franz rebelled!

This was the first thought that came to Anne Herred's mind after getting the news. She stood up from the throne in anger: "Come, go to the Prime Minister's Office..."

The words stopped suddenly, and the nervous royal guards stared at the pale Queen Mother, watching her take back the name she was about to say without any warning, and they all lowered their heads in silence.

That's right, Anne Herred herself also reacted - since Ludwig dared to order the army to join the National Assembly, he must no longer be in the Prime Minister's Office.

The little king struggled to sit upright on the throne and looked at his mother. He was surprised to find that his mother, who he had always regarded as a "model of etiquette," was trembling slightly, and some tears could already be seen in the corners of his eyes.

Why, what did I do wrong?

Anne really couldn't figure it out. She was obviously cautious enough, and she was very generous to her subjects. She even ended the mutiny and revitalized the city of Clovis. In politics, she was also trying to maintain a balance between conservatives and innovators. , never abuse the king's privileges, and the person he should win over is also working hard to win over... How did he end up in the current situation?

Not only the traitors in the National Assembly, but also the royalists and standard "power ministers" such as Ludwig Franz abandoned themselves and stood clearly against the royal family - what on earth is going on? , do you think they are all crazy? !

Even a king like Carlos II, who was aloof and never took any responsibility and only knew how to constantly squeeze his subjects, could get the love and admiration of the Clovis people. Why would the results be so different if he did the same thing? ?

I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.

But no matter whether they can figure it out or not, the Osterian royal family has no way out, and there are only two choices left before the regent and queen mother: compromise with the National Assembly and fully accept the other party's conditions, or use the power of the empire Restore Osterian rule over Clovis.

Although she has not really been exposed to politics for a long time, her experience during this period has made the Queen Mother understand that many things go bad because they are often dragged out. Cutting the mess with a quick knife may not achieve the desired results, but it will definitely not be the case. the worst.

"...Tell the National Assembly that after careful consideration, the throne is willing to accept their previous conditions." The moment she spoke, even Anne Herred could feel her own body trembling:

"But His Majesty will never come to the Parliament at this time. Let them organize a delegation to meet His Majesty. The number of people cannot exceed ten and state their demands. As long as it is reasonable, the throne will grant it."


The royal guards hurriedly responded, but just as they were about to stand up, they heard the Queen Mother suddenly speak again: "Also... is there any new progress regarding the news that the empire is preparing to provide assistance?"

The Wang family guard who was just about to leave froze on the spot and opened his mouth, but he seemed to think that he heard something wrong and did not dare to speak out.


After looking at the dull guards, even the young king Nicholas I couldn't help it anymore: "It's time to stop placing your hopes on the one in the empire..."

"Shut up!" Anne, with a bloodless face, interrupted directly. Her cold eyes even made the little king shrink his neck subconsciously:

"Remember, you are the king, and the king will never compromise with the rebellious ministers and traitors, because the status between you is not equal at all; and the empire...or the emperor of Xiaolong City, he and you are the few in the world. There are equals, and he is not just your enemy, he is your uncle."

"The king can compromise with your enemies, but he can never make concessions with traitors. This is the bottom line, do you understand?!"


While the atmosphere in the Osteria Palace was gloomy, a grand parade and celebration was being held in the square just across the wall.

Looking out from the main entrance of the palace, you can easily see the smoke rising into the sky like a festival; the excited militiamen are pulling the triggers into the sky like setting off fireworks, consuming the precious gunpowder in their hands; The surging crowds were crowding the streets of different widths, like rivers flowing into the sea, rushing towards the palace.

And the cheers and shouts like a storm, the shouts of "Long live Clovis" and "Long live the National Assembly" have already filled every corner of the city like air, making everyone watching the riot at this moment tremble with fear.

Although large-scale riots in cities or even territories are not uncommon in the empire, Hantu, Iser... or any country in the world of any order, it is even more rare for an unpopular king or lord to be overthrown. It's commonplace... But in the city of Clovis, the people's actions to overthrow the royal family and end the aristocratic rule are enough to make any scholar who thinks he understands the Clovis people stare wide-eyed.

Everyone has a vague premonition that this amazing change that is destined to change the Kingdom of Clovis will definitely not be limited to Clovis; it will be like the precursor of a storm that will sweep the entire world of Order sooner or later.

Even the royal guards on the palace walls began to waver.

It should be said that with the eliteness of the royal guards and the fortress properties of the palace itself, it would definitely be difficult for the rioting militia to capture it in a short time with the weapons on hand.

The problem is that one day is fine, two days is fine, but what about three days?

The total number of defenders in the palace is only a thousand people, which is nothing compared to the 300,000 militiamen. Not to mention that the southern army has "rebelled"... There is no doubt that no one will doubt that the mob outside is really He did not have the strength to conquer the palace.

And as time went by, more and more rebels, especially armed militiamen, gathered in the square; but even if the gap between the strength of the two sides widened to the naked eye, the protestors still had no momentum to launch an attack, and they did not even look like It was preparing for an attack that was about to begin.

"I stress again, gentlemen, although I am very grateful to you for freeing me from the prison at the Whitehall Street headquarters, if we launch an attack now and use violence to break down the palace gate and bloodbath the royal family, it will not achieve what we want to achieve. It goes against the goal, and has even fallen into the exact same situation as the rebellion in Clovis City in the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar!"

In a tent outside the square, Anson Bach, who was wearing a Clovis flag and a new military uniform, said solemnly:

"The temporary pleasure can certainly make everyone happy, but it is useless to be happy alone. We must use this opportunity to completely establish the supremacy of the National Assembly and the Constitution and the Code, rather than a simple and violent carnival."

After the words fell, the original excitement suddenly cooled down; the representatives who were still looking forward to it suddenly frowned.

"Then what are you going to do, Lieutenant General?" Northport representative William Cecil quickly stepped forward to smooth things over and asked the questions they wanted to ask most:

"Are you negotiating with His Majesty? But all the previous events are enough to prove that Your Majesty and the Queen Mother Regent have no idea of ​​compromise; as long as there is an opportunity, they will not hesitate to kill all of us, even if they have to do so. Clovis will bear a heavy price, and they will never hesitate."

"As your brother, Speaker Christian Bach said, the representatives of the National Assembly are not traitors, the real rebel should be His Majesty!"

"Yes, that's right!"

“The National Assembly is not guilty, we are not guilty!”

More than a dozen representatives couldn't help shouting, and they were so excited that the panic in their hearts was written directly on their faces.

Of course they are afraid... This is a direct confrontation with the royal family that has ruled Clovis for hundreds of years, and there is no way out; if the final outcome is failure, then there is almost no suspense about the fate that awaits them and their families. .

"Yes, we are innocent, and all those who work for the best interests of Clovis and to realize the Constitution are innocent." Anson nodded in agreement:

"But it's not enough for us to realize it ourselves. We must let all the people of Clovis understand it. Only then can we truly reverse this completely unequal relationship between us and the king, and let him fantasize about it ten thousand times in his mind. Scenarios that kill us are not possible."

This...the representatives who looked at each other were stunned, but decided to ask: "What should we do?"

"It's very simple." Anson smiled, but the next second his smile was replaced by serious eyes:

"We will judge the king."

Dead silence, long dead silence.

The representatives who were either excited, excited, or angry just now suddenly seemed to be petrified. They stared at Anson and couldn't say a word. Their expressions seemed to have heard the whispers of the devil. .

"Trial, trial..."

Although he had known part of the other party's plan for a long time, William Cecil was already shocked at this moment and seemed to have lost his soul: "You, you want to judge the king?!"

"It's not me, it's the National Assembly." Anson shook his head and corrected the other party's mistake: "The National Assembly will publicly propose this motion, and then organize all representatives to vote collectively, and finally try Auster in the name of Clovis and the National Assembly. The various faults of the Leah royal family were made, and a final judgment was made that everyone believed was just and completely acceptable."

“Now no matter how much we emphasize that the National Assembly is legitimate, no one except our supporters will pay attention to it, because in their eyes we are just a bunch of people talking about themselves; Osteria The royal family was the true and only ruler of Clovis in their eyes."

"Even if we assume that we really captured the palace today, even bloodbathed the entire royal family, and hung the heads of the young king and the queen mother on the city gate, others will not be convinced by this. They will only think that we are lunatics. They are traitors and cruel regicides; they will not think that following us can create a new Clovis, they will only think that our existence is chaos, misfortune and pain!"

Anson took a deep breath and looked at everyone present who was still silent:

"Of course, if the final collective vote of the National Assembly is to behead the king, then as one of the more than five thousand representatives, I am also willing to accept the result and the price that must be paid to obtain it."

This reply made many representatives present breathe a sigh of relief, and their expressions were obviously much more relaxed than before.

In addition to some people who are indeed afraid of "killing the king", they are more worried that Anson Bach may still sympathize with the royal family due to personal emotional reasons - after all, he can be regarded as a king in terms of age. The youngest lieutenant general in the army, an officer with a minor aristocratic background could be so promoted and re-employed in just a few years. Anyone else would have given up on the royal family.

Now it seems that everyone's worries are completely unnecessary. Anson is still firmly on the side of the National Assembly; as long as he is still there, the War Department and the Southern Army will definitely still be there, and the National Assembly will not lose the army. Support and let the royal family slaughter.

Yes, in the eyes of the representatives of the National Assembly, Anson Bach is basically equivalent to a "military representative."

As for a certain "Minister of War"... Not to mention that the National Assembly was not interested in the royalist-controlled royal cabinet, not to mention that a woman occupying such a high position was enough to make 99% of the representatives male. The National Assembly felt awkward.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the tent; William Cecil, who was standing in the front row, once again "volunteered" to squeeze through the crowd and went out to check the situation.

A few minutes later, the Beigang representative returned to the tent with a playful expression and looked around at everyone present: "He is the representative of His Majesty Nicholas. I hope he can talk to us in private."

As soon as he finished speaking, the representatives present all turned their attention to a certain royal guard chief.

"Since it is His Majesty's good intention, then please invite the other party in." Anson smiled nonchalantly: "Even if you want to judge the other party, you should at least give the person being judged a chance to speak and explain."

The delegates had no objection to this, or they wanted to hear what the king was going to say.

A few minutes later, a familiar royal guard walked into the tent, coughed twice, and said in a deep voice to everyone present: "By His Majesty's decree, I request you to stop this senseless riot immediately, please. Requests for an audience with the National Assembly, but the number shall not exceed ten, in addition..."

"Wait a moment."

Anson suddenly raised his hand and interrupted the royal guard who was reading the king's decree: "It sounds like your majesty... seems to have misunderstood something."


"That's right, His Majesty called what we did a 'riot'. I personally think this term is very inappropriate." Anson suddenly took a step forward: "Please go back and tell Your Majesty immediately that we are not rioting."

"Absolutely not!"

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