I will be crowned king

Chapter 1168 The King and the People

Thirty minutes left the clock, which is when Anne Herred was preparing to contain the National Assembly and Anson Bach, and planned to secretly send the young King Nicholas out of the palace.

"Your Majesty, I've been waiting for a long time."

Outside the west side door of the Osteria Palace, Luther Franz, wearing a coarse black priest's robe, stood beside the carriage, holding a cane in one hand and lifting the brim of his hood with the other, bowing to Nicholas: "I must do it." Everything is fully prepared and ready to go.”

The pale-faced little king nodded, and without even the most basic courtesy, he got into the carriage with the help of two royal guards; he even missed a step when entering the carriage because he was in such a hurry, and almost fell straight into the carriage. fall.

After repeatedly confirming that the master they served was fine, the royal guards finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the archbishop who was watching sincerely: "Then... I leave everything to you."

"Don't worry, you two." Luther Franz nodded expressionlessly: "He is Carlos' only son. As Carlos's godfather, it is my duty to protect his son."

"No matter...what crazy things my children did."

As the words fell, the expressions of the royal guards were obviously a little more embarrassed, and they all put down their right hands that were still vigilant and holding their weapons.

At present, the royalists, the National Assembly and the Ministry of War have all raised the "rebel flag". There are almost no forces in the entire Clovis city that are 100% loyal to the royal family. They want to ensure the safety of the little king and send him away from the center of chaos. Stelia Palace, apart from Clovis Cathedral, there is really no second more suitable place.

But it happens that the archbishop of Clovis is Luther Franz, who is currently the leader of the two major rebel forces in Clovis and the biological father of Ludwig and Sophia...

It is definitely impossible to say that there are no concerns in that regard at all.

But the reality left Anne Herred with no choice - she now dared not hand over the young king to the imperial envoy, or some "friendly people" who were related to her royal brother; not to mention that the rioting people had already handed over the little king to the imperial envoy. All the foreigners in Lowe City were besieged. Even if they weren't, there was no guarantee that some people wouldn't take the opportunity to come up with some bold ideas.

By comparison, the Church of Order, which is at least nominally not allowed to interfere with the secular world, is indeed the safest place.

The carriage moved slowly and very low-key through the streets crowded with protestors; facing the carriages with the logo of the Ring of Order, both the nobles who supported the royalists and the militiamen who supported the parliament showed extreme expressions. Show great respect and politely make way for the other party to pass.

They didn't know the goal of their trip, they were just sitting in the carriage in front of them.

Through the thick car window, the bloodless little king finally calmed down a little and looked blankly at the crowd outside the car window: they lined up very friendly along both sides of the road, holding high the flag of Clovis. , there are even people who stand up specifically to maintain the discipline and order of the team.

The overall atmosphere seemed very harmonious, and everyone looked cheerful. They didn't look like vulgar, brutal and angry rioters at all. They were just like...

"It is not consistent with what Queen Mother Anne Herred said."

Luther, who had an indifferent expression, smiled and said, "Right?"

well? !

Nicholas, who suddenly woke up, turned around and looked at the old man in front of him: "General, Archbishop..."

"Don't be nervous, Your Majesty." Luther Franz cleared his throat and raised his hand to signal the other party to relax: "You are under the protection of Clovis Cathedral, and the protesters outside will never be able to harm you."

"I have no intention of questioning or threatening you. I just saw the confusion on your face. Out of the habit of a priest, I subconsciously wanted to answer your doubts."

"Of course, if you think this is just an old man minding his own business, please..."

"No, no, no! You are right, I, I am really confused now!" The little king, whose eyes lit up, became excited and acted very eagerly: "I heard that you are my father's godfather. I have provided him with a lot of very useful advice on government affairs, is that true?"

"It's too exaggerated. It's just the experience of people who have experienced it."

The old man waved his hand and said humbly and calmly: "As you know, the church cannot interfere in secular affairs; the advice I gave His Majesty Carlos is just an ordinary old man telling stories about his youth."

"It doesn't matter, just some stories and experiences are fine." Nicholas twitched his throat, and sat upright in a daze, respectfully: "I really have too many doubts now, and I hope you can answer them."

"If that's the case, then please ask Your Majesty, and I will try my best to ensure that you are satisfied."

Nicholas nodded vigorously, and his nervous body tensed up even more.

"Um...Your Majesty the Archbishop, I know this kind of question is very offensive, but..." He twitched his throat: "What do you think of everything your eldest son and daughter are doing now?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at the Archbishop's face, for fear of missing some details.

The old man nodded slightly, with a kind look in his eyes: "I understand your thoughts, but... the answer may not make you very satisfied."

"Many people feel that the eternal order guarded by the Ring of Order is flawless. It was born in the era of the Seven Knights thousands of years ago, and has continued, improved, and become more perfect in the following thousands of years, until it is completely Become the absolute supreme, absolutely unquestionable existence in everyone’s mind.”

"But that's not the case... You may not know that if the dragon knight Hered from a thousand years ago saw the empire today, he probably wouldn't think it was what he hoped it would look like; the seven knights at that time were equal to each other. , you can even see the existence of spell casters from the Old God Sect in the emperor’s court.”

"As for the era of sectarian schism that followed, this was even more true. The emperors and lords even used their own way to elaborate on the doctrine of the Ring of Order, and talked to themselves about fighting for God and conquering each other... The church of that era was so weak that He no longer even has the qualifications to explain doctrine.”

"And now, we who live a hundred years after the calendar of saints are even more so - our ancestors a hundred years ago would never have imagined that an apostate could be regarded as a saint, and even customize the calendar based on him; if we let that When the Pope saw such a scene, he would probably angrily accuse us of being heretics who are unfaithful to our faith, right?"

The excited little king suddenly showed a somewhat disappointed look. He lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then looked at the archbishop:

"Then...you mean, it's time for Clovis to make changes?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to interfere with your thoughts." The old man shook his head:

"As the supreme leader of Clovis, you might as well think carefully about what really represents Clovis?"

"Your mother, Her Majesty the Queen Regent, thinks it should be the royal family of Osteria, the National Assembly thinks it should be all the people who pay taxes and have contributed to Clovis, the nobles think it should be all people of noble blood... and you Woolen cloth?"


"Yes, Your Majesty, you should also have your own ideas."

"But mother, I mean the Queen Mother Regent never allows me to make any remarks." The little king seemed aggrieved: "I also understand the reason why she did that, because I will probably say the wrong thing, and if I say the wrong thing There will be a big price to pay.”

"Well... if it's in front of the wrong people, it's like this."

The old man groaned: "But I'm not, I'm just a priest. Church personnel are not allowed to interfere in secular affairs. You can speak freely to me, and there will be no consequences anyway."


"It's absolutely true, Your Majesty." Luther Franz's whole body was filled with a kind aura: "But it doesn't matter."

At that moment, Nicholas' eyes widened with excitement.

In his mind, this was the first time since he ascended the throne and was coronated that someone took the initiative to ask and promised him the opportunity to speak freely; others must maintain the "majesty of the king" even when they are relaxing, otherwise even if they are just a little relaxed, it seems that All of them will bring dust to the crown inherited from their father.

"I...I actually think what those representatives of the National Assembly said is very reasonable!" The little king lowered his voice and hesitated: "My mother always said that they were a group of rebellious thugs, but in fact...if they really They are thugs who should have attacked the palace a long time ago, instead of being such an orderly protest outside...isn't it, Your Majesty the Archbishop?"

"Really, or... there are other reasons?" The old man smiled faintly: "Your Majesty, these are your own opinions and thoughts. I am just your listener and will not interfere with your behavior."

"But I can assure you that in ten minutes, you can arrive at Clovis Cathedral, spend all the things today peacefully, and no longer have to worry about these things."

"Ten, ten minutes?!"

Nicholas, who looked stunned, stood up suddenly, clenched his fist with his right hand and hit the roof of the car hard: "Stop the carriage, quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that he was still surrounded by protestors. His face turned pale and his whole body froze.

"Stop the carriage, are you...sure?" Luther Franz's expression looked very playful:

"The protesters outside... In their eyes, you and the entire royal family have betrayed Clovis and are traitors to this country; if you go out, maybe they will not regard you as a king, but as a criminal."

Crime, criminal... The little king seemed to be frightened, tightening his lips and not daring to make a sound.

"No, they won't, absolutely not."

As if to cheer himself up, the little king kept repeating, his eyes slightly blurred: "The reason why the protesting people think that the royal family has betrayed them is because the royal family has also adopted a hostile posture; but as long as I am willing, Unleash kindness and they will surely understand that is not the case.”

"Yes, but this is just your own opinion, Your Majesty." The old man said lightly, deliberately showing a disinterested expression: "We don't know what the facts are."

"Maybe as soon as you go out, you will be arrested as a criminal by the angry protesters; maybe as soon as they see you, they will think of how the Osteria royal family has committed an unpardonable crime and should be punished with the most brutal means. To resolve the grudge...under such circumstances, do you still insist on stopping the carriage?"

Looking at the little king who was silent and seemed to be at war between heaven and man, the corners of Luther Franz's mouth rose slightly.

The little king looked outside the carriage that was blocked by the curtains, and then at the old man who was watching him quietly, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

"Stop the car, Lord Archbishop." He said solemnly: "Clovis Cathedral... I won't go."


"Absolutely true."

The little king took a breath, his voice still trembling: "I have thought clearly, I am the king, the king of Clovis... No matter how they think of me, I... I... I..."

"I should, should be with them!"

After saying that, he slumped down on the chair as if he had exhausted all the courage in his body.

Luther Franz looked at the little king in front of him with burning eyes, his expression became a little playful.

After a moment, the smiling archbishop suddenly stood up, hunched over and approached the little king, smiling while stroking his chest and saluting:

"According to the order!"


"Long live - long live - long live!!!!..."

"Long live Clovis - long live Nicholas - long live..."

"National Assembly - long live..."

The waves of cheers made Anne Herred on the throne suddenly startle and stand up involuntarily.

She stared intently at Anson Bach at the bottom of the steps. His calm and calm look instantly aroused the anger of the Queen Regent: "You planned this all?!"

"I don't dare." He snorted expressionlessly, and Anson replied directly without lowering his head: "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I don't even know what is happening outside right now."

"Anson Bach, don't act stupid for me there!" The Queen Mother was so angry that her beautiful face became very distorted:

"You are really a model of despicable shamelessness. You actually bribed the Archbishop of the Church of Order... Ha, I forgot. Isn't Luther Franz your earliest investor? Of course he will stand by you. This way!"

"I still have the same words as before. I don't understand what you are talking about at all." Anson shook his head and looked back outside the palace gate: "But listening to the sounds outside, it doesn't seem like a bad thing."

The Queen Regent's face was tangled. At this moment, she was so anxious that she no longer cared about what the damn traitor in front of her said. She was extremely concerned about Nicholas' safety.

Ten minutes later, two royal guards walked into the hall and looked nervously at the Queen Regent on the steps. They knelt down on one knee just a few steps away from Anson.

"Tell me!" Anne Herred's face turned pale: "What's going on... I mean, how is your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is safe and sound." One of the royal guards lowered his head and stammered: "But, but..."

"But His Majesty announced in public that he will place himself under the Constitutional Code and the National Assembly!" Another guard quickly grabbed the words:

"His Majesty also said that he would be judged by the people of Clovis in public and formally review his crimes!"

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