I will be crowned king

Chapter 1169 The King’s Acting Skills

"My father once said this to me when he was still alive... Nicholas, we are Clovis people, and Clovis people are completely different from any country in the world of order."

In the square outside the Osteria Palace, the little king standing on the top of the carriage tremblingly looked around at the crowd of at least thousands of people. He bravely tried to speak in a not too loud voice: "At that time, I was too young to understand the meaning of my father's words."

"But I understand now. It was you...it was your actual actions that made me understand why the Clovis people are so different, and why this magical land was able to give birth to the Saint who created our era. Sark—all of it, thanks to our people, to everyone!”

"Whenever this land comes to an important juncture in its destiny, heroes will stand up from the people regardless of their own safety; it is with the heroes that the Osterian royal family can rule the entire country until today; the royal family may You are not a hero, but you must be a hero’s comrade-in-arms, otherwise you will lose the qualification to continue to be crowned!”

As he spoke, the little king suddenly bowed his waist and saluted all the protesters in the square in silence.

"I want to thank everyone, especially my army, my loyal soldiers... It was your generosity that gave me the opportunity to wake up in time and realize my mistakes; I feel sad for my mistakes and can only say that I have not Reluctantly grateful for any damage done.”

Before he finished speaking, Nicholas suddenly raised his upper body, slammed his right hand into his chest with a clenched fist, and then raised his fist flat to his side, with the center of the fist facing outward.

This is the signature move of "Bare Heart"!

The militia leaders and representatives of various communities in Clovis City who were still watching indifferently were suddenly excited, and they all used the same actions to pay respect to the king; even Teacher Erich felt a little moist in his eyes, and the picture in his field of vision began to Becoming a little blurry.

How many years have it been... They have been in Clovis City, struggling in the War Department, being suppressed, bullied and swallowed by officers with higher status and more privileged backgrounds; never thought that one day they would be able to see the king's face with their own eyes, or even Got such a warm greeting.

There were no orders, no slogans... The militiamen at the scene spontaneously adjusted their formation, rifles on their shoulders, heads held high, and chins tightened; they stood proudly like an army waiting for the king's review.

The inexplicable and indescribable atmosphere even infected the ordinary protesters around, and there were even slight sobs in the crowd.

"I would also like to thank you, the beloved representatives of the National Assembly, for coming to Clovis City in the name of the 13 provinces across the country to participate in discussing national affairs; I should have participated with you at the first time, but I was Tradition and various worries have tied their hands and feet, leading to many misunderstandings between the two parties."

The little king turned his head and extended his hand to the parliamentary representatives: "Now I completely understand that since I have approved the parliamentary bill, I should naturally be the first to follow it; therefore I declare that from now on, the people All parliamentary processes are fully autonomous by the parliament and are no longer subject to the control of the royal family.”

"In addition, the Constitutional Code, as a precious document voted by the National Assembly on behalf of all the people of Clovis, of course also has the right to govern me; after all, I am also the son of a Clovis people!" Nicholas blushed, immature His voice combined with his unusually mature tone showed some strange anomaly:

"After all, where is the father who makes a decision and the son refuses to follow it?"

"Long live the King—!"

Almost before Nicholas finished speaking, loud cheers came from the crowd; a representative from the Central Province cheered and clapped desperately: "Long live Nicholas I!"

His mood soon affected everyone around him. Representatives who had not yet reacted also came forward one after another. Thunderous applause began to burst in the square, and at the same time, shouts came one after another:

“Long live the King – Long live Nicholas I –!!!!”

"Long live the National Assembly - Clovis - long live -!!!!"

"Hurray Clovis-!!!!"

Even the royalist members who had been "forced" to participate in this protest march were looking more excited than the others at the moment, looking at the young figure at the top of the carriage with tears streaming down their face.

He only wore an ordinary soft hat and a long-sleeved coat that was not colorful; but the sunlight shining down from the sky seemed to have paired him with a crown and a golden cloak.

"The people of Clovis -" the little king took a deep breath, raised his hands high, and made a gesture above his head like his hands were shackled:

"I hereby officially declare that at this moment... you have conquered your own king!"

“Long live the King—!!!!”

The endless sea of ​​people in the square went completely crazy. They cried, they cheered, they shouted... They used all imaginable ways and gestures to celebrate the victory at this moment.

No matter whether they had resented or hated the royal family and King Nicholas I, all their hatred had disappeared at this moment; the joy allowed them to spontaneously express their support for His Majesty the King.

Of course, some people are happy and others are dissatisfied... Some representatives of the "Black Flag Party" who call themselves "Black Flag Party" hid behind the crowd, watching the performance of the little king with cold eyes, expressing their uncooperative attitude with silence.

In addition, there is the Southern Legion. Their situation is actually a bit embarrassing... They originally arrived in Clovis Town to suppress the rebellion as ordered, but as soon as they arrived, they were ordered to join the rebellion. Now it seems that there is no rebellion anymore...

For a while, these soldiers really couldn't figure out why they went to Clovis City with so much effort. They went back and forth like they seemed to have done something and yet they seemed to have done nothing. It was really a bit confusing. stupid.

But the vast majority of people are still extremely excited about this... No matter how fierce they are in shouting, they cannot deny that the Osteria family has ruled Clovis for hundreds of years, and this is a period that the entire kingdom has truly documented history; The prestige and deep-rooted influence accumulated over centuries cannot be easily defeated by a few rumors.

Even as long as the royal family is willing to make concessions and compromises, even if it is just superficial, the National Assembly will definitely discuss it as long as it can, and will never take the initiative to force it - except for the Storm Legion, which is clearly on their side. , the National Assembly does not really have its own armed forces. Of course, it is not a last resort and it absolutely does not want to evolve into a direct violent conflict and confrontation.

"I really didn't expect that a few words of advice from you would have such an effect."

Behind the cheering crowd, Sophia silently walked to her father's carriage, put the window on the carriage and said in a sour tone: "In just a few minutes, all our hard work for so long has been in vain."

Facing his daughter's jealousy and complaints, the archbishop just laughed softly. This attitude of not accepting the call made the Minister of War somewhat annoyed. She almost couldn't remember what she looked like when she was lectured by her father: "You Don’t you have anything to say?”

"No, but it sounds like you really want me to say something." There was a clear smile in the old man's voice:

"I'm just lamenting that my daughter is still so humble and polite that it's really interesting to think that a few words from her old father can turn the situation around and change someone's mind - even if that person is the king."


The girl couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: "You mean, these actions are Nicholas's own thoughts, or..."

"...Did he act out on purpose?"

"I don't know, maybe yes, maybe not." The old man still chuckled: "But if someone performs to this extent to achieve his goal, what do you think his reason for doing this would be?"

"Are you going to tell me the answer?"

"Of course I would if I knew, but I don't."

Luther Franz knocked on the car window: "My dear Sophia, maybe in your eyes all the established results are what you want most, but sometimes the reality may not be the case; you must always consider when things are out of control. How should you respond to the control you have?”

"That kind of world is the one that truly has a future."


As the "reconciliation" was completely reached between the king and the National Assembly, the original protest team turned into a sea of ​​celebration: representatives of the National Assembly surrounded Nicholas' carriage, and the militiamen of Clovis spontaneously formed a guard of honor. The road opened in front, and people happily surrounded this large team and started the parade with ten times the original angry enthusiasm.

The team first went from the Osteria Palace to the White Lake Park, but soon the road was blocked because of the overcrowding of enthusiastic crowds, and they had to take a detour to Friedrich Street; the people who originally "disappeared" at the beginning of the protest The Whitehall Street policemen suddenly appeared again at this time and began to rely on their rich experience to maintain order on the streets so that the representatives could follow the king around his city.

Every time they arrived at a community, local representatives would immediately jump out to promote the characteristics of their street to the little king and how much they had contributed to the kingdom and the city of Clovis.

These words are inevitably exaggerated, but no matter what the other party said, Nicholas nodded in agreement, and would even praise the people in the community based on the representative's words at the end of the visit; this kind of incomparable intimacy This move brought tears to the eyes of the surrounding crowd, cheering that they had another wise king.

And now that there is a beginning, then the communities behind will definitely not miss such a golden opportunity... So the little king had to visit street by street along the inner city, accompanied by the warm and hospitable community representatives, listening to Several of them boasted in the same way, and then offered blessings with no difference at all.

This process lasted for almost two or three hours, and it was not until late afternoon that the parade finally arrived at Baihu Park. Fortunately, the representatives from the outer city did not make similar requests.

But even so, the entire city of Clovis was already boiling; people rushed to tell each other that His Majesty Nicholas I was a king who was truly willing to stand side by side with his people, and was a friend of the National Assembly, not an enemy.

Under the setting sun in the evening, more than 5,000 representatives gathered in the center of the square where the Parliament is located, and formally held a "trial" as previously announced - but different from the original goal, no representative jumped out to accuse. Nicholas's fault, even if there were some who were really angry, was fooled in the name of "throne" and did not directly target Nicholas himself.

The young king also cooperated throughout the process and never made any refutation of the faults raised by the National Assembly. He admitted them all without reservation; and promised that no matter whether he had really done these things or not, the throne would never make similar mistakes again. .

The entire meeting ended with a grand reconciliation between the throne, the royalists and the National Assembly. Both parties expressed their willingness to make concessions, such as the National Assembly recognizing the status of nobles, and the royalists also joining the National Assembly.

Everything seemed to have come to an end, everything seemed to have finally reached an ending that at least seemed manageable.


Osteria Palace, inner court.

Before the little king returned to his room, he was blocked outside the door by a cold-faced Anne Herred. The latter's expression was extremely ugly and she was about to get angry, but was intercepted directly.

"I understand what you want to say, mother." Nicholas raised his eyes: "No, it should be said that I finally understand now why you always had to compromise and tolerate with them before... Yes, I understand everything."

"Nicholas, you..."

Looking at the unusually calm son in front of her, who was completely different from the past, Anne Herred's anger disappeared, leaving only unspeakable worry: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, in fact... I'm very good now." The little king nodded, and smiled as if he was in a trance: "Yes, our enemies are very powerful. They have brought down the entire city of Clovis, along with them. The army was no longer loyal to the royal family and turned everyone into traitors with their demagogic rhetoric."

"The current royal family of Osteria, not to mention the city of Clovis, may not be able to find many allies even in the entire kingdom... Those local forces have been bribed by traitors and used the money they took from me. Power is bought.”

"For me, there is only one way left to take back this country that belongs to me, and that is to let my former enemies destroy them, set fire to Clovis City, and kill at least 100,000 people before I can hope to get everything back on track. ;Yes, apart from this, we have no choice, so mother..."

Nicholas twitched his throat and looked at the nervous Queen Mother with burning eyes:

"Write a letter to my uncle in the empire. I... need his help very much now!"

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