I will be crowned king

Chapter 1171 The Definition of Evolution


Anson spread his hands, looking completely unconcerned: "So if you decide to kill me, you can do it now."

"Of course, if you don't mind, it's best to buy me a glass of good rum before doing anything, what do you think?"

"Oh?" A look of confusion suddenly appeared on the smiling Makiya's face: "How do you know I have good rum here?"

"Because this is Lunde Manor, the wine cellar in Lunde Manor is definitely of the best quality no matter what type it is." Anson suddenly sat upright and looked at the other party seriously:

"If not, it must be because this wine cannot be called 'top'."

Although he was speaking to the magic apostle in front of him, Anson's corner of his eye had already glanced at Lisa August, who was wearing a cute doll-like outfit and dressed like a little princess from head to toe.

To be more precise, it should be Thalia August Rune who temporarily "borrowed" this body.

"Dear Machia, when the Rune family left Lunde Manor, they took this house and the surrounding territory with them, and also took with them a rich enough wine cellar, which contained various wines that the family had collected from all over the world in the past thousand years. Fine wines to entertain father’s old and new guests.”

Thalia inadvertently held down Anson's right hand, a look of pride arose spontaneously: "If you say that you can't serve the guests with wine at this time, it would be an insult to the Luen family."

"This is really... beyond my expectation." Machiya was stunned for a moment, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

"But I guess you two didn't come here specifically for the fine wines of Lund Manor, so..." He spread his hands and looked like a saint listening to the prayers of believers:

"You might as well tell your wishes truthfully, and I will definitely satisfy you."

As soon as the words fell, Anson and Thalia's eyes quickly met and then moved away, showing a tacit understanding.


"...'Wish' Apostle Machia, his law itself is the most important part of his behavioral logic; integrating the law into himself, or turning the law into himself, is the biggest feature of the evolutionary path of 'cursed magic'."

On the carriage leading to Lunde Manor, the expression of the girl who temporarily borrowed her sister's body was more serious than ever: "As long as you come into contact with it, you are in a head-on collision with His laws. It is best to be interfered by it anytime and anywhere." .”

"Thalia has never mentioned these things in the past, including those apostles who are still alive in the world, because dear Anson could not understand it at all at that time. Even if she knew all this, it would not be helpful at all except adding trouble." The girl is elegant. A smile:

"And now Anson is a qualified evolver; especially through the magic method. Meeting with Machia is no less than a confrontation of laws between the two of you; even if it is not much, Thalia must tell her what she knows. Tell Anson all the information, no matter how big or small."

"This is also the responsibility of a fiancée."

Anson couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Perhaps to cover up her shyness, the drunken girl turned her gaze to the forest outside the window: "The logic of Machia's 'wish' law is very simple and clear: Make a wish to him, and he will fulfill any of your wishes, but at the same time it also means that you You must accept the erosion and interference of His laws on yourself; your spirit and will are at risk of being controlled by Him."

"If Thalia's prediction is correct, no matter what dear Ansem's purpose is, Machia will put forward the suggestion of 'making a wish'. As long as you accept it, it means that you will actively accept interference from his laws - for a conjurer, it is equivalent to actively giving up yourself. The law is very deadly."

"So..." Thalia looked at him deeply:

"It depends on how Anson refuses and still gets the information you want."


"I have a better suggestion." Anson raised his eyebrows calmly: "Since we are all conjurers, we might as well use the method of conjurers to solve the problem."


A trace of surprise flashed in Machia's eyes: "You... want to argue with me?"

"No, I got the information I wanted from you, and at the same time expelled you, the 'uncertain factor', from the current Clovis City." Anson spread his hands frankly:

"But I am not your opponent. Even with the protection from Rune, there is no guarantee that you will not make some small moves, so I think it is better to decide the outcome in a way that everyone can accept. What do you think?"

I thought?

Machia, who was biting a cigar, looked around, took a deep breath, and blew out delicate smoke rings one after another at the opposite side: "I think... this is really a perfect plan, isn't it?"

An Sen, whose face remained calm, felt a chill in his heart.

He had been prepared for his thoughts to be seen through from the very beginning. After all, it would be too arrogant to try to escape the apostle's eyes with a mere blasphemy of the mage's ability.

But since entering the city of Clovis, the only time he has really used the "Plan" law was against the assassination of Maurice Périgord; theoretically, Machiya should not have seen his law with his own eyes, but the other party I still understand the principles of the "Plan" law, and even the conditions are completely expected.

"No need to pretend, I know your purpose of coming; don't worry, I have long lost interest in this world. Boredim's failure is enough to prove that evolvers have no future; the so-called perfect evolution, beyond the three true gods Advanced life forms are probably just an unrealistic delusion."

Machia spoke slowly, his eyes following the swirling smoke: "As someone who has been here, I suggest you put down this delusion as soon as possible."

"What a blasphemous statement." Thalia frowned slightly, her eyes full of disgust: "As an apostle, you should be the leader of the true God's believers, but you have degenerated to the point where you have completely given up on your old ideals. Is it done?"

"Ideals? Ideals are just wishes that cannot be realized; false wishes that even the Boridim cannot realize. How can we succeed now that we have to compromise with weak lives to survive?"

While speaking, Machia turned his attention to the other figure opposite: "What do you think?"

This is about to begin... Anson's heart moved slightly:

"I think your idea belongs to the self-abasement of losers and has no reference value; there are many forms of evolution, just like the curse mage pursues to create his own laws, the blood mage shapes eternal life - perfect evolution Form cannot be generalized; the failure of one may not be the reason for the success of another.”

"be opposed to."

Machia, who was biting a cigar, showed a meaningful smile: "The so-called 'variety' is just pure rhetoric. Perfection is perfection, and it is powerful without reason; just like you and me now... we can't have something." The form can prove that your power is greater than mine, right?"

"Of course!" Anson's lips raised slightly:

"For example... you went to great lengths to form the so-called Black Flag Party in the city of Clovis in an attempt to completely break the National Assembly and the Royalist Party and plunge the Kingdom of Clovis into chaos; but I didn't do anything extra. It resolves this contradiction and allows the two conflicting factions to achieve reconciliation, which is also a powerful form."

"Excellent argument... If it were in the Borridim era, I would probably find a way to snatch you away from that bastard Rune."

Machia praised him without hesitation, but then changed the topic randomly: "But you know, maybe I don't need such complicated means at all; just a small thought, let someone who is full of hatred for Clovis City promise An impulsive wish can turn you all into ashes."

"Yes, it is easy to do what you want to do with your strength, but what does that result mean to you?" Anson questioned: "Become a pawn of the Holy See to check and balance Clovis, or to unite Clovis. It is a tool for all citizens and even the entire ordered world to be recognized and followed.”

"My respected Machia, this does not even depend on your will. There are only a few apostles, but the ones who really dominate the old continent are the humans who were most looked down upon by the evolvers in the past."

"From the Old World to the New World, even where the Boredim once were has become a territory controlled by humans; spellcasters once had their own golden age, but that is already in the past."

Thalia, who was sitting next to him, leaned sideways and looked at her fiancé with a motionless gaze, not concealing her admiration for him at all.

"Yes, according to your logic, it seems that no matter what I do, I can't escape the end of being exploited, but Anson Bach... you, and the Luen family, isn't it the same?"

He raised his hand and pointed at Anson: "Without your intervention, it would have been impossible for the colonies in the New World to escape the control of the empire. You have personally reversed the history of mankind and become the Free Confederacy to gain freedom, at least what they think of as freedom. A tool, isn’t it?”

"Absolutely correct." Anson did not refute this time, with a meaningful smile on his lips:

"But humans usually call this tool a hero."

Machia's expression was no longer as calm as it was at the beginning, and he had obviously guessed Anson's argument; his previous actions had put him in an extremely disadvantageous situation, and no matter what, he seemed to be unable to find any argument that could completely refute the other party.

After all, this is indeed a field that he is not good at, and the accumulation of time becomes meaningless at this moment; no matter how good a spellcaster is, it is impossible to have a thorough understanding of the historical process of mankind.


"...But in the final analysis, our goal is not to win against Machiya, but to seek cooperation; since we want to cooperate, at least it should not be too ugly on the surface, and we must let the other party feel our sincerity."

Anson concluded: "Being able to get Machia to give up his agreement with the Holy See and stand on our side or stay as neutral as possible is very important for the next plan."

"Thalia's suggestion is that dear Anson, it's better not to have too many expectations." The girl shook her head, obviously not very optimistic about his idea: "All the apostles...including my father, are extremely stubborn. Existence cannot be easily shaken.”

"That's true, but what if my goal isn't to change His mind, but just His attitude?"

Anson chuckled and asked: "Previous events have proved that Machiavelli does not actually want to serve the Holy See, and what he did was just to not violate his previous agreement; as long as this is not affected, we can completely be with Him. friend."

"But He wants to kill you." Thalia said silently: "Dear Ansem, how do you gain the friendship of an apostle who is ready to kill you whenever he meets you?"

"The fundamental reason why Machiavel wants to kill me is that he cannot break his promise with the Holy See; then the solution to the problem is very simple, as long as he is not allowed to break his promise." Anson spread his hands:

"In the worst case, I'll let Him kill you once."

Anyway, the power of his blood can resurrect himself on the spot, so of course he doesn't care about this kind of thing that much; rather, if he can use this opportunity to help the opponent get rid of the shackles of the promise, Anson actually doesn't have any psychological pressure.

But Thalia obviously didn't think so. She frowned and looked at the person in front of her silently, but hesitated to speak.


"It seems that in this regard, I have fallen into a rut."

After a brief silence, Machia admitted his failure very frankly: "Anson Bach, you are indeed an excellent conjurer. I admit this - you have to risk being killed by me to realize your wish. Is it really worth it?”

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not. The question is... it's part of the plan." Anson quietly took out the pipe from his arms and replied softly:

"My law is exactly the opposite of yours, Lord Machia; the first step of 'desire' is to satisfy others, and if you want to plan in advance, you must always get something from others."

"This time, I need your friendship; without the help of Machia, who can grant other people's wishes, my plan will never succeed; so even if you ask me to make a wish to you anyway, I will agree."

"That's really... so interesting." Machia narrowed her eyes slightly: "Anyone makes a wish just to satisfy themselves, but you, Anson Bach... do it to satisfy others."

"But I don't need you to make a wish to me... Regarding the Black Flag Party, I have indeed fulfilled several of their wishes, but if you need it, I can no longer help them from now on."

Machiya's attitude seemed very casual, and her expression seemed as if she had voluntarily given up her once beloved toy to someone else.

"Thank you for your generosity, but I don't need you to give up the Black Flags."

"Oh, then what you want is..."

"Nicholas Osteria." Anson said in a deep voice:

"I want to know what your reason is for helping him."

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