I will be crowned king

Chapter 1172 Nicholas’ despair

In the empty palace, the lost little king stared at the mirror in front of him, which reflected his shocked and uneasy expression.

He held his head in his hands, cold sweat mixed with blood sliding down between his fingers, his bloodshot pupils trembling slightly, his body limp and weak, like an empty shell with his soul stripped away.

In the dead air, countless possibilities flashed through his mind: maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe he just came at the wrong time, maybe his previous attitude was not respectful enough and offended the shadow hidden in the mirror.

Without it, I am probably still the little puppet king who can only rely on his mother's breath. How could he stand up in public and face thousands of traitors and protesters based on his own knowledge and abilities? The audacity to lie.

[…My respected Majesty Nicholas, you don’t have to worry about anything. If there is really a dangerous situation, just make a wish to me…]

[...No need for any ceremony, let alone prayer, as long as you make a wish to me silently in your heart, you can realize any wish you have, any...]

Nicholas' heart couldn't help but bleed. He regretted... regretted why he clung to that meaningless pride and self-esteem, why he didn't directly order the shadow hidden in the mirror to kill Anson Bach and Ludwig Franz. Those damn traitors!

In fact, the little king knew deep down in his heart that the "shadow" hiding in the mirror was probably related to the three old gods. The person hiding behind might even be a powerful spell caster of the old gods; although he was young, But as the royal family that has ruled Clovis for hundreds of years, the Osteria family's background is not so shallow that they don't even know anything about this kind of thing.

But Nicholas didn't care. He even made up his mind to take advantage of the other party and regarded this "shadow" who refused to show up as an important trump card in his hand. One who could not only provide him with various suggestions, but also handle many " Trouble" is an important trump card.

It’s just that, as the King of Clovis, I can’t have anything to do with evil things like the Old Gods and magic. Even if I know about it, I have to pretend to know nothing to avoid being caught by outsiders... Unless it’s a last resort, it’s better. It's better not to let outsiders discover that you have this power.

In the end, because of this reserve, the last chance to easily eliminate the traitor was missed...


Suddenly, crisp footsteps came from outside the palace. The distracted little king immediately stood up like a frightened rabbit, turned his back to the empty mirror, and stared at the direction of the sound: "Who?!"

"It's me, Your Majesty." The familiar voice of the royal guard sounded outside the door: "I just heard something moving inside. Did something happen?"

"Motion, what's the noise?"

Nicholas said without thinking, his eyes flickering: "Ah...it's no big deal, don't worry; I'm very busy now, don't come over to disturb me!"

The sound outside the door suddenly fell into silence. The little king, who was staring at the door, felt his heartbeat speeding up, his mouth was dry, and his limbs were numb.


After a long time, maybe only a dozen seconds, a respectful response from the royal guards came from outside; through the gap in the door, Nicholas could still see the shadow of the other party, and he was about to turn around and leave.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the Wang family guards outside the door suddenly stopped:

"There is one more thing that Her Majesty the Queen Mother Regent has asked you to ask for instructions from. The letter sent to Xiaolong City has been sent. What should the throne do next? Should we continue to deal with the traitors who are plotting rebellion, or... "

The respectful royal guards outside the door made confused sounds.

The little king's throat twitched with his back to the mirror, and cold sweat kept sliding down his back.

What to do? How does he know what to do?

In the past, I always asked about the "shadow". No matter how little information I provided or how tricky the content of the inquiry was, the other party was able to make an extremely accurate judgment and give me a number of different suggestions for my choice and reference.

But now, there is no second shadow to help him.

The frowning little king's mind was in a mess. He kept thinking about countermeasures and panicked about how he could deal with it.

Perhaps because the silence in the room lasted for too long, the royal guard outside the door finally couldn't help but said: "Some members of the royal family have made a suggestion to transfer some assets out of Clovis City through the church bank. , and then find a way to contact the Hered royal family in the empire, and ask them to prepare in a town on the border. Once they find an opportunity, they will transfer you, Your Majesty, to a safe place and leave Clovis City, a place of right and wrong."

"But there are also some members of the royal family who believe that Your Majesty should not leave. The Osteria Palace is the last bastion of the throne. Once you lose it, Your Majesty will likely lose your authority completely, and you may even risk becoming a puppet in the hands of the Emperor. .”

"The two views are at odds within the royal family, and I would like to ask His Majesty to adjudicate the matter."

After the words fell, the royal guards fell silent again, waiting for the little king's response.

He even thought that what he said was very clever. He not only analyzed the pros and cons of the two methods for His Majesty, but also expressed his preference very quietly - the king of Clovis must not become a puppet of the empire!

However, just when the royal guards were feeling complacent, the little king's trembling voice finally came from behind the door:

"Mother...Her Majesty the Queen Mother...what did she say?"

The Queen Mother... didn't she say that everything will be decided by you from now on? Why suddenly... the royal guards were stunned, but they had to answer because of their responsibilities:

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother Regent means that your safety should come first; even if you don't need the emperor's help in the end, you should try your best to make preparations in this regard."

"Then do as Her Majesty the Queen Mother wishes!" Nicholas, who was numb all over, almost blurted out. At this moment, he was completely confused and just wanted to get rid of this damn problem as soon as possible: "Transfer the royal family's assets through the church bank, as soon as possible Contact the empire and find an opportunity to leave Clovis City!"

"...as you command."

Although he was not satisfied with this order, the royal guards faithfully carried out the order and turned around to leave.

The little king was left slumped on the ground, soaked in cold sweat, hugging his frail body tightly, with panic and anxiety on his face.


"The royal family is finally starting to take action."

In the smoking room on the second floor of the Shotgun Club, the "Red Heart" members sitting around the long table looked attentively at Teacher Erich sitting next to the head seat and the letter he was holding in his hand:

“According to our informants within the Royal Bank and Osteria Palace, the royal family members are secretly transferring assets belonging to the royal family through the church bank, including but not limited to shares in factories and mines, title deeds to manors and forest farms, and large chambers of commerce. With shares in the company...and many of the palace’s treasures, fabrics, gold.”

"All the evidence points to the same answer. The Osteria royal family is secretly planning an escape and fleeing from Clovis City!"

Erich took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "Everyone, do you understand what this means?"

After the heavy words fell, the atmosphere in the smoking room suddenly became a little tense.

Among the people who were looking at each other, Colonel Fabian, the current Minister of the Interior of the Ministry of War, suddenly knocked on the table and looked at the other people present calmly:

"I think the answer couldn't be simpler. His Majesty Nicholas' inspiring speech before was just a cover to deceive all Clovis people and delay time; the fact is that he still does not trust the thousands of Clovis people. The National Assembly still wants to kill us all."

"Of course, there is another possibility." Taping the table gently, Fabian changed the subject:

"As we all know, the person who currently holds the real power on the throne is the Queen Regent. Perhaps our Majesty the Queen Mother, who has the blood of the Hereid royal family, plans to kidnap His Majesty the King and use it as a bargaining chip for her to bargain with the Emperor?"

Before he finished speaking, even Fabian himself couldn't help but flash a smile.

It wasn't that he thought the probability of the latter was extremely low, but that there was actually no essential difference between the two guesses; but the moment he said it, the former Guards officer had already guessed how the others would react.

"It must be so!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a "Red Heart" member across from him knocked on the table hard, stared with eyes like bells and roared indignantly: "The traitor of Clovis, the descendant of the imperial royal family, kidnapped Our king!"

"We must act as soon as possible to mobilize other members of the shotgun club and the militias of all communities to stop this huge conspiracy that is likely to destroy the entire Clovis. We must not let the vicious and despicable imperial people succeed!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"

"His Majesty Nicholas is my king who belongs to the people of Clovis, and he must not fall into the hands of the imperial people!"

"Save the king, save Clovis!"

...The people around him responded one after another, their expressions becoming more impassioned than the others, as if they wished they could organize an army now, rush into the Osteria Palace, and snatch the little king back from the arms of the regent and queen mother.

As for whether all this is true...that is not within the scope of everyone's consideration.

Teacher Erich was not that excited. With a frown, he avoided the shouting companions around him, sneaked up to Fabian, covered his mouth and lowered his voice and whispered:

"About this matter...what does Lieutenant General Anson Bach think?"


"Me? What can I say?"

In Franz's residence, Ludwig, who looked unhappy, wanted to say to Sophia, who was sitting opposite him and was gloating about her misfortune: "Congratulations on someone's guess being correct, or do you want to apologize for my failure to support your idea before?"

"There's no need to apologize. As Minister of War of Clovis, I still have the courage to do so." Enjoying breakfast beautifully, the corners of the girl's mouth almost raised to the sky: "It's better to congratulate me."

"Congratulations...congratulations to you?"

"Congratulations to me for seeing through the true ugly face of the Osteria royal family and not being blinded by their performances and disguises like most of you." Sophia said with a proud look on her face:

"Now that their fox tail has been exposed, they still think smugly that they can easily take away such a large amount of assets from Clovis City? Haha... the protection of the Order, it is simply a dream!"

"I, Sophia Franz, am personally here to monitor every gold coin in Clovis City. If you want to take the money away without my consent, it is simply a dream!"

The girl puffed up her chest proudly. As an expert who has been handling various financial issues on behalf of her father all year round, she definitely has this confidence.

"I also think you can do it, but there is a small problem - the royal family's assets are not under your control as the Minister of War, or even as the ruler. No one has the authority except His Majesty the King. Ask." Ludwig sneered:

"What if they just want to transfer their assets to another place, or even have an edict signed by the king himself?"


"It's very simple, we just need to monitor the direction of asset transfer."

Anson smiled and said: "As long as we know which direction the royal family will transfer their assets at the next stop, we can roughly judge whether they intend to re-erect the royal flag in Clovis and call on the nobles and troops who are still loyal to the royal family to destroy us. It’s better to seek asylum from the empire and prepare to let the empire’s army crush us rebels.”

"So, the key to the matter lies in the time of property transfer." Christian Bach on the other side of the sofa crossed his fingers and tapped the back of his hand lightly with his fingertips:

"In order to avoid attracting the attention of others, they will definitely transfer a small amount secretly, and at the same time transfer the largest sum at the last moment; here is the key; the day when all the assets are transferred will definitely be the day when the royal family plans to officially escape. "

"It is conceivable that our Queen Mother Regent will not trust outsiders in this matter, even members of the royal family. She will definitely handle this matter personally; and in order to ensure the safety of His Majesty Nicholas, she will definitely choose to always be with us. Stay with His Majesty the King."

"What we have to do is to speed up their escape time." Anson nodded slightly: "Give them a reason, or a reason why they have to leave as soon as possible, forcing them to rush and expose more flaws."

"This is easy to handle." Christian chuckled and said:

"Didn't His Majesty publicly announce his 'surrender' to the National Assembly? We might as well use this excuse to confirm that His Majesty will open the Osteria Palace to the outside world and accept the audience of his subjects, so that he can feel the enthusiasm of the Clovis people!"

The previous chapter was blocked. Kong Kong doesn’t know why yet, and is still working hard to unblock it...

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