I will be crowned king

Chapter 1173 The Price of Public Opinion

The moment the words fell, the two people's faces showed coincident smiles.

Obviously, this is a proposal that the Queen Mother Regent will never agree to: opening the Osteria Palace and allowing ordinary people to enter and exit at will and even meet His Majesty is tantamount to weakening the authority of the throne.

But the young king has already let out his words before. If he refuses openly at this time, it will inevitably appear to be contradictory and make the National Assembly doubt the attitude of the throne; and if he agrees...it will expose the royal family's every move to the public. There is no room for secrecy and privacy.

"If my prediction is good, Her Majesty Anne Herred will agree first, and then use various excuses and reasons to delay the time." Christian was confident:

"At this time, newspapers in the media and the Prime Minister's Office need to take advantage of the opportunity to build momentum... I have spoken privately with the Ludwig administration. The Whitehall Street police will fully cooperate with us and turn a blind eye to the protestors. One eye will never interfere.”

"As for the newspapers...the arrival of the distinguished Minister Sophia Franz is enough to set off a momentum that shakes the entire city of Clovis and even the country, letting everyone know that there are treacherous people who are preventing the king from meeting his subjects."

Anson nodded slightly and took the pipe from the corner of his mouth: "Then it is best for someone to stand up at this time and force the Queen Mother Regent to accept our 'suggestion'. At the same time, she must have the ability and qualifications to guarantee that there will be no harm to the royal family. Any harm, and will step forward in critical moments to clean up the crisis."

"Obviously, this person cannot be me - now I am the Speaker of the National Assembly, and I have also said that the traitor is His Majesty, which is completely untrustworthy in the eyes of the royal family."

Christian sighed: "At the same time, it can't be you. The Queen Mother has arrested you before. Even if the conflict is finally resolved, the seeds of estrangement have been planted. Things like grudges are not easy to disappear."

"That's right." Anson agreed: "But it's best for this person to be a soldier, and someone who actually holds military power."

"At the same time, he must be trusted by everyone, and he must be a good-natured person with a good reputation."

Christian added: "If he looks convincing, the Queen Mother will be willing to listen carefully and adopt his advice without opening his mouth."

"Yes, you still have to be flexible."

"You must have enough understanding to fully understand the key points of the entire plan."

"You must be able to execute the plan unswervingly."

"Well, you still have to have your own opinions and be able to control the situation."

"The most important thing is that it must be reliable." Anson concluded: "It must be someone we can trust 100%. There is absolutely no possibility of being bribed by the enemy."

Christian nodded slightly in agreement.

Then the two of them tacitly turned their attention to Carl Bain, who was eating in the corner of the room and just glanced here. The latter's attention was obviously focused on the breakfast carefully prepared by Mrs. Bogner. Didn't hear what was being said here at all.

"Uh...why are you looking at me?"


Facts have proved that when people start to worry about many things, they often have already happened, and they always unfold in the least expected way.

Just like Anne Herred, what she hopes most now is that the group of traitors in Clovis City can temporarily calm down and celebrate their just-obtained "victory", preferably until they receive a reply from the empire. .

When the National Assembly requested to open the Osteria Palace and allow representatives and ordinary people to enter the palace to see His Majesty the King, a very bad premonition began to sprout in her heart.

Sure enough... only half a day later, the news that "The King is about to open the palace and allow ordinary people to visit" began to appear on the front pages of major newspapers in Clovis City.

Prompted by the previous young king Nicholas who traveled around the inner city and gave a speech in public, Clovis City cheered and cheered; the National Assembly called this "the ultimate reconciliation between the king and his subjects", and the citizens of Clovis City Take this as a sign that the turmoil is over and everything is finally going normal.

After all, in the final analysis, no one likes riots or mutinies. The vast majority of militiamen who take up arms only want to protect their families and lives, and at the same time strive to live a better and more dignified life than they are now; extremes such as the Black Flag Party want Those who want to completely overthrow the royal family are still in the minority.

As a result, the city of Clovis was rejoicing, and Nicholas I and the royal family's reputation completely got rid of the haze of Carlos II's unexpected death and reached an unprecedented height; everyone was looking forward to the young king being able to get rid of the old evils and lead the Clovis moves into a new era!

Anne Herred was embarrassed.

Out of her true nature, she definitely does not want to open the Osteria Palace - in the name of Hered, this kind of behavior that completely exposes the noble royal family to the common people's view is simply rebellious!

But given the current situation, if you refuse directly, the consequences can be imagined... This is an unabashed plan of the National Assembly, a despicable plan to further force the royal family and test their bottom line!

The Queen Mother could almost imagine that if she refused, the crowds of people praising and blessing the king outside the palace gate would immediately turn into rebels with clear banners, and they would besiege the Osteria Palace again like last time and order her to surrender. His Majesty their King.

Even if it was to prevent the rebels from succeeding, she could not refuse clearly.

On the other hand, Nicholas's wonderful performance before did indeed give Anne Herred inexplicable confidence: Although she is young, her child has shown an undoubted kingly demeanor, even if she lacks experience and experience, just His magnanimity is enough to conquer those ignorant common people.

Every time she thought of this, the Queen Mother felt like she was surrounded by a warm current, and an inexplicable sense of security and happiness arose deep in her heart; all the suffering and patience in the past felt worth it.

That’s right, there’s nothing to worry about. It doesn’t matter if you let those rebels run rampant for a while. They will be eradicated sooner or later anyway; Nicholas Osteria is the only king of Clovis and will eventually eliminate all opponents. ,Then……

"What did you say?"

Anne Herred, who frowned slightly, put down the coffee in her hand: "He hasn't come out yet?"

"To be more precise, His Majesty has never left the palace since he returned to the palace." The royal guard who knelt on one knee replied calmly:

"For daily meals, His Majesty only allowed us to leave the food outside the palace gate, and no one was allowed to enter; from morning to night, none of the guards saw His Majesty walking out of the palace gate - to be more precise , never left that room."

"Never left the room? You guys were standing outside the palace door. How did you know that His Majesty always stayed in that room?"


"Say." The Queen Mother's expression suddenly turned cold: "Don't lie, otherwise... you know the consequences."

After the words fell, the Wang family guard immediately lowered his head.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty..." The royal guard hesitated, as if he was trying to find words: "When your Majesty is in the palace, he often talks to himself; although the voice is very low, we can basically determine the source of the voice. The location of the source indicates that His Majesty has never left that room."

"I see."

Anne Herred nodded slightly, but her cold expression did not diminish at all: "In other words, you all heard clearly what His Majesty said, right?"


The panicked Wang family guard suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Although there was no one around him, he could still feel a huge sense of oppression rising from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't worry, there's no need to panic, I won't do anything to you."

The Queen Mother, who snorted coldly, picked up the coffee and covered her expression with a delicate ceramic cup: "I just want to hear the truth. In your opinion, if His Majesty is allowed to come to the stage and accept the audience of his subjects, he will show off his throne. Majesty, is it appropriate?”


The royal guard who had just breathed a sigh of relief immediately fell into an extremely entangled situation. He raised his head in a daze, and a complicated expression came into Anne Herred's eyes.

"...Okay, you don't have to speak." The Queen Mother sighed secretly. The situation was obviously worse than she thought.

Since Nicholas is in a bad situation, containing the situation as soon as possible is the most important thing at the moment; and when it comes to containing the situation, then he has to ask for help from one person...

"Go to the Loyalty Palace and invite our Minister of War, Her Excellency Sophia Franz, to the inner court for a cup of coffee." After thinking for a moment, Anne Herred hesitated and said:

"Don't make it public, try to avoid the eyes of outsiders, yes, just in my private name, understand?"

"As you command!"

Looking at the backs of the royal guards leaving the palace as if fleeing for their lives, all that came to Anne Herred's mind was the proud smile of a certain girl, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart:

"It seems that we must find a way to bribe this treacherous young lady."


"Oh, bribe me? Then we have to discuss the price carefully!"

Throwing the Queen Mother's invitation on the table, Sophie, who was grinning almost to her ears, lay on the chair with her legs crossed, and gently played with the cold, pink cake with the spoon in her hand.

This is a new pastry that has suddenly become popular in Clovis. It is made with milk and fresh fruit and then refrigerated. It is paired with low-alcohol fruit wine. The cold stimulation and glutinous taste are refreshing and appetizing.

Of course, since it is a pastry, it naturally requires a lot of cream, eggs and sugar. These three are absolute luxuries in Clovis City at the moment, not to mention the need for fresh fruits and high-quality wine for seasoning. In addition, it needs to be refrigerated, which doubles its value.

On the one hand, they are so embarrassed that even the daily needs of butter and coal are in short supply. On the other hand, they are burning the fireplace and enjoying cold drinks in the warm room. The city of Clovis is so magical and weird right now.

"Oh my, my lady, no matter how loud you are, you can still be satisfied with the wealth of the Osteria royal family, right?" The little maid on the side picked up the letter on the table with a smile:

"After all, the royal family's shares in factories, companies, banks and chambers of commerce in Clovis alone are already astronomical."

"Share? Who wants that kind of thing?" Sophia snorted and put a big mouthful of cake into her mouth:

"Since you have to set a price, of course you have to focus on the most precious thing."

"The most precious thing?"

"Angelica, please help me recall how many palaces the Osterian royal family owns across the country, especially in the central province, including the castles under the names of the royal family members, and make a list as soon as possible. "

The girl licked the spoon gently with her tongue, and her eyes moved: "Count them all according to their size, decoration scale, and the number of acres, hunting grounds, and forest farms in their names."

"Castle?" The little maid was stunned: "You want the royal family's castle?"

"No, I want the land in the name of those castles, as well as the servants, tenants, hunters... in short, the people who are bound to the names of those castles."

Sophia's eyes brightened: "Do you think those luxurious palaces and castles given out by the royal family as rewards are really maintained by the personal property of the royal family members?"

"It's a big mistake. The people who are really maintaining them are the people who are forced to serve in these palaces in the name of the king. It is by squeezing their income that they can ensure that these palaces are not uninhabitable and can even have a surplus for the royal family. Members spend extravagantly!”

"I don't need these palaces to make a profit, but almost all of them are located in quite favorable areas in the local area; most of these places have flat land or are in key locations; they can easily build factories, cultivate plantations, or operate hotels and set up private roads. Card……"

"Stocks may depreciate, factories may go bankrupt, and merchants may have difficulty operating, but land, high-quality land... is wealth that can never depreciate."

As she spoke, Sophia clenched her fists excitedly: "Now, I want to save these lands from the hands of those in the royal family who only know how to squander, and let them realize their true value!"

"Okay, since you insist..."

The little maid shook her head. She still couldn't understand how excited the eldest lady was: "Angelica will find all the materials for you as soon as possible and make a list."

"The only thing left is what price to put on these palaces and castles."

Sophia's smile became more and more excited, as if she had seen the grand scene where she was sitting in thousands of palaces and countless people were cheering for her: "Well, since they care so much about public opinion, then let's calculate it as half a day for a palace and two hours for a castle. Okay; the more you give, the greater the discount will be."

"Time is very precious. Time...is money!"

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