I will be crowned king

Chapter 1175 Applying

In the throne room of Osteria Palace, Carl Bain, who was wearing a brand-new military uniform, tried to stay calm, and his eyes that looked left and right from time to time showed his uneasiness at the moment.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Chief of General Staff and Acting Commander of the Storm Legion have met countless big figures: famous knights, extremely arrogant warlords, nobles with long family backgrounds, local tycoons, lords of a country, and even people who only exist in legends. The characters in it, or whether some of them can be called people are debatable...

Not only has he met and dealt with these people, many of them are even friends with him, and some of them can even be regarded as his defeated generals... With such rich experience and connections, not to mention in ordinary people Among the middle- and lower-level officers, some of the most prestigious figures in Clovis City might not necessarily be more knowledgeable than him.

But this is Carl Bain, even Carl Bain, who is now relatively famous in Clovis City, will still be so excited that his legs will tremble when he hears that he is actually going to meet His Majesty. , the emotions are completely out of control.

To what extent... To use his own summary afterwards, he almost forgot to complain about a certain commander-in-chief who once again placed a job that was not his at all on his head without any restraint, without giving him a chance to shirk it!

So Karl came like this, came to the throne hall on the collective recommendation of the Ministry of War and the personal recommendation of the Minister of War himself, and stood majestically in front of Her Majesty the Queen Regent.

Of course, it was actually supposed to be received by Nicholas I in person, but Karl himself had no objection to this, and even thought that this result would be better.

As an out-and-out rural Clovis who had been indoctrinated at least tens of thousands of times with the concept of "the army is the king's army", Carl Bain was even worried that if he really met the king in such a formal form, he might I was so nervous that I couldn't even speak.

A Clovis soldier born in the countryside was able to meet King Clovis alone, and he would have plenty of bragging rights for the rest of his life.

However, compared to a certain chief of staff who felt uncomfortable, Anne Herred on the throne felt a little disappointed.

It was originally heard that this person, Anson Bach's cronies, had been strongly recommended by all the officers of the War Department, and participated in the first riot in the National Assembly - at least that is what the Queen Mother herself called the incident - she was actually I was somewhat vigilant, but when I saw it with my own eyes...

That's it?

If you randomly bring in a lower-level noble or a small citizen who has never seen much of the world, he probably won't be able to act more like a country bumpkin than the person in front of you.

Although she was so disdainful, Anne Herald concealed her true thoughts and cleared her throat forcefully: "Ahem, Colonel Carl Bain."


"No need to be polite, I'm just somewhat curious about your resume."

Raising her hand to stop the acting army commander who was about to salute, the Queen Mother carefully recalled the information she had just received: "I must say, although His Excellency Anson Bach's resume is shocking enough, in comparison, your resume is only It’s truly legendary.”

"In the history of the kingdom, there are only a few people who were promoted to high positions by virtue of their abilities and the king's appreciation, but it does not mean that they are completely absent. However, a person who was born purely as a commoner and has not even received a complete education or professional military training can For an officer to become a colonel is astounding.”

"Especially your colleague Fabian, the former deputy commander of the Storm Legion, is now just a colonel; and his family background and resume, not to mention yours, are already richer and more privileged than most officers." The Queen Mother Looking at him meaningfully:

"Many people say that as Anson Bach's most trusted confidant, you are the real behind-the-scenes deputy commander of the Storm Legion; you even say that your control and understanding of the Legion is greater than that of the Commander-in-Chief of the Legion... Is that so? "

"Uh, this..."

Feeling the eager gaze from the throne, Carl Bain suddenly felt a little nervous and could only answer with a smile: "Too much is a bit exaggerated."

"Exaggeration? I don't think so." Anne Herred shook her head, with a flash of disdain in her smile: "How about you talk about your record? To be appointed chief of staff, you must have outstanding military achievements? "

"That shouldn't... have much to do with military exploits or anything like that." Karl's smile became stiffer:

"I dare not deceive Her Majesty the Queen Mother, but my strength is actually not directing operations on the frontal battlefield, at least I am not particularly good at it."


Now Anne Herred was curious: "What is that?"


Karl suddenly felt like there were thousands of ants crawling behind his back. What should he say, was he good at taking the blame for his boss and wiping his ass, as well as smuggling contraband?

After carefully recalling all the things he could boast about, the Acting Army Commander finally managed to remember one:

"To put it bluntly, it's probably to lead the legion to complete... strategic and tactical transition in an orderly manner, right?"

This... Anne Herald was immediately confused: "In order? Transfer in?"

"Well, Your Majesty can understand it as retreat."

"Then why call it strategy or tactics?"

"Strategy means retreating before the enemy comes, while tactics means getting in front of the enemy."


At this moment, Anne Herred's inner disdain was almost beyond words - so the Ministry of War jointly recommended the rumored shadow behind Anson Bach, the ballast of the Storm Legion, who was good at running away and becoming a deserter?

"...That's really, really amazing." The Queen Mother, who resisted the urge to curse and raised her brows fiercely, took a deep breath: "So, your Excellency, you don't have any other specialties?"

Carl suddenly tensed up. Even if he was restless, he could still smell something bad in the other person's mood - if he was kicked out, it would be a small matter of humiliation, but it would be a big trouble if he failed the mission.

"To be honest, I have experienced many position defense battles for various reasons, and I have some unique insights in defensive counterattacks and garrisoning important strongholds." The chief of staff quickly lowered his head:

"Although I can't call it any expertise, if it can be used by His Majesty, I will do my best and spare no effort."

I see……

Although she could vaguely sense that Anson Bach and Sophia sent this person here to monitor the royal family's actions, at least they did recommend a suitable candidate; if it weren't for the other person's background, she might really consider buying him off. .

So in reality it was just a formality. Both parties knew clearly that the purpose of the royal family's agreement was to make the Ministry of War relax its vigilance, and it was impossible to reject the candidate recommended by the other party.

Sighing softly, Anne Herred put a smile on her face again:

"In this case, I have an important job to recommend to you, which happens to be closely related to your important expertise..."


"It's amazing!"

As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, the young clerk Alan Dawn who followed him welcomed Carl Bain into the carriage. At the same time, as the wheels turned, various compliments came.

However, in the ears of a certain chief of staff, there may still be a big gap between these words and "compliment".

"Colonel Carl, I have thought of countless ways for you to gain the trust of the royal family, such as your sincere eyes, or your unique eloquence..." The little secretary took a deep breath:

"But I never expected that your solution would be through this unique method!"

"...What is a different way?" Karl's face turned dark, and he could vaguely feel that what the other party said was not a good thing.

But the little secretary's expression was very serious and sincere: "Of course it's due to your superb acting skills and your innate convincing talent!"

"You have successfully transformed yourself into an ordinary officer with little ability but excellent luck. He comes from a humble background and has no extensive knowledge. He is easy to make a fuss and can be bribed very easily... and with this, you have successfully obtained The Queen Mother Regent’s trust!”

"Can you consider this a compliment?"

"That's right, and it's the highest level of praise!"

The little secretary nodded matter-of-factly: "To be frank, I have met many talented people. Most of them think they are capable of bending and bending, and always act with absolute rationality; but it turns out that as long as the matter involves their personal The image, the self-confidence and pride they once had have made their disguise look full of holes, and even backfired."

"And these factors that will 100% lead to the failure of the plan have not appeared in you at all! Your acting skills are so perfect, no amount of praise can be exaggerated. For example, I just thought of it immediately I have a word to describe your behavior that is precise enough to define and describe, it is called..."

"Okay, okay, I won't bother you and continue to praise me!"

Karl, whose face became increasingly ugly, quickly waved his hand to stop the other party: "By the way, what did Anson send you to do? I mean besides picking me up."

"As expected of Chief of General Staff Karl, he always puts work first. It's really impressive." The little secretary's admiration continued:

"But you are right. Lord Anson did ask me to convey an important matter to you; because it is too important to pass through a third party, he had no choice but to send me."

Sure enough... Karl rolled his eyes in his heart. He was so familiar with this boss who always had a perfect plan in his mind: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"From now on, please remember that the mission of you and the Storm Legion is to protect the Osteria Palace, not to monitor every move of the royal family as many people think." The little secretary suddenly became serious. stand up:

"Rather, I need you to use your extraordinary talents to ensure that the Storm Legion stays out of the matter and must not have even the slightest connection with this matter, absolutely."

"Whether it is assisting the royal family's actions or siding with the National Assembly, the Storm Legion must remain neutral and neutral in this incident!"

This... Carl Bain was stunned for a moment, and there was a vague realization in his heart.


As the Storm Legion officially entered the Osteria Palace, news that "His Majesty will soon open the palace and allow his subjects to visit" naturally spread like wildfire.

After all, the commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion, and even the relationship between this legion and the National Assembly are well known. The king wants this legion to be responsible for the security of the palace, which is clearly an expression of absolute trust in the National Assembly; many representatives even do this And he felt remorse and guilt, thinking that he had imagined the royal family too despicably, and actually thought that the king might really escape Clovis and abandon his people.

The National Assembly publicly expressed its friendly attitude towards the royal family. All previous doubts about the throne, especially about Anne Herred, the Queen Mother, naturally disappeared; of course, there was a certain Franz in it. The eldest lady is proud of herself, even quite proud of herself.

Although she took the opportunity to blackmail the royal family, Sophia has always despised Clovis, or the entire world of order, and is extremely disgusted with the tendency to stigmatize women - those villains who have no evidence at all would rather believe an underage kid. Although he is wise and powerful, he blames all the mistakes and responsibilities on Anne, the Queen Mother.

It was simply because she was a woman and a foreigner; just as they had praised her in the first place, it was nothing more than seeing Anne, who was once the queen, as a trophy of Carlos II, a collection worth showing off.

But Anne Herred herself didn't care much about these rumors. What she cared about most now was how to escape from the hell cave of Clovis City as soon as possible, and she had to take Nicholas and the entire royal family with her.

The reason is also very simple: if they only bring the little king with them, the traitors can easily elect a puppet as a decoration, deprive themselves of the title of Master of Justice, and turn the war to maintain world order into a pure fight for the crown. Civil War - It is not easy for the empire to send troops.

However, she didn't pay much attention to how the royal family members were going to leave Clovis City. She just had a rough plan to ask these people to pack up their personal finances, and when the time came, she would let them leave with her. .

Fortunately, the Osteria royal family is not very large, with only a few hundred or three hundred people over the past few hundred years; it is not particularly difficult to evacuate in batches.

Until she saw the list of supplies, equipment and property handed over by this group of people.

"What's this?"

"The personal collection reported by the royal family members. In order to ensure the dignity of the royal family and highlight His Majesty's dignity, each person needs at least sixteen sets of clothes and four sets of jewelry for different occasions. This has been greatly reduced after they claimed to have done so."

"What about these? Did you add an extra zero?"

"No, after carefully verifying the number of luggage of each royal family member, we believe that at least twenty carriages per person are needed to be enough. The original calculation was that thirty carriages are needed."

The Queen Mother's eyes suddenly darkened.

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