I will be crowned king

Chapter 1176 Open Day

If possible, Anne Herred really wants to pry open the heads of these people to see if the bastards who only know how to suck blood from the royal family have any wisdom at all, or if they have all been drained and concentrated in Osteria. Directly in the blood.

"This is an escape. Now we are just a group of fugitives eager to escape from prison. What do you think it is, an outing or a grand parade?!"

The deafening shouts can only echo in the mind for a long time. On the surface, the Queen Regent must remain calm and composed, and cannot let outsiders see that she has even the slightest dissatisfaction with the royal family, or...disgust.

Even within the royal family, there are not completely no rumors about him "betraying the Osteria family". However, he has temporarily suppressed these voices by relying on his legitimate strength and satisfying some of their little thoughts. That's all; for a woman born in Hered to truly gain 100% trust from the Osteria family, that's a fantasy.

If such an outrageous demand is rejected directly, it will definitely cause a strong backlash. If it goes wrong, the plan may be exposed, so a more tactful approach must be used, such as...

"Tell them that everything on the list is approved by the throne; His Majesty is the most noble bloodline in Osteria, and he will definitely not treat his relatives badly."

Holding back waves of dizziness, Anne Herred returned the list to the royal attendant who came to deliver the letter: "It's just that it's really difficult to raise such a large-scale fleet to satisfy everyone at once."

"But it doesn't matter. The throne has already made a detailed plan; we will send some of the luggage out of the city first, and then immediately arrange a manned carriage to move together to transport everything out of Clovis City one after another, ensuring that nothing is missing. Leftover."

That being said, Anne Herred had already made up her mind to sell all the "luggage" of the first batch of royal family members to some well-established smugglers at a low price, and the cash pawned would be used as travel expenses for the rest of the journey.

As for the subsequent luggage and supplies... that would have to rely on the protection of the Ring of Order. Anyway, the Queen Mother had already made plans to lose all her luggage and leave Clovis with only some personal clothes and valuables.

Of course there are many nobles like this who live in palaces and manors and have completely lost their social common sense, but any noble with a little bit of experience will understand that wealth is only a means, and power is the goal, and it is the eternal goal; If you firmly grasp the power, wealth will be just an illusory number to you.

After getting rid of the immediate trouble, the Queen Mother Regent summoned the accompanying royal guards and asked the question she was really concerned about: "How is your Majesty's situation? Is it better than before?"

"Uh, yes...it has indeed improved to a certain extent." The Wang family guard quickly replied, but his expression was obviously a little far-fetched:

"Originally, His Majesty allowed us to enter the palace, but recently he not only allowed us to enter and put food on the table for him, but also asked us special questions, and occasionally even put forward some of his own unique understandings to ask if we were correct. .”

"Oh, what are they specifically?"

Seeing the Queen Mother who was suddenly interested, the embarrassed royal guards could only force themselves to calm down and consider the wording more seriously: "It specifically includes some about mysticism, market rumors, and some legends circulated within the royal family. "


"Yes, legend!"

Anne Herred sighed forcefully, trying hard to hide her inner helplessness, and said as expressionlessly as possible: "You mean that His Majesty suddenly became interested in things about the Old God Sect, right? "

The Wang family guard quickly lowered his head, not daring to say another word.

Of course he wouldn't dare... The rulers of all the countries in the world of order, no matter their relationship or origin, are the chosen ones "blessed by the ring of order". Even the Ysel elves who are privately known as the "bloodline of the true god" dare not violate it; if they have Without the most basic superficial recognition from the Church of Order, the legitimacy will be greatly reduced, and it will even give the enemy a legitimate reason to attack you.

As the most legitimate king of the Osteria family, once Nicholas's involvement in the Old God Sect is known to outsiders, the consequences will be disastrous!

"I know about this matter." Anne Herred nodded slightly: "Tell all the guards who know about this matter to keep it a secret. Your Majesty is just because you are still young, so it is easy to become curious about things you don't understand. Don't make a fuss about it, let alone spread it to outsiders, it would be bad if it causes comments or misunderstandings from outsiders."

"As you command!"

The royal guard who agreed stood up and left, but just when he was about to walk out of the room, he still couldn't control his inner impulse and turned around suddenly and knelt on one knee:

"His Majesty!"


Looking at the guard with a troubled expression, Anne Herred, who felt vaguely uncomfortable in her heart, had no choice but to raise her head, forced herself to be calm, picked up the coffee cup on the table, and said softly: "What's wrong?"

"Guan, regarding the question raised by His Majesty, I'm afraid it's not just a matter of being angry." The Wang family guard gritted his teeth and raised his trembling eyes suddenly:

"I...I once happened to see His Majesty sitting at the dining table, holding a mirror taken off the wall and talking to himself, as if...as if..."


"It seems like there is another person in the mirror, talking to His Majesty."

Snapped--! ! ! !

There was a crisp sound of landing, and the extremely hot coffee flowed between the marble floor tiles along with flying ceramic shards.


Although the process was tortuous, with the explicit or covert promotion of all parties, the open day of the Osteria Palace was finally successfully held.

More than 320 communities in Clovis City, plus all newspaper offices, started building momentum for this grand event two days in advance; all communities were happily preparing for the open day activities, and all the front-page headlines were There are numerous reports on the significance of the Open Day and the specific content of the event.

Although it is said to be completely open to the outside world, it is of course impossible to really allow anyone to enter like a park without any restrictions - by the way, even in the park in Clovis City, anyone can enter if they want to. Although there are no patrols and surveillance on the surface, if you dress like a homeless person or wear a factory uniform, "enthusiastic citizens" will immediately call the Whitehall Street police and "invite" you out.

The same goes for this open day event. After many negotiations and discussions between the National Assembly and the royal family, the total number of visitors was finally set at 30,000, and they were finally fortunate enough to be interviewed by the king and the queen mother in the throne room. , only one-tenth of them, that is, three thousand people.

The National Assembly and Clovis City Council expressed satisfaction with this. After all, it is a great honor to be able to meet His Majesty. If everyone can participate casually, wouldn't it seem that the extraordinary significance of this event would be destroyed? Yet?

Before getting in the car, they shouted for equality, and as soon as they got in the car, they wanted to lock the door immediately. This is generally the case for Clovis people.

Of course, the vast majority of the people did not just join in the fun: while the Osteria Palace was open to the public, the royal family also specially organized a large-scale parade, starting from the palace, passing through the boundaries of the inner and outer city, divided into Six teams went to various communities, circled the city and finally returned to the palace to show His Majesty's favor to the people.

As for the specific content of the favor: the parade convoy will not only accept people's celebrations, but also distribute candy, beer, butter and cookies to onlookers.

All these things are funded by the royal family, and the Prime Minister's Office is responsible for centralized procurement, which does not cost the national treasury half a copper. The National Assembly is very satisfied with this and believes that this is "the beginning of the country getting on the right track" and marks that "Clovis is no longer the king." Clovis for one.”

Throne's attitude was to fully accept such rebellious remarks and remain silent without comment.

On the opening day, the entire city of Clovis was even more lively like a festival. Representatives from various communities held black and red unicorn flags, lined up neatly, and came to the palace like an army. Outside the gate.

For this grand day, everyone put on the best clothes at home and dressed up carefully. No matter rich or poor, industrial owners or workers, officers or nobles, there seemed to be no difference at first glance.

The same goes for Teacher Erich standing in the front row: his wife, who lives frugally at home, borrowed a formal suit from a relative, and bought him a hat and boots to match the suit; the youngest daughter went to the newspaper office for a week. Half of his part-time work, plus the pocket money he saved, bought him a new tie.

Seeing that they were even more excited than the one who was chosen to meet them, Erich felt extremely complicated in his heart.

If it were my past self, I would probably be as excited as them, right? but now……

Looking at the city gate of the Osteria Palace, Professor Erich's eyes were filled with disgust; how could an imperial woman and a selfish brat who didn't understand what running a country mean have to sit on his head and take it for granted? extraordinary?

In the past, the Clovis people relied on the royal family to maintain unity, but now that they have found a way to better unite the entire kingdom, what value does this royal family have to continue to exist?

With a little resentment and a little injustice, Teacher Erich looked at the soldiers outside the gate who were responsible for maintaining order and checking order. He took a deep breath and followed his team forward with the certificate in hand.

According to the previous agreement, the Storm Legion has fully taken over the security and order maintenance of the palace. Half of the eight thousand soldiers are stationed inside the palace and the other half are patrolling outside to ensure that no accidents occur.

What surprised Erich a little was that he actually saw the figure of Carl Bain among the soldiers responsible for checking law: "Your Excellency, Acting Legion Commander, why are you here?"

"Me? Hi... don't mention it." Looking at the crowded crowd in front of him, the chief of staff who just wanted to roll his eyes resisted the urge to complain: "God knows what the royal family is thinking, insisting that all members of the Storm Legion must be present; I told them that two to three thousand people are enough, and any extra is a complete waste."

"Maybe it's because you have to consider His Majesty's safety?" Erich pretended to smile: "After all, there are many people and there are more than 30,000 visitors. Maybe some people will get emotional and offend His Majesty. possible."

"It makes sense. The royal family should have royal considerations."

Karl nodded seriously: "So you are here to attend the audience today?"

"Ah, I was lucky. I happened to get the one during the lottery. Speaker Christian and Mr. Anson Bach were not so lucky. They were not even qualified to visit." Erich nodded:

"So when can we meet with His Majesty? Can you tell us the specific time?"

"It's easy to tell. Which batch are you in?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. Do we need to divide it into batches?"

"Of course, the throne hall can accommodate a few hundred people at most. Today, there are three thousand people to be interviewed. At least there will be six or seven groups of people." Carl Bain nodded:

"Let's do this. I'll go talk to the royal guards and see if you can be included in the first batch. Remember to follow the team when you go to the throne room. It's a rare opportunity, but don't make a mistake."

"Don't worry, I won't make a mistake today."

The two people who understood each other looked at each other meaningfully, and Karl waved his hand behind him to let the soldiers behind him pass.

Looking at the troops filing in from the palace gate, the chief of staff suddenly patted the guard on guard on the shoulder: "Remember, no matter what happens today, you don't have to interfere. Just stay at your post and don't leave. Do you understand?"


The two grenadiers looked at each other in astonishment, and almost simultaneously turned to look at the chief of staff who looked bored: "Karl... Acting Corps Commander, will something happen today?"

"How do I know? I mean no matter what!" Karl rolled his eyes again:

"And didn't I just say not to interfere? Can you obey my orders once in a while?!"

"So something is really going to happen today?"


Frowning weakly, the acting army commander turned his attention to the crowd who were happily preparing to visit the palace and meet the king; everyone's face was filled with anticipation and excitement.

But he knew that as much as these people were cheering now, they would be furious next; the fire ignited by anger was enough to ignite the entire palace, or even the entire kingdom; the prestige accumulated by the Osterian royal family for hundreds of years, Credibility and all loftiness will be reduced to ashes in half a day.

In the words of Anson Bach, all this could have been avoided; as long as the royal family was no longer stubborn and refused to make even the slightest concession, as long as they showed a little kindness and tolerance, the Clovis people would still Continue to worship and respect them as you have in the past.

Thinking that he had only seen the Queen Mother, Karl couldn't help but sigh:

"Your Majesty Anne Herald...you have really made a bad move!"

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