I will be crowned king

Chapter 1177 Your Majesty, where is he? !

Compared with a certain chief of staff who was sighing, the Osteria Palace was bustling with activity. Thousands of visitors poured into the palace gate like a slow-moving flood, under the supervision of the Storm Legion soldiers standing guard and patrolling. , exclaiming and admiring the gorgeous palace that is impossible to see on ordinary days.

The original Osteria Palace was just a very ordinary fortress-type castle, and the so-called "Clovis City" was just a village surrounded by fences and earth walls surrounding the castle; but after experiencing After hundreds of years of accumulation, a rather large-scale building complex has been formed.

And due to the Clovis people's unique love for the imperial style, visitors can not only see the marble columns and round arches that were very popular in the empire during the schism period, but also appreciate the intricate and detailed decorations of landscapes, flowers and plants, and the arcs that outline the nature. The most beautiful, gorgeous buildings from the first year of the saints, and the later ones, the tall, thin, magnificent palace with pointed vaults.

In the eyes of the imperial nobles, this is a hodgepodge of chaotic styles and no coordination at all.

But for the Clovis people who admired the imperial style, especially the middle and lower classes who did not know much about the real imperial culture, the scene in front of them completely exceeded the limit of their imagination, calling it "the kingdom of heaven" "It's not an exaggeration at all!

The luxurious architecture and art that were completely out of touch with reality caused a huge shock to the visitors, so much so that there were already nearly ten thousand people visiting the palace at the same time, but they could only hear breathing and footsteps in silence; everyone They were all suppressing their inner surprise, fearing that their uneducated and vulgar appearance would be laughed at by any prince or noble who happened to be passing by.

They held their heads high and tried hard to appear as if they were really admiring the buildings, corridors and gardens. From time to time, they would twitch their lower lips at the people around them as if they were commenting, and then quickly turn their heads away, for fear that they would really be criticized by someone around them. I personally asked.

In comparison, the nobles, servants and guards in the palace looked at these visitors with far less reserved eyes; the painful and embarrassed expressions and helpless laments were clearly displayed on their faces.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Storm Legion completely separated the visitors from the activity area of ​​these nobles. The people looking around could not notice the disdainful glances directed at them. They could only see these noble palace nobles looking towards them. While looking over, he excitedly imitated the description in the newspaper and took off his hat to salute them.

Looking at the slovenly faces and pretentious smiles, the palace nobles all looked livid and quickly turned their heads away as if they were nauseated.

They didn't dare to cause trouble - the Storm Legion was nominally here to maintain law and order in the palace, but who didn't know what was going on; if there was a fight between nobles and civilians, these soldiers who claimed to be fighting for the king would turn their guns on them. There is no need to think about which direction to aim at.

And perhaps they were cautious about setting foot in the forbidden area of ​​the palace, and for fear of being embarrassed if they were not careful, the visitors did not dare to ask why the nobles refused to come forward to talk. They just assumed that they might not understand the rules and inadvertently offended the other party. .

So in such a "fun and harmonious" atmosphere, the open day visits were carried out in an orderly manner.

In particular, in order to ensure that the visitors always have something to do and not wander around causing various uncontrollable situations, the National Assembly also communicated and discussed with the royal family and specially prepared many "links": visiting the royal courtyard, visiting the royal family Collection showroom, dining in the Grand Ballroom, and learning about royal etiquette...

The itinerary was well arranged, and the visitors were very happy. Basically, the National Assembly had tried its best to avoid any situation that might cause disputes.

But the harmonious atmosphere here for the visitors does not mean that everything is equally satisfactory...

"I ask again, when will His Majesty be willing to accept our audience?!"

In full view of everyone, Teacher Erich suddenly walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the guards outside the throne hall: "According to the initial agreement, we should have been in the hall behind you at least two hours ago. Why are we still not there now?" Allow us to enter, please give me a justifiable reason!"

Looking at the angry officer in front of him, the livid-faced royal guard desperately resisted the urge to draw his gun and said in as calm a tone as possible: "Your Excellency, the king is free to accept your visit. As long as he waits until When His Majesty deems it appropriate..."

"When is the right time?"

Erich interrupted the other party unceremoniously: "Please give a specific answer, an answer to the three thousand representatives who are looking forward to being received by His Majesty!"


The royal guard's cheeks twitched, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment. However, in front of hundreds of people and with the Storm Legion stationed in the palace, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I can send someone to seek your Majesty's opinion. Please give me your opinion." Just wait here for a moment, you’ll be there soon…”

"No need!"

Erich, who stole the ball again, snorted coldly, almost with his disdain etched directly on his head: "Since the throne seems not to abide by the agreement, then we have to use our own methods to solve the problem. No trouble. Everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Erich gave the other party a slap on the back of the head. The surrounding representatives remained silent and followed him with disappointment on their faces, heading in the opposite direction to the throne room.

Looking at the crowd of people who were about to leave, the Wang family guard who was stunned for a moment suddenly realized something, and his expression changed from tangled to nervous: "Come here - stop them, no one is allowed to leave!"

As soon as the words fell, the guards guarding both sides immediately swarmed up, raised their rifles to form a hollow square, and surrounded the representatives who had not yet walked down the steps.

Erich, who had no expression on his face, immediately raised his hand to block his angry companion, and stared indifferently at the royal guard who hurriedly pushed aside the soldiers and rushed in front of him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Erich, what are you doing?!" His face was full of surprise and uneasiness: "This is the Throne Hall, not the Palace of Loyalty, and you will not be allowed to act recklessly!"

"I will return this sentence to you exactly as it is, Your Excellency." Erich said calmly: "Only when the Throne and the National Assembly join hands can Clovis be stable; but if the Throne refuses to abide by the agreement, or some people have ulterior motives, The plan to kidnap the royal family threatens the entire Clovis, and the National Assembly will not compromise.”

"Who do you think kidnapped the royal family?!"

"Whoever prevents His Majesty from accepting the audience of his subjects is a traitor who kidnapped the royal family!" Erich said loudly with an expressionless face:

"Whoever deliberately hides His Majesty's whereabouts is the real culprit behind the heinous crime!"


The Wang family guard's vision went dark, and his raised right hand trembled slightly, but never dropped.

Of course he didn't dare. The Storm Legion was just a short distance away. As long as there was a slight movement here, they might be recruited in. By then, would those group of Anson Bach's buddies be on the side of the National Assembly or on his side? Then... …

of course? !

Fortunately, these problematic representatives were temporarily blocked by him in the throne room. Once he allowed them to leave, and spread some news that was exaggerated countless times, the previous "grand occasion" of the protestors' siege of the Osteria Palace would be feared. It's going to happen again!

"Lieutenant Colonel Erich, everything is negotiable." The royal guards sighed and waved the guards to put down their weapons: "I am also responsible for the responsibility. Please don't be so tough. The atmosphere is too tense and everyone will be very angry in the end. Awkward."

"Your purpose is to meet with His Majesty and show that the royal family and the National Assembly are living in harmony, isn't it? This is also your Majesty's hope. It's just a small deviation. I feel sorry for you to wait a little longer. Is it going to cause trouble? Is it beyond control?"

Erich on the opposite side was unmoved, looking at the other person with slightly narrowed eyes, and finally nodded with a smile.

"You are right, this is indeed the case." He said softly: "We are too excited and have caused you a lot of trouble. If you don't mind, I am willing to apologize to you."

"No, no, no, that's not necessary!"

He quickly stopped the other party with an apologetic smile, and suppressed the anger in his heart. The Wang family guard twitched his throat: "We are also very sorry for delaying you. Our attitude is somewhat rude, and we also ask for your forgiveness, representatives."

"Then since His Majesty cannot accept the audience for the time being, can we leave first?"

"Leave? This..." The Wang family guard suddenly changed his expression: "I'm afraid this won't work."


"Because... His Majesty may summon you at any time. If you are not here at that time, wouldn't the situation be very embarrassing?"

"How could it be? Besides us, there are more than two thousand people who want to be interviewed today. As long as His Majesty gives permission, we can gather hundreds of people at any time."

"No, I mean, wouldn't it be a big disadvantage for you and the others present? They were supposed to be the first batch to be eligible to see you, but in the end they were left behind due to some accidents?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as the relationship between the royal family and the National Assembly can be ensured, it doesn't matter if I personally suffer a little loss."


The two sides were constantly fighting back and forth, but they were never willing to give in at all, and they just stood there and stalled for time.

Just when the situation reached a stalemate again, there was a sudden commotion outside the courtyard behind them.

A guard suddenly climbed in in a hurry and said something in the ear of the royal guard. The latter's expression turned extremely ugly: "How could this happen?!"

"The specific situation has not been clarified yet, but... it should be an accident." The panting guard wiped his sweat: "The delegation that was preparing to meet His Majesty couldn't wait any longer, so they followed the crowd of visitors. As a result, there were too many people and the abnormality was not detected in time, and the result was..."

Before they finished speaking, the uniform sound of military boots sounded behind them: two companies of Storm Legion soldiers filed in and quickly controlled all the entrances and exits around the throne hall.

"Everyone, stay where you are and don't leave!"

The commander of the infantry battalion holding the military flag loudly said: "We have just learned the latest news. His Majesty Nicholas Osteria and Her Majesty Anne Herred are currently missing and are suspected to have left the palace!"


The crowd of representatives surrounded by guards immediately erupted in exclamations. Only Erich, who was standing in front, had no expression on his face, and there was even a well-hidden sneer in the corner of his eyes.

This flash of expression was immediately caught by the alert Wang family guards, who suppressed the anger in their hearts and remained silent.

Sure enough he knew!

Sure enough, they had made this decision from the beginning and deliberately watched things happen in order to destroy the Osteria royal family!

"We have reason to suspect that the two majesties were coerced and kidnapped, and the criminal's accomplices are probably still in the palace!" The infantry battalion commander said solemnly: "Now the Storm Legion will take over the Osteria Palace, any Anyone who tries to stop him will be directly regarded as an accomplice of the prisoner and shot to death!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled out the gun from his waist and pulled the trigger toward the sky above his head.



The deafening sound of my gunshot reverberated in the air. Looking towards the peaceful palace, Christian took a deep breath and closed the window forcefully. He turned around and said with a serious face: "Everyone, it seems that what we are most worried about has finally happened. Got it!"

The crowded small apartment was filled with people, all present were representatives of various groups in the National Assembly, and everyone's expression was extremely serious.

"Nicholas Osteria, our King...whether by coercion or of his own free will, has now left his palace and his current whereabouts are unknown."

"A king who leaves the palace for no reason is tantamount to abandoning his country and betraying his people; yes, everyone, this is betrayal, and it is an undisguised betrayal. We have been deceived in the most shameful manner!" Christian He said in a deep voice:

"From now on, the National Assembly will no longer abide by any previous agreement with His Majesty. We must be in charge of this country ourselves and we can no longer let her be humiliated because of a child who has not grown up!"

"Of course, the top priority right now is to find out His Majesty's whereabouts as soon as possible. Even if he has really betrayed Clovis, he should be tried by the National Assembly. He must not be allowed to become a puppet in the hands of other forces."

Christian slammed the table and pointed to the map of Clovis City hanging on the wall: "According to the current situation, the murderer must not have left Clovis City yet. Immediately notify the Whitehall Street police and the militiamen of various communities. Arrests will be carried out throughout the city, especially the royal procession, and no carriage will be spared."

"Everyone, the more critical the moment, the more crucial the test is; whether the National Assembly can truly be recognized by Clovis and become a legitimate ruler depends on our results today!"

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