I will be crowned king

Chapter 1182 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Action

Ludwig was stunned. He originally thought that with the intelligence of the Queen Mother - or at least not particularly stupid - she would definitely understand that time is life for the royal family now. Once the "big meeting" between the National Assembly and the Ministry of War "Net" covered all of Clovis' territory, and they had no chance at all.

It's not that he didn't think that the other party's whereabouts would be exposed. After all, there are at least hundreds of people in the entire royal family. It is almost impossible to hide the whereabouts of such a huge scale. It is only a matter of time before they are discovered; and Anne Herred is also very Being smart, he left the large army behind and secretly took the little king away, which was equivalent to sending out countless signals to interfere with the search and cover for them.

From the incident at the Osteria Palace at noon yesterday to the early morning, the two people who had not slept all night received almost double-digit "good news". The cavalry of the Southern Legion dispatched had gains in the north, east and south. There were already Nearly a hundred royal members were "arrested" and "invited" back to Clovis City, along with a large amount of royal assets, especially a large amount of cash, precious artworks and jewelry.

As a result, even these people almost fled to North Port, but Anne Herred was still in Qiu Sui Town, just a stone's throw away from Clovis City... Ludwig simply didn't know what to say, could this be Is it because you are clever but you are misled by your cleverness?

"There is something I need to confirm a little bit." He took a deep breath, put his hands on the table and looked into Anson's eyes: "We don't want Nicholas Osteria to be caught and really taken back to Crowley. Victoria City is on trial by the National Assembly, right?”

"That's natural." The Army Lieutenant General replied without hesitation: "There are still a large number of royalists in Clovis now. If he really wanted to chop off the little king's head, Clovis would not only fight with the entire world of order. The enemy will fall apart... I thought we had reached a consensus on this a long time ago?"

"Great, so what now?"

Ludwig slammed the table: "The matter is exactly as you speculated, so our Royal Guard Chief must have thought of a solution a long time ago, right?"

Well, he really cared about being robbed of the title of Chief of Guards... Secretly twitching his lips, Anson couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Since the whereabouts have been exposed, it will only be a matter of time before the news spreads; my suggestion is not to hide it, immediately organize an army to surround Qiu Sui Town, and 'capture' the murderer who kidnapped the king with great fanfare." Anson cleared his throat slightly and said in a deep voice road:

"We must act quickly, and we must get the news before the National Assembly, otherwise things may still get out of control."

"Out of control, I remember someone who highly praised the so-called 'equality' of the National Assembly. Could it be that these equality fighters would also behave irrationally?"

Ludwig, who sneered, said with rare ecstasy: "It seems that you also know that those people are just thugs who were instigated by you and have no use except to build momentum."

Although he said this, he obviously also believed that it was necessary to do so: "By surrounding Qiu Sui Town to lift the pursuit, our Queen Mother and the young King can take the opportunity to escape before the siege network is established... Isn't that right? Wrong?"

Anson nodded nonchalantly.

"Very good, then I propose to send the Storm Legion to surround Qiu Qiusui Town. Does anyone have any opinions?"

"Not at all." Anson stood up calmly: "I'm going to assemble the legions and let them set off, and let the Whitehall Street police take over the Osteria Palace. When will the handover take place?"

"...Give me half an hour."

Ludwig hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "By the way, you are really sure that Anne Herred can escape from Qiu Sui Town before the legion encircles her, but she has already failed once."

"You can rest assured that no matter what, they will be able to leave smoothly before the legions are encircling them." Anson said confidently: "I have sent the best experts to take charge of this moment. With their full cooperation, everything will be absolutely foolproof! "


Qiu Sui Town, in front of the road card at the south gate of the town.

"So...it seems we still can't reach a consensus."

Looking at the still silent Wild Hunt Knights Drake and Joseph, trainee priest Karin Jacques squeezed out a smile in embarrassment: "Then why don't you two also raise your opinions and see the differences among us? Where exactly is it?"

What's the difference... The two people who heard this looked at each other in confusion, both looking at the person who was pretending to be stupid.

Needless to say, of course it was the little king and the regent queen mother in the carriage!

But it was impossible to say this in public. The town militiamen behind them had already begun to cast suspicious glances at the three of them. It would obviously be detrimental to everyone to continue delaying the process. No matter what, a result must be obtained as soon as possible.

So Karin Jacques' real proposal is actually a compromise between the three of them. No matter what, send my queen mother out of the city in the carriage first, and we will talk about the rest later.

"I have nothing to say. Anyway, the attitude I should express has been made clear from the beginning." Drake spoke first and said solemnly:

"We have made an agreement with the mayor, allowing us to leave Qiu Sui Town tonight, and we have never mentioned the matter of detaining people - now I am the only person responsible for the Chamber of Commerce, and I am also If you seize it, our people will not leave with any of you!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned around and glanced at the royal guards around the carriage. The latter nodded expressionlessly, which seemed to agree with his statement.

Then the eyes of the people around him turned to Joseph. With his heart in a mess, he could only keep smiling and pretend to think about others:

"Hi... I don't have any special requests. I came here on behalf of the mayor to clear up the misunderstanding. Why would I specifically make a request to you? It's purely out of good intentions and to prevent good things from turning bad."

As he spoke, he looked meaningfully at the Wild Hunt Knight and the trainee priest. The meaning was obvious: everyone is competing fairly for the same goal, so don't do stupid things that lead to the same death.

The two nodded understandingly, and this time everyone understood.

"In this case, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and there is no conflict between us." Karin Jacques stood up again to smooth things over:

"How about we wait for Sir Ian Clemens to come back, and then Sir Joseph will lead the cavalry to escort them away; before that, how about asking everyone to go to the church in this town to rest temporarily?"

The three people looked at each other and nodded in perfect agreement.

"Wait a moment--!"

Just when things seemed to be over, the militiamen holding oil lamps suddenly came forward with a frown on their face: "You guys can't leave yet!"

"Oh, why is that?"

As the "town mayor's representative", Joseph was the first to jump out and showed great impatience: "Hasn't the misunderstanding been resolved? They will not leave Qiu Sui Town for the time being. Do you still have any problems? ?”

"There is no problem with the people, but what about the things?" The militiaman looked very vigilant and illuminated the carriage with an oil lamp: "Supposedly, the carriage should be filled with cans, right? We request on-site inspection now to see if there are any suspicious items inside. !”

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding royal guards immediately rushed forward; militiamen holding rifles also gathered, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse, Karin Jacques quickly stepped forward and said, "Um...I, I don't think it's necessary. Why do we have to check at this time? It's totally meaningless!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's totally meaningless!" Joseph also added: "Of course, we also understand that it is really hard for you to stick to your posts so late. It is indeed for the prosperity and stability of Qiu Sui Town. An outstanding contribution!”

"Let's do it this way. I'll make the decision myself. I'll treat everyone to a drink! The good Tirpitz rum will keep everyone away from the cold. It's also a token of appreciation from the town council for everyone's hard work."

As he spoke, he glanced wildly at the stunned Wild Hunt knight on the carriage, constantly hinting at him with his eyes.

"Ah...ah, yes, Lord Joseph is right!" Drake finally realized and nodded immediately: "I and our Clemens Chamber of Commerce are also willing to contribute a portion, and treat everyone to a drink!"

At this moment, the three people who had just been trying to undermine each other were united as never before, standing firmly between the two sides in a tense confrontation, fearing that they would accidentally clash if they disagreed.

Perhaps they were moved by the bribe suggested by the three men, or perhaps they realized that the other party was indeed not easy to mess with. The militiamen holding oil lamps hesitated for a moment, then waved to their companions behind them and lifted the siege.

The brief confrontation was resolved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief; Karin Jacques then turned to look at the other two people: "In this case, please go to the church to rest temporarily, and wait until Ian Clemens As soon as His Excellency Si arrives, we will set off immediately."

Obviously, at this point, Karin Jacques obviously cannot let go of the little king and queen mother who are right in front of him. Even if they cooperate, he still wants a share of the pie.

Derek and Joseph nodded helplessly. No matter how reluctant they were, they seemed to have no choice but to accept the result.

So the militiamen withdrew the encirclement net and watched as the three men and the royal guards escorted the carriage to the small church in Qiu Sui Town.


Like all inconspicuous towns, the Ring of Order Church is almost one of the most conspicuous buildings in the area; the carriage slowly crossed the avenue and followed Karin Jacques into an alley that seemed to be a shortcut.

Looking at the church that was already close at hand, Drake, who was driving, finally breathed a sigh of relief; although the situation was still chaotic, it seemed that he could finally leave this hellish place as soon as possible, which was a blessing in misfortune.

It is said that from the beginning, he was quite disapproving of Ian Clemens' proposal; now that they no longer have the protection of the Faithless Knights, how can they interfere in such a major event that will almost certainly affect the situation of the Order World? It's definitely not a safe choice when you think about it.

For a group of wanted criminals like me, isn't it most important to find a safe place to hide?

While he was still thinking wildly, the trainee priest walking in front suddenly stopped.

"Hi!" The Wild Hunt Knight quickly pulled the reins and stopped the carriage: "I said what are you doing? This place seems to be far from the church..."

"You don't really want to go to church, do you, dear Mr. Drake?" The sinister Karin Jacques turned around and smiled playfully: "I don't have any objections myself, but you..."

"Cough cough cough cough!!!"

Joseph on the side cleared his throat, coughed twice and came forward: "Well, it doesn't matter whether you go to the church or not. The key lies in the next action. We really have to leave here as soon as possible."

"I can share with you a piece of top-secret news for free. If nothing else happens, by tomorrow morning, there will be..."

"There will be eight thousand Storm Legion soldiers coming from Clovis City to surround Qiu Sui Town!" The trainee priest who rolled his eyes said directly:

"So if we can't leave Qiu Sui Town before dawn, we will never leave!"

Derek stared at the two people in front of him with wide eyes. He suddenly really wanted to catch that bastard Ian and ask him why he was the only one who knew nothing.

"It seems that Priest Carlin Jacques is also very well-informed. He is indeed a member of the church." The surprised Joseph quickly regained his composure, with a flattering smile on his face: "It seems that you are also doing the same thing as us. What’s the purpose?”

"Let's talk to each other, Your Excellency Joseph, your 'military' seems to be very well informed." The trainee priest snorted coldly:

"But it must be agreed in advance that in the name of the Ring of Order, this carriage must arrive at the place where it should go safely and without error; so if possible, I hope to buy your services. After that, as long as the price is right, we will There will definitely be no counteroffer.”

"Well, that's a shame, because I'm not here for the money."

"That's for..."

"The reason is similar to yours." Joseph smiled apologetically, but his eyes revealed a hint of ferocity: "Some adults want this carriage to go where it should go."

"Really? Then I can't help but ask one more question, are our destinations the same?"

"It's possible... it's not consistent."

Joseph shook his head regretfully: "But at least for now, we should still be on the same side, so we might as well cooperate; no matter how many differences there are, we should wait until it is safe to consider them."

"Totally agree. I have always believed that consensus is a necessary and sufficient condition for action." Karin Jacques nodded matter-of-factly, and then looked at the Wild Hunt Knight beside him who had never spoken:

"Sir Drake, what do you think?"


Seeing the strange looks from the two of them, the Wild Hunt Knight racked his brains and couldn't figure out what Ian Clemens was trying to do. How much benefit could he and his fellows get from kidnapping the Queen Mother, and was it worth working so hard for.

But he didn't want to be seen through by the other party, so he could only nod his head seriously, his expression more serious than ever:

"I think the analogy you just made is so right!"

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