At one thirty in the morning, there were no lights on in Qiu Sui Town at night, and there were no pedestrians still wandering on the street. The slowly moving carriage surrounded by more than a dozen figures became extremely eye-catching at this time. , so that Drake on the carriage always had a tense face, as if a group of soldiers would come out of the corner at any time.

The same goes for the royal guards who guard the carriage. In particular, they must not only be wary of the local militia, but also these "warm-hearted" "good people".

In addition to being vigilant, they also had some doubts: previous actions had proved that the militiamen guarding Luka were not as easy to deceive as they thought. If they broke in forcefully, their identities might be exposed. So what method did they plan to use? Quietly, without the two sides "exposing" each other, leaving Qiu Sui Town in a big way?

The Wild Hunt Knights and the Royal Guards were all confused, and could only stare at the back of Karin Jacques who was leading the way confidently, without even daring to relax for a moment.

Joseph, who was acting together, vaguely guessed something, but he had no intention of sharing his information, especially since he and the "J trainee priest" in front of him were, strictly speaking, enemies.

Feeling the pair of ulterior eyes behind him, the trainee priest was quite calm and composed; this calmness came from the all-pervasive intelligence network of the Society of Truth - the entire intelligence of Qiu Sui Town was under his control, and even if it was true If an accident happened, he had plenty of ways to send the queen mother and the young king out of the city.

The only troublesome part is how to do this thing perfectly, at least on the surface, without arousing anyone's suspicion. This is the reason why Karin Jacques went to all the trouble to come here.

Making Clovis a country without a king is about whether it can leverage the cornerstone of the rule of the Ring of Order Church for thousands of years, whether it can fundamentally destroy the eternal order of the Order World, and make the Old Continent and even the whole world move towards a new direction because of Saint Isaac. The path of change was terminated by Gram's unexpected death.

This is the persistent goal of the Truth Society for hundreds of years, but for Karin Jacques, he also has other pursuits - David Jacques, his only brother, and even the Jacques family can take advantage of the situation and become a great artist. It all depends on whether the National Assembly can stand firm, and whether that bastard Anson Bach's plan can succeed smoothly.

For this reason, I have always been full of rebellious spirit towards the execution of tasks, and I have always hated a certain novelist who found himself an unhappy trainee priest all day long. Not only did he take the initiative to accept this task, but he also formulated a complete set of plans.

Yeah, a perfect plan.

Looking up at the moonless night, the smile on Karin Jacques' face grew deeper.

At the same time, the militiamen in Luka on the outskirts of Qiu Sui Town were enjoying the rum specially delivered to them. Their previously serious and sad expressions became more relaxed and comfortable with the introduction of alcohol.

To say that vigil is always a chore, the biggest threat is never the possible enemies or accidents, but boredom, extremely terrible boredom.

At this time, a kind person, a harmless person invites you to drink a glass of rum... Except for the commander's gun, no one can resist this temptation, especially if you also feel that you deserve this glass of wine, drink it. When there is nothing left.

Until a figure appeared and ruined their good mood.

"What are you doing?!"

Under the dim light of the fire, a middle-aged man wearing a military coat and a badge on his chest jumped off the horse, his expression extremely ugly: "Who allowed you to drink during the curfew time, tell me!"

"Captain Guy?!" The militiaman standing up drunkenly while holding a bottle of wine. He also didn't forget to bring his own oil lamp and came forward in a panic: "My lord... hiccup! Why are you here?"

"Answer my question." The middle-aged man known as "Captain Guy" had a cold face, as if he couldn't stand it: "A few minutes ago, I was assuring the mayor that there is absolutely no problem with the safety of Qiu Sui Town. Is this how you behave to me?"


The militiamen were slightly startled: "But, but the envoy sent by the mayor said..."

"The mayor's messenger, what kind of messenger?" Captain Guy directly interrupted: "I have just been discussing with the mayor how to welcome the commissioner sent by Clovis City tomorrow, and I didn't see anything sent by the mayor at all. messenger!"

"How... is this possible?" the militiamen were stunned: "We just saw the mayor's envoy coming with a few cavalry. There is absolutely no mistake. Ah... He also said that the mayor was entertaining Ian at the theater. Sir Clemens, did you not see him?"

Captain Guy's face suddenly turned even darker.

"Ian Clemens...if you're talking about Ian the Liar, yes, I've seen him and he's in jail in the basement of the town council."


"That liar thought he could win over the upright adults in Qiu Sui Town with bribes, and he is now in jail with his accomplices." Captain Guy said coldly:

"At the beginning, Clovis City did not have an order prohibiting outsiders from entering Qiu Sui Town, so we reluctantly let him go. However, this guy still wants to leave. It is really unreasonable!"

The militiaman was stunned. He really couldn't figure out. If this was the case, where did the pretended messenger of the mayor come from?

"Okay, don't waste my time anymore." Guy looked completely impatient: "Tell me, where are those guys who lied to you? Don't tell me that they have been let go by you idiots!"


The militiaman quickly denied it: "I... they are still in the town, and a priest took them to the church."

"Church, are you sure?"

"It's true! The man wore the black robes of a priest and took them to the church."

"What are you waiting for?!"

Captain Guy, whose expression was extremely ugly, waved his hand: "Everyone is dispatched, leaving the necessary guards behind. Let me chase them and capture them all!"


The rapid sound of military boots echoed on the street, and groups of militiamen holding torches and oil lamps trotted quickly through the streets and alleys, heading towards the church, which was still very conspicuous in the night.

Qiu Sui Town is not a particularly big town, and the noise caused by a few hundred people is enough to wake up the whole town from sleep; the people hiding in the alley immediately tensed up and stared at the people on both sides of the alley against the wall. exit.

From a distance, shouts such as "Catch Ian Clemens' accomplices!" and "Don't let these crooks get away!" can be heard.

"It seems that some people's disguises have been exposed."

Joseph, who had a joking expression on his face, turned his head and looked at Derek, who was still standing in the carriage with a blushing face, with a half-smile: "How about you, how about you take the initiative to reveal your true identity, and everyone can be more honest?" It’s more convenient to cooperate.”

Facing the treacherous looks of the surrounding royal guards, the Wild Hunt Knight seemed to have turned to stone. He pursed his lips tightly to make no sound.

However, Joseph could not be proud for long: a group of militiamen passed by the entrance of the alley, trotting and shouting: "Don't forget their accomplice, the bastard who asked Joseph to pretend to be the mayor's messenger. The mayor personally ordered a reward. , the reward for catching him is four hundred gold coins!"

"Oh my, it turns out that Mr. Joseph is still our accomplice!" Drake, who seized the opportunity, immediately began to mock mercilessly, imitating the appearance of a certain grand leader of the Faithless Knights:

"Four hundred gold coins, tsk tsk tsk... You must be very proud to know that your head is so valuable, right?"

The stiff-faced Joseph's smile froze on the spot, especially when the surrounding royal guards looked at him not only with vigilance, but also with obvious murderous intent.

"Okay, let's stop the quarrel."

Karin Jacques rarely became the one to smooth things over. In the past, he would just watch the excitement from the side: "The militiamen are all attracted to the church. We will set off after a while."

"Are you sure? This is not two or three people, but a carriage with more than a dozen people." Joseph, whose mouth twitched slightly, couldn't help but said:

"Qiu Sui Town is not a big city. It's very difficult for us to show up so brazenly without being discovered. Isn't it very difficult?"

"Yeah, why don't we wait and wait?" Derek also helped: "Ian and the others will be back soon. There will be more people by then. Even if we forcefully pass the level, we won't be invincible... Uh, I said it. Something strange to say?"

Seeing the strange looks in the eyes of the two people across from him, Derek couldn't help but stop even if he didn't feel that he was wrong.

"Strange? Not really."

Joseph smiled: "But if we do that, even if we successfully leave Qiu Sui Town, there will be thousands of troops chasing us along the way, and the problem will not be solved."

"So we can't cause any noise, or even be discovered by them that we are no longer here. It is best to leave Qiu Sui Town quietly without causing any commotion without the other party noticing at all, as if nothing happened. Same."

"How, how is this possible?" Derek's eyes widened: "They are already hunting us, and Qiu Sui Town is not big, so it is not a matter of time before they find so many of us?!"

"Yes, you are absolutely right."

Nodding seriously, the smile on Joseph's face turned playful: "So, it depends on what the respected priest Karin Jacques plans to do, or...create a miracle?"

Facing a pair of doubtful eyes, Karin Jacques raised the corners of his mouth confidently and slowly opened his hands forward: "In that case,'s time to witness the miracle."

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Reverend Xi walking out of the alley, Derek was the first to call out to him.

"Of course we are leaving Qiu Sui Town." Karin Jacques didn't even look back, he just waved behind him: "Follow me, don't get lost."


Derek was speechless and turned to look at everyone; the royal guards looked at each other in confusion for a moment, but finally chose to believe each other.

A few people left the alley where they were hiding with suspicion and came to the streets of Qiu Sui Town, cautiously moving in the direction of Luka.

There was not a single figure on the empty street, but across the street, which was only separated by a wall, hundreds of militiamen had already surrounded the chapel, and the group could even hear shouts from the other side.

In this situation, the group of people pursed their mouths tightly, fearing that they would be noticed by the other side if they made any sound. Derek, who was driving, even covered his mouth with his hands, for fear of attracting the attention of the other side if he was not paying attention.

But the strange thing is that they are so close, and there is only the sound of carriages on the whole street. None of the militiamen surrounding the church are coming here. They seem to be walking in a deserted town. There was an indescribable weirdness about it.

Drake finally noticed this situation... Yes, this is the power of Ian Clemens' blood!

Although it is not entirely because of this, the reason why he was able to become the grand leader in the powerful Faithless Knights was not only his excellent psychological quality and scheduling ability, but also the extremely rare power of hidden blood. 1; To put it simply, Ian can directly shield the aura of a certain area so that no one can detect himself or the person he wants to protect.

Of course, it’s not completely impossible. For example, people with talents who have the power of insight into bloodlines, or slightly stronger black mages, can expose his little tricks; but not to mention that the power of insight into bloodlines is also rare, Qiu Sui Town’s Even if there is a black mage in a small place, the other party will never dare to expose his identity.

In other words, in this small town of Autumn, Ian Clemens is nearly invincible!

The problem is that Karin Jacques knew this. Did Ian Clemens take the initiative to tell him in order to cooperate? Impossible. With how cowardly that guy is, how could he possibly hand over such an important trump card?

The confused Drake shook his head repeatedly. It seemed that he could only ask Ian about this matter in person after they were reunited.

It didn't take long for the group of people to return to Luka again smoothly. At this time, the street was completely empty. There were only two guys dressed as militiamen guarding both sides of the road. Even the horses that blocked the passage of the carriage had been moved away. .

Noticing the figure here, the two "militiamen" immediately walked forward; before the royal guards had time to be alert, Ian and Carno took off their hats, with slightly complaining expressions on their faces: "Why did you spend so much money?" After such a long time, didn’t I tell you to act sooner?”

"Act early, do you know that the 'security clearance' you gave me is actually a wanted warrant?!" Drake, who desperately lowered his voice, couldn't help but said: "Also, since bloodline must be used anyway With all your strength, why didn’t you take action earlier?”

"Ah, the power of blood?" Ian was stunned: "I... didn't use the power of blood."


These Drakes were also stunned.

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