I will be crowned king

Chapter 1197 Alexei is in action

Between the mountains and forests, the majestic Antler Fortress is like a sharp sword extending from the horizon. It is spectacular and majestic, making people feel awe.

Well, as the last gate of the Royal Court of Yser, this situation seems to be natural.

However, Alexey Dukasky didn't think so at all at this time. After successfully arriving at his destination after many days of long journey, his mood at this moment was only unparalleled heroism and smugness in every sense of the word.

Quickly passing through the enemy's territory without arousing the enemy's vigilance, leading an army of tens of thousands to approach the hinterland of the royal capital; even if you want to, it is easy to capture it...Such an achievement, even Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach You’ve never done it, right?

Yes, none, except me - Alexey Dukasky!

To be honest, I might really take down this fortress quickly, and then change its name to Alexei Fortress based on its military exploits, so that when the Ysel Elf hears his name, he will think of the Royal Court. The shame of falling instantly.

Uh...but this seems to have happened before. Lord Anson and the Storm Legion took down the Royal Court in just one night...although it was mainly because of the Judgment Knights.

Wait, why is it that despite having made unprecedented military exploits, when you think about it seriously, you suddenly feel like...it's nothing special?

And just when Alexei fell into an inner state of overlapping ecstasy and self-doubt, the chief of staff who followed him finally couldn't help but speak: "Master, what should we do next?"

"What to do? Didn't I make it very clear? Prepare immediately to attack the Antler Fortress, and at the same time send someone to pass the situation on our side to Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach." The excited Alexei immediately "recovered "It feels like it's gone", and my heart suddenly feels heroic:

"Tell the Commander-in-Chief that the 2nd Infantry Division will fulfill its mission and will definitely seize key strongholds for Clovis. It will march to the Royal Court of Yser with armed deterrence and contribute a small amount of power to quickly end Yser's strategy... "

"Uh...please wait a moment."

"Oh okay, any questions?"

"I do have a...little problem."


"Excuse me." The chief of staff gritted his teeth and forced a smile at Alexei:

"Master Division Commander, how are we going to deliver the information to the Commander-in-Chief?"

"Of course, send a messenger and ask him to use the fastest speed...ah..."

Alexey finally understood: "We can't send out messengers at all now, can we?"

"Commander Alexei, you seem to have some misunderstandings about the situation of this infantry division." The chief of staff's smile became more and more gritted:

"Although I don't know the genius plan of you and the commander-in-chief, now our supplies have been completely interrupted, and we have completely lost contact with the base camp in the rear, including friendly forces. It can almost be regarded as... no, we are already literally alone. Got it!"

"Yes, I know all this."

Alexey nodded, looking a little confused: "So?"


The chief of staff's eyes widened. This military academy graduate could only climb up the ladder step by step because he could not join a wealthy family in Clovis City. He had climbed up to his current position from the cold bench in the east by relying on his mixed qualifications. See The look in his eyes at the "new chief" in front of him was almost like looking at a madman.

It was really hard for him to understand how a guy like this who lacked military common sense and brought the army into a desperate situation could survive the jihad in the new world and force the jihadist army to compromise - by playing cards that don't follow common sense?

"Master, I just want to ask one more question. What are you going to do next?"

There was no need for the other party to answer, and the chief of staff took a deep breath and continued: "Are you preparing to attack Antler Fortress? If so, please forgive me for refusing to provide you with the corresponding combat plan and planning, because now we are unable to obtain reinforcements, and the logistics line Interruption, the situation where the lone army goes deep into the enemy's hinterland without support, and may be besieged and strangled from multiple sides at any time, is really beyond the upper limit of the capabilities of the entire staff of this division!"

He almost finished these words through gritted teeth, and there was even some sincerity in his expression. He sincerely hoped that the guy in front of him could clearly understand the current situation and give up those extremely absurd ideas.

But the reality was completely opposite to what he thought... After learning that his staff group was going to lie down and be destroyed, Alexei not only did not panic, but also showed a very understanding smile and waved his hand to express that it didn't matter: "It doesn't matter. This is indeed something you can’t do anymore, just leave it to me.”

"You?" the chief of staff was stunned: "You want yourself..."

"That's right, I now have a complete...well, I mean a complete plan." After pondering for a moment, Alexey decided to change his words: "You just need to execute it step by step, and I will bear all the responsibilities." .”

This... Alexei's tone made the chief of staff completely confused. He really didn't understand where the other party's confidence came from; although he could indeed rely on the other party's words to completely shirk the responsibility, but the prerequisite was that Can you go back alive?

"Sir, may I ask one more question?"

"Okay, what do you want to ask?"

"Why would you take such dangerous action?"

The chief of staff's expression was very tangled: "Obviously our mission did not mention attacking the Royal Court of Yser. We just need to launch an attack from the north step by step. Counting Hantu, our total strength can reach about 100,000. , it’s easy to defeat the Yser elves and force them to cede territory and seek peace, isn’t it?”

"You are right. If we go step by step, we will still win this war. The Ysel elves two years ago were no match for Clovis, and they will not be the same two years later." Alexei hugged his shoulders, He said in a tone of "I knew you were going to ask this":

"So the key is not 'if we can defeat the Ysel elves', but 'when' we can defeat them."

"...You mean, we are actually competing for time?"

"Completely correct!"

"But...but even if it's just to buy time, there's no need to take such a big risk!" The chief of staff still couldn't understand: "With bad luck, tens of thousands of us will be wiped out!"

Looking at his puzzling and tangled look, the corners of Alexei's mouth couldn't help but rise; once upon a time, he was just like him and followed the rules step by step. He regarded his status as an officer as a job and a profession and never took the initiative to think about problems. Guy.

But after spending two years in the Storm Legion, especially after experiencing the New World War and witnessing the entire process of expelling the king from Clovis City and forming the National Assembly, his thoughts changed drastically.

In the past, meaningless wars that were purely based on the personal interests and subjective wishes of kings or lords have become a thing of the past; in the future, wars in an ordered world will be between countries and between forces. , the war between groups and groups competing for living space.

This kind of war is completely different from the past: soldiers and officers are no longer just war machines that simply complete orders, but are part of a community of interests; the causes they pursue and the interests they strive for are closely connected with them, and are no longer irrelevant. A no-brainer.

"Chief of Staff, I need you to answer a question about this first." Alexei looked at him with burning eyes: "Why did the soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division fall behind when they were advancing rapidly, and the troops got lost, and in the end they were almost completely We have lost our combat effectiveness, and our future is uncertain now, and we may even have been ambushed by the enemy and suffered heavy casualties; but we can successfully pass through the enemy's hinterland and approach the royal court?"

"This, this is of course because...because..."

The chief of staff who was about to answer "Of course because you have experience in defeating the Yser elves" was suddenly speechless, because he suddenly realized that this was probably not the real reason: even if Alexey himself had it, the Second Infantry Division could No.

This is a long-distance attack involving thousands or even nearly ten thousand people. Even if Alexei is experienced, he cannot guarantee that every soldier can obey orders unswervingly without making any mistakes.

"You can't understand, but it's not your fault, because even though you are an officer from a lower level, you have forgotten what you thought when you were just a division chief and a herald." Alexey said in a deep voice:

"The reason is simple, because the soldiers understand the significance of this war and understand that their commander-in-chief Anson Bach does not regard them as consumables that can be squandered and wasted just because they are not the Storm Legion."

"On the day of our departure, the Commander-in-Chief immediately applied for the departure fee from the Ministry of War to make up for the military salary owed to everyone; three days before we were about to enter the battle, the logistics supplies from Eagle Point City were delivered to the military camp - this is not Eagle Point. Jiaocheng offered it proactively, but the commander-in-chief seized the caravan and used hard and soft tactics to win it for us."

"You are an officer, and I know that officers in the eastern region do not live entirely on military salary, but soldiers are different." Alexey looked at the Antler Fortress on the other side of the mountain:

"And I happen to know a chief of staff who has been a junior officer for many years. He told me that the most important thing for soldiers is military pay - yes, the army will never lack the kind of people who will not be satisfied even if they are given ten times the military pay and all the spoils are theirs. They are bastards, but the majority are ordinary soldiers who are satisfied with their duties, can allocate military pay more rationally, and can be satisfied if their officers can share the joys and sorrows with their subordinates."

"Sir Anson Bach fought for the treatment that the soldiers of the Ranger Corps deserved, gave them the most basic promises, and even promised them a bright future... This is the reason why I dare to do this."

"Is it because of this?" The chief of staff still didn't understand:

"Just because they are given full military pay and promised that they will all have opportunities for promotion in the future, will these soldiers become different from the past?"

"Or it should be said that the past Kingdom of Clovis... no." Alexey frowned slightly: "It should be said that the entire world of order cannot even do this small favor."

"But Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach did it, so the soldiers were willing to follow me and carry out this kind of mission that could annihilate the entire army if they were not careful; because they understood that they were not fighting this war for others, but for others. Some extremely dignified figure they have never seen before, but themselves."

The chief of staff still didn't understand, but he decisively gave up asking questions and remained silent, ending the discussion.

"Immediately organize an infantry regiment and build a siege position around the fortress. Remember that the momentum must be loud. It is best to let the other party see that we are building a large-scale construction project with great fanfare." Alexei also changed the topic very smartly:

"Let the opposite side see that we are approaching the city and are not in a hurry to launch an attack; each infantry regiment works in shifts to ensure that they have sufficient physical strength and are ready to launch a surprise attack at any time."

"As ordered." The chief of staff nodded: "The messenger sent to the headquarters..."

"Send immediately, and send more, tell them not to worry if they are captured, and don't be afraid of leaks. Just say whatever they are asked, it doesn't matter!" Alexei waved his hand:

"We just want to do it in a big way. It doesn't matter if the enemy finds out. As long as the news can be spread to the headquarters, the goal has been achieved!"

The chief of staff did not refute this time. He had basically given up thinking now.

"Okay, let's arrange these for now. Do you have any other questions?"

"Only the last one left." The chief of staff raised his head: "When will we launch an attack on Antler Fortress?"

"good question!"

Alexey smiled without looking back, staring at the flag flying above the fortress: "Let them have an uneasy sleep for the last time. Tomorrow night, we can spend the night in the defender's bed." !”


"Alexei has captured Antler Fortress and is marching towards the Royal Court of Yser."

In the base camp of the Cliff Fortress siege position, Anson found Carl Bain with the intelligence he had just obtained: "The speed is two days faster than I expected. The only bad news is that it failed to respond to the First Infantry Division, which arrived. There is no accurate news yet. It is estimated that the large troops have separated from the headquarters and can be judged to have lost combat effectiveness for the time being."

"I said, it seems that they have just arrived at Antler Fortress. How can you conclude that Alexei is already besieging the Royal Court of Yser?" Carl Bain couldn't help but complain:

"Also, he seems to have only a few thousand men in his hands. He doesn't even have heavy weapons for a long-distance attack. How can he take down a heavily guarded fortress?"

"It's very simple, because there are not many soldiers in Antler Fortress." Anson said firmly: "I can bet you that the defenders will not exceed 3,000 people at most, and there are not many heavy weapons at all. With Ali Keshe’s strength makes it easy to win, so there’s no problem at all.”

"Okay, since you said that, right." Karl shrugged with a sigh, and suddenly seemed to realize something: "Wait! That means we can..."

"Yes." Anson smiled and nodded:

"We can finally capture the Cliff Fortress!"

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