I will be crowned king

Chapter 1198 Cut off the head and tail!

"Your Holiness, Archbishop Luther Franz, Patron of Clovis Cathedral:

It turns out that the Yser Elf War is completely different from what we initially expected. Anson Bach today is no longer the same person he was three years ago; every time I think his plan is outrageous and crazy, the facts The lieutenant-general - or governor - has always proven to be terrifyingly calm.

So... you are right, there is no one more suitable than him to end this decades-long grudge between Hantu, Clovis and the Ysel elves.

There is no need for me to tell you what magical things happened in this ancient land, because Your Majesty the Archbishop will soon receive all the battle reports about this war; I can only sigh again for your foresight; if Anson had been asked · Bach has become our enemy, which would be a very bad thing.

Fortunately, we made a very wise decision at the beginning.

Things happened so fast and were so complicated that I lost the ability to express them in concise language; I can only tell you one thing - in the next thirty years, the Ysel elves will no longer be able to express themselves in concise language. It's Clovis's problem.

These are the original words of Anson Bach himself.

Finally, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you. May the light of the Ring of Order shine forever and bless the land of Clovis, no matter what it becomes.

Your unworthy, ordinary novelist friend. "


On May 12, the day after Alexei's news arrived, the crumbling cliff fortress immediately fell into blood and fire.

Sharp whistles and heavy roars echoed around the fortress over and over again; successive barrages continued to ravage the elven defenders' positions from multiple directions, dark and thick smoke pillars rose into the sky, and debris and rubble appeared like Raindrops fell from the sky.

After several days of fierce fighting, the positions around the Cliff Fortress have been completely destroyed. Many gaps have appeared on the city wall. Two of the three fortresses have been basically destroyed. Only the northern fortress is still intact. After the Hantu-Clovis coalition forces Despite repeated attacks, they still did not fall and were struggling to hold on.

But this is not because the fortress on the north wing is stronger and the soldiers can stand proudly even if they resist to the death. It is purely the result of the coalition forces: in order to prevent the enemy from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Anson always maintains the attack at a relatively stable "speed" , always focus on safety and never overly stimulate the opponent.

Even under such circumstances, the Ysel Elf army, which was completely disorganized, was beaten unilaterally and lost two-thirds of the fortress. More than half of the more than 10,000 soldiers were captured and surrendered. Killed in action.

Accompanied by the seemingly never-ending roar outside, the Ysel Elf nobles and officers huddled in the basement, the lowest level of the fortress and the safest, sat in a circle facing each other, feeling the never-ending vibrations around them, sifting from the ceiling above their heads. The falling dust and gravel fully demonstrated what it means to be at the end of the road, and what it means to be in mourning.

I thought that with an army of more than 10,000 people and an impregnable fortress, even if they couldn't stop Clovis and the Hantu army, they would still have a chance to bargain. However, reality slapped them cruelly, I saw with my own eyes the huge gap between the two sides.

Not to mention the Clovis people, the current Yiser is not even a match for the Hantu people.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the sound of cannons gradually stopped. However, the elven nobles and officers did not finally relax. Instead, their faces became more difficult to look at. The cessation of the sound of cannons meant that the enemy was about to officially begin to attack the city!

In the tomb-like silence, a figure suddenly stood up, lowered his head, sighed and walked towards the exit of the basement.

"What are you going to do?"

"What else could it be?" The elf noble stopped and turned to look at his companions with a wry smile: "Disarm, surrender to the Clovis people, and beg them to spare my subordinates and family."

"Are you crazy?!"

The half-elf officer suddenly lost his voice and said: "They will kill you and your subordinates; the Clovis butcher has already said that he will not leave anyone alive!"

The other officers and elven nobles around also had the same expression. If surrendering would solve the problem, they would not be able to survive until now. They would have split up to fight for the places to surrender; but Anson Bach really "keeps his promise" , said they would not accept surrender; except for those who were captured alive and captured, all officers and soldiers who took the initiative to take pictures were shot to death in front of the defenders, leaving no one alive.

"Yes, you are right, but so what?" The elf noble smiled sadly: "Do you still think that Cliff Fortress can survive today? Rather than being wiped out like this, it is better to try your luck."

"I am a pure-blooded elf noble, with the blood of the Matias family flowing in my body. The Clovis people will not let me go; but everyone else here, you can try your luck to see if you can be successfully captured. When it comes to prisoners on the other side—when it comes to half-elves and humans, the attitude on the other side should always be kinder."

This is also a summary of the experience of the past few days: if the captured officers and soldiers are humans, the Hantu people will take them back; if they are half-elves, the Clovis people will also give them the minimum treatment, and the captives should be given the minimum treatment. treatment.

Only pure Yser elves will almost 100% be shot to death, even if they are captured.

Although a fool can see that this is a method used by the opponent to divide and disintegrate them, after all, the situation is stronger than the people, and the elf defenders of the Cliff Fortress can only grit their teeth and admit it.

It is precisely because of this that the humans and half-elves in the garrison began to "squeeze out" the pure-blooded elves who were originally the noblest. During the battle, they deliberately avoided or did not support the elven nobles who were fighting to the death - this was also Another reason why the fortress fell so quickly.

Seeing Matias who was still insisting, the half-elf who stood up to stop him silently sat back in his seat without saying anything more. The smiling elf noble turned around, opened the door and walked out of the basement.

Outside, the elf soldiers, who had lost their armor and lost their souls under Clovis's repeated shelling, were trembling and huddled behind the bunker, and some even dropped their weapons on the ground.

Looking at the unsightly sight in front of him, Matias closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled out his saber from his waist:

"Everyone, noble pure-blooded elves, for the glory of the Kingdom of Yser, follow me to break out of the siege and defend the royal court!"


At the same time that the siege of Cliff Fortress began, Alexei Dukaski's 2nd Infantry Division's siege of Antler Fortress finally entered the final stage.

Relying on surprise and the cover of night, the three infantry regiments of the Second Infantry Division successfully reached the outside of the fortress and broke through the outermost defense line before the defenders could react.

Facts have proved that Alexei won the bet. There were only two to three thousand defenders in the Antler Fortress. The reason was also very simple: no one expected that the Clovis Army could break through the border defense line so quickly, before everyone noticed. Suddenly appeared outside the gate of the royal court; unless the Ysel elves were stupid enough, there was no way they could station heavy troops in such a rear area at the beginning of the war.

Facing an enemy that was three or even four times their size, the unprepared defenders turned the seemingly indestructible fortress into a dilapidated house with air leakage from all sides. The Second Infantry Division easily captured three or four gaps; originally they were still trembling with fear. Upon seeing this, the veterans of the Ranger Corps immediately transformed into mad dogs after the attack order was issued, and launched a desperate attack on the fortress.

At this point in the battle, the Yser Elf defenders in the fortress actually still have a chance to make a comeback and even push Alexei back; after all, the Second Infantry Division does not have heavy weapons, let alone any means of attack; as long as the enemy holds on, Fortress, a long-distance attack of the Clovis army could not do anything to them.

However, the defenders of Antler Fortress seriously misjudged Alexei: because he built a siege position outside the fortress with great fanfare, the Yser elves thought that he really had some heavy weapons in his hands; in addition, The siege took place at night, and the panicked defenders completely lost their ability to think. They actually fled on a large scale at the beginning of the battle.

And this almost fatal mistake was firmly caught by Alexey!

The battle lasted from midnight to early morning. The defenders of Antler Fortress suffered few casualties, but they were almost completely driven out of the fortress. Alexei did not attack the fleeing enemies, but focused entirely on those who were still there. On the few defenders who were stubbornly resisting, double, even triple, or quadruple the force was concentrated to encircle and suppress them.

The huge momentum and the friendly forces being wiped out one after another made the remaining elven soldiers completely lose their fighting spirit and unable to think of any resistance at all.

When the sky finally got light, the Second Infantry Division, which had been fighting all night, finally discovered that the results of their battle were completely beyond their imagination - the entire Antler Fortress had fallen into their hands!

As the slowly rising sun shines on the bloody one-horned flag planted on the top of the fortress, the sound of cheering sounds like waves over the fortress over and over again; the soldiers, who are obviously so tired that they can hardly open their eyes, still Dancing in excitement.

"Send the order to give all the soldiers only half an hour to celebrate and have breakfast. Everyone, except the sentry on duty, immediately find a place for me to rest."

Although he won a glorious victory, Alexey was not dazzled by the victory. He knew very well that he could take the Antler Fortress only because the enemy was stupid enough and seriously overestimated his own strength; if If we don't restore our combat strength as soon as possible now, it will be completely over when the other side truly reacts.

"As commanded."

The chief of staff did not dare to neglect. After the last discussion, although he still could not agree with the other party's "madman-like tactics", he really could not say "no" in the face of such a glorious victory.

There is no way, the army is a place where strength is the most important; a commander who can lead the army and soldiers from one victory to another has almost unlimited power and is sought after by all soldiers.

"Congratulations, Commander. It only took one night to capture the most unshakable fortress in the Elf Kingdom of Yser, and almost at no cost." Following Alexey, who was patrolling the fortress wall, the Chief of Staff followed suit. asked: "Then what is our next plan?"

"What do you think is the next step?"

"Me?" The chief of staff was stunned for a moment, and then quickly gave his plan: "I think the fruits of victory should be consolidated as soon as possible; after all, according to you, the news of the Second Infantry Division has probably not only reached the ears of the commander-in-chief, but also The enemy must have known about it and may organize an army to besiege us at any time; we do not rule out the possibility of an army launching an attack from the direction of the Royal Court."

"If we don't prepare quickly, we may be at risk of being attacked from both sides."

"Well said, absolutely correct!" Alexey nodded in agreement: "So we must take action immediately to prevent the Ysel elves from really attacking here."


"So we must find ways to take the initiative and nip hidden dangers in the bud before the enemy launches an attack." Alexey continued: "That is, leaving a small number of elites to resist the enemy's counterattack, and the rest of the main force will follow me and continue to advance westward. , besieging the Royal Court of Yser!"

"Siege, siege the royal court?!"

At this time, not only the chief of staff himself, but also many officers around him who heard it were shocked to the point of disbelief.

"Yes, only in this way can the enemy feel the imminent danger, so that they dare not easily organize a counterattack and station the army inside the city." The colonel and division commander stopped and looked around the crowd: "If I am not wrong, , Lord Anson Bach is gathering strength and preparing to take down the Cliff Fortress in one fell swoop."

"As long as one side controls the border of Iser and the other occupies the other side's important hinterland, the entire Elf Kingdom of Iser can be cut off from head to tail and enjoy the middle part; an army of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands can also Well, civilians alike, they will have nowhere to escape, and must honestly enter the trap we have laid out in advance, but they are still unaware of it."

"...Excuse me, what kind of trap is it?"

"It's nothing, you'll understand when the time comes." Alexei had a lazy attitude. At this moment, he had also fallen into the longing for the "perfect plan" and always felt that it was the absolute and only truth in the world. , and is absolutely unshakable.

"Yes, I'll do it right now." The chief of staff didn't intend to continue the topic: "Excuse me, how long will we have to rest here?"

"We only have one night and one day. Everyone, take the time to have a good rest tonight. Get ready tomorrow afternoon and follow me to siege the royal court!"

After saying that, Alexey, who was also extremely exhausted, collapsed to the ground uncontrollably and fell into an imageless sleep.

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