I will be crowned king

Chapter 1199 The final judgment on Israel

Cloudless blue sky, bright and golden sunshine, thousands of blooming flowers can be seen in the vast wilderness, and wisps of breeze blowing across the hillside, causing ripples.

May is the most beautiful month in the Royal Court of Yser. The weather is neither cold nor hot. The warm wind dyes the hillsides and wilderness into emerald green. The beasts that have been sleeping all winter begin to multiply. The skyline in the distance Birds from the south flew up again; the Ysel elves, who had long been tired of banquets and dances, walked out of their palaces and went out for patrols, outings, and hunting.

But this beautiful scene is destined to be ravaged by war...

Igor Moses Field, who was standing on the fort, turned around and saw that the Hantu and Clovis siege positions built along the slopes and rivers were clearly in front of him.

The originally lush and deserted hills have now become "busy"... countless tents are spread out on the high ground one after another, divided by horizontal, vertical, or crooked tunnels and earth walls. Come, and there are more tunnels under the hillside, and they continue to extend outward... until a huge "city" is formed that surrounds one third of the royal court.

Yes, city, this was the first word that popped into the mind of the Elf King. Even if it was the Guards Corps that Louis Bernard assisted him in training, the fortifications they built would never be comparable to what he saw in front of him.

Groups of Clovis soldiers wearing red and black military uniforms, Hantu soldiers with their heads held high, and Yiser half-elf soldiers with livid faces or silent words; they were like ants in the corridor, swarming Teams pass through the tunnels: patrolling, resting, training, delivering orders, carrying... This is a living, lively and crowded city.

The only difference is that what this city brings is not prosperity, but destruction and death... Igor Moses Field took a deep breath and turned his gaze to the royal court that was just around the corner.

It was too fast, everything happened too fast.

While the "powerful factions" of the Iser Elf Kingdom were still arguing over where to build a defense line to resist the invasion, the coalition forces of Clovis and Hantu had conquered the Cliff Fortress at a speed beyond everyone's imagination. and Antler Fortress.

The most important west gate of the kingdom and the last barrier in front of the royal court were suddenly lost. In addition, all kinds of bad news spread quickly with the civilians fleeing in a hurry, and the entire Israel suddenly fell into "suspended death." State; the enemy's efficiency is too high and the target is too strong, which directly kills all possibilities of defensive counterattack.

Do you want to hold back the main force of the invaders? But the royal court is in danger and may fall at any time; without the banner of the Moses Field royal family, no one among the already fragmented powerful factions can hope to unite everyone, and there will be serious doubts as to whether the kingdom can continue to exist.

So, how to relieve the siege of Royal Court of Yser?

Very good, with one hundred thousand invading troops behind you, you may be attacked from both sides by the enemy before you can recapture the Antler Fortress, and you will die without a burial place.

This dilemma fully exposed the current situation of Israel being divided: there is an army, but it has been divided, and no one dares to be the first to take the lead; so they will either be crushed to death one by one, or they will be crushed to death together.

Unless the current situation of various factions being grouped together can be changed and the power of Iser can be re-integrated and unified, this will be a completely unsolvable dead situation.

And Anson Bach obviously understood the predicament they were facing better than the Yser elves, and he even magnified this predicament very politely: 50,000 troops marched west from the cliff fortress, following the direction of the defeated soldiers and refugees, and fought to Under the castle of King Yser.

Having lost such an important defensive fortification as the Cliff Fortress, and the surrounding towns and villages were completely destroyed by the Hantu and Clovis people, it was impossible for the defeated soldiers to gain a foothold and continue to flee with the refugees, and in the Hantu-Clovis Under the pursuit of the coalition forces, they continued to "shrink".

This is not because Anson really intends to kill all the Yser elves, but the subjective initiative of Little Leon or Hantu - the Hantu people want land, but it is not just the land, but also the people who live in it. people in the land.

If Iser's defeated army leads all the people to the east, Hantu's gains from this battle will be greatly reduced, and he may even lose all his money; Clovis is doing everything he can, but he doesn't mind. Do a little favor for your allies.

In order to reduce the other side's resistance, the Hantu-Clovis coalition once again raised the flag of Igor Moses Field, indicating that they were not the invaders, but responded to the former Elf King's request for help and sent troops to assist the Iser Elf. To end civil unrest.

This kind of statement, which even the Clovis people themselves do not believe, naturally makes most of the Yser elves sneer; but the situation is stronger than the people, and there is no other way. Even if they know that the other party is lying, there is still no way to deal with it in such a situation. The few people decided to try their luck - they would die anyway, what if it was true?

This time, the coalition finally changed its normal behavior and no longer shouted to kill the Yser elves. Instead, they actually brought the surrendering troops and the surrendered citizens into management, and based on their origins, they were assigned to the Yser elves according to their origins. They were provided with unit numbers and the same supplies as coalition soldiers; the refugees who were willing to assist the army received two meals a day, a tent to sleep in, and received a salary every three days.

Obviously relying on this small favor to win over people is a bit taken for granted, but at least it makes up for the coalition's image in Yser; after all, the invaders also want to save face, even if they are just pretending.

While the coalition forces are marching eastwards, the powerful factions of the Ysel elves are also dancing in chaos: the enemy's army is pressing on the border, the capital is in danger, and there is even a risk of destruction; according to common sense, no matter how they look at each other, they don't like each other. , at this time, we should unite as one and defeat the invaders first regardless of the cost.

But the fact is so absurd. The enemy is attacking, and they are also attacking, but they are attacking each other: while the coalition's attention has been completely focused on the royal court, the pressure on the north and northwest has dropped sharply. The factions began to fight each other and annex each other.

Obviously, they don't have the courage to resist the invaders, but they still have the courage to take advantage of the invaders to disrupt the situation while strengthening themselves and swallowing up their weaker companions.

Regarding this situation, Anson's choice was to continue to ignore it and let these guys continue to hurt each other, which was far more efficient than doing it himself; it would be better to say that their doing so also happened to facilitate the light infantry division stranded in the northwest. Let this force continue to set fire to the countryside, pillage, and attack the war potential of the Yither Elves.

So a ridiculous scene unfolded: the Hantu-Clovis coalition swaggered in Yser, advancing as if into an uninhabited land. A mere few thousand people from the Second Infantry Division occupied the Antler Fortress, and even surrounded it. Royal Court.

What about the army of the Ysel elves?

Answer, The armies of the Yser elves are killing each other.

As for whether the Yisel elves will be involved in a crazy involution and an unprecedentedly powerful faction will emerge, Anson is not worried about this at all, because no matter how strong the opponent is, once the royal court falls, Igor Moses Field will become The only legitimate elf king, this powerful faction has no banner to play.

He has only two choices: first to be independent, but in that case he will not only have to face the Hantu-Clovis coalition, but also to fight the Yser elves who refuse to follow him in rebellion; or to surrender to the former Elf King and become a new dynasty A powerful minister.

As for who can become the real person in power between this powerful faction and the forcibly supported puppet Elf King, that is the matter of the Ysel elves, and Clovis does not care about this.

So six days later, the coalition forces successfully arrived at the Antler Fortress; on the seventh day, they arrived at the siege position outside the Royal Court, and began to further expand on the basis of what Alexei had already built, posing a situation where the army was approaching the city and absolutely crushing it.


"It seems that it has been almost two years since you last visited the Royal Court of Yser, Lieutenant General."

Looking at Anson Bach who was walking up the slope, the former Elf King Igor Moses Field smiled politely and took the initiative to salute him.

Anson did not show too much politeness and made a "please" gesture to the other party. The two of them looked at the royal court not far away in perfect understanding.

"What a pity. If it weren't for the war, the area around the royal court at this time would be the most suitable for hunting; young children enjoy the beauty of spring in the forests and grasslands." Igor sighed without looking back. , as if he was really sorry: "If possible, I really want to see how you look on the hunting ground."

"It's probably not possible to be charming, but it's very possible to be embarrassed - I'm not very good at this kind of thing."

Anson smiled and waved his hand: "You might as well invite Leon Francois or Louis Bernard, they might be able to add a bit of brilliance to your banquet."

"Really, I think you have underestimated yourself. Hunting is no different from war. A knight who can plan a war in an orderly manner is definitely the most shining star on the hunting ground." Igor seemed not to believe someone at all. honest:

"In any case, from now on, the Yser elves will no longer be the enemies of Hantu and the Clovis people, right?"

"You are right, this is what I expect; a chaotic Yser Elf Kingdom is not in the interest of our two countries at all; so if your Majesty, you can return to power, let this great race continue to maintain absolute aloof neutrality , I can promise you that Clovis will never point his finger at the chest of the elf."

These words are a promise, but in fact they are closer to a threat: as long as the Ysel elves dare to interfere in the muddy waters of the world of order, the Clovis people will no longer show mercy, but will directly eradicate them.

After all, in the past, there were only two talismans for the Yser elves: spellcasters among pure-blood elves, and support and assistance from the empire.

Now the latter is no more, and the elite Thirteen Council of the former has been eradicated by the Judgment Knights. According to the information Anson received, in the first year after he arrived in the new world, the Judgment Knights have always been in Iser. There was a killing spree in your land, hunting down the fleeing spellcasters everywhere.

After all, the Yser elves who can reach the level of Queen Freya Moses Field can only be a minority among the few; most of them are not much stronger than ordinary talented people; not to mention that the Judgment Knights are well-equipped. Various weapons are highly targeted; under normal circumstances, it would take at least two or three ordinary talents to defeat a fully armed Judgment Knight.

Not to mention that the Holy See also mobilized inquisitors from three dioceses to assist...With the cooperation of these elites who specialize in hunting spellcasters, the Thirteen Council, which had finally regained some strength, quickly withered and was almost wiped out.

It was precisely because of this fuse that the important pure-blood nobles who supported the Moses Field royal family suffered excessive losses, which led to Igor having to abdicate and push a relative from the side branch to the front. In the end, it became "Strength" A puppet in the hands of the factions.

"So...can I ask, how do you plan to treat the Royal Court of Yser?"

"It's not how I plan to treat it, but Clovis, it's how the National Assembly plans to treat it." Anson had to correct him: "All I did was to implement the decision of the National Assembly."

"The National Assembly demands that the Royal Court of Yser must be completely destroyed as Clovis's final punishment for the Yser elves; the entire city walls, the palaces where the rich live, the markets and commercial streets all need to be eradicated. Removed; only the palace and most of the civilian areas were preserved to show Clovis' benevolence."

"Mercy?" Igor narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't you think that what you said sounds very hypocritical?"

"On the contrary, I think it is kindness, and it is the greatest kindness."

Anson's expression remained the same: "As the leader of Clovis, my mission requires me to be responsible for Clovis's safety. However, the existence of the Elf Kingdom of Iser and your past relationship with the empire have seriously threatened Clovis." Southeast of Lovis; this is something I cannot bear, so the Royal Court must be completely dismantled and its armed forces must be completely dismantled, and the Antler Fortress must be demolished and not rebuilt within ten years, otherwise it will be regarded as a declaration of war against Clovis."

"I must point out to your majesty that your side is not very powerful, but you have repeatedly provoked Clovis over the past few decades; you even refused to surrender and resisted to the end when we punished you; this shows that you have admitted We must face the fact that we are Clovis’s enemy; we must deal the heaviest and merciless blow to our enemies!”

"In the previous battles, I spared most of the nobles and soldiers who were captured by our side or voluntarily surrendered, which has fully demonstrated our kindness; but now, I must express my attitude to you, that is, Iraq The Court of Thrir must be destroyed."

"The Royal Court of Yser...must...be destroyed!"

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