I will be crowned king

Chapter 1224 Charge towards the artillery fire

9:10, Junqi Mountain.

After nearly four hours of fighting, Fernando's Legion, which had an overwhelming advantage in both numbers and firepower, finally cracked open the outermost layer of Carl Bain's turtle shell.

There was no way. At this time, the chief of general staff had a total force of just over 2,000, and only five or six artillery pieces. In addition, after holding on for ten days, ammunition was really in short supply. He really did not dare to compete with Fernando on the opposite side.

Even being able to hold on for four hours had exceeded initial expectations. Karl could only issue a retreat order and shrink his troops to the inside of the camp, preparing to block the opposite offensive step by step.

Realizing that the enemy was beginning to retreat, Fernando decisively ordered a halt to the desperate offensive momentum. He spent ten minutes reorganizing the dispersed front troops, and began to assemble into a hollow square formation on the spot in battalion units, and began to gradually surround the Junqishan camp.

His purpose was clear, he wanted to dispel the idea of ​​reinforcements from the Clovis people and make this place a dead end.

Soon, ten infantry battalions with the only remaining four-pound cavalry cannons - two of which were destroyed while attacking the outer positions - surrounded the three entrances and exits of the Military Flag Mountain camp, killing the defenders in the camp. and Kal Bain became prey with nowhere to escape.

At this time, the defenders of the Ranger Corps on Shannan Shanbei Avenue had also noticed the situation here. They sent out infantry companies in an attempt to flank the camp and reduce the defensive pressure on the military flag mountain camp. However, Fernando saw through the situation and directly ordered the rear row to turn around. The muzzle of the gun, a random shot directly made them afraid to move forward.

The only two companies of imperial hussars guarding the camp at the foot of the mountain also began to take action. They dispersed and harassed the defenders in Shannan, Shanbei and Central Avenue. They used carbines, revolvers and throwing torches to scare the Clovis Line privates hiding inside.

After more than ten days of siege, Fernando has also seen through the reality of this "Clovis Standing Army". Except for Junqi Mountain and Red Moon Road, the remaining sieges are basically composed of new soldiers; the garrison commander obviously also knows this very well. What is the level of his subordinates? Even if he knew that the other side was being harassed by a feint attack, he would not dare to let his group of big soldiers go out to compete with the imperial cavalry.

So with only two or three companies of hussars, Fernando successfully suppressed all the ranger regiments in Shannan, Shanbei and Central Avenue, with a total of more than 3,000 defenders, completely cutting off foreign aid to the Flag Mountain camp.

Then came the fire suppression that the imperial army was most accustomed to.

Amidst the rapid and continuous loud noise, the tattered Clovis flag was knocked down in the trench; the soldiers and officers huddled to avoid the gunfire, and no one had the intention to put up the flag again.

At this time, the morale in the camp was already on the verge of collapse. If Anson Bach had not suddenly appeared yesterday to bring the dawn of victory, and the Chief of General Staff himself promised that he would "never fight to the end", the Junqishan camp would have been hit head-on. It’s not that he has surrendered voluntarily.

But just as the ignorant are fearless, those who know that daybreak will not be afraid of the darkness before dawn - no matter how fierce the offensive of the imperial army on the opposite side is, the officers and soldiers of the Ranger Corps, who are convinced that they are at the end of their war effort, can still grit their teeth and resist. .

Under the rapid artillery fire, the Junqishan camp was filled with a contradictory atmosphere of fear and calm. From the looks of things, everyone seemed to think they were going to be doomed, but there was not a single deserter who left his post and planned to find an opportunity to escape.

Before the artillery fire stopped, small groups of imperial soldiers, led by the infantry knights, began to attack under the cover of the smoke and dust raised by the artillery fire; the messy footsteps and the occasional gunshots stimulated Carl Bain's nerves , is also challenging the pressure resistance of the Junqishan camp.

"It seems that we have learned the lessons from the past. We can no longer use anti-slope artillery to fight annihilation battles..."

Carl Bain, who was biting his cigarette butt, had an unprecedented serious expression. Since the outer position was captured, he would glance at his pocket watch almost every five minutes: "Ahem! Let the artillery load the shotguns, and wait for the enemy to get close to the firing port." Fire immediately, don’t hesitate.”


Liu Shen Wu Zhu's staff had completely given up thinking at this time and devoted himself to executing all the orders of the Chief of General Staff: "But Colonel Karl, we only have six artillery shells left."

"...Six shots?!"

"Yes, and there are four more solid bullets." The staff officer said with a stiff expression: "In the past few days, in order to reinforce other positions and attract the vitality of Fernando's army, it was a little consumed..."


Karl, who was completely shocked, had no time to ask the other party why he didn't say such nonsense earlier: "Six rounds, six rounds, put the artillery in position and wait for my order!"


When the staff walked away, Karl, who was about to cry without tears, couldn't hold back and slumped down in front of the map table, feeling once again how unfair the Ring of Order was to his fate.

But maybe the Ring of Order still feels that someone is not miserable enough... Before the artillery at the Flag Mountain camp was ready, Fernando's artillery had already begun to take action - ten cavalry cannons advanced again, aiming their muzzles directly at the center of the camp. fortress.


"Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"

The heart-shaking sound of artillery exploded on the high ground of Hongyue Road, causing the entire battlefield to tremble slightly.

In the billowing black smoke that soared into the sky, the "waves" formed by the gathering of black and red figures were exploded and scattered, like thunder hitting the rough sea, rolling up bursts of smoke and fire, completely engulfing them.

There was a dead silence in the Ranger Corps headquarters. The officers who had just prepared to annihilate the Jialan Legion in one go seemed to be frightened at this moment. Even the most cautious officers could not have imagined that the Jialan Legion actually had such sufficient heavy firepower: "Commander-in-Chief, Colonel Charles Sanders's column is in danger. Do you want to..."

The trembling officer wanted to move the headquarters and join the defenders at the Red Moon Road intersection; but seeing Anson Bach showing no signs of paying attention to him, he still kept his mouth shut knowingly.

With expressionless eyes, he raised the monocular in his hand and scanned back and forth between the battle line and the high ground. Of course, he didn't have to do this since he had fully activated his "superpower", but it was somewhat of a cover-up.

The artillery bombardment of Jialan Legion was expected, and the opponent had already tried its best to support the main force. If the cavalry colonel attacked the high ground at this time, the battle could be declared over in advance; even if he knew that this would reveal his final trump card, he No choice.

Now Sir Garland must use all his strength to block Charles Sanders who is attacking the high ground, and bombard the skirmish line indiscriminately, which means that it is no longer possible for him to receive extra artillery support on the frontal battlefield, and the reality of an all-out attack has arrived: " Have the front lines been assembled?"

"Already on standby, ready to act at any time!" The leader of one of the skirmishers hurried forward. He thought Anson had figured out how to move the position, and was afraid that if he was too late, the commander-in-chief would regret it: "Please give the order!"

"Very well, then let the soldiers load their ammunition and draw their bayonets now."

Anson put down the telescope in his hand: "Tell them that the time for the general attack has arrived, and their results will directly determine the life and death of the 40,000 Rangers, and even millions of people in the entire Red Moon Province!"

"...Huh?" The officer was dumbfounded: "But the Commander-in-Chief..."

"There is no but, the Army Flag Mountain camp is using blood to buy us time. Colonel Charles Sanders is under fire to draw the enemy's attention for us, only now!"

Anson suddenly turned around and knocked away the still dazed officer, looking at the infantry phalanx that had been assembled below the high ground: "Soldiers of the Ranger Corps, soldiers of the Cavalry Division, your division commander has restrained the enemy's artillery for you. , so I’m here to lead you to charge!”

"Colonel Charles Sanders took the trouble to tell me that Clovis's rangers are not inferior to the Empire. Now the time has come to prove your honor. You will decide the final outcome of this battle!"

"Capture the high ground, and in the name of Clovis's rule, I will ask the Ministry of War to grant you the military flag, formally form the 'Red Moon Cavalry Division' designation, and become the first unit to enter the Red Moon Town Fortress as a hero!"

"……Long live--!!!!"

After a brief shock, the soldiers present were instantly immersed in great surprise and excitement - who would have thought that a unit that has been sitting on the bench in the east all year round would actually have the opportunity to obtain an independent honorary designation?

Whether the Red Moon Town Fortress can be recaptured and the battle of Flag Mountain won will be directly related to Clovis's status in the minds of people in the entire Order World, and whether the new government can win enough people from all walks of life in Clovis's provinces. Confidence.

Therefore, even if the legion in front of him is not his "confidant" Storm Legion, Anson does not intend to be stingy; he knows that this kind of commitment will definitely put huge pressure on Sophia Franz, and maybe the eldest lady is now in Crowley Wei Cheng complained; but no matter how difficult or difficult it was, he would still ensure victory in this battle.

At exactly 9:20, Anson finally dispatched his last reserve team, consisting of three regiments totaling 1,400 people, and fought out from the hilly area on the west side of the Red Moon Trunk Road, slashing at the four Jialan regiments coming down from the highlands. An elite infantry regiment.

Compared with the simple siege of the Junqishan battlefield, the battle on the Hongyue Trunk Road seemed very chaotic at this time. The battlefield was along the narrow passage of the Hongyue Trunk Road, arranged from southwest to northeast:

The nine infantry regiments of the Red Moon Trunk Road garrison with a total of 4,000 people formed Anson's absolute "chassis" at this time, constantly advancing, compressing the survival of the Jialan Army as never before; the three-regiment-sized centerline column started from the left wing of the "chassis" The fierce attack pulled the Jialan Army back steadily.

On the high ground occupied by the Garland Corps headquarters and artillery, three regiments led by Charles Sanders were attacking from the northwest under artillery fire, forcing the enemy's four elite infantry regiments to slow down their advance. , change direction and divide the troops to block the attack.

This was also the key to Anson's determination to launch a general attack - Sir Garland on the highlands really had no reserves at this time, otherwise he would never dare to delay the advance of the four elite infantry regiments. Five minutes later, Anson, who had superior strength, could have completely annihilated the retreating front troops of the Gloria Army.

Now that the enemy is showing weakness, there is no need to be polite anymore: "Rangers - advance!"

"God bless Clovis-!!!!"

The hot reserve team issued a cry for the final general attack, and began to spread out their front lines and penetrate the gap between the retreating main force of the Jialan Army and the enemy's four elite infantry regiments.

It was already approaching nine-thirty, and the slowly rising sun gradually became dazzling. The weather in July also made both sides of the battlefield anxious. Sweat soaked their uniforms, and their physical strength declined rapidly.

At this point where both sides were about to lose their strength, more than a thousand Clovis soldiers were like a tonic, stabbing directly into their chests - for the soldiers of the Ranger Legion, this was of course a mental level, but for Jialan Legionnaires, that's physical.


The milky white gunpowder smoke began to split the Jialan Army into two parts. The three infantry regiments rushed into the battlefield at an alarming speed and quickly formed hollow square formations with companies as units. The "anvil" of the Lan Army's former army.

Their mission was very clear, to block the retreat of the front army, and at the same time block the elite Jialan Army who wanted to come to relieve the siege - which was equivalent to being flanked by two sides from the beginning of the battle.

But as long as it can be blocked, there will no longer be any suspense about the outcome of the battle.

"He is truly worthy of being the Commander-in-Chief. He actually grasped the weak points of the Gloria Legion so quickly, and he was able to make the Ranger Legion, which had only been in contact for less than three months, obey his orders like an arm and a leg."

On the hillside northwest of the highland, Charles Sanders looked at the battlefield below the mountain with admiration in his eyes: "He is indeed a person who can change his destiny against the odds in the new world. It's amazing!"

Today's cavalry colonel has fallen in love with this airborne commander-in-chief and ruling lord, and has completely surrendered to the "perfect plan". He no longer has the slightest thought of questioning: "The only regret is probably that I could not successfully complete the mission. Are we here?"

"The mission failed to be completed. What are you talking about, uncle with glasses?" Lisa frowned, sticking to the bunker and pulling the bolt of the gun: "No matter how perfect Anson's plan is, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts. How can he still survive in the battle?" Are you saying frustrating things before it’s over?”


The cavalry colonel was suddenly speechless and looked at the girl whose face was darkened by smoke with a confused expression: "But...Miss Lisa, the artillery fire on the other side is so fierce. The soldiers will be covered as long as they rush out of the bunker. This How else can we complete the mission?”

"Of course. As long as a particularly powerful guy rushes out first and disrupts their position before the artillery fires, wouldn't there be a chance?"

"Then...who are you talking about?"

"Who? Humph!"

The girl raised her chin proudly, her triumphant eyes not even bothering to look at this guy any longer.

I'm adjusting my schedule, so I won't post so late in the future.

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