I will be crowned king

Chapter 1225 Go first!

Nine-thirty, Red Moon Highlands.

As the last Clovis army joined the battle, Sir Gloria, whose face was as dark as water, looked at the increasingly worse situation in front of him, and his heart, which was not very firm at first, gradually began to waver.

At this time, the absolute main force in his hand, the front army of more than 6,000 people, has been attacked from three sides and is in a dilemma; the important trump card at hand, the four elite infantry regiments, have been blocked from the battlefield and have never been able to join the main force. Watching the war situation fall into decay.

According to the logic of any imperial knight... no, it should be the logic of any sane and normal army. In such a narrow intersection where the cavalry is unable to exert its advantage and is stuck in a stalemate, artillery should be mobilized immediately to open the gap and reverse the situation.

But he just couldn't... A Clovis army of less than 2,000 people rushed to his high ground from the side and rear. As long as he dared to stop suppressing artillery fire or point the muzzle at the main battlefield, this group of people who dared to brave the madness A lunatic who wants to launch an attack despite indiscriminate bombing will immediately pounce on him and take away his command post.

In the final analysis, the Jialan Army occupying the high ground can no longer lose this highland fulcrum; it seems to have an absolute advantage, but as long as it is lost, morale may immediately collapse and the entire army will be annihilated.

"Sir, I'm afraid it won't work if this continues. The main force of the former army has been unable to receive artillery assistance, and there are no troops rushing to reinforce them. I'm afraid there will be a big problem with morale."

"Shut up, do you think I can't see this kind of thing?!" The situation is critical, and it has become increasingly difficult for Sir Garland to stay calm: "When raising a problem, don't just think about the problem, but also think about the solution! "


The adjutant choked up after being scolded. He hesitated for a moment before speaking slightly uneasily: "How about... think of a way to send a signal to Lord Fernando to ask him to reinforce from the direction of Junqi Mountain?"


Sir Gloria increasingly feels that he has had enough of this group of incompetent subordinates... Asking Lord Fernando to reinforce him? Isn't he still besieging Junqishan with huge casualties, waiting for him to end the battle so that he can rush to reinforce him?

The victory or defeat on the Red Moon Road is very important, but the real key is still the ownership of Junqi Mountain; as long as Fernando can be dragged to conquer the Junqi Mountain camp, it actually doesn’t matter if he loses on his side. After the war, he can still rely on the hero Based on your identity, you will be rewarded based on your merits.

On the contrary, if the Battle of Junqishan is lost, winning here will be of no use... These idiots can't even understand such a simple question. Are their brains just decorations? !

But no matter how much you curse in your heart, the things that need to be solved still have to be solved: "Assemble all the remaining people in the headquarters, including the logistics troops, guards, auxiliary troops, and all those who can still move, and regroup in front of the artillery position. Decorate a place..."

"My lord, there is an enemy situation in the northwest of the highlands, and the Clovis have begun to attack again!"

"This group of desperate lunatics... let's let the artillery use shotguns to tear them all into pieces, so as to reinforce the main force of the front army."

Sir Garland snorted disdainfully, completely unaware of the panic on the adjutant's face: "We should still have enough artillery shells. Let the artillerymen not be stingy and kill the enemy as much as possible."


"What, they can't even do this kind of thing? Our artillery can't even destroy a group of Clovis who came to us looking for death?"

"No, it's...there's only one Clovis attacking."



"Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"

The screaming black shadow tore through the air, bursting into thunder that made the earth tremble, and rolled up huge waves that swept away the dust.

It should be said that the accuracy of the artillery position of the Garland Corps was not very good. Even from a distance of only five to six hundred meters, they bombarded indiscriminately like splashing water, but they could not knock down less than two men under Charles Sanders. Thousands of people were all torn into pieces, which can be said to be louder than thunder and smaller than raindrops.

But this can't actually be blamed on them. When fighting high and low, it is indeed difficult for the artillery's flat-firing cannons to target enemies hiding behind bunkers. It is even more difficult when the distance between the two sides is already very close.

But soon the artillerymen realized how naive they really were.


The afterimage broke through the smoke of the explosion, like a cannonball shot in the opposite direction. One second, people thought they were blinded. The next second, the observation posts at the artillery position were in chaos, shouting "The enemy is attacking! The enemy is coming!" Coming!"

But when the gunner held down the frightened young observer, he realized that the person coming towards them was actually a little girl - a girl wearing an ill-fitting military coat and a three-cornered hat, and carrying several rifles behind her back.

They were so shocked that they put down their weapons and stared at the girl running along the mountain. Many people didn't notice it when they were far away, but someone immediately noticed something unusual - the girl was so fast. Absolutely outrageous.

The imperial artillerymen were stunned. The girl running wildly on the hillside seemed not to be running, but... gliding.

She is like a paper airplane, rushing from the ground to the sky, and then quickly sliding to the ground, over and over again. From a distance, you can't really see the girl's running figure, only the hem of her coat flying in the wind, like The ship's sails seemed to rise and fall.

There was silence on the artillery position, as if everyone was frozen in this beautiful scene.

"No, no...enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The gunner, who had just woken up from a dream, finally came to his senses and slapped the recruit company who was still in a daze with a "Pah!": "Inform the commander of the corps to open fire to block the attack!"

"F-obey!" The recruit, covering his face, was still in a daze: "U-what?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course it's of no use! Tell the commander of the army that the Clovis are going to attack the highlands again. Go!"

The deafening roar exploded again, but this time they finally had a clear target - in addition to the original fire coverage to maintain suppression of the cavalry colonel on the hillside, four three-pound cavalry cannons were aimed directly at Lisa's figure.

Biting the last licorice stick in her pocket, the girl with the Borni rifle in her arms continued to run wildly on the hillside. The cannonballs that tore the air exploded around her one by one, and the bursting air waves rolled up the gravel. The remaining heat of the flames continued to wash away the mountain.

The petite Lisa was like a canoe in a stormy sea. She didn't need thunder and lightning from the sky, a slightly higher wave could crush her.

But the girl is still accelerating.

She chose the most suitable way of running at this moment, which was to jump - every time she landed, her feet, which were smaller than her boots, and her short legs that had nothing to do with slenderness, were losing weight due to the inertia of landing and the strength of her muscles. Movement, the stretching and contraction of the limbs burst out with terrifying energy, "launching" oneself out.

The artillerymen on the hillside couldn't see the footprints left by the girl's every sprint and jump, which were comparable to the tracks of a twelve-pound field artillery cart.

No, they could only see the figure as light as a feather, getting closer and closer to them and... getting faster and faster.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

The gunner on the position was giving what he thought was the most correct order. He didn't understand what the Clovis people on the opposite side were doing, but this was obviously not a good sign - talented people were not uncommon in the empire's army, and some Even if you have never seen a blood knight who can defeat an entire army, you have heard about it.

Therefore, when the girl's figure became more and more strange, the artillerymen were not so surprised: it was obvious that the Clovis people were completely exhausted and were preparing to rely on one or two powerful talents to make a comeback.

They guessed correctly, just in a slightly off direction.


The shell hit directly in front, but Lisa, who was running wildly, did not slow down or even dodge. At this moment, the girl's mind suddenly thought of the face of Anson's technical advisor, the guy named William Gottfried.

Lisa actually didn't like this guy. The aura he exuded was incompatible with the Storm Legion she was used to; but some of the things he said seemed to make sense.

For example, everything in this world is at rest.

[The carriage runs slowly and the steam train runs fast. This is just measured by your own speed, or the 'speed' between them, but what is speed? How should we describe 'speed'? Mobile? 】

[A lead bullet hits the target from the muzzle of the gun. We say it moves from the muzzle to the target. But if I convert the 'moving' scale to the entire shooting range, can I think that the lead bullet has not moved? 】

[So... if movement is not happening, what is the velocity? 】

[On the other hand, if the moving speeds are equal, can we think that there is no movement between the two? For example...put the carriage on top of the steam train, or vice versa - of course we all know that is impossible, But that is the level of reality, and mathematics has nothing to do with reality...]


Waves of air exploded at the girl's feet, pushing her petite body into the air and smashing out like a cannonball.

Yes, Wilhelm Gottfried was a weirdo who talked nonsense. Lisa hated weirdos, but she had to admit that some of the weirdo's words seemed to make some sense.

When she was in the new world, Lisa had encountered it more than once. The air wave from the explosion knocked her away, or she had to escape before the lead bullet hit... Could this be the 'movement' that the weirdos call it?

Lisa didn't understand, but she knew that as long as she ran as fast as the cannonballs, she could directly destroy the opposite position and give Uncle Eyes (Colonel Charles Sanders) a chance to attack... And this pair of Anson Very important.

So the girl felt that her speed was getting faster and faster, and the guy opposite her was really, as William Gottfried said, gradually becoming still in her eyes, and the world seemed to be covered with a thick layer. Every time he jumped, he would hit the mucous membrane, and his body would be squeezed tightly in the middle.

This kind of strong squeezing would make even a girl with the blood of Augustus feel extremely uncomfortable, as if she would be tightly restrained if she moved even a little bit, unable to feel freedom at all.

Maybe she has to hurry up... Lisa could only think so, and she didn't even notice that her eyes had completely turned scarlet.

The artillery shells came one after another. The imperial artillerymen on the other side, who noticed something was wrong, had already shown their best skills. The four cavalry cannons even fired an astonishing rapid fire result of six rounds per minute. The smoke and dust exploded by the shells even continued one after another. Into pieces.

"Boom—! Boom—! Boom—! Boom—! Boom—!"

The artillery positions were in panic at this time. They gradually realized what kind of terrifying enemy they were fighting. Stories about a certain unlucky guy who had been defeated before began to be mentioned, and they gradually tended to turn into horror stories.

"Stop talking nonsense there, let all the line infantry be in position and prepare to fire in line!" The gunner was the first to interrupt the gossip on the position. Whether it was true or false, he must stop this kind of disturbing the morale of the army. Voice: "All artillery pieces are loaded with shotgun shells, waiting for my order!"


"As you command!"

Half a company of line soldiers was assembled, which was all the troops that could be assembled immediately on the artillery position. Eight heavy cannons and four cavalry cannons were all replaced with shotguns.

The expressions on every soldier's face were unparalleledly solemn at this time...The Battle of Red Moon Road was now approaching the critical moment of victory or defeat. The sudden appearance of a powerful enemy also made the artillerymen who had been so carefree realize that it was really possible for the headquarters to be established. After being captured, the Jialan Army... was probably destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Fear can be intimidating, and it can also arouse strength that cannot be exerted originally; the artillery is obviously the latter, the entire position is unprecedentedly united and orderly, and goes all out to execute every order.

"The artillery fire is in place——"

"Soldiers in position——"

The rifles were raised in unison, and the artillery was aimed at the invisible enemy; the focused gunner stared at the smoke in front of the position, waiting for his target.

Finally, she came... A dazzling afterimage flashed in the smoke, but the gunner was extremely confident in his judgment: "Now - fire!"


It was the dazzling fireworks that temporarily took away the sun from the eyes of the soldiers. The loud noise filled everyone's eardrums. The whole world turned white in a short moment, and countless firepower poured down on the position like a shower. In front of.

That's not all - without the gunner's order, the line soldiers continued to pull the triggers and fire volleys. The artillerymen immediately loaded the ammunition into the barrels and exploded with thunderous fire again.

Then... nothing happened, the figure disappeared without a trace.

Success? Success?

The soldiers on the position looked at each other in confusion. Most of them could not actually see the figure of the incoming man clearly, but in their impression, even the strongest geniuses should not be able to resist the power of field artillery head-on. Or at least not unscathed.

The gunner standing at the forefront of the position also thought so, but it seemed as if he was dazzled. The sunlight above his head made him subconsciously raise his head, and then he saw the figure blocking the sun.

She was still biting the licorice stick at the corner of her mouth, holding down the three-cornered hat on her head with one hand, and holding the Borne rifle with the other hand. The bayonet on the tip of the gun hooked a Clovis flag from the back collar, fluttering in the wind.

Falling from the sky!

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