I will be crowned king

Chapter 1237 Two plans

Counterattack the Empire? !

In the dead silence of the hall, the officers looked at the arrogant ruler with complicated eyes, so shocked that they could not understand what he said.

He, is he crazy? Did he hear wrongly?

But Anson Bach's confident look, and Leon Francois's confident and even eager look next to him told them: Yes, this is what we are going to do.

"...Governor Anson Bach, ah, and His Highness Leon, of course we pay our utmost respect to the courage and spirit of the two of you, but..."

Lieutenant General Paul Marken, who had a tangled look on his face, couldn't help but say - as the commander-in-chief of the Red Moon Town garrison and the main reason why the fortress fell and everyone gathered here, he had to stand up at this time.

"Oh, just what?"

"It would be a great honor for you two to recapture the Red Moon Town Fortress, but the war committee decided to counterattack the empire just because of this victory. Isn't it too arbitrary?" Lieutenant General Paul said solemnly:

"As you two said, the defeated imperial army was not really injured and still has strong fighting capabilities. The Ranger Corps has just finished a difficult battle. It is the time to recharge and restore morale. stage; it does not seem very wise to launch an unprepared battle rashly or even recklessly."

Because he urgently needed to return to the Red Moon Town Fortress and save his last bit of face, Lieutenant General Paul lowered his profile extremely low, completely giving face to the ruler and crown prince opposite him. It could also be regarded as the war committee's response to Anson. Acknowledgment of Bach's victory.

You won, and we recognize your victory, and we will make the necessary concessions - so can you return Red Moon Town to us, and by the way, stop mentioning such crazy talk as "attacking the empire"?

"I am very grateful to Lieutenant General Paul and everyone here for their sincere suggestions. On behalf of all the current soldiers in Hongyue Town, whether Clovis or Hanhan natives, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you." Anson raised his chest and saluted politely. , and then refused politely:

"But you have not been to the battlefield of Hongyue Town in person, and you do not fully understand the current form of war between the enemy and us. It is inevitable that there will be a certain degree of misjudgment, and I do not blame you for this."

Anson said it very "tactfully", but the hidden meaning of the words was already heard by everyone present, and they all turned cold.

What is "misjudgment" and what is "no one is to blame"?

It's nothing more than you, Anson Bach, coercing the Allied Forces and trying to seize the supreme command of the front line by relying on the victory just now!

It is conceivable that once the so-called "Counterattack Empire" battle begins, it will inevitably attract the entire attention of Clovis, Hantu and even the entire Order World, becoming the absolute focus.

Unless the War Council intends to act openly and openly as a traitor, I am afraid that at least on the surface it will have to obey Anson Bach's orders: on the one hand, he is in power, and his status is the same as Ludwig; on the other hand, there is Han Han in the army that is counterattacking the empire. The superposition of the two identities of the earth prince and the prince immediately turned into a joint operation between alliances, and the meaning of the action was very different!

In the hall, Ludwig had a gloomy face... His own intelligence network had received news from Clovis City. The conservatives headed by Viscount Bognar were moving around and wanted to elect Anson Bach to be crowned king. , and even risked all the capital of the conservatives to bribe representatives from humble backgrounds.

Once he really joins forces with Hantu to launch a counterattack, and even conquers every city and pond in the empire, it is unimaginable how the wealthy nobles of Clovis City will hype up and take the opportunity to regard someone as their savior. The justifiable leader of Clovis will also Not impossible.

The question now is what Anson Bach himself thought, and whether he knew about it?

Considering that he was always at the Red Moon Town Fortress and had all the information channels from Clovis City to the western border in his hands, Ludwig still preferred that Anson did not know about this matter and just thought that it should be done at this time based on the situation on the front line. Launch a counterattack.

As for whether the other party wanted to seize frontline command... Ludwig didn't even bother to think about it, just like he was always thinking about disintegrating Anson Bach's base and completely controlling the National Assembly and the Ministry of War - this was natural.

"Since Anson's administration said so, it seems that he has a complete plan."

Raising his hand to stop Lieutenant General Paul, who was starting to look ugly, Ludwig said in a deep voice: "That's just right, because the war committee has just collectively passed a specific plan for the invasion of the empire not long ago; we can discuss it individually. Submit it to the National Assembly, and the representatives will make the final decision.”

After the words fell, little Leon next to Anson obviously tightened his expression: "I wonder what your plan is. Can you make it public here?"

"Of course, Your Highness." Ludwig looked at Leon calmly:

"Our plan is very clear: take advantage of the opportunity when the empire hastily started the war without making much preparation, and try to mobilize Clovis's full war potential, consolidate the border defenses, and assemble heavy troops in the base camp at our feet."

"Please don't misunderstand me. This is not a standing army of 40,000 to 50,000 people, or a combination of two legions, 120,000 to 30,000 people, but a scale of no less than 180,000 people, with a total strength of 200,000. To an army of between 250,000 people.”

"Twenty-two hundred and fifty thousand people?!"

"Yes, I call it the 'Grand Army'."

Ludwig's words echoed in the hall, full of oppressive power: "This unprecedented army will make full use of Clovis's developed transportation and postal system to complete the assembly, and launch a campaign before the empire truly realizes that the crisis is coming. Attack, advance towards Snapdragon City with a speed and efficiency that the entire Order World has never seen before."

The officers present at the war committee all showed understanding smiles.

In comparison, those knights from Hantu, including Leon himself, were shocked.

Two hundred thousand... They have all seen the Holy War Legion with their own eyes, and they are not completely unfamiliar with an army of this size; but an army of two hundred thousand people working together to advance is really unheard of.

Many Knights of Hantu subconsciously wanted to blurt out words such as "This is impossible!", "Daydreaming!", "Stop joking!", but when their eyes noticed the solemn expressions of Anson and Chief of Staff Karl, , and wisely shut his mouth.

These two men and the Ranger Corps behind them have proven with actual actions before that nothing is impossible.

Under the planning and deployment of the General Staff Headquarters, the close cooperation of officers at all levels, and the efficient communication between the signal troops and the order troops, the Ranger Corps of more than 40,000 people is as flexible as a whole, and can be divided into pieces at any time and at any time. Smaller independent combat units can simply do whatever they want.

As long as such an army has more abundant logistics and a more powerful staff...how could it not be possible?

"What a great plan. As expected of Ludwig's administration, it is indeed a grand undertaking beyond ordinary people's imagination." Young Leon, whose pupils shrank suddenly, sighed and clapped his hands:

"It's just that I personally still have some doubts. I'm afraid the empire will not give you a chance to successfully enter Xiaolong City."

"Of course they won't, and I don't need them to be this stupid."

As if he had expected that the other party would say this, Ludwig's voice suddenly became more confident: "As long as I launch an attack and the empire cannot break through Clovis's defense on the western front in a short period of time, we will You will have to assemble heavy troops to fight me in a decisive battle.”

"And how much tacit cooperation this hastily assembled army has, and whether the equipment and logistics are adequate are bound to be uncertain unknowns; in comparison, my 'grand army' can command like an arm and has a clear goal. "

"Victory..." Ludwig slowly raised his right hand and clenched his fist suddenly:

"It must belong to Clovis."

"Victory will definitely belong to Clovis——!!!"

Deafening cheers resounded throughout the hall, and the momentum alone said it all: Ludwig really united the entire war council, had the ability to mobilize all the legions on the Western Front for his use, and completely completed his "big corps tactics" .

Little Leon looked heavy, and he could not find any angle to refute the other party.

Karl and Alexei glanced at each other and continued to remain silent in unspoken agreement.

"But as the winner of the Battle of Red Moon Town, Anson... your views and ideas must have merit. It's even possible that you are the right one."

Raising his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, Ludwig showed his demeanor like a victor: "We might as well submit our respective strategies in writing to the National Assembly of Clovis City, and let them decide. Whose plan is implemented, what do you think?”

This may sound like a concession, but in fact it is a retreat in order to advance: Let the National Assembly decide which plan to adopt, no matter what the outcome is, and time is wasted in going back and forth.

Without the important time window, Anson's preemptive counterattack plan became a piece of paper, and he could only implement Ludwig's plan.

"What you said makes sense, but it's a pity that the Rangers cannot accept it." Anson refused unceremoniously: "The opportunity to counterattack the empire is very precious. Wasting time on asking for instructions is tantamount to failing the interests of the soldiers and Clovis. responsibility."

"If this is the final decision of the War Council, then I am afraid that I can only regretfully say that I cannot return Red Moon Town for the time being. This place must be used as an important springboard for the subsequent counterattack plan and is completely under my control."


"This is different from what was promised at the beginning!"

"Red Moon Town is not within the scope of discussion. The Ranger Corps cannot use it as a bargaining chip!"

"Protest that the War Department should be allowed to decide the ownership of the fortress!"

Senior officers on the Western Front stood up one after another to protest, reprimand, and sternly expressed how the Rangers' behavior was "ignoring the overall situation," "acting on their own," and "acting wantonly"...

That's right, they didn't dare to directly accuse the current Anson; not only had they just won the battle, but also because the other party was still in power and was on an equal footing with Ludwig.

Ignoring the noise of these officers, Anson directly locked his gaze on Ludwig, who nodded understandingly.

"So, you are determined to immediately launch a counterattack against the empire?"

"Opportunities are rare. If you miss it, you may never have it again."

"But the stakes are high, and Clovis isn't strong enough to defeat the Empire without any preparation."

"The empire is also unprepared. What's more, we don't need to defeat the empire. We only need to defeat the emperor himself." Anson corrected:

“Let the nobles in the empire see that Emperor Herred cannot maintain the dignity of the empire, so that the current extremely unfavorable situation for Clovis and Hantu can be reversed, and the grand duchys that originally had complaints against the emperor can be reversed. "

"Oh, you mean that the counterattack is not to capture cities and territories, but to win over allies and divide the enemy?"

Ludwig finally became interested: "Should the target be limited to the emperor himself, rather than the entire empire?"

"Not now, but I have always thought so." Anson emphasized: "The war has just begun. Except for the emperor himself, many nobles in the empire, especially the big nobles, are still in a wait-and-see state. They should not be killed at this stage. Considered an enemy.”

"Clovis's goal will never be to completely destroy the empire. With all due respect, this goal is unrealistic in the short term or even in the long term; even if we can really defeat the empire once and for all, as long as the Hred royal family is still Now, as long as the law of the Seven Knights remains, the empire will not be completely destroyed, this is the reality that Clovis must face."

"At least at this stage, the primary goal should be to crush the royal family's prestige, to prevent the enemy from having the opportunity to unite the power of the entire empire, and to maximize the number of allies in the entire world of order."

"But in the long run, we still have to destroy the empire." Ludwig shook his head and retorted: "An unprecedented victory can completely destroy the empire's war potential. Only then can the outdated old order be shattered and create a new world for Clovis." The freshmen gain time.”

"But the empire will not be defeated so easily. Even if we can really annihilate one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand imperial soldiers in one battle, the latter still has sufficient war potential."

Anson also disagreed with Ludwig's point of view: "On the contrary, a too bloody victory will only arouse more voices of resistance in the empire, forcing the forces that might have joined us into the arms of the enemy."

"Is there a possibility that these people would not have joined us in the first place?" Ludwig stood up abruptly: "Clovis overthrew his own king, how could those archdukes watch a deviant country become powerful? ?”

"Where do you want to place Hantu with these words?"

Anson also stood up from the chair: "According to this statement, Clovis is afraid that he will betray his relatives in the world of order in the next second, and everyone will shout..."

Before he could finish his words, a loud bang opened the palace door.


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