I will be crowned king

Chapter 1238 Judgment

The sudden loud noise brought an abrupt end to the conflict that was about to break out; on both sides of the palace hall, Hantu, the officers of the Ranger Corps and the War Council all turned their gazes and looked at the door that had been knocked open.

"General... Archbishop Luther Franz, why are you here?!"

Surprised exclamations came from the crowd, and the hall suddenly fell into dead silence; confusion, astonishment, suspicion... Various expressions appeared on everyone's faces one by one, like a group portrait drama that lasted only a few seconds.

Under the door, Luther Franz, who was wearing the robes of an archbishop, holding a scripture in his left hand and a metal crutch in his right hand, looked calm, and his eyes leisurely scanned all the eyes that were thrown at him in the hall.

Just standing there made the officers present who were commanding tens of millions of soldiers feel endless pressure.

The knights of Hantu had doubts on their faces. They did not understand the situation in Clovis and were simply curious about the posture of the officers in front of them.

The officers of the War Council and the Ranger Corps focused their attention on the Archbishop and the Consul.

As we all know, the real actual controllers of Clovis are the Franz brothers and sisters. Archbishop Luther Franz no longer interfered with secular affairs after the assassination of Carlos II, and even diocesan work began to be handled by subordinates. The deacons do the work.

But as long as there is no officer who can enter this hall, no one knows how terrifying the archbishop's energy is in the upper echelons of Clovis, and his terrifying skills. Only one person has made the former Ministry of War tremble. fear.

Such a big shot, and Luther Franz, who had a close relationship with both governors, appeared at the base camp without any warning... The officers had already faintly sensed an uneasy atmosphere.

Unable to hide his surprise, Ludwig stared at his father's figure, and then suddenly looked at Anson opposite: "Is this you..."


The cane made a clear knocking sound on the floor, like a gavel in the hand of the judge, directly blocking his words.

Anson looked back at the pale Ludwig and said nothing, but just this silence was enough to make his breathing quicken and his whole person fell into deep uneasiness.

Could it be that he...already knows about Viscount Bogner? !


A crisp sound separated the crowd. The old man walked into the hall calmly and casually on crutches, seemingly unaware of the tense atmosphere around him.

It was not until he came to Leon Francois that Luther Franz stopped and saluted with a cane in both hands: "I would like to express my sincere respect to you and the royal family of François, King of Leon. Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"Archbishop, please don't do this!" Little Leon quickly supported the old man, his red cheeks were somewhat frightened: "You are an elder, and it is my fault that you did not come outside to greet him in advance!"

"The newly unified Hantu not only fulfilled the covenant and sent reinforcements, but also specially arranged for you, as the heir, to personally lead the army. This sincerity really moved Clovis."

The old man stopped young Leon's stretched out hands and looked at him and the Hantu knights behind him with a smile: "All Clovis people will remember that Hantu is a close friend who can trust his life and keep his promise."

After the words fell, the knights of Hantu present frowned, or smiled knowingly, or saluted the old man with his chest raised.

The atmosphere seemed to have become less tense.

But the next second, the old man's sudden change of conversation alerted the Clovis officers present.

"Due to some special reasons, the National Assembly specially came to visit me and entrusted me to convey orders to the Western Front." The slow old man turned around and glanced at everyone:

"As the Archbishop of Clovis, I should not participate in secular affairs in accordance with the requirements of the Second Ordinary Council of the 47th Anniversary of the Saints. However, after repeated requests from the National Assembly and under special circumstances, I have no choice but to Accepted the mission.”

At the same time as he spoke, Luther Franz waved softly behind him. Following everyone's gazes, the figure of the young clerk Alan Dawn appeared outside the gate and trotted in quickly.

Facing everyone's gaze, the little clerk with a smile on his face first saluted Anson and Luther Franz respectively, then quickly took out a document with the seal of the National Assembly from his chest and opened it with both hands:

"The Ranger Corps and the Hantu Corps, please immediately withdraw from the front line and go to the base camp for a temporary rest, and hand over the Red Moon Town Fortress to the former fortress garrison commander, Lieutenant General Paul. The garrison commander will immediately start the Red Moon Town reconstruction plan after arriving at the fortress. The main supplies will be provided by The base camp is responsible for providing additional expenses and some special supplies and tools, which will be delivered from Clovis City within ten days."

"Mobilize three standing armies to assemble in the direction of the Red Moon Province to form the 'Western Front Army', and establish the 'Frontline Command' in Red Moon Town, with Anson Bach as the commander-in-chief and Brigadier General Fabian as the commander-in-chief. Chief of Staff, Colonel Carl Bain serves as Deputy Chief of Staff.”

"As for the base camp, we immediately began to mobilize the standing corps of the fortresses on the Western Front to make necessary preparations for the battle. The appointment and dismissal of personnel in each corps is entirely decided by the War Committee without the need to report to the Ministry of War for approval. In addition to guarding against the imperial counterattack, we will fully undertake the tasks of the Western Front. All logistics, replenishment and reinforcement work for the front legion."

"The specific details will be discussed between President Ansen Bach and President Ludwig Franz. The National Assembly will respect the decisions of the two governors and will never interfere." Taking a deep breath, the little clerk finally raised his head. To begin:

"The above are the final arrangements made by the National Assembly for the Western Front battlefield after careful discussion; as for the three standing corps reinforcements, they have already set off from their respective stations two days ago at the latest, together with the new Chief of General Staff Fa Brigadier General Bian is on his way to the base camp."

Luther Franz also nodded slightly and looked at Anson and Ludwig: "This is the task entrusted to me by the National Assembly, and now I have completely conveyed it to you two. Is there anyone else? Do you have any questions or something difficult to understand?"


Ludwig's face was as dark as water, staring at his own Anson Bach - the dignified archbishop appeared here. As the leader of the war committee, the man who built this base camp with his own hands knew nothing about it. He did not get it in advance. A little bit of wind.

If there is not a mole around him, then there is only one answer: This was arranged in advance by Anson Bach!

At this moment, the whole thing from Ludwig's perspective is probably like this: Anson, who captured Red Moon Town, immediately sent his cronies to inform his father of the situation, and at the same time deliberately stayed in the fortress to attract his attention and strive for communication. time.

Sure enough, the conservatives headed by Viscount Bognar immediately took action, and there were rumors in Clovis that "Anson Bach, who defeated the empire, was about to be crowned king."

Seeing that public opinion began to emerge in the rear, Ansen finally couldn't hold it off any longer, so he took action: On the surface, he was discussing with himself, but in fact, he had already reached a secret agreement with the National Assembly and even his father.

The so-called "negotiation" is actually the final showdown - he wants to seize the command of the army, become the sole ruler of Clovis, and then sit on the lost throne of the Osteria family!

This guy... is so well-hidden and so deep that no one would have imagined that he actually has such crazy ambitions? !

Glancing sideways at Ludwig with clenched teeth and exposed veins on his forehead, Anson sighed inwardly.

He had just learned the news from Roman that Luther Franz had arrived at the base camp; indeed, the Pravda Society had begun to promote Viscount Bogner's actions, allowing them to spread rumors everywhere and win over the representatives.

In this case, Anson wanted to get rid of suspicion and avoid being associated with the conservative "king-making plan". He was forced to wear a yellow robe, leaving him with really not many choices; after making a serious choice, he could only continue to invest in the empire. Fight, try your best to create the appearance of "because you are on the front line and know nothing about the situation behind the scenes."

Strictly speaking, this is not wrong. After all, Viscount Bognar really did not instigate it himself.

The Truth Society did not completely "add insult to injury", but gave themselves a room for maneuver: if Anson was not prepared to become the second in the Osterian royal family, he could pretend that the whole thing did not exist; and if he had anything I think Fabian, who came from Clovis City, will definitely bring news about Clovis City...

As for whether the Truth Society will still be willing to stand by Anson Bach, that is unknown.

"I have a question!"

Among the crowd, Paul Markenson walked forward, his face extremely ugly; this was not surprising, according to the instructions of the National Assembly, he could indeed return to the Red Moon Town Fortress, but the price was that he had to obey Anson Bach's orders, Become part of the so-called "Western Front Army".

To put it more bluntly, it means a complete break with the War Council and Ludwig Franz!

Although Lieutenant General Paul himself may not be said to be very loyal, in terms of relationships, he is an old-school officer under the standard "Continental Army" doctrine. At the same time, he has close connections throughout the western frontier; he is easily "changed" when he is suddenly forced to "change the family". Former colleagues viewed this as an act of betrayal.

If you want to betray, betray, but as we all know, Anson Bach was born in the skirmisher department and scorned the "Continental Army" doctrine. He would definitely suppress and then support "our own people" with the same background as him.

There is no future for being a traitor. Paul would be a ghost if he could accept it.

"Dear Archbishop, as you just said, as a member of the church, you cannot interfere in secular affairs. It is purely because of the reasons and the entrustment of the National Assembly that you have no choice but to do so." Lieutenant General Paul's expression was trembling. :

"But with all due respect, the content just mentioned does not seem to require the presence of one of your archbishops in person. It only needs to be solved by sending an envoy or even a letter directly."

The eyes of everyone present turned around...especially many senior officers of the war committee. They looked at Paul with surprise and admiration in their eyes, as if they were looking at a suicide squad member.

It takes a lot of courage to directly offend the Archbishop who was once inferior to ten thousand people but is still very skillful.

Slowly turning around, the expressionless Luther Franz glanced at Paul Mackensen, who was forcing himself to be calm. The officers standing behind him took half a step back in a tacit understanding.

Lieutenant General Paul, who was left alone, twitched his throat and watched the old man with the crutches approaching step by step, step by step...

"I'm still wondering when exactly you will remember to ask me this question." Luther Franz said softly: "You asked well, Lieutenant General Paul Mackensen."


Not only Paul himself, but almost all the officers present breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"If it were just a military-related issue, I would not accept the National Assembly's request, but..." Luther Franz suddenly changed the subject:

"If it is related to the Old God Sect and heresy, then it is a different matter."

"...Old God Sect?!"

Little Leon's eyes suddenly widened and he spoke before anyone else could say anything: "You mean, this war is related to the Old God Sect?!"

"Exactly." Luther Franz looked solemn: "Although this matter may tarnish the royal family of Osteria, or to be more precise, it will bring dust to the deceased His Majesty Carlos II, but my mission is consistent with My duty still requires me to stand up."

"According to the information we have, His Majesty Carlos' wife, His Majesty Nicholas's mother, and former Queen Anne Herred, is a heretic and is closely related to His Majesty's assassination!"

Before he finished speaking, Ansen beside him suddenly raised his eyebrows.


Although Ludwig was not completely unaware, Ludwig, who was still furious at first, was shocked: "Anne Herred, she, she is an old god?!"

"That's right, and I'm afraid her strength is extraordinary." The old man nodded solemnly: "You, us, and the entire Kingdom of Clovis have been deceived by this queen who appears to be weak but is actually very ambitious."

"His Majesty's assassination was not an accident, but part of a well-planned plan to destroy Clovis; the heretics of the Old Gods hidden in the dark have revealed their minions."

"Now that their vicious plan in Clovis failed, they fled to the empire and prepared to continue implementing their plan in the royal capital of the world of order, completely dragging the old continent into an endless sea of ​​fire."

"I, Luther Franz, Archbishop of Clovis, cannot just watch the sad future rewards; I must stop their despicable ambitions." The old man gradually raised his voice:

"With the authority and strength bestowed upon me by the Ring of Order, and with the responsibilities and missions bestowed upon me by thousands of believers, I hereby issue a call to the steadfast soldiers of Clovis:"

"Clovis people, Hantu people, stand up your chests and hold on to your weapons..."

"Go and defend your beliefs and protect your country!"

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