I will be crowned king

Chapter 1243 The Oath of Loyalty

"The words of the ruling lord seem to have a meaning."

In the dark crowd, an old man sitting in the front row slowly stood up and looked at Anson with an evil look: "Listening to your tone just now, it seems that you are suspecting that everyone here came to Hongyue Town to rob you and your subordinates. Taking advantage of their merits and taking advantage of the fact that the war is not over yet...to make a profit?"

He was wearing a somewhat old red and black general's uniform, with two gold medals and one ruby-embedded badge hanging on his starched white collar. He did not wear a hat like other officers, but it was casually pinned to the right side of his coat. On the epaulette on the side, the face full of vicissitudes of life is almost completely covered by the gray beard and eyebrows, but the top of the head is so smooth that almost no hair can be seen, and it looks like the moon in the dark night among the crowd.

Almost at the moment he spoke, the atmosphere suddenly became like a hand suddenly raising a revolver in the square, and the sound of tense heartstrings could be heard in the dead air.

One minute, one second, one eye movement, all become longer than a century.

In the dead silence, Ansen, whose expression remained unchanged, silently looked back and met the other party's gaze; and the old man did not hesitate to give in, and looked into Ansen's eyes unabashedly, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Uh...ah, this is..."


Directly intercepting Fabian who came forward to smooth things over, the old man raised his eyebrows and looked proud: "Count Schlieffen Parsim, commander of the Signal Flag Corps, Army Lieutenant General, was ordered to join the Western Front Army, under the command of Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach. .”

"I'm not interested in your talk about freedom and equality, and I'm ready to listen to your pretentious lectures here. To be blunt, the officers here, even Brigadier General Fabian next to you, have served as long as your Excellency in power. Many times yours.”

"We are all people who have gone through many years of trials and have worked blood and sweat for Clovis for half their lives. There is no need for you to stress to us over and over again to obey orders and be loyal!"

The unceremonious reply took everyone's breath away; many senior officers sitting in the front row even frowned, showing expressions of "Sure enough," they were not surprised.

That's right, Count Schlieffen Parshim, commander of the Signal Flag Corps, is an out-and-out conservative and supporter of the "Continental Army" school of thought.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess just by listening to his title and position: there are only two types of officers who can hold the position of legion commander in Clovis before the king left. There are only two types of officers with the title of lieutenant general: more or less Clovis is also in the family. The dignitaries of the city or at least the central province climbed up step by step based on their ability and military exploits during the war.

Either his family background is strong enough, comparable to that of Ludwig Franz. He would start as a colonel when he joins the army, and he would definitely be promoted to the rank of general before the age of forty-five.

Since the Clovis War almost all broke out on the Western Front after the integration of the South, the former are almost all standing army commanders stationed here; the frequency of battles is high enough, and the replacement of various positions caused by casualties also provides more opportunities for promotion. .

The Signal Flag Corps, like the Ranger Corps, is an Eastern Front Corps. Although it is definitely not idle, the number of meritorious services is almost certainly not the same as that of the Western Front. The promotion channels for most officers are to see death at a glance; those who can do it here Those who reach the position of commander-in-chief are basically the latter kind of super dignitaries.

Count Schlieffen Parsim is a typical example of this.

How would a wealthy aristocratic conservative who came from a wealthy family and had served in the army for most of his life feel when he saw a young man like Anson Bach who had almost "reached the world in one step" and kept talking about "freedom and equality"... Everyone present already had the answer in their hearts. .

"Dear Count Schlieffen, I have no intention of questioning the loyalty of you or any of the officers present, including the 100,000 soldiers outside."

Facing the eyes of everyone present, Anson looked at the old man calmly: "I just think that you may not understand the meaning of this loyalty."

"Oh, then I'm even more curious." Schlieffen sneered and turned to look at the officers present:

"If you don't mind, please speak frankly and let everyone listen to the ruling lord's high opinions!"


Before he finished speaking, little Leon, who was sitting opposite him, was about to get up immediately, but was held down by Carl Bain on the shoulder with a slap.

The surprised and angry Crown Prince Hantu turned around, and before he could say anything, he saw the deputy chief of staff making a "silence" gesture and indicating something with his eyes.

"Of course, that's what I'm about to do." Anson nodded slightly, without a trace of ripples in his calm eyes.

"What is loyalty? For soldiers, the first thing to bear the brunt of is to unswervingly execute orders." He looked at Count Schlieffen, and then looked at everyone:

"No matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult the conditions are, we must implement this without hesitation... I believe that all of you here can do it, and you have all proved it with your actions and your blood and sweat at some point. ”

This time, the officers were no longer silent and nodded in approval. Even Count Schlieffen's expression seemed to soften a lot.

"But if that's all, you shouldn't be here now; if this is loyalty, then I should have carried out Queen Mother Anne Herred's orders as early as the riots in Clovis City and commanded the Storm Legion to suppress them. The National Assembly's resistance." Anson suddenly raised his voice:

"If this is loyalty, then even the National Assembly should not have appeared, because the Queen Mother, who held great power at the time, has always tried her best to oppose it; as a loyal minister, I should implement the royal order, thoroughly wipe out nearly a million people, and starve to death everywhere in the outer city; all protesters should be arrested and shot to death indiscriminately!"

"If this is loyalty, you should lay down your weapons now and wait for the imperial army to surrender as soon as it arrives - the other party is under the banner of restoring the Osterian royal family, and is the 'true' king's division; Under the banner of the military power is the existence that you all promised to loyal to the death!"

"If this is loyalty..." Anson sneered, pulled out his revolver from his waist with his backhand, and handed it to Count Schlieffen:

"You should kill me as the 'ruling' with one shot right now...Clovis is the leader elected by millions of people who resisted the tyranny of the royal family and is determined to defend the concepts of freedom and equality. The chief culprit who caused this turmoil and war... '!"

The scene fell into dead silence again, and the tense officers did not even dare to look away slightly, for fear of becoming an alien in front of the people around them and being noticed.

The officers of the Storm Legion looked serious, and Alexei Dukaski, who was sitting behind Count Schlieffen, was even more attentive, rubbing the sweat from his palm with his right hand, always ready.

Once the other party dared to reach out and touch the gun, he would immediately activate the power of the Fire Knight's bloodline and wipe out the Earl of Laoshizi on the spot!

Leon Francois, who was firmly holding his shoulders by Karl, also widened his eyes, fearing that he would miss the key moment in a trance.

Meeting Anson's gaze unceremoniously, Count Schlieffen Parshim didn't even look at the revolver, his stern eyes showed no hesitation or hesitation.

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, can I take this... as your provocation against me?" The old man said coldly: "Or in your eyes, we all titled nobles are all potential candidates for Clovis. traitor?"

"of course not!"

Anson, who remained calm, immediately denied loudly: "As a soldier, I have never doubted the loyalty of my comrades; as long as his gun is still pointed at the enemy, I will not hesitate to entrust my back and flanks to him. he."

"Not only that, I am also technically a noble. Many of my former comrades, superiors and subordinates are also nobles. We are all loyal to Clovis and unswervingly believe that the future of this land will definitely have an impact. The heavenly sound of freedom and equality!”

"In that case, please put away this humiliation." Schlieffen said coldly: "Then tell us, what exactly is 'loyalty' in your eyes?"


Silently putting the revolver back into his waist, Ansen nodded solemnly, and then glanced at the other people present:

"As I said before, if the war between Clovis and the Empire in the past hundred years was just a struggle for power between two countries, or two families, then when the emperor, under the banner of the Osterian royal family, From the moment we prepare to invade Clovis, from the moment we no longer fight for the king, but for the country, the nature of this war has fundamentally changed!"

"Loyalty... is never unconditional obedience, but should come from the heart and fight for the things you protect." Anson said solemnly:

"We are not the king's slaves, let alone anyone's vassals; on the contrary, we are the masters of the country. Clovis belongs to every people who has lived on this land since ancient times. We fight for the interests of Clovis. We are fighting for our own interests; we are not protecting other people's property, but defending our common home."

"Then the Imperial knights and soldiers who have already fought against us, are they our enemies? No...not so, because they were also deceived, bribed, and forced to the battlefield for the emperor's selfish desires. We will fight with the Clovis people who have nothing to do with them!"

"They are not our enemies... Even if they want to expand, the Clovis people compete with other countries for territory and draw borders openly. The land they seize is not to satisfy someone's greed, but to serve the collective interests of the country. "

"For this reason, our march to the empire is not to destroy peace and satisfy my personal or anyone else's selfish desires; on the contrary, we want to eradicate the emperor and prevent his atrocities." Anson raised his voice again:

"In the past, the knights of the empire often boasted that they guarded the order of the world of order, and it has not wavered for thousands of years since the seven knights; now these ancient bloodlines have become corrupt, and the descendants of the dragon knights have become the source of chaos in the world of order, so then It must be eradicated!”

While speaking, he solemnly clenched his right hand into a fist and pressed it tightly on his chest:

"It is our duty to defend the glory of the ordered world!"

There was dead silence, and everyone's eyes naturally turned to Count Schlieffen, who was still standing.

The old man stared at Anson with a solemn expression. He took a few deep breaths, moved his shoulders as if to relax, and then took steps to leave his seat.

Alexey, who was just behind him, was staring at Schlieffen's back. His feet were staggered, the toes of his right foot were touching the ground, and his upper body was slightly bowed, completely ready to pounce at any time.

Leon, who had always been sitting in his original position, swallowed hard. Unexpectedly, Karl's right hand on his shoulder had been removed.


In full view of everyone, Count Schlieffen stood in front of Anson with his eyes wide open, and then he...

He clapped his hands very hard.


The deafening applause echoed in the ears of everyone at the scene, and soon other officers also clapped. The expressions on their faces were either relieved, meaningful, or solemn...

Little Leon was naturally one of them, and he was even the one who clapped the loudest. Seeing Count Schlieffen and Anson Bach looking at each other, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was filled with emotion.

He once had an extremely blind worship of the empire and believed that Clovis, who repeatedly provoked the emperor, was the source of all the turmoil in the ordered world; but Anson Bach told him with facts that the rules of this world are not static and should be taken for granted.

The divided Seven Cities Alliance can be reunited again, the mighty Yser Elves may not be able to rise, the colonies also have the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Old World, and the three tripartite North Sea Kingdoms may also move towards their prosperity and glory...

Yes, the shackles that the emperor puts on the world of order can be broken!

Looking at Anson and Schlieffen, countless intentions emerged in Leon's mind: one is the glory of the past, the other is the bright future; one is the tradition that is adhered to, and the other is the pioneering spirit; the ancient knight knelt down on one knee , raised his lance and swore to the young line soldier in uniform that he would follow the path he decided...

They are so completely different, incompatible with each other, but because of their inner persistence, there is a hint of familiarity among the strangers, as if they had known each other before...


"What, you two really know each other?!"

After the meeting, under the empty tower, a shocked little Leon pointed at Anson and Schlieffen, who were chatting and laughing in front of him: "And I've seen them before?!"

Karl and Fabian on the side looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, their expressions were completely unsurprised.

"Of course, how could I not know the name of Anson Bach's administration!"

Count Schlieffen, who looked fierce half an hour ago, now looks as kind as a grandfather who gives candies to children during the holidays:

"Archbishop Luther Franz was the benefactor who supported me back then. The Governor of North Port, Mr. Cecil, and I have been exchanging letters all year round - with their guarantee, your Excellency and I are just like our own family members!"

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