I will be crowned king

Chapter 1244 Action Party

"I am extremely sorry for not informing you of this in advance, Your Highness Leon, but please understand our reasons for doing this."

In a harmonious atmosphere, Fabian once again played the role of "peacemaker" and stepped forward to comfort Prince Hantu, who said, "I don't know why, but I was shocked":

"The governor has an interaction with Count Schlieffen, and this matter of close relationship belongs to the Western Front... No, it should be said to be the top secret of the entire Clovis; not only you, but also almost all the officers in Red Moon Town and the entire Storm Legion. I don’t know—even I only learned about it this morning.”

"Top secret?"

"Yes, so the ruling party finally chose to be honest with you, not only to express apology, but also out of absolute trust in you." Fabian solemnly said:

"This matter must not be leaked, otherwise the entire Western Front Army will risk collapse!"

The surprised little Leon took a breath. He turned to look at Anson and found that the other person had the same expression.

"And this is also the reason why the Archbishop, Governor Cecil, and many people who trust the government specially entrusted me to come to Red Moon Town to assist in the government." Earl Schlieffen also suppressed his smile and sighed softly:

"Although the leader has proven his strength in many battles in Hantu, Iser and the New World, and is fully worthy of the status of commander-in-chief, he is still too young after all, and at the same time he does not have many personal connections within the army. .”

"King of Clovis...ah, the Army values ​​seniority very much." The old man who almost said the wrong thing swallowed "The Royal Army" back:

“Former bosses, colleagues, elders, promoted subordinates... plus the years of service, these are the ‘qualifications’ of an officer; if you want to be a good regiment commander or division commander, you only need to have the ability and military merit; A commander who is good at commanding tens of thousands of troops, his lack of qualifications is his most serious shortcoming!"

"The senior officers of each legion, the supreme staff, the logistics department... If you don't have people who know everything, are capable and can be absolutely assured, how can any commander ensure that nothing goes wrong? Even if you are extremely smart, your subordinates will not dare to believe you, even if you know Those who work in the dark are against you at every turn, and even collectively deceive and deceive you, what can you do?"

Count Schlieffen spoke very sincerely, and his tone and demeanor were as if he had experienced it himself.

And little Leon couldn't help but think of the previous New World Holy War... The commanders of several holy war armies seemed to be incompatible with each other. They had constant conflicts and even fought with each other, maliciously encircling each other, but they were all trying to "hoodwink the Holy See." There is a tacit understanding in this regard and the cooperation is perfect.

On the contrary, if the Jihadi Army can really unite without any gaps between them, obey the orders of the Holy See unconditionally, or send a person in charge who really understands military affairs... Even Anson Bach, little Leon can't think of anything. Way the Free Confederacy could win.

Even in this situation of disintegration, it was so difficult for Anson to win, which is enough to prove that victory or defeat has nothing to do with strength from the beginning... The division and disunity of the army are indeed extremely fatal problems.

"So Count Schlieffen is here to solve the problem of cousin Anson's lack of qualifications. Sufficient experience and experience can also be an important help to my cousin..." Little Leon nodded slightly, but then thought of another question:

"But, what is there to hide? No, shouldn't this tell everyone that even a highly respected man like Count Schlieffen is willing to fight alongside my cousin, which is enough to prove that my cousin is fully qualified to be a commander-in-chief? "

"On the contrary." Karl, who was smoking aside, suddenly said:

"It is precisely because of this that the relationship between Count Schlieffen and Commander-in-Chief An... Anson must not be leaked, at least not for the time being."

"Why?!" Leon was even more confused.

"Because...ah, I don't even know if I should say it..."

Karl, who secretly rolled his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and after seeing Anson's affirmative look, he stood up and looked at the crown prince with a very troubled expression:

"Your Highness, you were there when the riots occurred in Clovis City. You must be more or less aware that although our Commander-in-Chief is very popular, not everyone - to be precise, almost half of the people in this country are not. I like him and even hate him, is that understandable?”

Little Leon nodded thoughtfully, but his eyes were still a bit doubtful.

"And the army, or most of the army, is the half that hates him." Karl spread his hands: "They don't know what great achievements the commander-in-chief has done. They only know that this guy climbed from captain to middle school in just three years. The general drove away the king and became the ruler himself."

"To put it bluntly, I wouldn't be surprised at all even if they view the Commander-in-Chief as some sinister and vicious careerist - of course, in their eyes."

"In this case, if Count Schlieffen unabashedly sides with the commander-in-chief, it will not help the situation at all. On the contrary..."

"On the contrary, it is more useful to play the role of a stubborn old man who is always against the ruling adults!"

Count Schlieffen laughed and took over the words: "Obviously, I am an officer from the Continental Army's academics. I am the archragonist from the skirmisher department. I am also a genuine conservative aristocrat. Those who are dissatisfied with the consul will look at it. When you are in this position, you will naturally lean towards me."

"I understand!" Little Leon's eyes lit up: "In this way, as long as you and your cousin work together, Earl, you can find out who is the most disruptive to unity in the army, and try to unite people with different origins and different ideas as much as possible officers and soldiers."


The old man nodded heavily: "Unifying the army is a big deal, especially when the army is not thousands or 10,000 people, but tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, it is extremely difficult!"

"Our Lord Ludwig to the north used a slightly tricky method of establishing a 'war committee'. In this way, all orders were issued through the committee, and the people below would naturally have no objections; but within the committee, They have equal status, but if they cannot reach the same opinion, they will fall into a trap where they cannot make any decisions."

"As for how to fight the war, I, an old man who has not fought in a war for many years, have nothing to say. There is only one thing..." The old man raised his right index finger:

"That means there can only be one commander-in-chief, and there must be only one. If the nine-headed basilisk cannot be killed, the nine-headed army will surely be destroyed!"

Little Leon nodded solemnly, which he definitely felt in the Crusaders.

"So you must have understood what a huge trust it is for the ruler to confess this secret to you." Fabian lost no time in interjecting:

"If the news leaks out, the Western Front Army, which has finally been united with great difficulty, may immediately fall apart. Among the 100,000 troops, except for the Storm, Signal Flag and Rangers, the three legions can be 100% trusted, and the rest... "

"No, no, no...you guys, it's best to take out the signal flag corps as well." The old man on the side quickly waved his hand: "I have been in this corps for many years. This is a stronghold for the powerful, with all kinds of stubbornness and stubbornness. Nobles abound."

"You see, even the most important Signal Corps is at risk."

Fabian followed suit: "This is a large army of 28,000 people, a quarter of the entire Western Front Army. If so many people and the army are no longer trustworthy..."

"I see."

Leon nodded slightly and looked at Anson with an increasingly serious expression: "You can rest assured about this. As long as you leave this room, I will not reveal a word to anyone."

"In addition, no matter what happens, no matter when, you can absolutely rely on Hantu's friendship... The 40,000 troops behind me will always be the help you and Clovis can rely on 100%!"

"I trust this 100%." ​​In order to show his importance, Anson also stood up and said sincerely:

"Please tell the knights of Hantu that I do not guarantee that they will win wealth in the next war, nor that they will be able to return to their hometown alive. Even...I cannot guarantee that the battle will be smooth sailing and will not be affected by any obstacles." Those who stand in the way can defeat the empire."

"But! If their goal is to teach the empire a lesson and punish the emperor of Xiaolong City, let him understand that both Hantu and Clovis are countries with their own pride and dignity... Then they will get what they want. "

After the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Hantu.

Facing Anson's gaze, Léon François pursed his lips tightly; after being silent for a moment, he seemed to be trying to control his emotions, and after taking a short breath, he slowly spoke:

"This...is also what I expected."

After saying that, he turned around and left without looking back, and the sound of hurried steps disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time, and Count Schlieffen, who had been silent for a long time, finally withdrew his surprised gaze: "His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Hantu, is really a... rare temperament person."

"No, this is not enough to describe him." Anson shook his head with a solemn expression:

"Leon, he is a true knight."

"Ah, that's even rarer - nowadays, even the empire doesn't have many knights who live up to the spirit of the seven knights." The old man said with emotion:

"In any case, I finally understand the reason why you insist on being honest with him; in this way, the Hantu Army will stand unswervingly on our side, and there will never be any wavering... This is very important."

"Yes, very important."

Anson agreed very much... The entire Western Front army only had 100,000 men. This was the capital that Clovis could immediately use to launch a counterattack after he desperately used his family's resources to build up the logistics.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is not all, but it takes a lot of time to really activate a country's war machine; just as Ludwig expected, the reason why he was still building his base camp unhurriedly, and was even willing to invest The Red Moon Town Fortress reconstruction plan was because it would take too long to assemble the "big army" he envisioned!

The risk of a hundred thousand people counterattacking the empire is huge... Whether Ansem fought a defensive counterattack in the New World or Red Moon Town, all the advantages he had during the period will now become the enemy's; once things go wrong, it is not completely impossible to be dragged down by the enemy and eventually surrounded. .

At this time, having an extra legion, and it is a fully 40,000-strong, well-equipped, high-quality elite legion is of great significance; it is no exaggeration to say that even if they do not fire a single shot, they have an unparalleled strategic deterrent. significance.

Therefore, the entire front army command, including "one of our own" Count Schlieffen, who has just taken office, also agrees to win over the Hantu Army at any cost, even if they have a close relationship.

"Now that all the legions are in place, when will the counterattack be officially launched?" Count Schlieffen said excitedly:

"I have heard that no matter what you do, Lord Consul, you always put your plan first. Can you tell me your general plan first?"

"Reporting to you, Count Schlieffen, the counterattack has begun."

Before Anson could speak, Fabian on the side smiled and said: "Not only did we arrive at the Red Moon Town Fortress earlier than you, but to be precise, it started at the same time that the imperial army retreated from Red Moon Town."


Count Schlieffen was shocked: "Has it started since then?!"

If he had just started planning from then on, the old man would not be too surprised, but the word Fabian used was "start"... In other words, Anson Bach had already taken back the Red Moon Town fortress. Already planning a counterattack against the Empire? !

"After contacting Sir Gloria from Fernando's Legion, I roughly understood two things." Anson raised his right index and middle fingers unhurriedly:

"First, this war is currently initiated almost independently by the emperor himself... Although he did raise the banner of 'suppressing the mob' and 'maintaining order', because the time was too short, very few people actually responded to him; breaking He used the pretext of launching a war to organize an extremely effective counterattack. Now is the best time, and the later it is, the worse it will be for us."

"Secondly, the major principalities currently have very strong opinions on the emperor. At the same time, due to many defeats in the war, the emperor's appeal in the empire has been greatly reduced. It is necessary to send out important ministers to lead the elite and obtain quick results to save the reputation and attract or win over The point where more people join him.”

"In other words, as long as we defeat Fernando who ventured to invade Red Moon Town, the counterattack has already begun."

Smiling Anson used his two fingers to take out the matches and cigarettes from his coat pocket, and lit them lightly: "You just said that I am a good at planning and always prepared in advance; I have to emphasize that you The statement is not very accurate, it would be more appropriate to say that I..."

"...He is a man of action."

The weather has suddenly turned cold recently, and my stomach has been feeling uncomfortable for a few days... Everyone should pay attention.

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