I will be crowned king

Chapter 1245 March to Xiaolong City

Different people will have different answers to when a war begins; for a soldier, it is probably when he is called up and ordered to fight, while for a king, it is when he finally finds an excuse to declare war. .

In Anson's eyes, the moment the war started was probably the second after the last war ended.

No one is a prophet, and no one can fully understand the full picture of events and situations, but this does not prevent you from using the advantages you have already obtained to do the best you can; when the battle is not over yet but you think you can take a break. , maybe it’s the perfect moment for your opponent to seize the flaw and give you a fatal blow.

In Sir Garland's eyes, Anson's purpose is to recapture Red Moon Town; in Ludwig's eyes, Anson's purpose in occupying the fortress is to seize all the credit, and then, with the encouragement of Viscount Bogner, be crowned king and usurp the victory over the Red Moon Town. Lowe's supreme power.

So what did he do in those short three or four days?

"Roughly speaking, I only did such a small thing."

In the main hall of the Red Moon Town fortress, Anson, with a smile on his face, pointed at the "Clovis-Empire" hanging behind him between the two pillars facing the gate, which was twelve meters wide and seven meters high. Border map," hundreds of officers wrote lightly against the darkness below.

Everyone in the audience held their breath, staring at the huge map in front of them, trying their best to engrave everything they saw on it into their minds.

Although the map of the Clovis border is no secret to the vast majority of middle and high-level army officers, many of them are even locals and have long been familiar with the contents outlined on it with contour lines, color blocks, markings and patterns. Like the palm of your hand.

Even so, they were still shocked when they saw the map produced by Anson and Deputy Chief of Staff Carl Bain.

It's not just that the picture is large enough... the accuracy and detail of the map content are at least ten times better than the map in their hands!

From the geographical situation, the distribution of mountains and rivers, to the size of settlements in each town and village, the exact location of the fortress, the transportation and road network...even the number of defenders in the fortress, the population of the settlement, the location of the local grain warehouses and treasury, everything has been Clearly marked.

Even if the detailed content is marked on the map, it would only be the Red Moon Province and part of the Clovis area: with the Red Moon Fortress as the core, the map continues to extend to the northeast, covering two-thirds of Clovis. After the western border and base camp, all the way to Clovis City.

To the west, it directly crosses the entire Grand Duchy of Brahm and the Principality of Xiaolong... The golden crown symbol symbolizing the imperial capital of Xiaolong City is unabashedly marked on the northwest corner of the extreme edge of the map.

And compared to Clovis' part, the content of the Empire area is even more detailed!

According to the young clerk Alan Dawn, this is no longer an ordinary map, this is "an overview of the geographical distribution, population and property statistics, and postal, transportation and road network of the Grand Duchy of Brahm-Snapdragon"!

"An... Lord Ruling!"

Count Schlieffen, who was sitting in the front row, stood up tremblingly and pointed at the map in front of him with a shocked look on his face: "Where...where did you get this from, and how credible is it?!"

He originally wanted to say that such an important map should not be hidden as the top secret of the entire Western Front Army; but he immediately realized that this had been openly disclosed to almost all officers in the army, and it seemed a little too late to say this, so he had to temporarily Change your words.

But there is really nothing wrong with saying that. After all, Count Schlieffen's current "personality" is to find an unhappy enemy with the Commander-in-Chief everywhere. If his tone is too friendly, it will arouse others' suspicion.

"As for the source of the map, please allow me to keep it secret for the time being. At the same time, I can also guarantee with my personality and life that this map has 100% credibility." Anson pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed with the scabbard. The location of Hongyue Town on the map:

"And the reason why I took it out is also very simple. I hope that everyone here...everyone! From now until the end of our military meeting, this map will be firmly imprinted in your minds!"

"As an officer from the Skirmisher Division, my education and experience tell me that no matter how perfect the strategy and plan is, if it cannot be fully understood by every officer and even every soldier, it cannot be made aware of by everyone. What is the mission and why is it done, then it cannot be said to be perfect.”

"Nothing else! A group of dull troops who only know how to execute orders but have no idea what they are doing. Their flexibility and mobility are completely tied to the commander; as long as he makes a slight mistake, Judgment, or simply ignorance of the situation, may be fatal!”

"An army is an absolute whole, but it is also composed of thousands of people; no one is a god, and no matter how good the commander is, he cannot master all the information. Besides, I never think that I am perfect."

The loud words echoed in the hall, and Carl Bain in the audience rolled his eyes.

"And if every officer and soldier knows their mission, then when they notice certain situations, they will be able to make judgments and respond more promptly; he understands his mission so well, so he can definitely make a decision The most correct judgment." Anson took a deep breath and glanced at where the officers of the Ranger Corps were sitting:

"The previous Battle of Red Moon Town is the best proof: with only less than 40,000 troops, the Ranger Corps successfully divided and surrounded the Imperial Army with a total strength of more than 50,000 troops, and finally defeated it in one fell swoop!"

"Why? Not only because everyone fought bloody battles and remained loyal, but also because everyone from me, the legion commander, down to every regiment commander and battalion commander, knew the entire deployment clearly - the flag rose on the mountain on the last day The bloody swallow-tailed flag is the best proof; the defenders with less than 3,000 people used their determination to completely defeat the will of the imperial army to fight."

"They know that once Junqishan falls, no matter how many previous victories they have achieved, they will lose everything; and they know even better that as long as they persist, reinforcements will definitely come!"

The scabbard of the sword hit the map heavily with the words, and countless pairs of eyes looked at the officers of the Ranger Corps; feeling the gaze of their colleagues, they could not help but puff up their chests and feel proud.

Of course, there are exceptions to this... The officers who followed Carl Bain to defend the Flag Mountain and knew that the so-called "Blood Swallowtail Flag" was used for melee combat had somewhat strange expressions. When the people around them looked at them, a He smiled awkwardly and avoided the other person's sight.

In the eyes of others, this kind of performance also became proof of "modestness" and "not asking for credit"... The atmosphere in the hall unconsciously became a lot more exciting.

"But this is just an example, Lord Consul."

Count Schlieffen snorted coldly: "If you disclose such important information openly, you are not worried about the information leaking out and letting the enemy be prepared for it?"

"Oh, Your Excellency, are you worried that some of you here have the emperor's spies?" Anson asked with a smile: "I'm sorry, I don't know if I misunderstood what you meant."

"There is no need to be so overt and understated, Lord Ruling."

The old man glanced at the people around him with disdain: "You can say whatever you want, but in all armies from ancient times to the present, there is no precedent for a commander to make his strategic plan public in its entirety."

"You did some calculations in Hongyue Town Fortress, and you were lucky enough to win against the Empire once, but that doesn't mean you can get away with it a second time... I just want to ask, if what you announced today is known to the Emperor, and you can't win by surprise, what will happen? With our current total strength of less than 200,000 people, how can we sanction the empire and punish the emperor?"

"I don't mean to look down on you, but in my eyes, you are like a guy who has a good hand but doesn't hide it well. When you get to the card table, everyone will see it clearly. It's only a matter of time before you lose completely." It’s just a problem!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present became nervous.

This is not because everyone is worried that Count Schlieffen will fight with the commander-in-chief on the spot, but if the commander-in-chief accepts his proposal and feels that the key intelligence cannot be easily leaked, it will be troublesome!

At the least, everyone signed a written document and guaranteed each other that no secrets would be leaked. At the worst, they were under surveillance at all times. From today on, all soldiers on the Western Front were in danger, and there was no longer any privacy at all.

A pair of fearful eyes looked at Anson, waiting for his final decision as if waiting for a trial.

Anson silently retracted his saber and looked at the old man with an unkind expression with a smile: "It's very simple, because from the beginning... I had no intention of hiding it."


"On the contrary, if there are really spies of the emperor among all of you here, I would like to take this opportunity to send a message to His Majesty the Emperor." Anson glanced behind him:

"Look at the map behind me clearly, and then look at the loyal and elite 100,000 troops under my command, as well as the Hantu Army that has no chance of betrayal. He just suffered a disastrous defeat in Red Moon Town, and even the most loyal general chose to betray him... Is there any chance of winning?"

"Everyone - please answer me!"

Anson suddenly raised his voice: "Does the Emperor of Xiaolong City have the slightest chance of winning?!"


Fabian and Carl Bain were the first to stand up, followed closely by the officers of the Storm Legion. They clenched their right fists and hammered them heavily on their chests, then raised them flat to their sides, making the symbol of the "Red Heart" organization. Sexual Actions: "No-!!!!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"

Seeing that his "old colleagues" had expressed their stance, Alexey Dukaski, who had joined the Ranger Corps, also quickly stood up and pulled up the other division commanders in the regiment: "There is absolutely no way that anyone here can Traitor of Clovis!”

"Yes, absolutely impossible!"

"You bastard who is a traitor, please come forward and admit it quickly, otherwise you will never be forgiven!"

"There are absolutely no soldiers in the Ranger Corps who will surrender to the Emperor!"

...Amidst the chaotic shouting, the officers of the Ranger Corps stood up one after another to express their stance. While swearing, they looked around vigilantly, as if they were looking for potential traitor guards.

Seeing that the officers of these two legions had heightened the atmosphere, the rest of the people present naturally did not dare to remain indifferent; first of all, the officers of the Rising Sun Legion also stood up from their seats with the tacit approval of the legion commander.

The remaining officers of the Signal Flag Corps were a little embarrassed, but after seeing that their regiment commander, Count Schlieffen, had no expression, they all stepped forward to express their stance and shouted:


The hall was full of murderous intent, and the warm atmosphere made everyone believe that if an imperial spy appeared immediately, he would definitely be cut to pieces and shot to death indiscriminately.

"Count Schlieffen, I wonder if this answer satisfies you?" Anson looked at the old man with a smile: "If it still doesn't work, why not let me write a letter in person and send the next battle plan to His Majesty the Emperor?"

"That's no need."

Count Schlieffen, who had a very ugly face, snorted coldly, and at the same time nodded slightly, his eyes meaningful.

Very good... In this way, no matter whether the officers present agree or disagree, they have already expressed their position, and no one can stand up to object or protest when the strategy is planned next - otherwise he will be the emperor's spy .

Although, the old man's worries were real. He really didn't expect that Anson could get such a detailed map, and he really didn't expect that he would be so careless and make it public without covering it up at all.

Could it be that everything he said was true and was deliberately staged to shock the emperor?

It's not that it's impossible... It's conceivable that it would be absolutely impossible to obtain such a detailed map without the help of the empire; once the news leaks out, the emperor will immediately realize that there is a traitor among the grand dukes. He has been abandoned by the nobles of the empire, and the blow caused can be imagined.

So, who provided it?

Earl Schlieffen suddenly remembered the instructions given by Governor Cecil of Northport, who had stated openly and secretly that they were not the only ones standing on Anson Bach's side.

Is it difficult, is it difficult...

"In this case, I will now announce to you the specific deployment of this battle."

As Anson's words rang out, Chief of General Staff Fabian and Deputy Chief of Staff Karl walked to the back of the map at the same time and pulled the two ropes on the back of the map.

Following their pulling action, the road extending from Hongyue Town on the map was suddenly painted in bright red.

This red line follows the road, passing through the border between Clovis and the Empire, passing through the countryside and hilly areas, bypassing one after another important towns and fortresses in the Empire, constantly extending forward, extending...

Finally, it stopped in front of Xiaolong City - the stretching red line closely connected the two towns.

"This... is our route for this battle." Anson said loudly: "Now, the soldiers of the Western Front..."

"March towards Xiaolong City!"

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