I will be crowned king

Chapter 1270 Third rate careerist

Looking at the stunned Nicholas I on the seat, Anson narrowed his eyes without changing his expression, and his wishful thinking clicked in his heart.

Obviously, the young king did not have the freedom to decide whether to stay or go on his own, but as long as Nicholas showed his uncontrollable thoughts, Emperor Joseph could not use the Osterian royal family to manipulate the coalition forces. In addition to obediently fulfilling the agreement with himself, Emperor Joseph There is no other way to go.

In order to maximize their profits, or at least not lose money, the coalition forces that won the Battle of the Halcyon were even more passive than if they lost; they had to reach an agreement with the emperor, but they could not betray the princes who had contributed to this victory. , can be described as a dilemma.

But now that he has control of the Osterian royal family, Anson can turn his back on the guest and seize the initiative in the relationship between the two parties. He does not have to worry about the emperor jumping over the wall; if he wants to fight against the grand dukes who are eager to oust him, the 150,000 coalition troops are his only of foreign aid.

On one side is the emperor who has reached an agreement, and on the other side are the princes who have a tacit understanding with each other; the coalition forces with flexible positions can act as "mediators" to build communication channels to handle conflicts between the two parties and obtain the best interests for themselves.

But from his own heart, Anson actually didn’t really want the little king to agree. That would greatly increase the difficulty of dancing on several eggs: the conservatives of the wealthy families in Clovis City, the radicals in the Citizens’ Assembly, the army, Hantu allies, the emperor and the imperial princes...

Now everyone's positions and relationships have finally reached a certain delicate balance. The country remains united by opposing the imperial invasion, and the grand dukes pretend to remain neutral. Once the young king agrees to go back, there is a possibility that a civil war will break out in Clovis immediately.

Of course, none of this will happen, because the emperor cannot let go of his last trump card; the little king's life is already the last bargaining chip he can use to threaten the coalition forces.

Well, counting the time, the other side should send someone to interrupt this meeting soon... No matter the emperor or Queen Mother Anne, they certainly don't dare to take too big risks with the young king.

This is fine, because talking too much can easily destroy the sense of mystery, reduce the pressure on the other party, and easily expose flaws; when the other party interrupts you, you can take advantage of the opportunity to pretend to be angry, and then decisively withdraw, leaving them without a chance to understand the complete truth. …

"Amazing, indeed amazing."

Clear applause suddenly sounded in the silent air, mixed with a bit of joking praise, echoing between the walls; like when you were about to fall asleep late at night, you turned to a story with enough experience that you couldn't bear it even in a bedroom where there was no one else. Live with emotion.

Anson was stunned for a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at the little king who was sitting on the chair in front of him and smiling at him. The corners of his mouth were slightly grinned and his palms were folded together, making him look like an elderly and kind elder.

Those familiar eyes, smiles, the natural aura emanating from the whole body, and most importantly...


"Oh, it seems you still remember me?" "Nicholas" on the seat showed a hint of surprise: "What an honor. I thought you must have forgotten me long ago."

"No, you are worrying too much." Anson, whose mouth twitched slightly, involuntarily opened his spellcasting field, and his eyes turned blood red:

"Even if you turn into ashes, I dare not forget you...the apostle of 'Wish', Your Excellency Machiavelli."

The "little king" who heard this title - or one of the only three apostles of curse magic in the world was slightly stunned. He finally let go of his hands and hesitated for a long time before finally speaking:

"That's such a shame. If you forget, when I kill you one day, at least you won't feel the pain of being prepared."

As he spoke, He jumped down from the chair: "Remember? I made a promise to the Church of Order. If I see you, I will take your life."

"Of course." Anson, who had taken back his domain, pretended to be natural. Even the blood in his eyes completely faded, but he did not dare to relax at all.

As a curse magic blasphemy mage, he has no chance of winning against this apostle of "Wish". Even if Thalia, who is far away in the new world, can use Lisa's body to come immediately from the military camp outside the city, it will only be two people. A blasphemous mage.

Within the strict hierarchical "pyramid evolutionary chain" of spellcasters, quantitative changes are not enough to achieve qualitative changes; distorting the laws of reality directly evaporates the entire city, and the other party is not completely unable to do so.

At this time, Anson didn't even care about why the other party possessed the little king and when he did it. He was only thinking about the bargaining chip that he could threaten the other party: one was himself and the Luen family, more accurately, it should be with the blood. The relationship between magic apostle Rune.

The other is Wilhelm Gottfried’s “Desire Formula.”

When Machiavelli made a big fuss in the city of Clovis in accordance with the agreement with the church, he directly covered the entire city of Clovis; his technical advisor took the opportunity to use the stolen difference engine to complete the derivation and decipher the opponent's " The law of desire.

But is it really cracked? In fact... Anyway, according to William Gottfried, it is like a broken revolver with only one bullet in the chamber.

You are not sure whether the gun can be fired, and it is hard to say whether it is a blank ammunition. Even if you are lucky and both are true, the probability of successful firing is only one-sixth; even if it succeeds, you still have to pray for the protection of order. Please don't miss the target.

But in any case, it does threaten an apostle, or at least has the possibility of harming the other party. If the other party really intends to take action, it can only...

"Don't be afraid, I have no intention of killing you here."

Seemingly seeing through Anson's thoughts, Machiavelli, who was wearing the skin of a little king, poked his face with his finger: "My promise to the church is 'if I see you', and the person standing in front of you now is Nicholas O. Stelia.”

"It's really a relief." Although he said this, Anson did not dare to let down his guard at all: "From your tone, it seems that you plan to spare my life temporarily?"

"Furthermore, I'm not interested in killing you, but I am interested in how that guy Rune would react if you died."

Machia tilted his head: "That is an extremely boring existence. In the past, he was just a follower of August. We all thought that one day August would kill him for some reason, but in the end, the one who survived was... sorry , you probably don’t understand this, right?”

No, I completely understand, after all, I saw it with my own eyes... Anson thought to himself.

"Back to the topic, there are two reasons for my appearance. The most important one is that the little guy named 'Nicholas' is extremely afraid of you and begs me to come forward and... kill you." Machia smiled:

"I don't intend to fulfill his latter wish, but at least I can satisfy the former one."

This is the "Law of Wishes". Anyone who makes a wish to Machia can make him have the corresponding abilities. As expected, Machia's body is not in Xiaolong City, but he can still directly control the little king's body with Nicholas's wish. .

Even the significance of the so-called ontology is unknown; unlike the Blood Mage, the Apostle of Curse Magic is just a "shell", and the "law" that has completed the theoretical construction is the ontology. It can possess others, which shows that the body is very important to Machia. It doesn't matter anymore.

This is much scarier than Thalia possessing little Lisa... Not to mention the harsh condition that possession must rely on the blood connection between blood mages. The possessed Thalia cannot use her true strength; but Machia It's obviously different. The surrounding fields are warning Anson that he may die at any time.

In a sense, Machiavelli, who has strange laws, can be called the "freest apostle". The other apostles would be alert if they moved around at will, but he could change his position silently, just like an uncertain time bomb.

"As for the second one, I'm giving you an invitation."


"Ah, or should it be called 'suggestion' more appropriately?"

Machia suddenly began to talk to himself, but immediately returned to the topic: "A sincere suggestion, come and see our little gathering at the right time and at the right place."

"Uh..." Looking at the other party's seemingly indifferent expression, Anson couldn't help but twitch his throat:

"Can I ask what the occasion was?"

"It's not an occasion, it's just a gathering between a few good friends, or a few acquaintances who don't plan to kill each other for the time being, casually taking the time to have a glass of wine and chat."

Machia waved his hand again: "There are only three...well, including you, there are four of us, me, Voltagora, and Yoglin, that's all."

Anson remained motionless, feeling that his body was completely unable to move.

Machiavelli, Voltagora, Joglin.

Apostle of "Desire", Apostle of "Exchange", Apostle of "Existence".

There are only three apostles of curse magic in the world, or more accurately, they can only exist. According to the rule that there can only be three apostles for each evolutionary path, all those who challenged them and were challenged by them have disappeared.

In this era when all three old gods have fallen, they... are the top of the curse mages.

"Anson Bach, you are not the first conjurer in history to try to make a 'change,' but I must admit that your views are truly unparalleled." Machia said in a deep voice:

"For conjurers, change and the development of new laws are always a rare blessing; so we think we should at least give you a chance, a chance... to clarify your ideas."

Different from the previous mockery and "kindness", He looked very solemn at this moment, as if he were a God declaring His will.

Considering the power of the apostles, it does not seem inappropriate to call them gods.

"...I understand." Anson, who was silent for a moment, took a deep breath:

"If my answer doesn't satisfy you, will it just disappear into thin air?"

"Maybe, maybe just the opposite."

Machia shook his head: "I said, no matter Voltagora or Yoglin, the relationship between us is just acquaintances who can't kill each other. I can't guarantee that the other two have the same idea as me."

"As for me... I originally stayed in Clovis City and controlled this little king just to cause you, or Lu En, some trouble. There are countless people in history who have tried to change. In my eyes, you and those third-rate ambitions Home is no different."

Anson laughed to himself.

"But maybe I'm wrong. There are thousands of third-rate careerists, but the one who can really establish his own theory, build the most basic framework, and even successfully make it work... The last careerist who did this, his name Called Hered."

"You're flattered." Anson waved his hand: "With all my virtues and abilities, I can't compare with the Dragon Knight."

"Really? In my opinion, comparing him to you should be considered a derogation."

Machia's attitude is still very serious: "I have personally experienced that era... Regardless of the starting point, the 'empire' established by Hered can almost be described as simple; first find like-minded partners, and then use the teachings of the Ring of Order to unite More objects.”

"There is no theoretical basis, no preset model, everything is trial and error; I don't want to criticize an ordinary person who has no reference objects, cases and educational opportunities, but his achievements are mainly concentrated in pioneering aspects, and the rest is really difficult to Open your mouth."

"To be more precise, many of your styles are closer to those of my era, those evolutionists with unique insights and ideas." Machia said solemnly: "But it is too long ago, and it is difficult for you to understand."

This is not necessarily true... Ansen secretly thought in his heart, but still pretended to be surprised on his face:

"So, you support me?"

"You can think so, but this is mainly because there is no serious contradiction between the laws between you and me, and there are even some similarities." Machia spread his hands:

"That's the case with conjurers. The laws are almost half a step back. The conflict of laws is incompatible. We want to replace the existence of the world's laws with ourselves. Unless we cannot eliminate each other, it is impossible to accept each other's underlying logic that is incompatible with each other."

Oh, so the communication between conjurers is like this, or are it just these old... apostles who still retain their past habits?

As an entry-level tutor, he is a black mage, and his important sponsor is a curse magic evolver who is a blood mage. Anson has never been exposed to the circle of ordinary curse mages, let alone such a high level, and he barely has the most basic concepts in these aspects. nothing.

In terms of laws, Thalia and the judges of the Truth Seeking Order had some common sense, so Anson guessed that his laws were similar to Machia's. He originally thought that this was the reason why the other party wanted to kill him. Unexpectedly, it was exactly the opposite.

"Excuse me...when will this party be?"

"Wait until the right time, in the most suitable place." Machiavelli said meaningfully:

"Final warning, Anson Bach, don't have any thoughts of testing the apostle. Rune's indulgence has made you develop a bad habit. On other occasions, what you just said..."

"...It's no different than declaring war."

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