I will be crowned king

Chapter 1271 Before the audience

The meeting with Nicholas Osteria ended hastily, and Anson did not even say a formal farewell.

But no one cared about this at this time... The little king "agreeed" the request to see the emperor in confusion, and was taken away by the servants sent by the Queen Mother Anne; they could not even help him up, and left the room with the chair. .

On the way back to the lounge, Anson kept recalling the relationship between "similarity and conflict of laws" mentioned by Machia, as well as the "appropriate" gathering mentioned by the other party.

Just as Machiya said, Anson had already inferred the time and place of the gathering from the information conveyed by the other party the moment he spoke. The subsequent pretending to be dumbfounded was nothing more than a further test to see if he could dig out more information. More valuable intelligence.

Fortunately, the apostle has no intention of killing himself now, or at least he is afraid of killing himself. He rather "kindly" revealed another deadly - literally - conversation technique.

Think about it, the curse mage is an existence that transcends the body and spirit and relies on "concepts". Testing each other by making insinuations is itself trying to decipher each other's laws, which is of course no different from declaring war.

As for the time and place of the gathering... To show all the magic apostles their ideas of law, is there any more suitable place than Clovis City?

It is not difficult to see from Machiavel's attitude that this "little gathering" is so important to him that he is willing to put aside his dignity and take the initiative to show his kindness; from Anson's own perspective, what is a person willing to do? time, it shows that this person is really at his wits end.

He needs to achieve a certain purpose through himself. This matter is so important that he, the "used tool", must know certain details and truth.

Anson was not interested in His purpose, but was very interested in gathering three magic apostles at once.

You must know that today's apostles, at least in name, have an agreement with the Church of Order, and they must not move around at will. Otherwise, Rune will not trigger a holy war by going to the New World, and Machia will have to reach an agreement with the church before he can come. Clovis City.

In this case, what should the three apostles do to organize this so-called gathering?

Full of doubts, Anson returned to the lounge and was so focused that he almost ran into Carl Bain who was pushing the door open and peeking out.

"How is the situation? How is the little... I mean, how is the situation of His Majesty Nicholas?"

The chief of staff who hurriedly welcomed the commander-in-chief in quickly spoke, almost forgetting that there were several conservative Clovis officers beside him: "You haven't been embarrassed by the emperor, have you?"

The lounge was crowded with people, and the various forces had different mentality, but their eyes invariably focused on Ansen.

Obviously, the officers of the Clovis Western Front were the ones who cared most about it and were also the most divided in their attitudes: conservative officers from the east and a large number of officers led by the Storm Legion, who had been killed by the new Army Department during the Clovis riots. The new officers who were promoted had completely opposite attitudes.

Previously, because of the same goal, the two sides could still maintain superficial unity by adhering to the professionalism of soldiers. Now they finally arrived at Xiaolong City, the imperial capital. The young King Nicholas and the Queen Mother Anne were so close in front of them that they simply stopped acting.

On the contrary, the Hantu Allied Forces, who had always been very active, seemed careless - the purpose of their trip had been achieved. As long as they could complete the audience ceremony, their triumphant return to Hantu would be a victory, so they were completely watching the show.

Needless to say, the new officers rose to power solely because of the Citizen's Assembly and the new War Ministry. They had affection for the royal family but it was quite limited. There were countless conservative officers who came from aristocratic families, and there were also many Continental Army soldiers who were suppressed by the new War Ministry. The doctrine faction definitely hopes to welcome back the royal family.

And both parties also know that Anson's attitude is the key to everything.

"Don't worry, everyone, everything is fine with His Majesty Nicholas. He has not been unduly embarrassed by the royal family." Anson and Carl Bain looked at each other and took the topic offered by the chief of staff in a tacit understanding:

"The conversation with His Majesty was very pleasant. He himself has agreed to our meeting with His Majesty the Emperor. There is no conflict between us."

After the words fell, the conservative officers finally let go of their hanging hearts, and at the same time they immediately cast sarcastic looks at the new officers standing aside.

Do you see, what if a National Assembly is established? Clovis is still a royal country, and even if Anson Bach has the courage, he would not dare to violate the order passed down for thousands of years; even if he becomes the de facto ruler, he will still be respectful to the royal family.

The new officers who faced him looked surprised, and many of them turned their attention to Fabian, hoping that the chief of staff could say something to change the commander-in-chief's attitude.

However, Fabian seemed extremely calm and did not react at all. Instead, Count Schlieffen, a conservative representative, raised an objection:

"In that case, I would like to ask the Commander-in-Chief, will Your Majesty and the Queen Mother return to Clovis City with us?"

As soon as the words fell, the officers present immediately got into high spirits.

"That's a good question. This is also one of our most important tasks next." Although he said it calmly, Anson's eyes had become serious: "Everyone, the situation may be worse than we expected. more complicated."


"I originally thought that the royal family's escape was nothing more than being hijacked by gangsters, or by the imperial royal family, or even both, but now it seems that may not be the case."

Facing the nervous faces, Ansen said earnestly: "Although we didn't meet for a long time, Your Majesty and I had a very pleasant conversation without any conflicts."

Anyway, the emperor will definitely not let him go. No one can tell lies with his eyes open, so of course he can say whatever he wants.

"But..." The topic changed and Anson sighed: "When it comes to returning to the country, His Majesty Nicholas did not speak outright, but there was a troubled look on his face."


Count Schlieffen immediately stepped forward, playing the important role of setting the mood and continuing the conversation: "Why is this?"

"I don't know." Anson pursed his lips and glanced around with flickering eyes: "It's just that before my meeting with His Majesty was over, I was interrupted by the guards sent by Queen Mother Anne; they didn't even take the initiative to speak. Please, bring His Majesty back directly with the chair... Well, why do you have this expression?"

Facing his knowing gaze, the tense atmosphere in the lounge suddenly became much more awkward.

The officers of the two groups who were still hostile to each other just now looked at each other, you looked at him and looked at you, but no one said anything.

Obviously, this situation was completely expected by people on both sides. To be more precise...it is exactly the same as the worst and most unspeakable situation in everyone's mind.

Why can't you say it? Because then the nature will completely change - the new officers don't care about the disappearance of the royal family, they just hope that Clovis will not have a king; the conservatives actually want to welcome the royal family back, but it must be without stains, Respected status.

But Anson's statement was almost clear: there was no kidnapping or kidnapping, the royal family just left on their own initiative, at least under the leadership of the Queen Mother, and they didn't seem to want to go back for the time being.

This is very troublesome.

The conservatives obviously do not want to welcome back a tainted king - or a tainted puppet - while the new military officers hope that the king will completely disappear from the world, or at least become the "culprit" in promoting this war, and cut off the recovery of some people. The idea of ​​the Clovis monarchy.

Carl Bain rolled his eyes secretly on the sidelines...Similar scenes seemed to have happened countless times, and the only change seemed to be that Anson Bach's acting skills at pretending to be stupid became more and more superb.

The current situation is that both parties seem to get what they want, but neither is satisfied with it, and the core demands are not met; this state of getting but only half of it, the inner embarrassment is like the air at the moment, you can only see it Look at me, I look at you, no one is willing to speak first.

Just when everyone was silent, Fabian, who was silent at first, suddenly stood up: "In that case, what is your attitude, Commander-in-Chief?"

"My attitude?"

Anson, who was pretending to sigh on the chair, raised his head and looked at the group of officers in front of him who looked like owls that had found their prey: "My attitude is very simple and clear. Whatever is best for Clovis, then do it."

"Right now, the emperor is using His Majesty Nicholas and the Queen Mother to blackmail Clovis. This problem must be solved. Otherwise, even if we defeat the empire by luck this time, it will still not change the status quo of Clovis being controlled by others, and he will be on the edge of the risk of unrest at any time."

"No matter what method we use, we must ensure that the royal family can no longer be used as a banner and excuse for imperial invasion; as for whether His Majesty and the Queen Mother return to the country... this depends on their subjective wishes and is not something we should consider."

This answer does not sound like an answer. It can be regarded as a success in not offending people on both sides, but not offending anyone means that it will definitely not satisfy people: "The Commander-in-Chief means that he will not take the initiative to facilitate the relationship between His Majesty and the Queen Mother. Returned to China?"

"Of course." Looking at Count Schlieffen who asked the question with a cold face, Anson said bluntly:

"If we act with this goal next, we will inevitably be controlled by the emperor. The best result is to become a tool for the emperor to stabilize his position and fight against the archdukes. I am not opposed to being used by the enemy occasionally, but Clovis cannot bear it. Pay the price for offending several Grand Dukes at the same time."


"I know what else you want to ask, Count. If His Majesty takes the initiative to express his willingness to return to the country, would I not object?"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Anson directly interrupted and said: "Of course I don't object, but the premise is that the current situation does not change - I am the governor of Clovis, but I am only one of the three governors. This kind of matter related to the future is not It can be decided by my own will, let alone my personal likes and dislikes that will affect the situation."

"I also know that there are many people here who want Clovis to return to her past appearance, and some people can't wait to welcome the new era; but no matter good or bad, Clovis is what she is today, and what we have to do is no matter how she changes, No matter what she looks like, I will unswervingly defend her interests."

After the words fell, the conservative officers once again turned their attention to Count Schlieffen, hoping that this wealthy old aristocrat could increase the intensity of the commander-in-chief and exert pressure in exchange for a larger concession.

The old count stood up slowly and glanced at the unsmiling Anson.

The next second, he nodded slightly and turned to look at the officers behind him: "You all heard it, the Commander-in-Chief has been as honest as he can to us; so from now on, I don't want to hear any complaints or complaints. , or any baseless speculation.”

"We are soldiers, and soldiers should behave like soldiers; no matter what Clovis's future is, our loyalty to her should not waver; you swore an oath in front of the unicorn flag and shouted victory on the battlefield. Long live Lovi, then fulfill your vows now!"

"Well said! For a soldier, loyalty should never waver...the same goes for a knight."

Little Leon on the side couldn't help but praise: "As expected of the wealthy Clovis family and the commander-in-chief guarding the eastern fortress, Count Schlieffen is really a model for all soldiers. He is so reassuring at all times."

"Thank you, Your Highness Leon." The old earl remained calm and looked back at Anson with a cold face: "Please also ask the Commander-in-Chief to clarify the plan for the next action."

The officers stood up one after another, and the two groups of people who were originally opposed to each other no longer avoided suspicion and came closer together.

"In thirty minutes, someone from the palace will come to notify us to attend the audience ceremony." Ansen said in a deep voice:

"The emperor doesn't want this 'audience' to turn into the loser trying to please the winner. He wants to maintain face as much as possible, so we'll give him this face, but there are still a lot of things he should do."

After saying that, Anson raised his head and looked at Carl Bain: "The staff will stay in the military camp and will never allow any Imperial personnel to approach the military station. Do not hesitate to do anything if any situation arises. Anyone who dares to approach the camp will be shot to death immediately!"

The smile on the chief of general staff's face faded and he nodded solemnly.

"The knights of the Hantu Allied Forces, together with the officers above the military division level on the Western Front, are here with me." Anson turned to look at the officers who were still confronting each other just now: "Don't have any scruples, go and communicate with the Grand Dukes, let's Emperor, take a good look, Clovis is also a part of the world of order, how 'intimately' we are with his subjects."


"As for the rest...you can rest assured, don't worry too much about anything, and enjoy this rare feast." The corner of Anson's mouth raised slightly:

"After all, this is the emperor's hospitality, and it is in the Xiaolong City Palace with a history of thousands of years. It may be the highest standard and most luxurious banquet in the entire Order World. It is not an exaggeration to call it a once-in-a-lifetime event. If it is not enjoyable enough, You may regret it for the rest of your life.”

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