I will be crowned king

Chapter 135 Anson, tool man

Sitting in the taxi going home, holding Lisa who was already asleep, Anson looked at the night outside the car window with a thoughtful expression.

Dim yellow gas lamps light up every corner of the inner city, but Clovis still looks very deserted at night; the cold winter and the gradual collapse of public security have caused most shops to close early; there are only pubs and luxury in the streets and alleys. There is still a lively atmosphere in the tall building that is brightly lit like a palace.

Although it was a casual question, Anson had already thought of at least six or seven possible answers. The little clerk's answer was almost the one he thought was the lowest probability.

Anson was a little surprised by the other party's frankness, but if he thought about it a little differently, it might be a good thing - as long as he did not commit any "clear betrayal", the Franz family could tolerate anything.

Even if you are a little bolder... Even if your identity as a spellcaster is exposed, it doesn't matter if it doesn't conflict with the interests of the Franz family.

For example, a certain Inquisition suddenly became "easy to talk to".

Although neither party has said it explicitly, based on the memory of "former Anson", generally an "innocent person" like himself who is suspected and inadvertently involved in an Old God Sect incident will end up with a one to ten outcome. years in prison.

If Sophia Franz was not present that day, if she was not the commander of the church security forces, if there was no Archbishop Luther...

Anson never believed that the always-smiling second-tier judge, Lord Cole Dorian, would be so kind and enthusiastic to him.

Well, maybe it will be another kind of "warm and friendly".

From this perspective, it can also prove how terrifying the power of Archbishop Luther and the Franz family is. Even the notorious trial court has to give them face.

In the swaying carriage, the silent Anson kept thinking about his next plan.

He has to complete the work of the Storm Group, continue to fool the black mage, and at the same time find a way to make the inquisitor of the Truth-seeking Order believe that he is innocent-the three things are independent of each other, but in fact they are contradictory to each other.

If they focus on the work of the Storm Group, the Truth Seeking Order may not care, but the Black Mage will realize that there is a problem;

If you want to fool the Black Mage, the Inquisitors who are always watching you will focus on them and try to catch the evidence that Mace Honard is the Black Mage;

No matter what you do, the risk is high; and even if you pass the level perfectly, you will only gain the other party's "trust", and you will still be unable to escape the fate of a tool man.

The best way is, of course, to kill the Black Mage and the Old God Sect organization behind him, but the risk of doing so has exceeded his tolerance limit - Professor Mace Honnard may have reached the point of "blaspheming the mage" or "blaspheming the mage". The level of "mentor" is probably no longer considered a person in the strict sense!

Anson didn't know the strength of the Inquisition in Clovis City, but judging from the battle on Old Wall Street, they were definitely no match for the Black Mage.

Besides, he now has an extra job, which is to ensure that the black mage must not be aware of Lisa's identity... Sighing tiredly, Anson patted the little head of the girl in his arms.

Who would have thought that this guy who didn't even know "what his parents were" would actually be a descendant of a thousand-year-old blood magic family?

The first time Lisa appeared publicly was before the cavalry of Thunder Castle raided the siege position. At that time, the black mage pretending to be "John Ness" probably did not exist yet, or had just escaped not long ago.

Judging from his reaction afterwards, he should have never heard the name "Lisa August"; but he must have known that there was a group of "new recruits" coming from the 1st Infantry Regiment. As for whether he had met Lisa before, he didn't know. That’s easy to say.

Regardless of whether there is or not, we must try to avoid the possibility of direct contact between the two... If she is really a descendant of the "blood magic apostle", I am afraid that the secret will be exposed in one face to face!

Just when Anson began to transition from careful thinking to random thoughts, the rickety carriage stopped by the streetlight on Brayman Street.

The sleepy Lisa rubbed her eyes and yawned as she got up from the cold and hard seat. Anson breathed a sigh of relief, handed the fare to the carriage driver, and got off the carriage with Lisa one after another, heading towards 55 Go to room door.

When she was almost outside the door, Lisa, who was still in a daze, suddenly widened her eyes and froze in place.

Anson, who looked a little stunned, followed her gaze and found that the gas-exploded "Old John Cafe" next to the door was actually brightly lit and open.

It has only been a little over a month, are you back in business so soon?

After being surprised for a second, Anson immediately understood what she was thinking: "Lisa, do you want to eat cake?"

The girl with wide eyes remained silent, pursed her lips and swallowed hard.

The answer is obvious.

Seeing the happy Lisa holding the key and trotting up the stairs; Anson sighed helplessly and smiled helplessly, walking towards the cafe alone.

Perhaps because it was too late, the entire cafe seemed very deserted; except for a waiter in a red vest wiping the coffee cup in his hand at the bar, there were only two customers in coats in the relatively spacious room, under an oil painting. The two of them drank coffee leisurely and smoked pipes at the table.

"Hello, how can I help?" The waiter put down the cup in his hand, stood behind the bar and asked Anson with a smile.

"Prepare a small piece of cake for me to take away."

"Okay, the strawberry cake we have here is very good. It only costs two and a half silver coins, okay?"

"Okay, pack it up."

Anson nodded and took out his wallet from his arms. He now had Ludwig's check and the "corrupted" military salary at Thunder Castle, as well as the lieutenant colonel's allowance and the Storm Regiment's budget account. He was completely free of money.

With Anson's current income level, he could at least hire a housekeeper and a maid, or simply move to a high-end hotel; but considering the risk of confidentiality, he gave up this somewhat luxurious idea.

Five minutes later, the waiter holding the cake box in both hands returned to the bar nervously and carefully placed it in front of Anson: "Your cake, sir."


Anson put the change on the bar, picked up the cake box, and turned around to leave.


Just as he was walking toward the store door, a very familiar sound suddenly sounded behind him.

That was the sound of the hammer of a revolver clicking.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency Anson Bach." The waiter's cold voice sounded from behind, still showing a little nervousness:

"If you really want to thank me, then please come with us."

Feeling the muzzle of the gun pressed against the back of his neck, Anson, who was holding the cake box, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

No wonder this cafe reopened so quickly.

"Guards?" Anson asked.


The waiter sneered.

The moment he spoke, the two "guests" in the store also took out guns from their arms and pointed them at Anson one after another.

"Since you are so smart, please stop trying to resist; otherwise, we don't mind opening a few holes in the leader of the storm group."

"Really?" Anson laughed out loud: "This is Boleyman Street, patrolled by people from the security company, and three intersections away is Red Brick Street - aren't you afraid of attracting people from the church?"

"We're really not afraid."

The waiter snorted complacently: "You seem to have forgotten our identity - the Guards have the right to require security companies with regular licenses to cooperate with our work. The people from the security company on Bolaiman Street are all in other places tonight. A street patrol.”

"What's more, do you think we will only send two or three people to arrest you after what happened at St. Isaac's College?"

Um? !

Just when Anson was alert, a muffled sound of "Boom!" suddenly came from the ceiling above his head.

This is……

"To be honest, we really didn't expect you to take the initiative to walk into this cafe." The waiter continued:

"The four people who are actually responsible for the arrest are ambushing you at your house. The three of us are just a reserve team. If you guessed it correctly, they are arresting your sister, Miss Lisa Bach."


Listening to the waiter's triumphant words, Anson, who suddenly had a strange expression on his face, suddenly felt relieved.

Soon, another burst of rapid fighting sounds came from the ceiling overhead; it lasted for about a minute before calmness finally returned.

"Very good, it seems it's over." The waiter continued proudly:

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, if you don't want your sister to get hurt, please come with us..."

The moment he finished speaking, Anson, who had the gun pressed against the back of his neck, suddenly bent his knees and sat on the ground with his upper body in free fall. At the same time, his right hand had already reached for the "dagger" hidden in his clothes.

The waiter was shocked at first, but he recovered his senses instantly and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The gunfire flashed past.

The lead bullet penetrated through the waiter's jaw, burned between the skin and fat layers, and shattered the moment it touched the skull. The fragmented projectiles spread in the skull cavity, and along with the thick white and bright red liquid, they shot out from the top of the head. And out.

The waiter, who didn't even have time to scream, was shot in the head. Only his torso was left, blood spurting out like a geyser, and he fell straight to the ground behind him.


Blood and dirt overflowed.

At the same time as he fell, the two Guardsmen who took a second to react immediately drew their guns and fired; intensive gunshots came continuously from the cafe, exploding on the floor and door panels one after another. The hole of the gun.

The suppressed Anson hid under the bar and carefully placed the strawberry cake in the corner; with a stinging pain in his temples, the entire cafe scene was instantly reflected in his mind.

The two guards cooperated very well: one stood still and continued shooting, while the other quietly moved to the side of the bar, shooting while approaching Anson's position.

Very good, can be called an expert... Calculating the distance between the other party and himself, Anson silently praised them in his heart, and took out the silver whistle from his arms and bit it in his mouth.

Three steps, two steps, one step... The Guardsman holding the revolver tightly moved to Anson's side, and took out the dagger from his arms with his left hand.


A sharp whistle blew in the cafe, blinding the eyes of the two unprepared Guardsmen and covering their ears subconsciously.

It's now!

Seizing this momentary pause, Anson rushed out from behind the bar at an extremely fast speed and pointed his gun at another Guardsman in the cafe. At the moment when his companion launched a surprise attack, he would definitely stop shooting in order to avoid accidental injury. .

In other words, there must be no bullets in his barrel at this moment.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

This is a five-shot burst just in case.

The lead bullets fired exploded pieces of blood mist on the Guardsmen. The bloody figures trembled, twitched and fell into a pool of blood.

Just after this moment's gap, the Guardsman who was planning to attack finally recovered from his dizziness; he was shocked at first when gunshots rang out one after another in his ears, and then he realized that he was not dead.

Then...he saw Anson suddenly smile at him, throw away the revolver and raise his fist.


A simple, unremarkable punch hit his chest; what he felt was the severe pain of torn tendons and broken ribs.

This, how is this possible? !

The shocked Guardsman's cheeks turned red and he looked at his collapsed chest in disbelief. Before he could figure out what happened, he saw countless fists attacking him.

“Dong dong dong dong dong dong…!!!!”

Ten seconds later, the Guardsman collapsed in a pool of blood with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his chest was completely sunken.

After calming down his rapid heartbeat, Anson, standing in a pool of blood, looked at his intact hands with some surprise.

Conjuration Magic [Sharp Wind]... The conjuration mage who sold him the magic book did say that as long as the rubbing of this magic is completed, the effect will be the same whether it is on the hand or the sword.

A fist as sharp as a blade...well, it is indeed a bit weird.

Anson breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cake box from the ground, opened the door and quickly left the cafe, running towards the door of his house without looking back.

Although he was very confident in Lisa, after all, there were four or five people on the other side this time. If anything happened... A slightly nervous Anson rushed up the stairs and kicked the door open with a "Bang!"

When he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

The corpses of four Guardsmen were entangled with each other in a wrestling position; one stabbed another through the throat with a dagger, one blew out another's head with a pistol, and one was strangled to death. His companion, and then his eyes were gouged out by another person.

They just lay in a pool of blood on the living room carpet, killing each other without touching a piece of furniture.

Anson, who twitched his throat, turned to the fireplace: Lisa was sitting on the sofa with her calves dangling, eating strawberry cake happily; Bronn, wearing a bachelor's robe, sat opposite her, smoking a pipe with an indifferent expression. .

Hearing the movement behind them, the two people turned their attention to the door at the same time. Looking at Anson with a surprised expression, Broun showed a slight smile on his cold face, and his ice blue eyes shone with inexplicable warmth:

"Welcome home, Anson, the professor has a task for you."

"About the whereabouts of the Great Magic Book...I found some clues."

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