I will be crowned king

Chapter 136 Kalinyak

Chapter 136 Karin Jacques

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

A middle-aged man wearing a worn-out chamber of commerce uniform squatted under a frost-covered gas lamp pole, chewing on a half-cut cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth. He was bruised by the cold, and his trembling hands struggled to light a wet match.


The attractive orange-red flames reflected the sloppy cheeks of the middle-aged man, and there was a hint of joy in the tired pupils.

Suddenly, a heavy four-wheeled carriage sped through the muddy street, and the fast wheels rolled up black sewage, which chilled him to the core and drove away.

The middle-aged man froze at first, his body was soaked from head to toe, and he shivered in the cold wind. Then he suddenly put the still smoking match on the cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth.

The sky was bright and the streets with light snow were shrouded in thick fog that exuded a strange smell. From time to time, passing eyes looked through the fog and the streets, watching the pantomime of "lighting cigarettes" under the street lights with eyes that were close to indifference.

Just when the middle-aged man was still trying hard to "try", he accidentally discovered a young man wearing an old coat and a bowler hat walking towards this side; the old coat stained with mud spots and snowflakes, it looked like It's extremely warm up there.

"Sorry, may I ask..."

"Cigarettes! Can you give me a cigarette and a match?" The trembling middle-aged man hugged his shoulders and stamped his feet and said impatiently:

"I haven't slept for two nights and lost my job... Just give me a cigarette, or four copper coins!"

The young man who was interrupted was stunned for a moment, and then groped in his pocket; under the opened collar, a silver watch chain was revealed from the inner pocket of the old coat.

Sterling silver watch chain!

Holding his almost frozen body, the middle-aged man's pupils shrank suddenly and saliva began to secrete uncontrollably.

While the young man was looking for change, he stepped forward and "accidentally" opened the collar of the old coat with his right hand, which was sore from the cold, and stuck two fingers inside.


The middle-aged man was stunned.

The touch on his hand told him that what he touched was definitely not the bracelet of a pocket watch, but a wooden handle. It felt like...

The old coat that was blocking his eyes was suddenly lifted, revealing the revolver hidden underneath.

The middle-aged man with a stiff expression swallowed his saliva, slowly raised his head, and found that the young man was smiling at him.


"Your cigarettes." The young man smiled and held his wrist, putting a few coins into the palm of his right hand:

"Excuse me, how to get to the Crown Tavern?"

Feeling the friction between the palm of his hand and the pattern on the coin's surface, the familiar yet unfamiliar touch told him that it was a full four silver coins... A flattering smile immediately appeared on the middle-aged man's face:

"I-I know the way, I can take you there!"

"That's perfect." The young man smiled slightly and used his old coat to cover the revolver under his arm again:

"Please lead the way."


The middle-aged man nodded eagerly and stepped forward with his unconscious feet against the howling cold wind. The smiling young man put his hands in his pockets and walked half a step behind him.

"Um, can I ask you something?"


"What are you going to do at the Crown Tavern?"

The slightly flattering middle-aged man had a somewhat frightened expression... He didn't think that a guy like this, who could afford a sterling silver watch chain and always had silver coins in his pocket as change, would be a "regular visitor" to a street tavern in the outer city.

"Do nothing."

Looking at the staggering middle-aged man, the young man held his shoulders:

"Just to meet a friend."


"Karin Jacques?"

Taking the note with the name written on it from Bloen's hand, the suffix was also stamped with the imprint of the Ring of Order. Anson, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Is this man a priest?"

"To be precise, he's a trainee priest." Bloen, who was sitting on the sofa, exhaled a puff of smoke:

"He hangs around an area called the 'Crown Tavern' in the outer city all year round. He usually does chores at the church during the day and occasionally preaches part-time. He gambles, drinks and chats in the pub at night and early in the morning."

Gambling, drinking... Anson looked a little weird: "Is he really a priest?"

"Trainee priest." The young bachelor emphasized again:

"He runs an underground reselling market in the outer city, specializing in the sale of some suspected illegal books and collections of broken families, many of which are related to the Old God Sect."

Well, he was still a priest who bought and sold old gods and illegal stolen goods... Anson's expression became even weirder.

"By some coincidence, I got information from an informant. Karin Jacques is very likely to possess one of the four great magic books scattered in Clovis City - the evidence is that he You can take out some rare but common magic books."

Bloen took a puff of his pipe: "Someone else told me that he once appeared in the Crown Tavern with a red-haired man who claimed to be a novelist."

"I need you to investigate this guy named Karin Jacques and find out whether he really has information about Draco Wirts; at the same time, if he really holds a copy of the "Great Magic Book", I want to There’s a way to get it.”

In the quiet midnight, the ice-blue eyes reflected the sleeping Lisa in Anson's arms, as well as the face that was deep in thought.

"I have two questions."

"Please speak." Blown put down his pipe and adjusted his sitting posture slightly.

"First of all, I am very grateful to the professor for giving me this opportunity. Really, it has always been my dream to help the professor." Anson had a sincere expression, but there was a bit of confusion in his eyes:

"But why me - you already have clues, witnesses, and even the details of this person. Why do you suddenly give this task to me who still doesn't know anything?"

"Are you surprised?" Blown asked.

Anson nodded vigorously: "It's surprising."

"I'm surprised too." The young bachelor sighed:

"But Professor Mace Honnard told me clearly before he left that all tasks involving the "Grand Magic Book" and Draco Wirtus must be handled by you... Anson Bach, and I am only allowed to provide help."

The black mage left Clovis City?

Anson blinked quickly: "Why?"

"I don't know, the professor didn't tell me." Bloen shook his head slightly:

"What's your second question?"

"Inquisition." Anson was a little confused:

"I am currently being monitored by people from the Seeking Truth Order, and I have promised to go to the club once a day; if I appear in the outer city, it is almost inevitable that they will notice me."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Mentioning the trial court, Bloen suddenly showed an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling: "If they notice it, you might as well tell them what we are talking about today."

Um? !

Anson looked stunned.

"This is also one of the professor's arrangements."

Bloen explained: "Right now, the professor has to leave the royal capital for something very important. In order to avoid being noticed by the Church of Order, we have to do some more conspicuous activities to make them believe that the professor is still collecting "Great Magic". Book", and the whereabouts of Draco Vertes."

"Of course, I'm not saying that these two things are unimportant; but now that the professor's identity has been exposed, we need to be more cautious next; it is worth sacrificing some minor intelligence before finding a solution."

"I see."

Anson nodded solemnly.

From this we can also see how important various things are to the black mage: life comes first, the opportunity to be promoted to "apostle" comes second, and the Old God Sect organization comes third...

As for the "big plan" of the Old God Sect...well, it's probably something like "additional options", right?

Otherwise, when he was in Thunder Castle, he would not have turned around and ran away when he saw that things were not going well, leaving the task of "determining the fate of the Old Gods" to a tool like himself.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"


Seeing Anson's cautious expression, Bloen's eyes showed admiration: "Two points in total."

"First, Karin Jacques may look flamboyant, but he is actually extremely cautious; he is very familiar with the Crown Tavern and the surrounding streets; once he senses danger, it will be difficult to catch him again."

The young bachelor sighed: "This is one of the reasons why I haven't taken action yet. Otherwise, finding a few gangsters can solve the problem."

Anson understood.

"Second, he is not very strong, but he should have a lot of special props - from the fifth stage onwards, a spellcaster can fix a certain 'magic' on an object - so be careful. As a last resort, do not try to use violence to solve problems..."


Helping the middle-aged man who was soaked all over, Anson walked across the street and found the "Crown Tavern" under a narrow dilapidated building.

It was just getting dark outside, and it was the time when the tavern's business was at its most deserted; there were a few taxis parked outside the door, and beside the carriages were a few hungover drunkards, holding empty wine bottles and lying on their own vomit. .

"That's it, sir."

The middle-aged man with a fawning face pointed at the door of the tavern, shivering in the cold wind: "I hope the Lord of Order protects you and can find your friend."

"Aren't you going in?" Anson asked curiously:

"It's still early and it's very cold outside."

"No, don't go."

The middle-aged man shook his head desperately, but his eyes were fixed on the sign on the door of the tavern: "I owe them a lot of money - I want to keep these four silver coins to buy clothes and a meal, and I have to exchange them for a share." Work."

"The king and the emperor are at war, and the empire's tobacco business can no longer continue, but maybe the steel factory is still willing to hire a few handy porters."

Looking at the middle-aged man's hands that were bruised from the cold and didn't look very nimble, Anson could only nod his head: "I wish you good luck."

"Good luck to you too, generous sir."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, turned around and left.

Just as Anson was walking towards the tavern, the middle-aged man who had not gone far suddenly turned around and shouted to him in a very mysterious tone:

"By the way, if your friend hasn't come yet, I suggest you sit in the tavern for a while."

"At this time, the Crown Tavern has 'special events' that are not available anywhere else!"

Special event?

Special in what part...where?

Anson twitched his lips nonchalantly, took a deep breath, and quickened his pace towards the tavern.

When he opened the door, a wave of heat mixed with the smell of alcohol and sweat hit his face; Anson's expression changed slightly, and his eyes quickly scanned the hall in front of him.

An empty bar, a messy table, a floor full of wine, vomit, food waste and some unknown liquid... and the sounds of grunts mixed in this horrible garbage pile, plus the coachman who was enjoying a delicious breakfast.

The priest who resells the stolen goods of the Old Gods... is here?

Anson, who was slightly suspicious, stepped over a sleeping drunkard, found a relatively clean table and sat down, preparing to wait for the other party to show up.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should also order a drink, a slightly familiar voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the tavern:

"Gentlemen, my good gentlemen, I understand your thoughts, and I know how dissatisfied you are with the Church of Order!"

"This damn church, this 'sublime' ring of order, it can't give you good luck, it can't give you eternal life, it can't tell you the truth, and no matter how many times you wish, it will never come true!"

"In fact, it can't give you anything - oh, except ten thousand rules and regulations, plus a loan that you can't repay in your lifetime!"

Um? !

Anson was shocked and looked towards the source of the voice: a priest in black robes, standing among two or three tables of guests with different expressions, rolling his eyes and talking eloquently.

"But think about it, think about those guys who tell you how bad the Church of Order is and how good the old gods are." The drunken priest danced there:

"They tell you that Mutt, the great king of dark magic, Pluto, the master of blood magic, and Ayton, the master of destiny - they can give you good luck, give you eternal life, tell you the truth, and realize your dreams. desire."

"These ancient gods, who were accused of heresy by the Church of Order, are so amazing, so wise, and can accomplish so many things."

"Then why are they still being taught by the Ring of Order and the Church of Order that can't do anything..." The priest said while snapping his fingers:

"Knocked down?"

"Maybe I'll ask another question." The black-robed priest raised his right index finger to his audience:

"Yes, as you said, the Church of Order is very incompetent. It only has the ability to make money and spend money; we can't do anything without money. But..."

"Did those who invited you to join the Old Gods also tell you nonsense like 'the great old gods need your dedication'?"

"If not, that's good. Anyway, there is no loss. If you don't believe in something that costs nothing, it will be in vain."

"If so, then I'm a little confused."

"These old gods who can give you good luck, give you eternal life, tell you the truth, and fulfill your wishes...why are they still short of money?"

"Or maybe you 'donate' money to them, and they promise you good luck, eternal life, and the realization of your wishes. In fact, it's almost the same as... spending money to buy services?"

"And it's the kind of service where prices are opaque, projects are unclear, and you can't complain if you can't deliver?"

"Hey, do you think this sounds like a liar?"

The black-robed priest leaned on the table with a smile and looked at his audience with a sincere face.

Anson was stunned.

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