I will be crowned king

Chapter 167 Don’t be surprised yet

Inner city, Friedrichstrasse, Truth Club.

"How did you come?"

Looking at Anson who suddenly knocked on the door and came in to return his clothes, the Second Inquisitor Cole Dorian subconsciously raised his head and looked at the clock:

"It's, it's only nine o'clock. Is the commander of the Church of Order's security army so leisurely?"

"Is Captain Lawrence here?"

Anson, who looked nervous, didn't even say hello. He directly pulled up a chair and sat down across from Cole. He panted and grabbed the other person's coffee and took a sip.

"He and Sierra went out. It's my turn to be on duty today." Cole was stunned for a moment:

"You have something to do with him?"


After drinking a whole cup of black coffee, Anson calmed down, put down the cup and approached the inferior judge:

"Time is tight, so I'll make a long story short - I just rushed back from the Ximen Street Church. I was worried that no one would see it, so I didn't make a carriage in the first half and ran directly there; I attended a gathering of the Old God Sect gangsters there, and then Three things happened there."

"Oh, what three things?" Cole, whose eyes lit up, asked with interest.

Anson did not say directly: "Time is precious now, so you promise me first, no matter what I say, you will not be surprised - do you understand?"

"No problem, don't worry."

Cole, who looked nonchalant, smiled and waved his hands: "I am an inquisitor and have received professional training. I will not be surprised by anything."

"Okay, first thing." Anson raised his right index finger:

"I killed a guy named Hydra."

"Hydra? That...monster that's more than twenty meters tall?"

"He is not a monster, he is a gang leader who sells laudanum and tobacco in the outer city."

"Oh, I remembered it!" Cole opened his eyes wide:

"His name is on the church's wanted poster. If I remember correctly, he...ah, I'm sorry, keep going, keep going."

Cole, who was just about to continue chatting, noticed Anson's darkened complexion and immediately smiled apologetically.

Anson, who looked a little ugly, raised his right middle finger:

"The second thing is that I have become a 'hybrid' now."

"What?!" Cole was shocked:

"You...could you say...you...you have..."

"I mean I killed him, and now I'm the boss of the Hydra gang." The impatient Anson said angrily:

"what are you thinking?!"


Cole swallowed and showed an awkward smile to Anson:

"You really want to hear it?"

"……In no mood."

Anson rolled his eyes and raised his ring finger:

"The third thing is, in addition to the 'Hydra', there are a total of five Old God gangs tonight planning to attack a Leiden arms factory and steal all the weapons in stock in the factory."

"According to one of the guys named 'Rifling', there are at least several thousand flintlock rifles and matching ammunition there; to put it more bluntly, they can arm almost five or six infantry regiments."

"Thousands of rifles?" Cole did not hide his surprise:

"What do they want to do?"

"They want to overthrow..."

The alert Anson hesitated to speak. He remembered his expression when he heard this answer.

In order to prevent Cole from being too surprised and wasting time, Anson decided to change his words: "They plan to gather tens of thousands of thugs to create an unprecedented riot in Clovis City."

"What, you mean they plan to overthrow the Osterian dynasty?!"

"...You are so smart for discovering this."

The stunned Cole Dorian left Anson speechless for a few seconds, and finally nodded:

"Yes, but that's not the point of the matter. The point is that we already know what they plan to do tonight, and I have already guessed which factory they will attack, so we can ambush in advance and catch these people in one fell swoop!"

"Not only that...these Old God Sect gangsters are also hired by others, and I guess the people who hired them are the same group of people as the supporters of the Black Mage, and may even be related to the Guards."

"So as long as we catch these guys, we can get information about the Black Mage supporters who colluded with them, and we will have sufficient evidence to arrest Mace Honnard?!"

Cole Dorian blurted out, with an expression of complete surprise on his face.

"That's it." Anson nodded quickly:

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have sent my secretary, Alan Dawn, to notify the storm group. By then, they will be ambushing the street two intersections away from the factory. As long as they start taking action, , there is absolutely no way to escape from that military factory!"

"Not only that, I have also told Archbishop Luther Franz about this, and he said that he will find a way to solve the matter at the Leiden Military Factory; when the time comes, we can open fire or even blow up the factory!" "

"Sounds like a perfect plan."

Cole Dorian nodded excitedly, but soon he realized a problem:

"Since you have already made arrangements, why are you wasting your time looking for me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an apologetic smile on Anson's face.


Outer City, Ximen Street, Crown Tavern.

In the cold windy tavern alley, Cole Dorian stood by the wall of the alley, looking at a drunkard who was vomiting next to him, and kept pulling the corners of his mouth.

He now finally knew why.

Hidden in the narrow alley were more than a dozen dilapidated carriages of various styles, as well as a group of drunkards and vagrants dressed in different styles. They held various old or messy homemade firearms on their shoulders and hung on their waists. They looked at each other warily. , filling the alleys.

"Is this guy here with you?"

The smiling "Cigar" stepped forward, patted the cold-faced Anson on the shoulder very enthusiastically, pointed at Cole Dorian who was standing behind him and said: "Just take him with you. It seems you trust this guy very much." , 'Hydra', my good brother!"

"A partner you can absolutely trust on the battlefield is far more important than an army of ten thousand people." The expressionless Anson smiled lightly:

"Cole is a brother who once went to the battlefield with me. I still trust him more than those guys who just loyal to me because I killed the 'Hydra'."

As he spoke, Anson turned back and looked sincerely at Cole Dorian behind him.

There was an awkward yet friendly smile on the face of the inferior judge, with a little bit of a "ferocious" smile.

At this moment, he was wearing a worn-out coat, trousers and a scarf (Old Wall Street Beggar's Suit), half of his head was bald (wig, from Old Alfred Tailor Shop), he wore an eyepatch on his right eye, and his nose was crooked. The face is withered, and the mouth is full of yellow teeth (old Alfred makeup technique)...

All in all, he is the kind of battlefield veteran with stories written all over his face, and you can tell at a glance that he has definitely experienced countless wars - otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

The reason why he was dressed like this was mainly just in case... Even though the Inquisition was a semi-secret unit, it was hard to say that he wouldn't be recognized by a gangster spellcaster, so we could only try our best to put on makeup for him. It seems more "characteristic".

As the saying goes, the more conspicuous you are, the less likely it is to attract others' attention... This is the principle.

However, in the eyes of a certain "victim" sub-inquisitor, this was purely because Anson Bach was jealous of his handsome face and wanted to avenge himself for having interrogated him.

"Cole is an excellent skirmisher, proficient in close combat and stealth. He was also an excellent sniper."

As Anson introduced, he reminded the inferior inquisitor behind him of his "personality".

"Ever?" the confused "Cigar" asked.

"Yes, once."

Anson nodded and raised his hand to point to the right eye of Cole's face, which was covered with an eyepatch.

"Cigar" suddenly understood.

Cole's smile grew stiffer.

The happy "Cigar" didn't pay much attention to this. Just when he was about to continue talking to Anson, "Rifling" wearing a black soft hat suddenly stepped forward.

"Cigar, and...Hydra, both of you, please come over here, there's something...little thing going on here."

He deliberately lowered his voice, and his expression under the brim of his hat was very solemn.


"Cigar" was the first to nod, and then he grabbed Anson's shoulder and whispered with a smile on his face: "After we set off later, you and I can take a carriage. I have something I want to talk to you about... That's all. deal!"

He didn't wait for Anson to reply, and patted his shoulder with a "pop!", turned around happily and followed "Rifling" away.

Anson, who looked stunned, turned around, looked at each other in tacit understanding with the second-ranking judge, and then followed the footsteps of the two people in front of him and walked towards a corner of the alley.

"Old Pocket Watch", who was dressed no differently than the old labor union janitor, was standing behind the carriage, with a slight smile on his face when he saw the three people approaching.

"Guys, we have a little trouble here."

"Old Pocket Watch" said softly: "Whisper...he is missing."


Anson's face showed an expression of astonishment, and he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

"Gone, what do you mean missing?"

"Cigar" showed a surprised expression almost at the same time, and immediately asked impatiently:

"Dead? Missing? Or..."

"It's hard to judge now." "Rifling" with an ugly expression on the side added:

"My people have already searched Whisper's territory. The entire gang station is empty, as if it has evaporated!"

"I just asked the owner of the Crown Tavern, and he said that he saw Whisper once last night. He was drinking here until the day, and he disappeared when the first group of customers came in the morning."

"He should be waiting for someone, or waiting for a trade partner."

This spellcaster named "Whisper" is the gang leader of the largest slum in the outer city. He is also the person who knows the outer city best. He often engages in theft, human trafficking or intelligence peddling business... Anson's mind comes to mind about the man at the dinner table. There is a figure of a trembling, but actually wary, guy.

"Old Pocket Watch" continued: "Rifling and I are both worried that Whisper will reveal our actions tonight to someone who is willing to buy the news for money."

"Perhaps he has been the thorn and eyeliner of the Guards in the outer city from the beginning." "Rifling" gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression:

"If that's the case, then what's waiting for us in the military factory will be not only thousands of rifles, but also people holding these rifles!"

Anson's brows jumped involuntarily.

"Of course, it's also possible that he just doesn't want to participate - until actual evidence emerges, we'd better not doubt our friends."

Patting "Rifling" on the shoulder, "Old Pocket Watch" said in a very calm tone: "But now we have to make a choice, that is, what should we do tonight?"

"If we give up, according to our good brother Hydra..." He turned his eyes to Anson:

"The thugs we found can't even enter the inner city, and they will be killed by the Guards; those stingy nobles will not give us an extra copper, so the business is considered a loss. "

"But if we go, we might be ambushed by a traitor."

"Rifling" who snorted coldly also turned his head to look at Anson: "After all, no one can predict this kind of thing. Even if you can make money, you have to spend it with your life."

"So we have a little disagreement and need to vote fairly." The "Old Pocket Watch" smiled slightly and spread his hands:

"After all, this is a big business that belongs to all of us. Whether we do it or not, of course, we all have to vote to decide."

After saying that, he and "Rifling" stopped talking and looked at Anson and "Cigar" silently.

"I abstain!"

Without even thinking about it, "Cigar" immediately raised his hands with an indifferent expression: "To put it bluntly, I do care about my own life, but I also really want that large sum of money. I can't even dream of it." I can be as rich as the Franz family!"

"So if I do it, I'll probably be so nervous that I want to die. If I don't do it, I might regret it and want to die... So I might as well give up!"

"No problem, this is also your right."

Nodding slightly, the smiling "Old Pocket Watch" turned his gaze to Anson: "My dear brother Hydra, the decision is now in your hands."

"Are you going to do it...or not?"

Feeling the gazes of the three people at the same time, the expressionless Anson frowned slightly.

Thirty minutes later, sitting in the carriage, he looked at Cigar with a happy face across from him and Cole Dorian who kept smiling awkwardly next to him, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"What a surprise!"

The smiling "Cigar" could not wait to speak as soon as he got on the carriage, "Dear brother Hydra, I thought you would definitely choose to give up!"

"I was a soldier and have experienced this kind of uncertain risk many times."

Anson, who pretended to be indifferent, said lightly that he suddenly wanted to ride in a car with "Rifling" - although the guy looked dangerous, at least he was not so talkative:

"Didn't you have something to tell me before? You can say it now."

"Yeah, I almost forgot!"

"Cigar" woke up and slapped his head suddenly, then he came up and rubbed his hands while looking at Anson and Cole in a flattering manner:

"It's very simple."

"My good brother Hydra, are you interested in joining me... Let's find a way to kill these two old bastards, 'Rifling' and 'Old Pocket Watch'!"

"Then the two of us will monopolize this business?"

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