I will be crowned king

Chapter 168 The gangster eats the gangster

In the cramped carriage that smelled of sweat, Anson and Cole looked at each other, communicating with each other's moods with slightly astonished eyes.

Sitting opposite the two of them, "Cigar" crossed his legs and looked cheerful as if his suggestion of "having fun while eating black" was just a joke.

After a minute of silence, Anson, who pretended to be indifferent, slowly raised his head and looked at "Cigar":


"Because I don't want to die yet."

"Cigar" who deliberately made a very exaggerated appearance approached Anson and lowered his voice and whispered:

"This business, or all the previous 'businesses'... although we all did it together, in fact the channel has always been tightly controlled by 'Rifling' and 'Old Pocket Watch', and no one can even think about it. The idea above.”

"You may not know that our circle was first established by these two people. At that time, there were almost a dozen spell casters; now..." He spread his hands:

"There are only five of us left."

Anson and Cole exchanged a quick glance.

"Even this time, do you think the whispers really betrayed us?" "Cigar" who spoke in a low voice continued:

"This guy is almost the most timid among us. He has always been very obedient and never crossed the line...Why did he die inexplicably this time?"

"You mean..." Anson frowned slightly:

"His death was not an accident?"

"Whispering is the leader of the largest slum in the outer city. His informants are everywhere in the outer city. So it is very likely that the two old bastards are worried that their channels will be discovered by him, so they simply take this opportunity to kill him."

"Cigar" nodded matter-of-factly:

"All the spellcasters in the outer city know that compared with this big business, smuggling and gambling are just 'small things'; those two old bastards relied on this channel to either bribe or kill them directly. Those gangsters gathered all the spellcasters into their own hands!”

"So my good brother Hydra, if you don't want to become the subordinate of those two old bastards, or be killed like a whisper... we have to unite and seize their channels!"

This sounds like a very reasonable explanation - of course, it cannot be ruled out that he really just wanted to take advantage of others, so he just made up a random reason.

But this is a good opportunity.

If they can take advantage of others for profit, and they and their subordinates are still a group of new recruits, they will be able to deal with these social scum more easily.

"What to do?" Cole asked on his behalf.

"If we want to snatch the channel away from those two old bastards, we have to win over at least one of them."

"Cigar" was very satisfied with the two people's reactions:

"Although the two of them seem to be united, as far as I know they are actually not the same person - the channel for dealing with those noble lords should be in the hands of 'Old Pocket Watch'; but 'Rifling' is a member of the union," Old Pocket Watch wants to recruit enough homeless people who dare to cause trouble, and he can't get around him no matter what."

"Then who should we win over?" Anson, who pretended to be indifferent, looked at him and said.

"Both of them win over, we have to make them dog eat dog." The smiling "Cigar" said proudly:

"If you only kill one of them, the remaining one will quickly take over the other person's gang and connections; only by killing them both at the same time can the remaining people have no choice and must rely on us to continue this business!"

It seems that this was not a spur-of-the-moment idea, but had been planned for a long time... Anson nodded.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time and had a perfect plan, but there was never a chance - until now."

Taking a deep breath, "Cigar"'s expression became serious: "First of all, we must separate these two people."

"When we start to take action, Rifling will definitely propose to leave one or two people to guard the carriage, while the others go to the factory to move the goods. At that time, we will focus on one of them, win over the other person to cooperate with us, and create a gap between the two people. "

"We need to let each other know that another person has cooperated with us and further separate them."

"But this is not enough, because the interests between them are very closely tied; so when we start to move the rifles, we have to let everyone enter the factory, cause some commotion, and then take the opportunity to kill them both!"

At that moment, "Cigar", whose face was full of joy, flashed a fierce light in the corner of his eyes.

Anson frowned slightly.

How should I put it, this plan is a bit...

"Isn't it too simple?"

Cole couldn't help but said: "Even if we can bring two people into the factory, how can you ensure that the second person doesn't leave alive after killing the first person?"

"There's no guarantee."

"Cigar" spread his hands with an innocent look on his face: "Since it's a big business, you have to take some risks - as long as one of us leaves the factory alive, the rest of us will be dead. This is the biggest risk."

"So...do it or not?!"

he asked with excitement on his face.


On the dark and empty street, more than a dozen carriages separated at a fork in the road and spread out in five or six alleys in different directions; the crowd following them swaggered towards the factory gate in the dark under the cover of shadows. near.

Anson and Cole followed "Cigar" out of the carriage, pretending to be leisurely while not forgetting to keep a little distance from him - their current "personality" is that of a relatively indifferent, greedy but indifferent person to the people around him. Veterans who remain vigilant will not initiate contact with others.

About five or six minutes later, the four people, together with their deputies and cronies, arrived outside the factory gate. No carriages or tramps could be seen on the empty streets.

"The carriages and men are ready."

Seeing Anson and "Cigar" approaching, "Rifling" holding his shoulders said in a deep voice to everyone:

"We are lucky. I have visited this Leiden Military Factory before. They got off work two hours earlier than usual today, and there is no one inside now."

"What about the factory protection team?" Anson asked coldly:

"This is a military factory. It can't be that there aren't even a dozen security guards with guns, right?"

"Of course, but don't worry."

The smiling "Old Pocket Watch" greeted Anson politely: "Because our dear brothers have already arranged it, tonight's plan will go very smoothly."

Everyone's eyes turned to the middle-aged man wearing a black soft hat.

"Rifling" raised the brim of his hat and nodded silently:

"I told that group of people this morning that I would bring a group of people here to do some 'small business.' I promised their leader ten gold coins, plus a box of cigarettes and three boxes of wine as sealing fees."

"So someone has to go with me later, and we can inspect the goods together to see if the rags used to suppress the inventory are still usable."

As he spoke, his eyes hidden under the brim of his hat silently glanced at Anson.

"I'll go with you, and my brother Cole." Anson, who understood, said coldly:

"No one here knows more about these Army rags than the two of us."

After the words fell, Anson and "Cigar" next to him quickly looked at each other and understood each other.

"Rifling" nodded slightly, and "Cigar", who was smiling with a smile on his face, also raised his hands: "I don't have any objection, not to mention that this was originally the idea of ​​our good brother Hydra!"

"Very good, then it's decided."

The "old pocket watch" with folded hands looked at everyone:

"Rifling and Hydra took care of the team of guards and inspected the goods on the way; the remaining people followed me and Cigar, leaving a few to watch on the streets, and the remaining people were responsible for transportation and loading."

"As soon as all the carriages are full, they will leave immediately and all go to Whisper..."

Suddenly realizing something, "Old Pocket Watch" stopped abruptly and showed an apologetic smile: "Sorry, we are all going to gather at the Rifling site and send them to the union's underground warehouse. Do you hear me clearly?"

A group of people nodded in agreement, and the gathered crowd quickly dispersed.

Anson and Cole followed "Rifling" on the left and right, and walked toward the factory gate with a dozen gangsters holding wooden boxes; as the crowd gradually approached, the outline of the factory in the distance in the night gradually became clear. .

Soon, the security guards with their hands outside the factory gate immediately noticed their presence; they hung their rifles on their shoulders and walked towards them holding kerosene lamps.

The pipe-smoking "Rifling" raised his right hand, and the gangsters behind him immediately stopped.

"Hey...you guys are lucky!"

A guy who looked like a captain walked up and patted "Rifling" on the shoulder with a smile on his face like an old friend: "Today a machine in the factory broke down, and no one knew how to fix it. It turned out that the foreman was a vampire. He actually left work early!"

"I guess the recent workers' riot in the factory scared these people. If it were before, the boy who broke the machine would have been beaten to death..."

Looking at the nagging captain, he squeezed out a smile under the brim of his "rifling" hat, waved to the people behind him, and the gangsters carrying wooden boxes walked towards the factory protection team.

Smelling the smell of alcohol and tobacco in the air, the captain and the security guards of the factory team all smiled.

The next second, the thugs opened the box in front of everyone; taking advantage of the excitement of the security guards, they took out the revolver from a pile of wine bottles and tobacco boxes in the wooden box.


In an instant, countless gunshots exploded in the empty streets; the security guards, who didn't even realize what was happening, had their heads blown off one by one.

The gushing plasma flowed freely on the floor along with the transparent liquid spilled from the broken wine bottle, and the cold air exuded an intoxicating aroma.

The sudden sound of gunshots made the captain's face change with shock. After reacting, he pressed down the revolver that "Rifling" took out from his arms, patted his shoulder with his right hand and stretched towards "Rifling"'s neck:

"you this……"


The moment the gunfire rang out, the words froze on the captain's lips.

The suddenly shrunken pupils stared at the gun hole between the captain's eyebrows, "Rifling" turned his head, and the indifferent Anson behind him still maintained his shooting posture, with green smoke rising from the dark muzzle.

"Next time you do it, please hurry up."

"Rifling" frowned slightly: "I was almost strangled to death by him!"

"Then you should give me a signal in advance." Anson put away his gun pretending to be indifferent:

"We are just a cooperative relationship and have no obligation to guess what you are thinking."

"Rifling" and Anson looked at each other for a few seconds and then nodded:

"No problem, let's go."


While the two were talking, the gangsters had completely eliminated all the security guards outside the gate; the masters skillfully lifted the bodies of the dead, stripped them of their valuables, and placed them neatly On the side of the street.

Within two or three minutes, apart from the smell of blood and alcohol, there was no trace of a fight or gunfight on the street.

With the sound of several lead bullets colliding with the door lock, the heavy factory door was opened with a creaking sound of the door shaft, and the cheerful-looking gangsters filed in carrying tools.

Flashes of fire continued to light up in the pitch-black factory building, and gunshots mixed with screams echoed in the open environment; the security guards stationed inside were killed one by one.

The thugs skillfully walked through the darkness and approached their targets quietly; almost all of the people under "Rifling" were from the labor union, and the layout of the factory was already familiar to them, more familiar than their own homes.

A security guard who heard the gunfire stood up in shock. Before he could pick up the rifle at his feet, he was hit on the back of the head by the guy who had touched him behind him.

Throwing away the blood-stained hammer in his hand, the thug skillfully picked up the rifle on the ground; his companions immediately walked away in tacit agreement, deliberately making a loud noise with their footsteps.

After a few seconds, a figure holding a gun nervously emerged from under the machine, and then the rifle was pressed against his temple.


The sudden firelight illuminated a security guard who was quietly escaping. With a cry of surprise, he immediately got up from the ground and ran towards the factory door amidst countless gunshots.

Amidst the shrill screams, the bloody security guard fell to the ground, dragged his broken body for several meters, and finally breathed his last when he almost reached the edge of the gate.

"Clean the entire factory. Don't let anyone escape alive. Someone else comes with me!"

Stepping over the twitching body on the ground, "Rifling" ordered and walked towards the warehouse, followed closely by Anson and Cole who looked at each other.

The group of people came to the door of the warehouse. The indifferent "Rifling" shot the guard outside the door without waiting for him to get closer. He took out a bunch of keys from the corpse with familiarity, turned to look at Anson and Cole, and added what he had brought with him. of cronies.

"That's it right here. Hydra and I will go in to inspect the goods later, while you two watch outside."

The four of them said nothing and just nodded.


The warehouse door opened.

Anson and "Rifling" each walked into the door holding a kerosene lamp, and slowly stepped in under the dim light.

The dark warehouse...empty inside.

Um? !

A slightly different look of surprise flashed across their faces at the same time.


The sound of the hammer clicking sounded, and the two people were stunned at the same time as each other's bullets were aimed at their heads.

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