I will be crowned king

Chapter 175 Finishing Work

Everything was according to Anson Bach's plan...with a slight deviation.

At 05:05, the Storm Regiment begins its encirclement and suppression. Within fifteen minutes, the gang will be suppressed to the point where they can only hide in the military factory. Then the Storm Regiment's artillery battery will blow up the entire factory, and the riot that threatens the entire royal capital will be eliminated. among.

But this perfect plan had two "little" surprises - first, he did not expect that the military factory would be emptied out. Without the ammunition in the warehouse, it would be basically impossible to blow up the factory;

Then, he didn't expect that the Inquisition in Clovis City would be so "enthusiastic" about this matter, and would actually mobilize all their troops to participate in this matter.

In the warehouse that was reduced to rubble by twelve-pound infantry artillery, several inquisitors from the Truth-seeking Order looked at the ruins and completely shapeless debris on the ground, their frowns revealing unspeakable helplessness.

Three spellcasters and gang leaders, "Rifling" was blown to pieces by twelve-pound cannons, "Cigar" was left with half of its torso and one leg, and "Old Pocket Watch" was blown into two pieces from the middle and collapsed. The falling rubble smashed my head...

A riot that shocked the entire city of Clovis. As a result, not even a decent corpse was left alive...but the Inquisitor Captain Lawrence didn't care much about this. He didn't know if it was a "rifling" took off his hat in front of a pool of blood:

"Rifling, I don't know much about your life, and I don't know your name, but no matter what happened, you are just being used..."

"Cigar, I don't know much about your life...you are just being used..."

"Old pocket watch..."

Several judges on the side looked at each other, sighed and took off their hats, imitating Captain Lawrence and paying tribute to the blood on the ground.

So the Inquisitor's eulogies all follow the same template and never change?

Anson withdrew his gaze and looked at Lisa, who was sitting face to face with him, with a somewhat complicated expression.

The girl obviously knew that she had done something wrong, and she avoided his gaze with some trepidation. She looked very embarrassed, but she was also very proud and proudly puffed out her small breasts.

How do you say this?

Although I did something wrong, you didn't make an agreement with me before not to allow me to come over, and I also saved your life; so please forgive me quickly, and thank me for saving you, and let's go together. Celebrating with cake?

Anson couldn't help but sigh... He didn't know how this sentence came into his mind.

"Well, I won't ask why you're here—tell me, how is Mrs. Bognar?"

"She's in the basement on Boleman Street."

Lisa replied very obediently:

"Anson, you would never have imagined that there is a very, very, very big basement below the first floor of Braleman Street! Well...it's almost as big as two of our houses. There's a lot of food, water, money in it...oh, And guns!”

She waved her little arms desperately and tried to straighten her body, as if this was the only way to make Anson understand what "very, very big" meant.

Anson nodded, which was not surprising to him - for this old lady who was covered in stories from head to toe, it was not surprising that she had built an underground passage directly connected to the palace, let alone a shelter.

"She told Lisa that Anson was going to do something very dangerous and that he might not be able to come back; she also said that if Lisa was willing, she would send Lisa to the country."

"Lisa doesn't want to go to the country, and she doesn't want to be separated from Anson. No one except Anson really treats Lisa well. They will only drive Lisa away, or try to take away Lisa's things!"

"And Lisa promised to protect Anson, and Anson also promised to never, ever drive Lisa away...right? Right?!"

She raised her head and shouted loudly, with indescribable stubbornness in her bright eyes.


Anson, who smiled bitterly, gently stroked the little girl's soft hair and held her in his arms to comfort her.

He left Lisa in the apartment because Professor Mace Honnard had found clues about August's bloodline, and if he continued to investigate, Lisa August's existence would be exposed sooner or later.

The cause of all this was my own "mistake": I thought that Lisa's life experience might not be simple, but I didn't expect it to be so complicated, let alone that it would be related to the three old gods or even the "bloodline of the apostles".

In the old god belief or the "three old gods" system, "apostle" is the ultimate form that a spell caster can achieve. It is also the dream pursued by all spell casters from ancient times to the present; it is also a certain degree of "sublimation".

The "Study on the Three Old Gods" given to Anson by Mace Honard vaguely pointed out that after the spellcaster transcends the fifth stage and becomes a "mentor" or blasphemous mage - the name of the Church of Order - most of the The caster will only retain the consciousness and personality of the past human being, and become another life form.

The advantage is that due to the change in the form of existence, they will be able to use more powerful magic and be more difficult to kill; the disadvantage is that this existence is unstable and will become extremely unsuitable to the original living environment. .

This kind of situation has happened many times, especially among the blood mage group, because they have been undergoing "change" almost from the moment they were born; mutant creatures such as vampires or werewolves can almost all be traced back to the Dark Ages Certain blasphemous mages who have no control over their own powers.

This state will last until the "apostle" stage and will end. The caster who becomes an apostle will become a "new life form", "an existence second only to the three old gods", and there will no longer be the risk of losing control or mutation. He is even suspected of possessing the power of immortality.

It is precisely because of this that the black mage was so excited after getting the information about August's bloodline, and even left the royal capital to look for clues about this matter - even if there is only a glimmer of hope, it is better than hiding in Ke The Great Book of Magic in Lowy Cathedral is ten thousand times more important.

For various reasons, Anson feels that he has an obligation to protect her now; although considering the growing strength gap between the two sides, the question of who protects whom may still be open to debate.

More importantly, he felt that he might be exposed to the black mage - after the riot night at St. Isaac's College, Bloen didn't even take the initiative to find him, and Professor Mace Honnard never came to him again. I wrote a letter to myself, and everything seemed calm as if nothing had happened.

Of course, maybe he was just overthinking it... Hearing the footsteps behind him, Anson stopped thinking and stood up and looked back along the line of sight of Lisa who was suddenly alert.

Lawrence Bernet walked towards him with a serious look on his face, wiped the dust and blood on his hat and put it back on his head; Anson pretended to smile casually, and blocked Lisa in his arms behind him with his right hand:

"How's it going? Is the investigation over?"

"It's over, or... it's never started." Lawrence said softly in a slightly hoarse voice:

"The explosion wiped out all traces of the scene, leaving nothing but some simple evidence, and there were no prisoners who were strong enough to come forward and provide confessions."

"Only based on the traces at the scene, it is impossible to get those nobles who participated in the activities of the Old Gods to confess, let alone directly accuse and arrest Mace Honard himself..."

Speaking of this, Captain Lawrence suddenly changed the topic, and looked at Anson quietly under the brim of his triangular hat:

"Of course, even so, tonight is still not in vain - we eradicated several influential Old God sect gangs in the outer city, and based on the intelligence you provided before, we eliminated a plot that was very likely to affect the entire royal capital. riot."

"Anson Bach, all this is thanks to you. I will mention this to the Supreme Court and the Church in the report afterwards."

"No, it's just my duty."

Anson smiled: "Wait a minute, do you still need me to make a confession or statement?"

"No need." Lawrence shook his head:

"Our duty tonight is only to cooperate with the actions of your church's security forces. The two parties are in a cooperative relationship; besides, you are already under our custody, so this formalized process is not necessary; of course, if you insist..."

"Do you need me to do anything?" Anson, whose expression changed slightly, quickly changed the subject.

Lawrence smiled gently, obviously not taking it seriously: "Our people are about to evacuate, but there are still many things that need to be finished at the military factory, especially some relics of the Old God Sect and things that can prove their identity. They all need to be reported to Report from the Supreme Court.”

"In addition, there are also the subsequent clearing out of several base camps of the Old God Sect organizations. The Truth Seeking Order and the church are preparing to conduct a centralized eradication of the Old God Sect organizations in the outer city. These all require the help of you and your security forces. "

"No problem, I'm happy to help." Anson nodded lightly.

The gentle-faced Lawrence Bernat patted Anson on the shoulder, turned and left without saying a word.

As the people from the trial room left, the Stormtroopers soldiers also began their routine cleaning work: clearing the ruins, cleaning the scene, collecting corpses and taking custody of prisoners - no different from the battlefield.

Although it has no impact on combat effectiveness, whether an army can clear the battlefield quickly and efficiently is also an important criterion for testing its experience and organization, and this is precisely the Storm Group's biggest shortcoming.

The Church of Order can use countless gold coins to arm these recruits and newly graduated officers to the teeth, but it cannot allow them to have the same rich experience and proficient skills as the regular army overnight.

Anson didn't have many good ideas in this regard. He studied skirmishing at the Military Academy, and his understanding of logistics was only average.

Looking at the soldiers who were hurriedly scrambling amidst the scoldings of the officers and veterans, and who had been struggling for an hour without finishing the work, Anson really missed his adjutant Carl Bain more and more. When he was in Thunder Castle, all these troubles were gone. He is responsible.

By the time the finishing work was over, it was already 2:50.

Anson did not return to the station with the storm group, but turned around and headed to the Crown Tavern on West Gate Street - at this time, he was the only one he knew of that could provide grilled crispy sausages and steaming bread, plus Not very good coffee.

It was still early in the morning, and there were only drowsy bartenders, workers who had just gotten off work, drunkards and homeless people who couldn't find jobs in the empty pub.

He found a relatively clean empty seat near the bar. After giving the bartender four silver coins, Anson crossed his hands and supported his chin, closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Lisa, who noticed the tired look in his eyes, sat obediently on the chair and looked around the entire tavern with curious eyes without saying a word.

A few minutes later, the bartender carrying a dinner plate approached:

"Sir, the coffee and sausages you requested are ready; I'm very sorry, but the hot soup and bread will have to wait a while."

"It doesn't matter, we are not in a hurry..."

Anson opened his eyes subconsciously, but the moment he saw the other person's appearance, his words stopped abruptly: "Why is it you?"

Karin Jacques, who was holding a dinner plate in both hands, looked at him with an awkward smile, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The usually talkative black-robed priest quickly placed the dinner plate on the table, skillfully pulled out a chair and sat down under Lisa's supervision, and then went straight to the topic:

"Did you plan what happened tonight?"

"What are you referring to?" Anson, who was almost asleep, was startled.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Karin Jacques rolled his eyes:

"Yesterday morning I introduced to you where the territory of the Hydra gang is. Just now I heard that the nearby Leiden Military Factory was bombed! More than a thousand soldiers with live ammunition were fighting the gangs in the alleys to a bloody massacre. Even the cannons were used in the sea, and at least more than a hundred people died. Are you telling me that you know nothing about this?!"

The hoarse black-robed priest stared at Anson with bulging eyes, looking hysterical.

"Who did you listen to?" Anson asked curiously.

"This is not important. What is important is that I want to know if the outer city is no longer safe?"

Karin Jacques looked shocked and swallowed hard: "You eradicated four Old God gangs in one go tonight. You can't stop like this next. You must be planning to eradicate the entire outer city, right? ?”

"Is this why you came to me specifically to ask this?"

Anson said impatiently.

Based on his understanding of the black-robed priest, unless the other party was sure that he would not be shot in the head, he would never appear in front of him in such a tense situation - otherwise he would have run away long ago. .

"Just one of the reasons."

Karin Jacques sneered and calmed down his panic expression slightly:

"Because of what happened tonight, there is someone who really wants to see you, but cannot take the initiative to find you due to some special reasons, so I can only ask through me as the intermediary, are you free tonight?"

Anson's expression finally turned serious:


“Someone you’ve always wanted to see, someone you’ve always wanted to see.”

Karin Jacques stood up with a sincere face, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a bit of playfulness:

"Your friend, Draco Vertes."

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