I will be crowned king

Chapter 176 Night Talk

"Your Excellency Anson Bach, we finally meet again."

In the narrow attic single room, the cold wind and pouring cold rain could be seen outside the creaking broken window. The man with red hair and a single ponytail was still wearing a light gray coat that seemed to have not been washed for many years. He smiled at Anson who had a complicated expression and said:

"I know that in the past few months, you have suffered a lot because of your relationship with me, a second-rate novelist and detective. Your thoughts have pushed you into extremely dangerous situations more than once."

"So I think it is meaningless for you to explain to you now 'I didn't mean it' or 'I didn't mean to do this in the first place' or 'you also have a certain degree of responsibility', so we Let’s be practical.”

He stood up calmly and bowed 90 degrees to Anson in a standard manner:


Looking at the exceptionally "well-behaved" Draco Vertes in front of him, Anson's expression was extremely complicated.

How to put it... I probably want to strangle him on the one hand, but on the other hand I understand him very well.

After all, a powerless novelist who wants to avenge his relatives has no particularly good way except to rely on the power of others; and from beginning to end, he has never deceived himself, let alone revealed himself to anyone. It’s the matter of the Old God Sect.

From this point of view, it seems that I have no position to accuse him - strictly speaking, he did not force himself to do anything. Even if he did not intervene at the time, something would still happen to the Iron Sky, and the black mage and the church would still come looking for him. An army dissatisfied with the church will still find trouble for itself.

"one question."

Anson and Draco looked at each other with gloomy expressions, and said in a deep voice mixed with confusion and annoyance:

"Before you explain why you are here, I want you to answer me a question - Draco Vertes, what exactly do you want to do?"

"On the Iron Sky, you told me that you wanted to completely eliminate the Guards. I'm going to assume that you didn't lie. So what happened next?"

"Why do you know about the gathering of the Old Gods of the Black Mage, and why do you find Sophia Franz? And why do you still publish it in the "Clovis Truth" when you know that the Guards are hunting you everywhere? In your own name?"

"In addition, you told Karin Jacques that Clovis City will become very dangerous next... What danger is it, and does it have anything to do with what happened tonight?"

Anson asked almost continuously.

"Uh...this doesn't seem to be a problem?" Draco laughed dryly:

"But I can answer you, yes, my goal has never changed from the beginning to the end - to fundamentally destroy the Guards, and then let a brand new organization that can truly establish order in Clovis City on their corpses Birth!"

Draco stared into Anson's eyes and said extremely calmly:

"Yes, I want to avenge the death of Miller Wilters, but not by killing an ordinary person who was just trying to survive because of an accident or mistake, but by making the Guardsmen avenge their injustice. Pay the price responsibly.”

"This is my goal, and everything I did after arriving in Clovis was to achieve it."

"For example?" Anson raised his eyebrows.

"For example, the Church of Order...or the Franz family."

Draco answered easily: "The Guards are the private soldiers of the royal family. Archbishop Luther Franz is the most powerful person in Clovis and is very close to His Majesty Carlos. I first He is the one you are looking for.”

"Because of the North Port incident five years ago...well, you may already know." Seeing Anson nod, Draco continued with a smile:

"I was officially named in the church - although it was not a good thing, it also gave me the opportunity to meet the archbishop; I talked to him about some of my ideas, but he didn't like it very much. I don't know why he My daughter, Miss Sophia Franz, is particularly interested in this matter."

Because she is a fan of detective novels and a lover of cloud adventures... Anson complained silently in his heart.

"I spent a lot of effort to get rid of her tracking, and even now I don't dare to stay in one place because of her 'missing person notice'." Draco smiled bitterly:

"But it also forced me to move around the entire city of Clovis, which in a way helped my goals."

"In addition to Archbishop Luther Franz, I also met with the president of the Railway Committee and the radical members of the Privy Council...I guess you have met them too?"

Anson shrugged in acquiescence.

"They don't like my proposal very much, but they are as interested in the 'new security army that replaces the security army' that I proposed as the archbishop. It can be considered a small breakthrough."

With a long sigh, Draco's smile became more helpless:

"This is what I did a week after arriving in Clovis City. In addition, I evaded the pursuit of the Guards and the tracking of Sophia. She learned about the gathering of black mages from Lady Catalina, so I took advantage of it. Make an appointment with her to meet at the party, and get rid of the guards who have been chasing me."

Then I was at St. Isaac's College, pretending to be with her and the ambush guards... Anson raised his head and looked at the window that was blown by the cold wind.

"After that, I came to the outer city and learned through some channels that the Privy Council was preparing to forcibly promote the Public Security Act and that the church was planning to form a security force."

The novelist's voice was very low, and his voice gradually began to slow down:

"If their plan goes well, the Guards will be integrated and reorganized in a few years to become a new security force with a larger scope of authority but under surveillance; the original Guards commander will still occupy The top positions just add more people.”

"This is good for the Privy Council, because the Guards are no longer the king's private soldiers; it is good for Archbishop Luther, because he can use the name of the Storm Regiment to install the influence of the Franz family in the new security army. "This is good for every noble in Clovis City and every rich person who can live in the inner city, because this is what they want."

"But it's bad for me because it's not what I want."

Anson frowned slightly: "Then what do you want?"

"I said, I want to avenge Miller, I want the Guards to disappear from this world forever, I want to fundamentally erase the value of their existence, so that they can bring stability to Clovis City. organization to replace it.”

Draco smiled, but his tone was stronger than in the box of the Iron Sky:

"If it is replaced by a super-large security company that only protects the security of the inner city, or a Guards that has been strengthened ten thousand times, then everything I have done will be meaningless."

"I must find a way to completely intensify the contradiction between the Guards and various forces, so that the existence of the Old God Sect, the threat from the outer city, and the incompetence of the Guards will be completely displayed in front of everyone!"

"So you deliberately published your new novel in the Clovis Truth Journal?"

"Although I'm sorry to the boss of "Pravda", this incident has indeed made the conflict between the church and the Guards deeper." Draco said frankly:

"Oh, by the way, that novel is still being serialized; I have written many adventure novels, and "Detective Yassen" is the best-selling one so far. You and the lovely Miss Lisa have given me so much Less inspiration.”

Um? !

Anson raised his head alertly and looked at the novelist in front of him with suspicion: "You didn't write anything inappropriate for children or... anything particularly strange, right?"

"Of course not! I said, I just found some inspiration from the family relationship between you two to add some drama to the story, that's all." Draco waved his hand to reassure Anson:

"By the way, Lisa is portrayed in the story as a very spiritual little boy who works as an assistant to the great detective Jason and can often discover details that he cannot detect...if you want to know."

"Did Lisa give you the inspiration?" Anson was a little curious.

"No, it's mainly for the sake of selling well - usually as long as there are children in the novel, it is more popular with female readers; and I don't know why, but I have a lot of female readers."

Draco said matter-of-factly.

Anson Bach: "...continue."

"After that, I came into contact with some Old God sect groups in Clovis City. These organizations that once lurked in the dark side of the capital have developed into gangs that control a certain area in recent years."

Draco picked up the already cold coffee and took a few sips. The cold drink made him more energetic:

"They saw opportunities in the current chaos in Clovis City. Many people began to actively contact the nobles with Old God sect background in the inner city, trying to usurp benefits from the demise of the Guards."

"At first they planned to maintain the presence of the Guards because this would not disrupt the chaotic status quo in the outer city, but they soon realized that this would not work."

"Not only the outer city, but the current Guards cannot even guarantee the security of the inner city; more importantly, those who support the Old God Sect are traditional nobles who rely on the land to survive. In Clovis City, their power is greater than The aristocrats who own the factories are weak.”

"They turned to seek compromise, but were unwilling to give up; so they planned to take a desperate risk and start a riot in Clovis to overthrow the rule of the Osteria family."

"Overthrow the royal family?"

Anson was stunned for a moment. "Old Pocket Watch" had said the same thing at the previous dinner table, but he just regarded it as a way for the nobles in the inner city to deceive these old god gangsters:


"Because only in this way can the Privy Council be united...or acquiesce." Draco put down the coffee cup with a smile and said in a story-telling tone:

"In the political system of the Kingdom of Clovis, the army was loyal to the king, and the king and the most important nobles in the kingdom shared power through the Privy Council."

"Now the MPs who support the Old Gods have no way to fight against the MPs who want to abolish the Guards. They can only target the royal family and weaken the royal family through riots in order to increase the power of the Privy Council."

"Their wishful thinking is that as long as the Public Administration Act has not been passed, the Guards will still be the king's private soldiers. Then when the riot occurs, in order to force the king to hand over the Guards, the majority of the Privy Council They will choose to sit on the sidelines and let the riots sweep through the entire royal capital."

"And when the riot ends, these people, as the people behind all this, will get the greatest benefit: the new Guards will become theirs."

"As for what kind of tragedy will happen, or whether the riot can really overthrow the royal family, they don't care, because the riot itself is just a threat to force the royal family to hand over power - they don't really want to overthrow Auster. Leah family.”

So that's the case, no wonder the Guards dared to provoke all kinds of unscrupulous actions in the inner city, and even allowed thugs to appear at St. Isaac's College... Anson nodded thoughtfully:

"Then what are you going to do? If they really succeed, the final result will still not be what you want, or even worse."


Draco pursed his lips in a playful manner and winked at Anson: "But only if they can really succeed."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means these noble lords, the Old God gangsters in the outer city, including Archbishop Luther Franz himself - these 'big men' who are trying to use or ignore the outer city, they all don't take what they think of' The mob' took it seriously."

Draco sighed heavily and said in an extremely calm tone:

"They don't know how many ordinary people living in poverty have lost their jobs after the long war. They don't know how many workers are squeezed in factories day and night until they are no different from dead people. They don't know In the cold winter that has not yet passed, how many families living in slums and shantytowns are no longer in this world."

“Outside Clovis, more and more tenants cannot afford the land rent and are hungry and displaced. How many farmers have been robbed of their land and become homeless; these people come to Clovis in hundreds every day. , looking for hope of survival, but all they find is deeper darkness.”

"The Guards and the nobles of the Old Gods thought that they could control these 'mobs'. The Archbishop and others believed that as long as a few spellcaster gangs were eradicated, peace could be restored to Clovis City."

"Frankly speaking, I very much hope that their 'imagined world' is real, but that is not real - those homeless people who have lost their jobs, their land and their families are by no means an existence that can be easily erased or eliminated. "

"Their anger has already been ignited by the gangsters of the Old Gods who encouraged them; the Guards... will be completely wiped out by the thugs they think they can easily wipe out."

In the middle of the night when the cold wind howled, Draco's plain words were lost in the cold rain.

Ansen suddenly began to feel restless.

"These are the things I did, heard, and saw after I came to Clovis City. I told you everything." Draco Wirts breathed a sigh of relief:

"Next, I'm going to tell you why I have to see you tonight."

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