I will be crowned king

Chapter 2 New Situation

No time to think!

The moment the black shadow rushed into the tent, Anson stretched his right hand to his waist almost purely instinctively. The delicate wooden grip fit tightly into his palm, and his thumb skillfully opened the hammer.

Draw your gun and aim.

The next second, the two black guns were pointed at each other.

Anson was suddenly very grateful to someone who allowed him to "soul-pierce" instead of "wear" - no matter whether he was stupid or not, at least his reaction ability and physical fitness were countless times better than his own before time travel.

The man who rushed in was wearing a military uniform similar to Anson's, but it was much damaged. There was dust and blood on his face and body. Under his messy red hair were a pair of equally nervous eyes.

He just stood there upright, with the muzzle of the gun pressed against Anson's chest, and a rifle with a bayonet on his shoulder.

Anson, who had recovered from his fear, glanced at the clothes on the other party - he seemed to be an officer from the Kingdom of Clovis, and he should be able to ask about the situation; although it might be an enemy pretending to be him, he had to give it a try.


"You are really here, my adjutant!"

Before Anson could finish speaking, the officer on the opposite side intercepted him directly, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Didn't you receive the order to retreat?!"


Anson looked at him with some confusion, and his right hand holding the gun slowly lowered.

Isn’t it right? You are the attacking side?

"That's right! The knights in Thunder Castle took advantage of the heavy fog to rush out, and their positions were penetrated; they ran away, they all ran away, retreating in disarray, everywhere, weapons thrown all over the floor...Now, now Maybe it’s just our first regiment that hasn’t withdrawn yet!”

"The group of people looks like headless flies! I finally managed to get them together, and finally they didn't turn into a rout! I thought you must have retreated long ago, just in case you came over to take a look, but I didn't expect... "

Looking at the excited officer with cold sweat on his face, memories flashed back in Anson's mind.

Carl Bain, a native of Fort Thunder, was an Army captain and commander of the 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment.

Basically, in the impression of "former Anson", he is a very reliable veteran. In addition, the other party is older than him and has the same military rank, so he has considerable trust in him.

"Where are the troops now?"

Raising his hand to interrupt Karl, who seemed more nervous than himself, Anson asked in a deep voice.

At the moment, he seems to have no other choice but to believe in the other party - if it is true as he said, then there are definitely enemies and broken troops everywhere outside now; if you don't act with the large army, running into the battlefield alone is definitely looking for death.

"At the artillery position, behind the defense line, there is a trench that leads directly from our regiment's position to that side."

After taking a breath, Carl Bain put away his gun: "I notified everyone to gather near the fort. The fog outside has not lifted yet. The knights of the empire and their scum soldiers are searching trench after trench. I won’t be able to find a location so far back for a while.”

"How long ago did you notify me?" Anson continued to ask.

Karl hesitated for a moment and frowned: "Hmm... fifteen minutes ago? The entire regiment should have known about it by now and were gathering towards the artillery position."

"Where are the Empire's troops?"

"It's almost time to get here."

Then we can't stay any longer and have to get out of here quickly.

As for whether to join the main force or simply become a deserter... that is the next step!

After confirming the plan, Anson immediately began to organize his belongings - that is to say, except for the diary, saber and revolver, he had nothing to bring.

"Put your sidearm away, just in case."

As he spoke, Karl took off the rifle he was carrying and handed it to Anson: "The Leopold rifle I picked up, use this first."

Anson nodded slightly and took the weapon with both hands.

This is a single-shot rifle about one and a half meters long. It is nearly two meters tall including the bayonet. The metal barrel with a cold sheen is fixed on the pure wood body; at the end, the center of the butt is engraved with the same name as the Anson nameplate. , a pattern of three overlapping rings.

The moment he held the rifle, the fragmented memories in Anson's mind gradually merged; under the slightly stunned gaze of Carl Bain, he skillfully pulled open the rotating pull-back bolt and took the paper shell handed to him. After loading, pull the bolt to lock the chamber.

Done in one go.

"You actually know how to use this crap? I think many people are not used to this kind of breech loading." Karl gave a thumbs up in surprise: "As expected of the royal capital!"

Anson smiled casually, and it seemed that as the memory fragments gradually merged in his mind, his control over his body continued to improve.

The reaction speed, physical level, and even handedness and instincts trained in the military, the "copywriting" that originally needed to be checked to confirm, are now completely integrated into Anson's own consciousness, making him truly become this "new body" owner.

Anson looked at Karl and stuffed the diary into his chest: "Let's go."


Karl nodded repeatedly. He really didn't want to wait another minute, so he turned and walked outside the tent.

At this moment, Anson's body, which was following Karl, suddenly shook, a tearing feeling felt under his temple, and a "Buzz!" exploded.


It hurts like being penetrated by a bayonet and then about to explode!

Gritting his teeth in pain, Anson suddenly pressed his forehead, but the pain spread to his eyes like a tide. At that moment, the tearing touch made him feel as if he could see his pupils being pierced by the tip of a knife, being opened and stirred. The scene of breaking, drilling and penetrating!

Cold sweat streaked across my temples like rain.

Anson vaguely remembered that a similar thing had happened during time travel, but the pain was a thousand or ten thousand times stronger than in his memory!

He wanted to stand firm first, but his body still maintained the posture of taking a step forward.


Anson lost his balance and fell to his knees, covering his head tightly; an unprecedented touch was flooding into his consciousness along with a tearing pain.

Karl, who heard the sound behind him, squatted down instantly, raised his rifle and glanced behind him with his peripheral vision.

Before he could turn around, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow suddenly passing under his neck.

When he came to his senses again, the slender gun barrel was already placed on his right shoulder, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed outside the tent.


There was a huge sound accompanied by gunfire and smoke, scarlet blood flowers bloomed on the punctured door curtain, and there was a sound of someone falling to the ground outside the tent.

The thick smoke blew open the tent door curtain slightly, and the figure lying in the trench outside could be seen clearly - blue and white military uniform, with a golden fleur-de-lis on the left arm and shoulder, mixed with the color of blood and soil.

Soldiers of the Empire? !

The horrified Carl Bain's eyes widened.

Just half a step away... If I hadn't stopped just now, I might have been shot by the scum hiding outside...

"Oh, how did you find out... hmm!"

Before Carl could finish speaking, Anson directly covered his mouth and pushed him behind him. With his free right hand, he immediately pulled out the revolver from his waist, pointed it at the position where the enemy had just fallen to the ground through the tent curtain, and pulled the trigger again.


There was another loud noise, and the smoke filled the tent so thick that no one could be seen.

But Anson saw it clearly.

Not only in front of him, but just now his sight passed through the tent curtain and the earth wall, and he could clearly see the two enemies hiding outside, one behind the other, waiting for an opportunity to attack.


No... it's not just that, I don't "see" it, it's more like mapping everything around me, regardless of size, into the picture in my mind.

Just like now, Anson could "see" Karl behind him staring at him with a shocked expression without turning his head.

Maintaining the same posture as when he fired the last shot, Anson was no less shocked than the other party.

What's this? Ability? magic? Goldfinger?

The symptoms that appear are similar to those during time travel. Could it be that they are actually some kind of "soul traveling" side effects?

Not knowing whether to be happy or frightened, Anson, who was panting slightly, turned his head with a stiff expression, and looked into the eyes of Karl, who was still in shock:

"Set off!"

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