I will be crowned king

Chapter 3 The power of blood

"Bang——! Bang——!"

Two gunshots, one after the other, broke the silence of the early morning battlefield, but it soon returned to deathly silence.

An imperial officer stopped and frowned as he looked in the direction of the gunfire; the lingering morning fog made visibility less than ten meters, making it impossible to tell what happened.

"You!" He looked at a sergeant beside him: "Take your squad and go scout the situation."

"As you command!"

"The rest - gather up the formation, form two columns, and advance along the trench!"

"Follow your orders——!!!"

The slightly messy but powerful voice echoed in the fog for a long time.

At the same time, Anson and Karl, who were retreating, did not have time to run far and hid under the shelter at the corner of a trench.

This was a simple bunker made of a few wooden boards stacked up in a hole dug into the earthen wall of the trench. There were some scattered supplies piled next to it. The two people hiding inside conveniently hid the two bodies inside.

"The scum of the empire are in front, there should be almost a company."

Carl Bain, who was leaning against the earth wall behind him with a somewhat ugly expression, turned to look at Anson:

"This is troublesome. There is no detour from here to the artillery position; you have to wait for them to leave first and then follow behind. Otherwise, you will have to climb out of the trench. As soon as you show your head, you will be... footsteps, someone is coming! "

"Six." Anson tried his best to stay calm, holding the gun and unblinking his eyes.

His back was to the earthen wall, but he could clearly "see" it in his mind: a small group of Imperial soldiers, leaning slightly from the trench behind him on his right, moved towards this side.

The heavy fog and narrow environment made each other very careful. The four people in the middle stood side by side, with one person in front and one person in front of each other, ensuring that everyone was within sight of each other at all times.

The sergeant with alert eyes and pretending to be calm; the nervous recruit with weak legs; the veteran with relaxed body and taking nothing seriously...

Their expressions, postures, steps, every move, even how thick the fog is around them, and how far away they can be noticed...

Anson could "see" it clearly.

Even if he was standing in front of them now, Anson didn't think he could "see" it so clearly.

Remaining calm, he measured the distance between the two sides and thought about what this absolutely abnormal "gold finger" was.

Could it...couldn't it be related to "former Anson's" side interests: "magic", "truth", and "the old god who must not be named"? !

Outside the shelter, footsteps were getting closer and closer in the fog.

With his back pressed against the trench, Carl Bain's heart rose in his throat as he heard the sound "passing by" him very close to him.

Anson, who stopped thinking "randomly" for the time being, also began to carefully observe what was going on outside.

Sure enough... the other party discovered blood stains outside the tent: the leading sergeant glanced around a few times and asked a new soldier to guard outside the tent while he and the veteran entered the tent.

The other three were posted at the corner of the trench, only five steps away from the shelter where Anson was hiding.

If you show up, you will be exposed;

If the gun fires, you will be surrounded;

The recruits outside the tent were nearly ten steps away from the other three people. It was difficult to see clearly but they could still distinguish the figures; the two people who entered the tent could not stay inside for too long.

So either bet that the other party won't find you and wait for them to leave on their own; or... use a more proactive approach.

You cannot alert the two people in the tent, and you cannot be discovered by the recruits outside the tent; under this premise, kill the three enemies who will definitely be noticed when you retreat.

There is only one chance... Anson pursed his lips tightly, and a draft plan with clear steps gradually became clear in his mind.

He raised his right hand and pried off the bayonet from the rifle slot, making a soft sound.


The moment the voice sounded, countless scenes flooded into Anson's consciousness:

The sergeants and veterans in the tent glanced at the empty tent in confusion;

The recruit, holding the gun, glanced back and forth nervously, looking towards the other end of the trench;

One of the three people on guard vaguely heard the movement behind them, turned around and walked towards the shelter. The other two were still standing there, with the muzzles of their guns hanging by their feet, whispering and laughing facing each other;

The soldier with a confused expression slowed down, looked around as if he suspected that he had heard wrongly, and turned his back to the two companions behind him;

Step by step, gradually approach the shelter.

"Puff puff."

The footsteps became clearer and clearer, and the nervous Karl's heartbeat basically stopped.

"Puff puff."

The footsteps stopped.

The soldier who inadvertently lowered his head suddenly widened his eyes and saw the shelter around the corner.


The next second, a bayonet suddenly appeared on his neck!

The sharp blade penetrated his throat, and the soldier who was struggling to death didn't even have time to scream; Anson, who tightly grasped the handle of the knife, dragged him behind him and used gravity to pull out the bayonet.

Six steps away, the two soldiers who were still joking did not notice what was happening behind them. Anson quickly stepped forward without hesitation, and the blood-stained bayonet penetrated from the mouth of the nearest man.

The last soldier who was shocked by the unexpected situation was covered by Anson before he could shout for help.

The next second, he felt pain in the back of his neck as he stared at Anson; Carl Bain, who was hiding behind, tore out his throat with a sharp blade.

Carl Bain and Anson, who were so nervous that they could hardly breathe, looked at each other, and in tacit agreement, they threw the body in their arms towards the trench behind them, and then left without looking back.

The new recruits who were standing guard glanced this way, and all they saw was thick fog.

Nothing happened in the quiet trenches, and everything looked the same as before.

Karl, who was following closely behind Anson, was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

This guy Anson Bach...he's not a human at all!

Three of the six people were killed in the blink of an eye, and the remaining ones didn't know that half of their team had been reduced.

Or because the guy in front of me didn't take action!

To be honest, even if Anson had just rushed out, shot all six scum soldiers one by one, and left himself unscathed... Karl felt that he probably wouldn't be as surprised as he is now.

"What's wrong, you...why are you looking at me like that?"


Karl shook his head in panic, and his slightly flattering expression made Anson feel a little scared: "You...that just now, is it the legendary...blood power?"

Anson frowned slightly.

The so-called "bloodline power" is a rare kind of power that is possessed and inherited by bloodline. The form and characteristics vary from person to person, and the power inherited from different bloodlines is even more different.

Whether the bloodline is old enough, whether it is a "hybrid" who has only inherited a thin bloodline, or a noble "pure blood" will all have an impact on the strength of this power.

Because it is so rare, and almost everyone with the power of blood in the Kingdom of Clovis is a noble, it is naturally regarded as a symbol of the "noble class".

And there is a probability of inheriting and awakening this kind of power... Ansen knows this because the former owner of his body awakened the power of blood very early, so he was favored by the military academy and became a trainee lieutenant at the age of sixteen.

This is not the most exaggerated thing - to the west of the Kingdom of Clovis, the powerful "neighbor" the Hered Empire stipulates that anyone, regardless of noble or commoner, can be canonized as a knight immediately once they awaken the power of blood!

The strange thing is that "former Anson" doesn't seem to care about this talent, and there are few flashbacks in his memory of him remembering it. Moreover, "bloodline power" has a certain way of using it, and the precursor of its use is also the same as My situation at that time was completely different.

Therefore, his special "power" is definitely not the power of blood... Nodding slightly, Anson looked at Carl Bain with a serious expression:

"Yes, this is the power of my bloodline - no sound within five meters can escape my ears."

"Oh...no wonder, it turns out to be like this."

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