I will be crowned king

Chapter 228 Midnight Cannons

"What did you say?!"

The disheveled Ludwig sat in front of the map table with scarlet eyes. He was so shocked that he almost knocked his head on the map table to death.

Just about three hours ago, he had just held a very intense military meeting with the officers; for him to maintain a high-intensity attack and attack one fort after another, the whole army was in a state of extreme exhaustion, and It caused considerable losses to various infantry regiments, which made these officers very dissatisfied.

More than half of these people had participated in the counter-insurgency battle with Ludwig in the royal capital. They were originally prepared to join the commander in the royal capital's security forces, but in the end they were "assigned" to Iseul to continue fighting... and had no choice but to count on it. He was able to make a fortune all the way to the Elf King's court, but he didn't intend to "win glory" for his Franz family.

All in all, it would be too difficult for these troops who treat war as a business to take advantage of a hard nut like Eagle Point City.

In fact, even Ludwig began to wonder if he was too impatient... After all, he only had more than 10,000 people in his hands. Even if he could capture Eagle Point City quickly, this amount of troops would still not be enough to attack the Ysel elves. of.

But this does not mean that he will compromise with a bunch of scum who bully the weak and only know how to make money; the meeting broke up unhappily amidst Ludwig's roar; after issuing the next arrangements with several trusted commanders, he was exhausted. Ludwig fell asleep on the map table in disappointment and loneliness.

And now the guard who just woke him up told him that someone was attacking the city!

And it's not on their side, but behind Eagle Point City!

Ludwig's eyes widened, disbelief written on his face.

"Absolutely true!"

The guard who made a military salute was also so excited that he trembled with excitement: "This is the first-hand information sent back by the sentry. They saw with their own eyes that the city gate south of Eagle Point suddenly exploded, and at the same time at least one artillery battery-sized artillery bombarded the fortress. Wall!"

"And, as long as you go out now, you can see the explosion of fire in the direction of the fortress!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Pushing the guard away, Ludwig with messy hair quickly rushed out of the tent, looked up in the direction of Eagle Point City, and then...

Then he froze.

"This this……"

Looking at the flickering firelight in the night sky, he could even hear his own voice trembling slightly.

No, that was not his voice... Ludwig suddenly woke up and immediately recognized that what was ringing in his ears were six-pound and twelve-pound infantry cannons, mixed with various vague explosions.

But...who could it be?

Roman? No, no, no... He should be on the eastern battlefield right now, working with Anson Bach to block the reinforcements from the Ysel elves. No matter what, it's impossible...

Anson Bach? !

The moment he thought of this name, Ludwig made a "pop!" sound and pressed his right hand on the handle of the saber at his waist.

That's right, he was the only one...the only one who could lead a lone army behind the fortress without the enemy noticing, and launch a night attack without any warning, was Anson Bach.

Although I really don’t understand how he did it, and why he never got in touch with me, and why he appeared north of the fortress instead of west of Eagle Point Pass...

But none of that matters now! There is only one thing that matters, and that is that this moment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture Eagle Point City!

"Notify the frontline troops immediately and tell them... No!" Ludwig turned back suddenly and stared at the guards who were startled by him:

"Inform all mid-level officers and ask them to complete the assembly of the troops and prepare for war within one hour...half an hour. If they can't do it, let them kill themselves!"

"The frontline troops will be fully engaged in the battle within fifteen minutes, and the remaining infantry regiments will be ready for support in thirty minutes; after an hour and a half, I will see eight thousand soldiers appear on the battlefield!"


The equally excited guard ran away at full speed without saying any more nonsense.

The sound of gunfire in the distance had not stopped yet. Ludwig looked at the flickering firelight without saying a word, but his hands clenched tightly unconsciously.


To the defenders of Eagle Point City, all this happened equally suddenly.

When Buller Matthias led 1,500 elite soldiers to "return with honor" and several "captured" Clovis flags, the defenders in the city didn't think much about it and were surprised and surprised. He happily opened the city gate for them and excitedly asked about the result of the battle.

But unfortunately, what they got was not the long-awaited intelligence, nor any precious battle results, or Anson Bach's head...but the cold bullet hole.

In just ten minutes, the unprepared Eagle Point City was controlled by a quarter of the fortress by "noble pure-blood elf knights"; nearly a thousand soldiers did not even know what was going on, and they became "partners" "The souls of those who died under the gun.

When the continuous gunfire finally awakened the remaining defenders and tried to block the rebels with bugles and artillery on the city wall, the artillery position of the "Storm Division" far away in the valley opened fire.

Buller Matias was very honest. He brought not only the fifteen hundred soldiers who were loyal to him and determined to rebel...but also the locations of all the defense points and accurate facilities of Eagle Point City.

Facts have proved that there are only zero and countless betrayals and surrenders. For those who have tasted the sweetness of it, they will definitely not be able to stop thinking about doing it again.

Relying on this blueprint that is almost accurate to the coordinates, even light infantry artillery can turn those strong fortresses into rubble and ashes one by one, completely paralyzing the outer defenses of Eagle Point City itself.

Of course... the prerequisite for this is that there is a sufficient amount of ammunition and a girl who can use the infantry cannon as a sniper rifle and can hit the target one kilometer away.

With a series of precise blasts, all the forts and artillery on the southern wall of Eagle Point City were sent into the sky; amidst the cheers and cheers of the artillerymen behind her, the excited Lisa smashed the cannonballs directly into the opposite side three times in a row. The gun barrel of the city defense cannon, the proud smile almost reached the ears.

Buller Matias, who completely controlled the southern city wall, immediately ordered that Clovis's unicorn battle flag be raised on the top of the tower - this was the secret code he and Anson had discussed.

Fifteen minutes later, three infantry regiments rushed into Eagle Point City with the cooperation of 1,500 elven outposts accompanied by constant explosions on the city wall.

The roaring sounds of gunfire one after another, the wails of death and panicked screams filled everyone's ears. The once indestructible, bustling and noisy Eagle Point City has become a purgatory on earth.

The once magnificent city walls and towers burned in the flames, and the lively and magnificent market was turned into a miserable pile of corpses decorated with corpses and blood; the embers that remained were flying back and scattered in every corner of the streets and alleys.

Although after losing nearly one-half of the city, the remaining defenders of the fortress finally reacted and began to rely on the surrounding solid defense facilities to block attacks; but all this was destined to be in vain, because the enemies who attacked them were the same as them. Be clear about these strongholds, and even better understand where the weak points are.

At the same time, they not only have to fight against the enemy in front of them, but also against the sharp blade behind them.

The "reinforcements" that were defeated by Anson and fled to Eagle Point City included more than two thousand elves. Most of these elven nobles had high status - otherwise they would not have been able to lead the army alone - and more importantly, they all It's clear what Anson Bach's promise is.

So when Buller Matias proposed to launch a "night attack", these troops who had come to aid Eagle Point City all participated under the leadership of their respective officers.

The reason why only 1,500 soldiers were taken away was of course to make the defenders of the original fortress relax their vigilance and make them believe that they were betraying them; on the other hand, it was also to allow those who stayed in the fortress to figure out the layout. Cooperate with the siege at critical moments.

It was a decisive betrayal in which all involved agreed.

First of all, they all know that the reinforcement route has been cut off, and it is only a matter of time before the fall of Eagle Point City; on the other hand, they know better that they are actually more like "outsiders" to the original defenders in the city.

For these "reinforcements" who have lost the battle and been stripped of their weapons and equipment, the fortress defenders will respect each other because of their lineage and status, but they will not give them too much trust, let alone allow a group of "outsiders" to interfere with matters related to the fortress. Military decisions of life and death.

Once the fortress falls, only a few will survive, and the conditions will definitely not be better than before; so Buller Matias simply took a gamble and bet that Anson would really keep his promise.

The original defenders of the fortress were the victims of their "surrender".

Under the leadership of Buller Mattias, the rebel outposts stepped on the bones of Paoze and showed no mercy to open the way for Anson Bach's "siege army".

The imported Borni rifles played a huge effect in their hands. With nearly four times the rate of fire, facing their compatriots who had the same old-fashioned tactics and were unprepared, the battle turned into an almost one-sided massacre; even if they were temporarily blocked To block, they are also not afraid to use grenades to clear the way, turning the "enemy" into a burnt barbecue.

While the battle in the south was in full swing, the main force of the southern army in the north also launched the first round of general attack after hasty preparations.

The elven defenders guarding the outer stronghold were awakened by the sound of gunfire behind and in front of them at the same time - Ludwig, who always spoke with cannons, relied on the coordinates set during the day and first conducted a full round of the outer artillery fortifications. Rapid fire, then the three infantry regiments almost launched a charge in front of the bayonets of the supervising team against the explosive point.

Because it was a hasty general attack, the entire attack was extremely chaotic - in addition to knowing the direction of their attack, all the soldiers did not know what their specific units were responsible for.

All the combat units were huddled together, and the night where only stars could be seen made the command system, which was already on the verge of collapse, collapse even more. They were like headless flies fighting against the artillery fortress.

But such a chaotic attack still had a very good effect because of the sudden incident; the hurried Elf defenders actually waited until a fort was captured by the Southern Legion before finally launching a counterattack.

While the Southern Legion was conducting a "full-scale attack," Anson Bach, or the rebellious Elf Outpost, finally encountered the biggest trouble in this raid - the fortress commander of Eagle Point City was still alive.

Perhaps because of his great trust in Buller Matias, he did not wait for his return under the city gate as the elf knight expected, but returned to the fortress headquarters to rest early.

As a result, the Elf Outpost, "everything went smoothly", failed to kill the highest-ranking commander in the fortress as quickly as they originally planned.

After losing control of most of the fortress, the nearly collapsed Eagle Point City defenders finally found their backbone and reorganized their offensive under the command of the fortress commander, relying on the innermost city walls and fortresses to resist desperately.

This is one of the reasons why Eagle Point City is so difficult to attack... As a two-hundred-year-old fortress, it has been constantly being renovated and expanded because of its importance. However, during the expansion, many old fortresses and city defenses were destroyed. Facilities have also been preserved.

Therefore, Eagle Point City not only has a large-scale defensive position on the periphery, but the entire fortress itself also has three layers of defense; and on the innermost layer of the three lines of defense, there is an ancient, low, which looks incompatible with the fortress of this era. tower.

That was the Eagle Point Tower built by Archduke Alfonso François two hundred years ago, and which Erd Bach - Anson's great-grandfather's grandfather - and twenty-five knights had once defended.

After the defense lines were breached one after another, the fortress commander led the remaining hundreds of elven soldiers to retreat into the tower for a final desperate resistance.

The renegade elven outposts used grenades to destroy some of the protective facilities on the outside and launched attacks from all sides at the same time; the defenders guarding the towers still resisted tenaciously, and the two sides fought to the death between the innermost defense lines.

If the troops were insufficient, they simply sealed all the gates on the ground floor of the tower. When the lead bullets were used up, they picked up the stones and gravel on the ground, made simple slings and threw them. When the gate was breached, everyone put on their bayonets and went into hand-to-hand combat...

Under this almost-destructive approach, Buller Matias, who soon suffered no casualties, ordered a retreat; for him, these officers and soldiers who "surrendered" with him were also important capital; if In the end, only he returns alive, and the Mattias family will be disgraced.

After much thought, Buller Matias sent a guard he trusted into the tower with his own handwritten letter, telling the commander of the fortress that he would definitely make a request to the Clovis people to protect him and his men. The lives of soldiers.

Five minutes later, crisp gunshots were heard from the dead tower; the body of the guard whose skull was drilled by a lead bullet was hung with a rope outside the tower, with an autographed letter from Buller Matias hanging around his neck.

At the same time, the remaining defenders raised a bloody swallow-tail flag on the top of the tower.

The condemnation of Yigengmon has really become more and more violent recently (fear) ()

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