I will be crowned king

Chapter 229 Blood Swallowtail Flag

For the Empire...more precisely, for all the believers in the Ring of Order and the "Knight Culture" in the entire Order World, the "Blood Swallowtail Flag" is an extremely special symbol.

It first came from the myth of the "Seven Knights" - six warriors from all over the world united under the command of the "Dragon Knight" Hered to challenge the tyrannical and cruel dark creatures and evil gods.

When the fateful battle that determines the future of the world comes, Hred rides his dragon companion, holds up the flag gun that can pierce the sky, and launches the last charge against the evil god alone.

On the tip of his spear, a red swallow-tail flag fluttered.

The coat of arms of the Herred family is a golden iris on a blue and white background, symbolizing his tolerant and selfless character; red is never used on his flag and armor.

"...The warriors who fell on the journey tied the swallow-tailed flag dyed red with their own blood to the top of Herred's lance, placing all their hopes on his indestructible spear tip..." The Myth of the Seven Knights It is recorded as follows.

Because of this legend, more and more believers in the Ring of Order followed suit, and an unwritten rule emerged: Once this flag is erected, it means that this army will fight to the death and never retreat.

Looking at the red swallow-tailed flag on the top of the tower that was flapping in the cold wind, Buller Matias's expression was extremely ugly.

In his memory, the fortress commander of Eagle Point City was a very cowardly and incompetent guy with no leadership ability; as the highest-ranking officer in Eagle Point City, he had no opinions at military meetings and completely "respected" the majority. Human opinions can’t even come up with a decent defense plan.

If it weren't for this, the defense line on the north side of Eagle Point City would not have collapsed so quickly under the fierce attack of the Southern Legion; Buller Matias's "surrender plan" would not have progressed so easily.

But now... this "half-blooded", cowardly and opinionated guy has raised a bloody swallow-tailed flag in front of his noble "pure-blooded" knight.

He actually wants to fight to the end?

The corners of the elf knight's mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's actions. At this point in the war, did he think he could retake the fortress with hundreds of soldiers who had run out of ammunition?

The soldiers of the Elf Outpost in front of him had the same idea: the battle was over, and there was no point in continuing to fight. What's more, the purpose of their "surrender" was to survive, so why should they die for the Clovis people? ?

As the war weariness and fear of war spread, the elf knights and more than a thousand elf outposts simply stopped attacking, and instead formed defensive formations around them, and were ready to retreat at any time.

Buller Matthias's calculation was very good - the elf outpost was his capital to surrender and save his life, and it was impossible to waste it in a place like this; if Anson Bach wanted to completely eliminate this few remaining defenders, Army, then let him fight it by himself.

Anyway, whether I continue to attack Israel or control the entire defense of Eagle Point City, I can still use him, so there is no need to worry...

Just when he was feeling triumphant, there was a sudden rush of footsteps behind him; the elf knight turned around suddenly and frowned slightly the moment he saw the other person's face:

"Major Fabian, why is it you?"

"Commander Anson Bach ordered me to clean the battlefield and learn about the progress."

Fabian, who had his hands behind his back, had a cold expression and had no intention of making small talk: "How is the situation?"

"Just like what you see."

Buller Matias said coldly that the other party's rude tone and humble status made him very uncomfortable - he knew a little about the Clovis military system and knew that the other party was at the level of a regiment leader at best:

"Most of the resistance forces in Eagle Point City have been extinguished. Some of the troops are controlling the surrounding city defenses to eliminate some fish that have slipped through the net."

"The only ones left now are the hundreds of remnant soldiers and their commanders who are guarding the tower in front of them; but these guys have run out of ammunition, suffered heavy casualties, and have no supplies or retreat. They are just struggling to their death. "

The elf knight said, with a hint of complacency in his expression - although he was a rebel, he was able to capture a strong fortress with more than twice his own strength with less than two thousand men, which is enough to prove the strength of him and his outposts. strength.

"Very good." Expressless Fabian nodded, neither praising nor showing contempt:

"Then how long will it take for you to eliminate them?"

"Mr... Mr. Fabian, don't you understand what I mean?"

Buller Matias snorted coldly: "They have no way out! They have no ammunition, no supplies, and they suffer heavy casualties! Guys like this who don't understand the situation and carry on to the end simply..."

"how long."

Fabian interrupted him unceremoniously: "I need an accurate time before I can report to Commander Anson Bach."


Buller Matias's expression became distorted as he was questioned repeatedly, and nameless anger burned in his chest.

Yes, I surrendered to you Clovis people, but that is because as a pure-blooded knight, I am willing to abide by the promise I made with you, Anson Bach, out of mutual trust between noble people.

It’s surrender, not surrender! Not surrender! Not surrender!

I still have more than a thousand elite Iser outposts in my hands. I am the noble "pure-blooded" nobleman of Mattias. How dare you let a little major question me in this tone? !

Taking a deep breath, Buller Matias stared at Fabian with cold eyes:

"I have no obligation to tell you this."

"If Anson Bach wants to know, let him ask me himself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and gave the other party a cold look.


There was no sign of humiliation on Fabian's face, and he nodded matter-of-factly: "This is all a private agreement between you and Commander Anson Bach; I, a small subordinate, am not qualified to interfere with this matter. A level of affairs.”

He spoke very slowly, and there was a bit of sincerity in his words, as if he was apologizing to the other party.

The elf knight with his back to Fabian snorted, and the corners of his mouth raised proudly.

And in the next second, a dark shadow that was hard to see suddenly flashed across his cheek.


A crisp whipping sound sounded. Before the Elf Knight could figure out what was happening, he found that the world was spinning in his vision, and the towering tower in his pupils suddenly "tumbled" down.

The next second, severe pain spread across his cheek, and he watched blood foam and broken teeth spurt out from the corners of his mouth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

The heart-rending screams alerted the surrounding elf soldiers, who looked at the expressionless Fabian in shock as he stepped on the elf knight's neck.

"As a minor major, I am not qualified to interfere in such a big matter, but..."

Fabian stared at the elf knight's frightened eyes, spoke slowly and word by word, and pressed the revolver in his right hand against his head:

"You seem to have some misunderstandings about our identities."

"I'm just a little major, and you, and the 'loyal and brave' Yser Elf soldiers under your command..."

"Just a prisoner of Commander Anson Bach."

"If you can't capture Eagle Point City for the Commander, then your use value will cease to exist; you are just a group of scum that is an eyesore and wastes food."

"If I kill you, or I don't kill you...it won't have any impact on me or Commander Anson Bach."


Looking with disdain at the expressions of the elf knight who dared not speak out, Fabian slowly raised his head and swept his cold eyes towards the surrounding elf outposts.

The astonished soldiers were stunned for nearly half a minute, and then the lone army major was instantly targeted by nearly a hundred rifles at every gap from head to toe.

As long as Buller Matias opens his mouth, he will instantly turn into a sieve covered in blood.

But Fabian didn't even have the slightest trace of fear on his face. He gently raised his left hand and made a "silence" gesture in front of his mouth, and then raised his finger to point at the top of his head.

The next second, the elven soldiers who looked up turned pale. Unknowingly, the Clovis soldiers who followed them into the fortress had completely controlled the innermost city defense and were raising their guns on the fortress. Point at them!

Even the city defense artillery has turned towards the city. Next to the dark artillery are piles of shrapnel specifically used to sweep the lines... It is self-evident what the purpose is.

Such firepower, such arrangements... In less than ten minutes, the elven outposts that had just won a complete victory in front of their compatriots and suppressed the remaining soldiers in the tower would be turned into corpses on the ground.

No one can escape.

Or even if you can escape, what can you do?

Both the south and the north were surrounded by the Clovis defense line. How could a soldier who was separated from the army still survive and break through the defense line built with trenches and forts?

Looking at the darkness on the city wall, the elf soldiers swallowed their saliva, looked at the elf knight lying on the ground like a rag, slowly put away their weapons and returned to their queue.

Fabian's eyes also fell back on the face of Buller Matias - the elf knight whose neck was stepped on was red, but his pupils were as gray as a lost soul.

"Very good, it seems that you have finally figured out your status and situation." Fabian was still unceremonious and said with undisguised sarcasm:

"Don't worry, as long as you can continue to maintain your value to Commander Anson Bach, you will still be a noble 'surrender', and your status will be higher than my little major; as long as the commander agrees, you can take revenge at any time. It’s okay to take revenge.”

"Now tell me, how long will it take for you to eliminate them?"


At 2:45 in the morning, the Elf Outpost launched the final general attack on the Eagle Point City defenders.

Facing the desperate resistance of the defenders, Buller Matias still chose the same tactics as before, launching attacks from all sides of the tower at the same time; deafening roars resounded through the fortress, and screaming lead bullets swept away over and over again. The lobby on the ground floor of the tower.

Amidst the billowing smoke, the Elf Knight gave the order to charge.

Then they were met with a calculated volley.

The fortress defenders, who had run out of ammunition, took advantage of the short "truce period" between the outposts to seize the lead bullets fired by the opponent from the walls and the ground, and desperately collected the last bits of residue left in each person's gunpowder bag. Finally, I had enough for a company to fire one salvo.

But this was the last salvo... The defenders silently polished the bayonets under their guns, and formed a hollow phalanx on the bottom of the tower amid the hoarse shouts of the fortress commander.

Accompanied by the piercing sound of bugles, the soldiers of the Elven Outpost poured into the tower like waves rushing towards the rocks, and collided heavily with the fortress defenders. With every impact, the collision of bayonets could be heard, tearing apart flesh and blood. sound.

Two Yser Elf armies that looked exactly the same and had exactly the same tactics started the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat with each other under two identical flags.

Although the outposts had an absolute advantage on the front and were able to besiege the remaining fortress defenders from all sides at the same time; the defenders who raised the bloody swallow-tail flag withstood several charges with their fierce will to fight without fear of death.

The casualties of the outposts, who were still unable to break up the formation and had no morale at all, began to increase, and the ratio began to increase rapidly from one to two, to one to three, and even one to four.

For any qualified commander, when such a situation occurs, he should immediately stop fighting and rethink the attack method; but Buller Matias, whose face was covered with blood, seemed not to see it, and mechanically responded to the rear The platoon's reserve team issued an attack order and desperately threw more troops into the isolated tower.

With this tactic that almost cost the lives of soldiers to pave the way, the fortress defenders in the tower finally began to suffer from physical exhaustion and rapidly increasing casualties; the elven outposts took advantage of the situation and attacked fiercely, pouring into the tower like a tide.

The formation was completely torn apart, and the elven soldiers wearing almost similar military uniforms began to strangle together without distinguishing between friends and foes; both sides no longer even cared about who was in front of them, and just tried their best to thrust out the bayonets on the rifles in their hands.

At this point, in order to attack the tower with less than 200 elves left, the outposts had suffered more than twice as many casualties.

The fortress commander, who had one arm cut off, retreated under the cover of more than a dozen guards, fighting and retreating along the stairs to the top of the tower; and the elven soldiers who had torn apart all the defenders in the hall also walked along the stairs. Chase them all the way up.

They seemed to have forgotten the lead bullets in their rifles and brandished their bayonets to fight the remaining defenders.

In the end, the fortress commander who retreated all the way to the top of the tower held the flagpole with his remaining hand and was nailed to the ground by six rifles. He fulfilled his knightly oath with actions and fought until the last moment.

The blood-red swallow-tail flag, which was flapping in the cold wind, drifted with the wind towards the snow-capped peaks of the morning sun.

On May 2, the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar, at 3:15 in the morning, Eagle Point City fell.

There were nearly 2,000 Storm Division soldiers below Anson, and the entire army suffered zero casualties.

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