I will be crowned king

Chapter 234 The Cage of the World

After everyone understands the current situation, it will be much easier to reach a consensus - or resolutely obey Major General Ludwig's orders.

The Southern Army successfully captured Eagle Point City, which was a victory; and now they must make good use of this victory to make it a weight for winning the next victory.

The plan is simple: within four days, the Southern Army will completely control Eagle Point City, build a defense line around the fortress that can block the east and south offensives, and delay the attack of the Iser Guards Army; when the army of Archduke Thun arrives, Join forces to annihilate them all.

Annihilating the Guards Corps is the core of the entire plan.

To be honest, with a fortress like Eagle Point City that can be called an iron-walled fortress, as long as reinforcements from the rear continue, it is not difficult to force the Yser elves to withdraw their troops; but if they want to achieve the strategic goals set by the Privy Council and the Army, they must be wiped out.

The reason is simple, because the military systems of Israel and Clovis are completely different.

Although this once powerful ancient kingdom converted to the Ring of Order in the 47th year of the Saints' Calendar, it was only in the last few years that it truly reformed its military system; in order to form this 40,000-strong Guards Corps, everything from equipment to soldiers The training took nearly three years.

In other words, the annihilation of the Guards Corps for Israel is not just a loss of 40,000 well-trained soldiers, but also the fact that they will not be able to build an army of this size in the short term or even for a long time. Legion!

No matter what the cost, the Guards Corps must be eliminated; and it must be completely eliminated, so that they have no chance to come back from the dead, which can completely establish the victory of the entire war.

But the 40,000 troops of the Southern Army alone could not completely annihilate Louis Bernard's 40,000 troops.

Therefore, 20,000 people from the Grand Duchy of Thun must be drawn into this war.

Ludwig led the main force of the Southern Army to set up defenses in Eagle Point City, while Anson led the Storm Division to Golden Stone City to "assist" the Archduke of Thun in attacking the flank of the Guards Army from the south.

"I'll give you fifteen days."

When the meeting was over and all the officers left, Ludwig grabbed Anson:

"It will take four days for the entire Guards Corps to arrive at Eagle Point City, and one day to roll out the battle line. He will start to attack the city within a week at the latest, and will definitely try to launch a general attack within fifteen days; if you haven't been able to convince Tu by then, Grand Duke En..."

"Then I will tell him that his son Leon Francois has been sent to the royal capital of Clovis by me, and then spread the information that he has privately entered into an alliance with us throughout the Seven Cities Alliance."

Anson said seriously.

If you board a pirate ship and plan to sit on both sides of the fence, your respected Archduke Claude Francois will have to pay a price - and at the same time, disrupt the entire Seven Cities Alliance.

Ludwig nodded calmly: "What else do you need me to do?"

"There's only one." Anson pointed to the south of Eagle Point City on the map:

"Try to avoid confrontation with Louis Bernard's main force, and at the same time, try to let them shift their main attack direction from the east to the south."

After thinking for a while, Ludwig understood what he meant.

The Ysel elves...maybe they still firmly believe that the Seven Cities Alliance will never betray them.

So Anson will take advantage of this and let them shift the main attack direction from the east to the south, because the defense in the south of Eagle Point City is the weakest; the 20,000 Thun army will be wiped out from behind without them expecting it. The main force of the Guards Corps.

After receiving a positive reply, Anson said goodbye to Ludwig and left without saying anything more.

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, he saw Fabian waiting alone outside the door. When he saw himself coming out, he immediately approached him.

"Notify all officers that the entire army will assemble before one o'clock in the afternoon and march to Jinshi City." Ansen quickly ordered:

"Don't bring any extra baggage. Throw away all the heavy weapons and equipment. We must arrive within two days!"

Fabian, with a solemn expression, beat his chest and saluted, but did not leave.

Anson frowned slightly: "Is something wrong?"

"Uh... do you still remember that we imprisoned Buler Matias and more than a thousand Iser elves in the dungeon of the fortress according to your order?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"That's it..." Fabian's expression suddenly looked a little strange:

"When we were imprisoning them, we took the opportunity to count the original prisoners in the cell; and then after counting, we found a... uh... your... friend."


Anson was stunned for a moment.

I probably don’t know many people outside of Clovis, not to mention this is Eagle Point City. Could it be said that I knew him from the “former Anson”...


Anson was shocked when he suddenly thought of something, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Seeing his expression, Fabian nodded meaningfully.


"Um...is this really necessary?"

In the cold and dark cell, with his hands shackled to the wall, a slovenly young man in a shabby coat was huddled in the corner. Under his messy red hair was an awkward and somewhat flattering smile:

"Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding? No, no, no... I don't think there is anything to misunderstand."

Anson had a friendly smile on his face and placed his right thumb on the hammer of the revolver: "It's a coincidence at most."

"You see, we said goodbye almost a few months ago. At that time, I thought that we would not meet again for a long time; but we met again so soon, and it was in Eagle Point City... It is such a coincidence."

"What do you think, His Excellency Draco Vertes?"

"I think you are absolutely right!"

The novelist, who felt a chill on his forehead, immediately showed a flattering smile.

Anson also raised the corners of his mouth: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering, could this not be a coincidence?" Anson smiled happily:

"Just like...the last time on the Iron Sky?"

"Absolutely not!"

Draco immediately objected righteously, shaking his head so fast that only the afterimage could be seen clearly.


"One hundred percent...true!"

"You didn't lie to me?"

"I never lied to you!"

"Very good, I believe you." Anson nodded gently:

"Tell me why you are here - or you can be imprisoned until death with these Ysel elves, choose one of the two paths."

"I-I choose the first one!"

Draco, who smiled reluctantly, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and couldn't help but sigh:

"The origin of all things must start from... the forty-seventh year of the Christian calendar..."


With an expressionless expression, Anson gently tapped the revolver hammer.

"In short!" Draco trembled all over:

"The Elf King of Yser adopts high-pressure rule internally, forcing all subjects to believe in the Ring of Order; they burn traditional statues, build churches on a large scale, condone and even actively assist the inquisitors in arresting and killing all believers who are 'not religious enough'."

"So a group of Yiser Elf nobles who 'adhered to tradition' created a secret organization, trying to overthrow the rule of the Yiser Elf King and return the Yiser Elf Kingdom... to its tradition."

Anson's expression was stunned: "Then what does this have to do with your truth?"

The "Truth Society" that the novelist works for was formerly a branch of the Circle of Order, an extremist organization of the Seeking Truth Sect (also called the Ivory Sect). It was wiped out with the murder of its leader Saint Isaac in the first year of the Saints' Calendar. In recent years, it has begun again. Resurrection.

Although Anson still doesn't know what this organization wants to do, but since it is a branch sect, what conflict of interest can there be between the expansion of the Circle of Order's faith and them?

"It has a big relationship." Draco's expression suddenly became serious:

"Do you know why the Truth Society was born?"

Before Anson could give the answer, he immediately revealed the answer: "It is to fight against the control of the world by the Church of Order and to liberate the world of Order from the shackles!"


"To put it more vividly, it's a cage." The smile gradually disappeared from Draco's face:

"One hundred years of the Saints' Calendar, the one thousand years before the Saints' Calendar, these eleven hundred years of history are the history of the Church of Order using various means to deliberately control the entire world in its own hands."

“They once tried to use faith to establish a country that would obey their rule, and then they failed; they once hoped to control a country by supporting secular rulers, and then failed again; they once placed their hope on making all churches of order absolutely subject to The Holy See’s order still failed.”

"Now, this year is the 100th year of the Saints' Calendar, and it is also the 53rd year of the Second Public Order Council. The Church of Order announced that it will no longer interfere in the secular world. The Royal Court of Yisel massacred all the subjects who disobeyed themselves and the Church of Order. Let the light of the Ring of Order bathe your territory."

Anson frowned: "You mean... the Church of Order is using the Elf King to preach and take the opportunity to control Yser's secular power?"

"Only the Yser elves... or preaching in the 'non-human kingdom' can avoid the kingdoms' vigilance against the church; of course, they will be very cautious. In the past half century, the church has also been very cautious in Yser. It’s just preaching.”

Draco said calmly, with a pair of untroubled eyes on his sloppy face, but giving people immense pressure:

"They are waiting for a particularly good opportunity, so that they can use very legitimate reasons - even Israel takes the initiative to ask the church to intervene in the center of power of the kingdom, and they will not hesitate to hand over all kinds of power to the church for management. "

A very valid reason... Anson raised his eyebrows slightly: "Clovis invasion?"

"should be."

Draco smiled and his throat trembled: "Can I have a cigarette?"

"Is the pipe okay?"

"Of course, I'm not picky - I smoked an old newspaper before and it almost caught fire. They thought I was trying to escape from prison."

Difficulty locks you up alone and refuses to even give you a bed...

Anson, whose expression changed slightly, took out his pipe and snapped his fingers with his right hand. The flames floating on his fingertips lit up the leather-flavored ration tobacco.

The novelist puffed away at his pipe, his thin cheeks immediately blushed, and his eyes became much brighter.

How addicted is this guy?

"Back to the topic." Draco moved the pipe to the corner of his mouth:

"Once the Yser Elf suffers heavy losses in this war, the Yser Elf King will definitely ask the church to mediate and end this war in as dignified a way as possible."

"But this will only be the beginning. The Ysel elves who were forced to withdraw from the war and severed their alliance with the empire will definitely not give up easily and hope to receive more assistance from the church."

"And the Church of Order will take the opportunity to control the Elf Kingdom of Yser." Anson said:

"And use this as a springboard to re-intervene into the secular affairs of the world of order?"

Draco suddenly laughed when he heard this answer.

"Do you think...the Church of Order will really stop after forty-seven years in the Saints Calendar?" Draco stared at Anson closely:

"Gold coins with the logo of the Ring of Order have become absolute hard currency along with the churches all over the world of Order; from the most ordinary countryside to the most prosperous cities, the shadow of church colleges can be seen; the most advanced technology , theories, and even the history of the past thousand years are all locked in the church’s library.”

"If you want to further your education, whether it is enlightenment or higher education, church colleges are your only choice; if you want to do business, whether you are a king or a commoner, church banks are your best choice; the king's gold coins are out of the country. Just ordinary gold and silver nuggets; the gold certificates called 'banknotes' issued by the church are obviously just a thin piece of paper, but even the bandits in the mountains and forests will go crazy for them."

"The church... just changed a new way, using its 'invisible' hand to control the entire world of order."

At that moment, the dark cell seemed to become even colder.

"So, you're going to stop them?"

Anson said solemnly.

A hearty smile suddenly appeared on Draco's face: "Actually, our purpose this time is the same - if we want to overthrow the church's control of the Elf Kingdom of Iser, we must destroy the foundation of the current rule of the Elf King of Iser. , allowing the 'secret organization' that resisted the Elf King to find an opportunity to use a rebellion to return Yser to its traditions."

"On the other hand, there is a group of rebels who are trying to rebel and are ready to overthrow the Elf King Yser, which will also make it easier for Clovis to win this war."

"Then the Truth Society plans to help them?" Anson asked.

"More or less, of course it can only be some indirect help. After all, the relationship between the Ysel elves and the Clovis people is definitely not friendly, and there is not much trust between them." Draco sighed.

"I guess...this so-called secret organization is not just about resisting the Elf King Yser, right?"

Draco's expression was stunned for a moment, and the pipe in the corner of his mouth almost fell to the ground, causing another fire.

"That's right, Your Excellency Anson Bach, your guess is absolutely correct." The novelist, puffing away his breath, slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"The Thirteen Council - that is, the secret organization that fights against the Yser Elf King. Their history of existence is as old as the Yser Elf to some extent."

"It is the only... 'Old God Sect' organization that can be traced back to the Dark Ages!"

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