I will be crowned king

Chapter 235 White Tower City Rebellion

Half an hour later, Anson, with a complicated expression, slowly walked out of the cell; Fabian, who was guarding the door, moved his eyes slightly and immediately put the pocket watch in his palm back into his jacket pocket.

"Let him go." Ansen looked at the icy peaks of Chenxi under the clear sky and said without looking back:

"If he wants to bring anything or a 'companion', promise him not to alert anyone, and try to keep a low profile."

Anson thought for a long time and finally decided that it would be better to let the novelist go.

In addition to not wanting to have much involvement with the "Truth Society" behind him for the time being, more importantly, he did not consider that once the form of the war became clear, the Church of Order might intervene.

If the church is really determined to mediate, or even side with the Yser elves openly, then things will be complicated.

The only excuse for the entire "Yser Punishment War" is that Maurice Périgord, the master of Yser stationed in Clovis, is an old god sect spellcaster - this reason seems very reluctant even if it is said to be a strong argument, but the actual purpose is Clovis hoped to open a second battlefield, use a surprise attack to kill Israel, a hidden danger supported by the empire, and make a fortune for himself a blood transfusion.

At the moment, the upper echelons of Israel's elves are still full of confidence. They feel that Israel, which has believed in the Ring of Order and has the bonus of the Empire's armed forces, has become "great again" and is not afraid of Clovis being suppressed and beaten by the Empire.

But once the form of the war becomes clear, the Elf King of Israel, who is eager to stop losses, will definitely use all possible means; if there is a church to mediate, or even take the initiative to endorse Israel, Clovis will really have no excuse.

The war will end in two months. With the support of the Church of Order, Clovis can't even expect to receive much compensation - Clovis's current economy also depends on the Clovis Cathedral controlled by Luther Franz. Loan supported.

As for whether the Yser elves will get support from the church because of this, and whether the Church of Order will take the opportunity to participate in the secular disputes in the world of Order... Ansel doesn't care about these. He only cares about his "basic base" if this war ends so soon. "It will be over before it accumulates.

The recruited soldiers will be demobilized, the newly obtained "Storm Division" designation will be erased, the alliance with Thun will also be terminated, and Eagle Point City, which was finally captured, will lose its strategic significance due to the end of the war.

With the title of colonel, there is a high probability that he will be driven back to Clovis City by the army because of his "Franz family" background, and he will continue to be unemployed at home.

So this war must not end so soon!

Not only can it not end, it must continue. It is best if Yisel can grit his teeth and sell his blood and hold on to the end, so that he can have the opportunity to "earn enough experience points" and let the newly born Storm Master truly grow up.

Only by holding a capable army and leading the entire "Yser Punishment War" can the army's top brass not be able to erase their achievements in this war.

From this perspective, Draco Vertes was right. This time he really had the same interests as the Truth Society behind him.

Well, at least for now...

"Then I'll wait until the Stormtroopers are about to set off before letting Draco out and leaving with us - this way he won't attract anyone's attention."

Fabian suggested, understanding the situation.


Anson nodded absently: "Just make the arrangements."


Fabian, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly stopped and looked at Anson carefully: "Then...do I still need to tell Adjutant Carl Bain about this?"

"He doesn't need to know that."


After sending away a certain novelist who was likely to cause trouble for him again, Anson returned to his room in the fortress - taking advantage of the time before the entire army assembled to set off, he had to write two letters and send them to Clovis city.

The first letter was sent to Miss Sophia Franz - according to the previous agreement between the two, as long as Eagle Point City is captured, he must send all the diaries of this period to her, and write a rough summary by the way. .

Looking at his messy diary, Anson was suddenly stunned when he was about to pick up the pen. He didn't even notice the ink dripping onto the paper.

Because I write a diary every day, and I like to put the diary on the inside of my shirt. In addition, I have been fighting in the wild recently... The result is that the last few pictures are not only bold and unconstrained in handwriting, but they have been completely blurred to the point that no one can read them except myself. Now that I understand.

After hesitating for a minute, Anson quietly stuffed Leon Francois' notes into the envelope - after all, this was a record of the entire process from the perspective of a bystander, which was more objective than what he wrote himself.

After finishing writing, he folded the letter and put it away. Anson took out another piece of paper and wrote a second letter - this one was addressed to the Luen family:

"Dear Miss Thalia August Rune:

I am honored to tell you that I have placed the first cross-border order for the August Arms Factory under the name of the Rune Family; the buyer is the Grand Duchy of Thun, the most powerful among the Seven Cities Alliance; please gather at least as soon as possible It can supply light weapons and equipment for a full legion. The specific situation is as follows..."

"...At present, our army has captured Eagle Point City and opened up the transportation line from Clovis to the Grand Duchy of Thun. If everything goes well, the order will arrive in the royal capital soon. I hope this 'little surprise' will make You’re satisfied.”

"In addition, during the battle with the Yser elves, I accidentally heard from a prisoner that an old god sect organization called the 'Thirteen Council' seemed to be preparing to overthrow the current Elf King and let Yser You return to tradition."

“I don’t know much about this Old God Sect organization, and I don’t know whether I should support or avoid contact with them. I hope you can give me the answer.

Your fiancé, Anson Bach. "


While the Southern Legion that controlled Eagle Point City was stepping up its efforts to repair the city fortifications, build positions, and prepare to face the Iser Guards Army, Claude Francois, the Grand Duke of Thun in Golden Stone City, was staring at Aisne. The urgent report sent by Reis, his gloomy expression was extremely ugly.

His largest vassal, Earl Than Brand of White Tower City, rebelled with his army and territory!

The cause of the whole incident dates back to a few days ago, when the visiting Yser elf envoy came with the elf king's order to contact the lords of the Seven Cities Alliance to fulfill the agreement between the two parties.

Claude Francois detained the messenger Matthias and asked the other party to hand over the work of contacting the Seven Cities Alliance to him, promising the other party that "Thun and Iser will always have an unbreakable alliance." .

Grand Duke Thun's abacus was very good.

In the Battle of Eagle Point Pass, although Eagle Point City has not yet fallen, the nature of the Ysel elves' fierce internal strife has begun to be exposed; the army built according to the improvement of the imperial system seems to be no match for the Clovis people.

Of course, even if the Yser Elf is really defeated, the Grand Duke of Thun is not in a hurry to turn to Clovis immediately; he knows very well that Thun's capital alone is not enough to negotiate with Clovis on an equal footing. Only with the help of the entire Seven Cities Alliance.

So while he appeased Israel's envoys and convinced them that "the entire land of Han is rapidly uniting", he continued to contact several allies with the best relations with Thun to convince them that "Iser is losing the war". The information was revealed to the other party privately, and Thun was willing to "negotiate equally" with Clovis on behalf of the Seven Cities Alliance, hoping to gain their support.

In this way, relying on the threat of Clovis and the unity of the Seven Cities Alliance, Archduke Claude Francois, who was caught between the two, could gradually become the nominal leader of the Seven Cities Alliance.

However, this particularly perfect plan went a little awry.

The envoy of the Elf King Yser ran away.

At first, the ambassador believed the words of Grand Duke Thun, and completely entrusted the work of contacting the Seven Cities Alliance to him. He relaxed a little in Jinshi City and waited for the upcoming meeting.

But soon he felt something was not right.

At first, the Grand Duke of Thun allowed him and his envoys to come and go at will around Jinshi City. Soon, his scope of activities was limited to Jinshi City; and later, he was not even allowed to leave without the Grand Duke's consent. palace.

Finally...while chatting with a certain maid, I actually saw an elf-style bracelet on her hand. The messenger asked casually, and the maid happily said that it was a gift from a relative who lived in Alkader Castle. Come, there is a group of Clovis people selling very cheap Yser Elf goods, ranging from daily necessities to guns and ammunition...

So the elf messenger knew everything.

That evening, Grand Duke Thun learned of the disappearance of the elf envoy. The guard responsible for monitoring him turned into a fool who could only count from 1 to 1,000 and back again. He was beaten unconscious and was unconscious for a long time before returning to normal.

This elf ambassador named Mattias is actually a very hidden black mage!

The matter is not over yet at this point... The escaped elf ambassador did not flee to Yser or other countries of the Seven Cities Alliance as he guessed - it may be that he discovered the roads leading to these two directions. , have all been blocked by the Grand Duke's army - but the White Tower City of Count Thern Brand, a vassal of the Grand Duke of Thun.

The reason is very simple, because the Brand family that rules White Tower City and three-quarters of the people in this territory have the blood of Yser elves!

In the past few hundred years, the once powerful Elf Kingdom of Yser had tried to expand to the south of the Dawn Mountains more than once; after many failures, especially the establishment of Eagle Point City, it turned to infiltration and immigration through various methods. Increase the influence of the Ysel elves in Hantu.

White Tower City is the legacy left by several generations of Yser Elf Kings trying to conquer the vast land.

Although they are vassals of Thun, because of their own blood, the Brand family is closer to the Elf Kingdom of Yser; in the past few decades, the Grand Duke of Thun has also been willing to use Earl Brand to have a good relationship with Yser , to obtain more benefits for the principality from the alliance.

But now this once advantage has finally turned into the biggest trouble.

"Currently, Earl Brand has controlled and sealed off his territory, and has four thousand troops to guard the White Tower City. At the same time, he is constantly sending small groups of cavalry with letters from the elf messengers, trying to force through the borders of the principality."

In the empty hall, Henares looked at Grand Duke Thun worriedly: "My brother, Count Arkad, also received Count Brand's letter immediately, and immediately sent someone to deliver it. An urgent message rushed to Count Pascal's castle, informing him that Count Brand had betrayed the Francois family, and asking him to wait calmly for the news."

“As one of the three major vassals of Thun, Count Pascal has a good relationship with the Brand family, but since he and Arcade are both collateral branches of the Francois family, he will never betray Thun. Henares said in a deep voice:

"In this way... we should be able to temporarily block the unrest within the territory of White Tower City."

Claude Francois nodded slightly, and his expression finally softened a little:

"How many troops can we mobilize now if we want to counter the rebellion?"

"Including the knights of the Arkad family, there are about 12,000 people." Henares hesitated and said:

"But my brother asked me to give you a message. I hope you will not resort to force immediately. At the moment, the subjects of Thun don't know what happened. They only know that it was Count Brand's rebellion."

"But once you really make up your mind to mobilize the power of the entire Thun to counter the rebellion, the incident of the elf messenger will immediately spread throughout Thun."

"you mean……"

"The vast majority of Thun people still think that Yser is our ally and Clovis is our enemy; if your private alliance with Clovis is suddenly exposed, not only Thun will fall into chaos, but you will also He will be regarded as a traitor by the Seven Cities Alliance!"

Henares' reminder instantly made Grand Duke Thun shudder.

"The news must be blocked as soon as possible!"

Claude Francois, who had woken up, had a slightly trembling voice: "Tell your brother and Count Pascal to bring troops from their respective territories to block all roads around White Tower City, and no one can be let out. "

"The external story is that it was because I rejected the marriage proposal proposed by the eldest daughter of the Brand family to my son. Than Brand was dissatisfied and wanted to use rebellion to force me to agree to him."

"Assemble the Grand Duke's Guards immediately, I will personally conquer White Tower City!"

"Yes!" Henares bowed respectfully, stroking his chest, then turned and walked out of the palace.

The next second, before he could leave the hall, a dusty knight rushed into the hall and suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of the steps of the Grand Duke's chair:

"Urgent report from Eagle Point Pass - the Clovis have captured Eagle Point City, and 40,000 Iser Guards are trapped east of the pass!"

"Anson Bach, deputy commander of the Southern Army, is leading two thousand men of the Storm Division towards Golden Stone City and has now arrived in the territory of Earl Alkader!"


Henares and Grand Duke Thun were startled at the same time. The two people standing on the steps and in front of the gate looked at each other for an instant, and they saw indescribable astonishment in each other's eyes.

The flames of war ignited under the ice peaks in the morning light are attacking the vast land south of the mountain range with unstoppable momentum.

No one is immune.

Kongkong has been working very hard to keep updated recently, and I am almost moved by myself (_) Trying to update twice in September or October, which is considered a promise in advance.

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