I will be crowned king

Chapter 278 What’s going on? !

The hot lead bullet hit Anson's chest from the back, exploding a huge bloody hole in his chest; dark red blood mixed with minced meat and bone residues poured onto the floor along with the kneeling figure.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, his rapidly cold body was twitching slightly as the blood continued to overflow. The pupils on his face lying on his side in the blood had completely dilated. His left hand was completely relaxed, and his right hand was pressed under him, keeping the last moment when he looked back. A posture of astonishment.

Deputy Commander of the Southern Army, Commander of the Storm Division, Army Colonel Anson Bach...

Dead again.

In the dimly lit room, a tall and thin figure pushed open the door and walked into the room. He closed the door cautiously and used the faint light of the kerosene lamp on the desk to look at the two corpses on the ground and the blood on the ground.

After hesitating for a moment, the tall and thin figure first squatted on the body of the previous elf caster, quickly groped on the body for a while, and carefully took out a pure gold ring set with rubies.

"Ha ha."

Just when he was about to stand up, the tall and thin figure looking at the corpse of the elf caster suddenly laughed:

"I really didn't expect that... Lu Si En, who is so powerful, would actually fail sometimes."

A slightly magnetic laughter echoed in the empty room.

While laughing at his companions, the tall and thin figure did not forget to stare at the other motionless corpse on the ground; vigilant, he always kept a distance from the corpse, trying to make the scene look like the other party and the assassin died together.

In the dead silence of the room, he could only hear his own heartbeat and breathing.

After confirming again and again that Anson could no longer feel any life reaction on his body, he nodded slightly and turned his back to the body. He methodically wiped away the traces he had left with a handkerchief, and prepared to run away without making any further stops.

Um? !

The moment he opened the door, the tall and thin figure suddenly paused, and some indescribable feeling of disgust came from his chest.

Stunned in place, he first remained motionless, then suddenly turned his head and looked behind him!



Under the weak kerosene light, there was nothing in the empty room except a desk, a bed and Lu Sien's body.

The tall and thin figure let out a long sigh, with a self-deprecating smile on his face, shook his head and walked away.

Wait, something doesn't seem right? !

And the moment he woke up, gunfire rang out from behind.


At the same time as the gun flames lit up, the tall and thin black figure leaned over suddenly and dodged to one side; the hot lead bullet tore a crack in his left shoulder, and the blood mist sprayed on the door.

Anson, who missed the shot, adjusted the monocle on his face expressionlessly, and continued to aim at the tall and thin figure and pull the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The tall and thin figure kept rolling, sliding, and dodging sideways in the empty room. He relied on his amazing flexibility to avoid the pursuing lead bullets. The sound of door panels and walls being shattered kept coming from behind.

At the same time, his attention was always on the "dagger" revolver in Anson's right hand. While constantly dodging, he also kept himself within the range of the door.

Soon, when the last lead bullet was fired from the roaring muzzle, the revolver in Anson's hand made a soft "click" sound.

That's the sound of the magazine emptying!

The tall and thin figure with suddenly shrunken pupils suddenly jumped up, leaving Anson behind, and rushed towards the door desperately.

The assassination plan has been exposed, the most important thing now is to escape!

The moment he turned around and sprinted, from the corner of his eye, he saw Anson still standing there with an expressionless expression. His free left hand reached into his arms and took out a...pipe-like thing.

The next second, the tall and thin figure who was about to rush out of the door heard a dull sound from behind, like something exploding.


The thick smoke blocked all his vision at the last moment when the tall and thin figure rushed out the door.

Almost at the same time, a scream that ripped through the air came from behind him.


The slender bayonet collided with the assassin's right fist, making a sound like metal collision without leaving any wounds on the surface of the skin.

Is he a blood mage? !

Feeling the terrifying force coming from his left hand, Anson, who was biting his steam pipe, could almost lose his grip on the handle of the knife in his hand - he had just activated the power of blood from a near-death state, and his physical fitness was at its absolute peak. One punch. Even the door panels should be able to be punched through.

Are all the blood mages of the Yser elves so terrifying?

Before the fire that exploded from the metal collision dispersed, the tall and thin figure had already torn through the fog and charged towards Anson with a ferocious expression.

Relying on the conjurer's strong sense of distance, Anson dodged at the last second when his head was blasted by a hammer. He held the barrel of the empty "dagger" in his right hand and slammed the assassin's right knee.


Along with the bursting fire, the note of metal collision sounded again; the only difference was that this time the loud noise was also mixed with the crisp sound of bone cracking.

The moment he swung down the handle of the gun, Anson also imprinted [Sharp Wind] on it.

At that moment, the tall and thin figure suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Anson with an expression full of shock.

But this did not slow down the assassin. The moment his right leg landed, the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he punched Anson extremely fiercely.


The violent force struck unstoppably, and the "dagger" revolver held tightly in his right hand flew out, causing Anson's body to lose balance and stagger back.

The tall and thin figure immediately caught his flaw at this moment, and his clenched right fist let out a scream that ripped through the air, and stabbed Ansen in the face.


An explosion-like sound echoed in the air, and Anson, who was wearing a monocle, disappeared from the assassin's sight just before his head was shot.

Um? !

The stunned assassin was stunned, and his empty right fist stopped in place.

Almost at the same moment, the "click" sound of the revolver magazine rotating sounded behind him.

Without any hesitation, the tall and thin figure dodged decisively to the side.

But the next second, he didn't hear any gunshots; in the thick smoke, the only sound was his own heartbeat.

Is he going to run away? !

The moment this thought flashed through his mind, the tall and thin figure standing in the thick fog was startled for a moment; instead of immediately searching for Anson who was escaping, he turned around and ran towards the door.

Rather than completing the mission, the tall and thin assassin was more inclined to run away - Lu Sien had failed, and the gunshots just now had exposed him. If he waits any longer, the soldiers of the Storm Division will rush up, and he will run away if he wants to. Don’t fall!

Thick fog can block the field of vision, but it can't stop a blood mage's beast-like intuition... It only took five seconds for the tall and thin assassin to find the closed door, grab the door handle and then...

He realized it wasn't the doorknob he was holding on to.

The "cylindrical object" stuck to the door handle was a grenade.

A smoking grenade.

The assassin's expression froze instantly.


The deafening explosion shook the entire room, and the golden-red flames rolled up air waves, knocking the assassin away like a battering ram.


The assassin who dragged the afterimage hit the wall behind him hard. The wall, which could withstand the bombardment of a twelve-pound cannon, cracked open and the rubble flew.

Because Anson not only left a grenade with a fuse on the door, but also printed a [Rising Fire] on it.

This spell is an upgraded version of [Concentrate Flame]. It can raise a flame out of thin air within the control range, and can accurately control the range, direction and intensity of the burning.

So Anson left the assassin a "surprise" comparable to a twelve-pound cannon.

In the smoke-filled room, the assassin with burnt marks all over his body collapsed in a corner filled with rubble. His right arm had been completely burned to charcoal and broken, but his chest was still rising and falling slightly, and he was not dead.

The carbonized skin continued to fall off, and the flesh and blood in the exposed wounds squirmed violently, healing at a speed visible to the naked eye... In another ten minutes, the dying man would be able to stand up from the same place again without any injuries.

But when he saw a figure vaguely visible in the smoke, wearing a monocle and holding a pipe in his mouth, walking toward him, the assassin knew that he didn't have ten minutes left.


Anson, who was gulping, walked up to the assassin who was struggling to resist, and kicked him in the chest. Perhaps because he was too weak after being severely injured, there was a clear sound of bone cracking in the assassin's chest, and a dark red Plasma spurted out of the mouth.

The assassin who was stuck in the rubble was shocked. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Anson's right hand holding the bayonet handle downwards, and the pupils of his wide eyes shrank instantly.

"Wait, wait! Wait, I...ahhhhh!!!!"

Piercing screams resounded in the room.

The long and narrow bayonet stabbed in very smoothly, and the wide-open eyeballs exploded like blisters, turning into a puddle of minced meat, which overflowed from the eye sockets along with the blood.

Immediately afterwards, the screams suddenly stopped - the blood-stained bayonet pierced the assassin's throat and nailed his neck to the ground.

The trachea was torn open and the cervical vertebrae were smashed. At this moment, the body was twitching violently. He opened his mouth desperately to breathe, and his eyes with only two bloody holes stared at Ansen.

He seemed to want to say something, but all he could say was "Uh-huh" from his open mouth, mixed with drool and blood foam overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

After a while, the ups and downs of the chest gradually stopped, and the body that was nailed to the ground was bloody and bloody, like rotten meat wrapped in charcoal, and gradually lost strength, and finally lost its breath completely.

The expressionless Anson took the pipe from the corner of his mouth, silently looked at the pool of flesh and blood on the ground that was no longer moving, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This elf spellcaster, he's not dead yet!

The power of the blood mage, in addition to the strengthening of the body, is the extremely powerful vitality; according to a certain inquisitor, there are many ways to kill the black mage and the curse mage, but there is only one way to kill the blood mage.

Completely blow out their heads and hearts - even just digging them out or chopping them off is not enough!

So this blood mage is still alive... Although he has lost all life responses and even his heart has stopped beating, Anson can still clearly feel the connection between the casters.

The reason why he was not killed was because Anson had to leave one alive to figure out why there were spellcasters from the Ysel elves who wanted to assassinate him.

Due to the power of blood, Ansen now has no memory of everything from fifteen minutes ago; the last thing he remembers is that he wanted to go back to the room to sleep quickly, and that was the time when he opened the door and walked into the room.

After that... I have no impression at all.

But the traces on the wall and the assassin's "self-talk" gave him some hints - before stimulating the power of blood, he should have fought with another assassin named "Lu Si En".

Judging from the state when he woke up, he had already activated his "superpower" and used curse magic; if this was the case, then it was impossible for him not to notice that there were other assassins lurking outside the door.

Therefore, the plan I thought of at that time should be like this: kill the exposed assassin, pretend not to notice another blood mage ambushing in the dark, be "killed" by the opponent with a sneak shot, and then wait for an opportunity to capture the opponent alive.

If that's the case, then except for the last step where the noise was a little bit louder and a little bit regretful, the overall process went perfectly.

In addition, under normal circumstances, he would never use the power of blood unless it was absolutely necessary; therefore, there were probably other factors that prevented him from sounding the alarm or summoning guards, and he had to take some risks.

With his mind spinning rapidly, Anson first put the "anonymous glasses" and "steam pipe" into his arms, then squatted down next to the tall and thin assassin's "corpse" and quickly groped on the other person's body.

The opponent only had a few silver and copper coins on him, a dagger that looked more like a fruit knife than a weapon, an unloaded pistol, a handkerchief... scattered trivial items, no magic books, and no enchanted items. Or something that looks a lot like an enchanted item.

How should I put it? It's so clean that people can't believe he is a spell caster.

Or is this the characteristic of blood mage? Because they are probably the type of spellcasters that least rely on enchanted items.

After searching several times, I only found two rings in his arms.

Solid gold ring set with rubies.

Staring at the unresponsive "corpse" on the ground, and after repeatedly confirming that the other party would not wake up for the time being, Anson carefully hid the two rings in his inner pocket.

After taking away the "trophy", Anson stood up and cleaned up the surroundings a little. He kicked up the crumbling door panel and shot it twice at each of the two corpses on the ground... Trying to hide the magic in the room. The traces left behind, especially those left by oneself.

After doing all this, Anson walked to the desk with only half of it left with a sigh of relief, picked up the chair that was not broken into pieces and sat down. He took out a box of cigarettes from the drawer, lightly lit one and held it in his mouth. He took out his pocket watch and looked at the slowly rotating dial, then waited leisurely.

Five minutes later, rapid footsteps came from the corridor, and Karl’s panicked face peered out of the blackened door frame:

"What's going on?!"

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