I will be crowned king

Chapter 279 It’s just the beginning

"What...what's going on?!"

A shocked Carl Bain stood outside the door, staring at the scene in front of him in stunned silence:

In the dimly lit room, the walls were covered with large and small explosion marks, the chandelier on the ceiling was shattered, the floor was scorched black as if it had been roasted by a fire, and the air was filled with strong smoke and smoke. Can choke the smell of human blood.

There were two corpses lying on the messy floor. One was lying in front of the door, lying in a pool of solidified blood; the other was curled up in the corner, bloody and bloody, looking like it had been burned and then smashed into pieces. A puddle of rotten meat.

The expressionless Anson sat in the room behind a half-collapsed desk, crossing his legs and smoking a cigarette silently; the faint light from the cigarette butt flickered in the dim room.

Looking at the guy covered in blood and smoking a cigarette afterward, Karl twitched his lips, raised his hand to stop the guard who came up with him, and walked alone into the room that seemed to have been blasted by a twelve-pound howitzer.

"are you OK?"

"Yeah." Anson nodded slightly, holding a cigarette in his right hand, his expression unusually calm:

"Two Ysel Elf assassins were hiding in this room, seemingly planning to assassinate me while I was asleep; but I discovered them, and then..."

He looked up at his chief of staff and adjutant, pouted, shrugged his shoulders, and gestured around to express "you understand."

What do I understand? Those two stupid thieves have bombs strapped to their bodies?

Karl wanted to roll his eyes and complain, but the surrounding atmosphere was obviously not suitable, especially when there was a group of guards standing outside... So he changed the question:

"Why are you the one they want to kill?"

"I don't know, I don't understand this either." Anson shook his head, also looking confused; then he immediately changed the question:

"By the way, how many gunshots did you hear just before you came up?"


Seeing Anson's suddenly serious expression, Karl frowned and recalled, and then said with some uncertainty:

"It should be...seven times...no, no, it should be eight times...well, if you even count the 'bang!' sound."

While talking, he also snapped his fingers and gestured: "Any questions?"

"Yes." Anson nodded and stared at Karl intently:

"I just counted, there are at least ten craters on the wall, and the ammunition bag on my body is also missing two magazines, which is exactly twelve bullets."

After the words fell, Karl glanced at the wall beside him, his expression changed. He obviously realized what Anson meant, but he still couldn't help but ask:

"you mean……"

Ansen nodded slightly, his face extremely solemn.

Karl, who gasped, was silent for a full minute, and then slowly said:

"What do you want me to do?"

"Block the news, especially the news about the appearance of the spell caster. This is the Green Valley, only one day away from the Hantu Cathedral in Carindia Port. It's hard to say whether there are people from the Tribunal." Anson said. He rolled a cigarette, took one out of the cigarette case and handed it to Karl:

"If the church discovers it, the matter will be serious - so think about it quickly, how many people noticed the movement here just now?"

Karl took the cigarette with some trembling, looking a little panicked:

"The first ones to react were the security companies and storm regiments stationed around the warehouse. The troops in the surrounding neighborhoods should have heard the sound because of the curfew, but it's hard to say whether they knew it was gunshots; and then there was that' "Bang!" I'm afraid the whole Green Valley heard the sound."

"When I came over, the Storm Regiment and the Guard Company had already enforced martial law around the area at the same time. They each sent a company and a squad to rush here. I stopped the Infantry Company of the Storm Regiment to block the corridor. Now there is only the Guard Company outside. A platoon.”

"As for the other troops... the 3rd and 4th Infantry Regiments seemed to have heard the commotion, but they probably didn't know what happened. They also sent a few messengers over. Now the people are being held outside by the Storm Regiment."

In other words, except for the storm group and the guard company, the other troops probably don't know what happened... Anson breathed a sigh of relief and was quite satisfied with Karl's arrangement.

This is indeed an experience that only veterans who have been in military camps all year round can have... When any accident occurs, the first step is always to maintain stability. The news must not be exposed before confirming the situation; even if the situation is extremely bad, we must ensure that the army cannot have a trace of it. Confused.

Otherwise, given the situation tonight, let alone the news that there is a spellcaster in the military camp leaked out, the more serious it may not be the news that "the deputy commander was attacked by an elf assassin and was seriously injured", or "the deputy commander was killed by an assassin and died with his eyes open". I'm afraid it will spread throughout the Green Valley within a few hours.

Will the Storm Division be in chaos due to rumors, will a large-scale "camp howl" break out due to the chaos, will the Aiden Army take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, drive the Storm Division out of the Green Valley, or even annihilate them all...all of them unknown.

Because of Kal Bain, none of that will happen now.

Thinking of this, the expressionless Ansen couldn't help but raise his head and smile gratefully at his adjutant.

Karl, who didn't know what he was thinking about, raised his eyebrows. He was so frightened by Anson's "weird smile" that he trembled all over and instinctively took half a step back.

"Ahem." The somewhat embarrassed chief of staff coughed twice, pointed at the two corpses on the ground and said to Anson:

"Well... how about calling the security company in first and asking them to clean up the place?"

"Okay." Anson asked cautiously: "Have you confirmed that they can keep it secret?"

"I don't know, you have to ask Fabian about this - he is responsible for the recruitment of the security company, I am only responsible for checking the roster." Karl shrugged:

"But those who can pass the level of the Guards will definitely not be Hantu spies or assassins from the Ysel elves, right?"

Anson thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Just as Karl walked towards the door with a fearful expression on his face, Anson, who was looking at his back, suddenly said:

"By the way, about my assassination... don't let it be spread out for now."

"Nonsense, do I still need to pull out a banner for you in a big way?" Karl, who rolled his eyes, ignored him and did not stop.

It wasn't until he was almost in front of the door that the figure of the chief of staff suddenly paused and turned his head to look at Anson with a slight frown:

"You mean... Aiden?"

Anson, who was holding a cigarette, nodded slightly:

"I want to see the reaction of Duke Eden."

If these two spellcaster assassins were really arranged by him, or if he had something to do with Yisel's old god sect, then he would definitely not be indifferent to the news just now.

Should he stick to his promise, or should he seize the last chance to seize Carindia Port?

But this thing is really weird. According to common sense, the Grand Duchy of Thun, located in the east of Hantu, has the best relationship with the Yser Elf. At the same time, the territories are also bordering each other. There is also an "enclave" belonging to the Yser Elf in the territory. , there should be more opportunities to come into contact with the Thirteen Council or the Old God Sect of Iser.

Why did two elf spellcasters appear in Green Valley, a small town at the southernmost tip of the vast land?

There is also another possibility that these two elf casters have nothing to do with the Thirteen Council; judging from their preparations, only the first one of the two assassins should be responsible for the attack, and the second one should be responsible for sentry and precaution. One's back-up plan; although a blood mage was asked to stand sentinel, it seemed strange that a conjuration mage who was good at stealth took action...

But to be honest, the strength of the two of them is really average. At best, they are above the third level and less than the fourth level.

When he rebelled in White Tower City, he had already revealed his relationship with the Rune family to the Mattias family of the Thirteenth Council; but the first assassin's behavior when he took action clearly did not expect him at all. He was actually a spell caster, so he was killed so easily.

If the Council of Thirteen really wanted to kill him, given the reputation of the Luen family outside, why should they send a fifth-level or blasphemous mage-level spellcaster over... Well, even though he would really be dead in that case.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they are just a group of ordinary spell casters, or even the "indigenous old god sect" of Hantu.

But how dare the local Old God Sect appear in the Green Valley near Hantu Cathedral?

Could it be that just like Clovis City, Carindia Port is not only the core of the Church of Order parish, but also the stronghold of the local Old God Sect?

This is not impossible. After all, the Port of Carindia is a very prosperous trade center. It is normal for the city to be mixed with fish and dragons. After all, even Clovis City, a well-ordered religious holy place, also harbors an apostle of blood magic. .

Well, let's find an opportunity to write a letter and ask Miss Talia, maybe there will be some clues... Just when he was thinking randomly, Anson added to Kaldo at the door:

"When the security company comes in to pack things later, remember to ask them not to throw away or burn the two bodies on the ground, lock them in crates, and then find a place to hide them where they are not easily discovered. "

"Why, you cherish it so much and you can't bear to throw it away?"

"Uh...it's not that I can't bear to part with you." Anson looked seriously at the chief of staff who wanted to joke and relax:

"The main reason is that one of them is still alive."

well? !

Karl's hair stood on end instantly, and the corners of his raised mouth froze on his face.


In the tower on the north wall of the Green Valley, Victor Emmanuel, the Duke of Eden, looked gloomy and crossed his hands to support his chin, squinting his eyes and listening to the panting messenger reporting the situation.

"The ammunition depot exploded?"

"Yes, according to their people, when they were cleaning the warehouse, they accidentally ignited a pile of gunpowder barrels that had been piled up randomly by Carindia's defeated troops. As a result, they also detonated the ammunition depot next to them." The messenger wiped his sweat desperately. The soldier bowed his head respectfully:

"Fortunately, not many people were injured except for a few soldiers and officers who were responsible for cleaning up."

"Who?" Duke Eden asked coldly.

"Uh..." the messenger thought for a while: "There is probably a platoon of more than forty people."

"Who am I asking!"

Duke Eden, who had a gloomy expression, accentuated his tone and said with fierce eyes: "Who is injured?!"


The shocked messenger froze in place, with cold sweat pouring down like a waterfall: "This, this...this I...I..."

Looking at the messenger who was hesitating and unable to speak clearly, Duke Eden, who suppressed his anger, snorted coldly:


"As you command!"

Before he finished speaking, the relieved messenger immediately rushed out of the room using his hands and feet, rolling and crawling.

When the messenger respectfully closed the door and the panicked footsteps disappeared from the stairwell, Duke Eden breathed a sigh of relief and silence returned to the room.

Until a cold voice sounded.

"It looks like it was a failure...the explosion was not part of our plan."

Duke Eden's cheek twitched, then he stood up suddenly and growled at the corner where the sound came from:

"This is different from what we promised!"

"I promised to cooperate with you, but not this kind of cooperation?!"

"Then what kind of cooperation are you talking about, His Excellency Duke Victor Emmanuel?"

The Ysel Elf sitting in the corner asked back, with a hint of joking on his expression: "We have provided you with enough information, so that you can easily catch the bugs among the vassals, and even given you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to unify the land. opportunity."

"You don't really think that all this... is free, do you?"

"Of course not!" Duke Eden stared at him coldly:

"But now how do you want me to explain it to the Clovis people? What if Anson Bach is still alive, or worse, unconscious? There are still five thousand Clovis soldiers in this city!"

"It's very simple. There is no need to explain anything." The Yisel elf spread his hands and looked at the Duke of Eden who was about to burst indifferently:

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't know what happened or...what really happened. Isn't it also a good opportunity for you?"

Looking at the other party's dull expression, Duke Eden took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his anger, his twisted expression was almost ferocious:

"I...I really don't understand, I don't understand what benefit this is to you?! Killing a Clovis deputy commander will not stop this war, it will only make the enraged Clovis launch a bigger attack. Be determined and put more effort into carrying out this war!"

"And the Church! Let two spellcasters assassinate a commander who is heavily guarded. What is the probability that they will not be discovered? The Church of Order will definitely intervene when the time comes!" This is to Israel, and to you, the Thirteenth Council What are the benefits? ! "


Faced with the anger and confusion of Duke Ayden, the Ysel elf Mattias appeared very calm and spoke in a gentle tone: "It's very simple. Let all the forces throw themselves into this war regardless of all costs, which is the largest of the Thirteen Councils." Benefit."

"The annihilation of the Guards in the Battle of Eagle Point City and the surrender of Carindia without a fight have given the Clovis people too much advantage in this war; if this continues, it may soon be over. The war will end; even if it does not, in order to protect its own interests in Yser, it is inevitable for the Church of Order to mediate."

"This is not okay. Everyone must understand that this war is far from over..."

"It's just getting started."

Happy National Day~~

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