I will be crowned king

Chapter 280 The letter is coming

Early morning, Green Valley, South City Wall, Deputy Commander's Room (temporary).

Feeling the bright sunshine shining on his body, Anson held his breath and stared at the cherry cake on the plate in front of him.

The baked cake is full of aroma, moderately soft and hard, sweet and delicious. Use a piping bag filled with milky white cream to outline childlike patterns one after another on it, and then use a few bright red cakes with plump flesh and exuding fragrance. Garnish with fresh and attractive cherries, and serve them on a clean white porcelain plate...

Just looking at it makes people so appetizing, and instantly finds the whole meaning of life after waking up from sleep.

Of course, it's really not cheap.

In Hantu, far away from the city of Clovis, it is easy to get fruits, eggs, flour, etc., but sugar and cream are not easy to get; especially refined white sugar that is clean and unadulterated, in Clovis In Weicheng, daily necessities can be barely consumed by small nobles, but in Hantu, they are basically only enjoyed by the top rich and powerful.

Looking at the cake that had consumed his two-month sugar ration, Anson gently picked up his fork and looked up at the other side of the dining table - an angry Lisa pouted her mouth like a pufferfish and stared at the emerald green eyes. Her eyes were staring at him intently, with "I'm unhappy" written all over her face.

She has been in this state since she woke up in the morning.

As for the reason? Of course, it was because a certain "brother" was assassinated, and the person he found immediately was not his "good sister", but a certain lieutenant who always smelled "hateful of the smell of cigarettes" - even when it came to things It was over, and Anson didn't come to find her. Instead, he got the information from the soldiers of the guard company after waking up.

All along, "well-behaved" Lisa has always regarded herself as Anson's "protector". This is also the first and only mission Anson gave her; but this time Anson went back on her promise and did not even think of asking for Lisa's protection. Protect.

This hurt Lisa!

Well, Anson and Carl were actually busy cleaning up the scene all night long, erasing all traces and evidence, trying to maintain stability for the various infantry regiments of the Storm Division, and trying to come up with a reasonable-sounding explanation to fool them. Those "warm-hearted" "melon-eating people"...the two of them were so busy that they forgot about Lisa, who was still sleeping soundly.

So after realizing his mistake, Anson decisively handed over the finishing task to Carl, and racked his brains to let the logistics prepare this cherry cake that would never appear on the front line, as a tribute to his "cute and obedient" good sister. apologize.

Sweet, delicious, beautiful and cute snacks are always the "happy password" to coax children and good girls.

Or... at least that's definitely the case for Lisa.

Facing the girl's direct gaze, Anson took a deep breath, smiled, and made signs on the cake with his fork:

"Circle or triangle?"

Lisa hummed softly at first, then immediately focused her attention on the cake. She hesitated for a full minute before pouting and saying: "...triangle."

After saying that, she took the initiative to close her eyes and opened her mouth to Anson with "Ah——".

So Anson, who understood the situation, immediately used a carving fork to cut off the part with a triangle pattern drawn in butter, blocked the girl's mouth, and pulled it out in time before the fork was bitten.

Lisa, whose cheeks were bulging, turned her head angrily, deliberately not looking at Anson, and swallowed the cake as quickly as possible.

"Is it delicious?" Anson asked with a smile.

"...Well, so-so." The girl hummed again:

"There's too much sugar, the cream doesn't taste refreshing at all, the cake is so hard, and the cherries aren't as sweet as expected...well, it's not as delicious as Mrs. Bogner's, but...well, it's just okay."

Looking at Lisa who was complaining softly and Anson who was still smiling, he couldn't help but lament in his heart.

The girl who used to be extremely happy just to get a canned yellow peach has finally become picky!

Then, I also started to grow up.

We can no longer fool around like before.

Anson, who was feeling disappointed, faced the girl who was still angry and asked with a smile: "Then...can you forgive me?"

Lisa, who stared straight at him, pouted her little mouth full of cream, and said fiercely: "...Okay."

"But Anson must also promise Lisa that he can't do this again in the future!"

"Definitely, definitely!" Anson agreed.

"Then... Lisa still wants to share a room with Anson!" The girl looked at him with burning eyes, with a hint of vigilance in her tone:

"Lisa is the captain of Anson's security company. She should sleep in the same room as the person she wants to protect, right?"


Anson suddenly didn't know what to say, but seeing the fierce look in the girl's eyes and the tiger fangs stained with cream under her lips, he could only bite the bullet and continue to smile: "That's right!"

"Swear!" Lisa, with wide eyes, looked at him aggrievedly:

"No regrets!"

"No regrets, no regrets." Anson nodded quickly, put down his fork, and drew a ring of order in front of him with his right hand:

"Lisa is the commander of Anson's security company. Lisa's requests are all appropriate. I, Anson Bach, will never break the promise I made... Well, I swear!"

"If I lied, then... uh..." Anson was suddenly stunned when he said this, and a strong sense of déjà vu came to his heart, as if something similar had happened before.

But facing Lisa's straight eyes, he couldn't tolerate any further hesitation: "Just let me run into the most unlucky thing that I least want to happen and the most unlucky thing right away - is this okay?"

The girl who got the promise was silent for a while, and finally nodded silently.

Anson finally breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the fork and cake in front of her. Lisa, who had been unable to hold back for a long time, finally smiled and stuffed the cake covered in cream into her mouth. She was covered in a halo of happiness from head to toe. shrouded.

The happy look reminded Anson of the leisurely and happy memories of the Iron Sky - of course, excluding the part about the Guards and a certain novelist.

The happy girl was devouring the cake, humming an unknown tune in her bulging mouth; Anson, who was sitting opposite her, was drinking hot coffee, flipping through old newspapers, and filling in the diary he owed last night. Complete.

The two people sitting at the dining table were quietly enjoying the most beautiful morning of the day. In a trance, they seemed to have returned to Clovis City, to the apartment at No. 55 Boleman Street in the White Lake Park District. The fireplace was always there. Tongwang, there was an old pipe-smoking old lady curled up on the sofa in the living room...until Carl Bain opened the door and walked in.

The Chief of Staff, who had also been busy all night, seemed a little depressed. He had not yet recovered from the big news about the "assassination" and the "Old God Sect" yesterday. Before he could sit down, a stack of envelopes and documents were thrown at him. In front of Anson.

"What is this?" As he asked, the sharp-eyed Ansen had already noticed Sophia's letter at the top, and a bad premonition almost came over him.

"The latest news about Clovis City and the Southern Army, as well as your letter from the Deputy Commander." Karl returned listlessly:

"Originally it was supposed to arrive last week, but because you were marching non-stop to the Green Valley, it was only delivered this morning."

Throwing down the document, the yawning chief of staff turned and walked out of the room.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

A second before he was about to walk out the door, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Anson: "Duke Eden's people are here."

"What are you here for?" Anson asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's about confirming the specific time for troop withdrawal." Karl shrugged:

"But it's probably the same as last night. I want to know if your deputy commander can still breathe, right?"

"Then disappear." Anson sneered, picked up the envelope on the table and shook it at Karl:

"Tell him that I'm very busy right now and don't have time to meet with guests - if I have anything to do, I can just discuss it with you, Chief of Staff."

Karl nodded weakly, turned and left again.

Anson, who watched him leave, picked up the documents on the table and put them one by one...and then put Sophia Franz's letter at the end.

The first one was a battle report from the Southern Army. Ludwig, who was marching straight in, relied on a strong supply line and an almost endless supply of artillery shells. Under the leadership of the Ysel Elf "Leading Party", he was ruthlessly raiding the territory of the Ysel Elf royal family. , everywhere you go is like entering uninhabited territory - the basic content is no different from the previous one.

All the fortresses and towns that tried to resist received an "unforgettable" profound education under the firepower of the Southern Legion that was so terrifying that even the regular army could not match it. Clovis's army was "welcome" to the city with singing and dancing in the sky full of fireworks.

In a sense, as long as there are enough artillery shells and artillery, and the battle line is opened for a head-on confrontation, Ludwig and his Southern Army are invincible and completely invincible.

The only problem is that Ludwig still doesn't know where the defeated Guards Corps fled to. More than 10,000 elite Iser troops seemed to have evaporated without a trace.

But this is not a problem at all for the Southern Army, which is advancing all the way. According to Ludwig, it only needs to conquer one more fortress, and the Southern Army can besiege the Royal Court of Yser without interference; then even if the Southern Army No matter how suddenly the legion appears, it can no longer affect the direction of the war.

Ludwig, who was full of confidence, even made the bold statement of "taking Yser in three months".

The second letter is the Army's "Kingdom Loyalty News". Except for the last two pages, which mention the battle report against Yiser and Hantu - the Army is still extremely disgusted with the Southern Army - the main content still focuses on the Western Front battlefield. Once again a "decisive victory" was achieved against the Empire, and the "myth of the Empire's invincibility" was shattered.

Well, it looks like the Army will break many myths on the Western Front in the future.

Then came the third letter, the fourth letter...

When he finally turned to the last letter, Anson's hand suddenly trembled.

He carefully picked up the letter with anxious hands, cut open the ink pad, and unfolded the letter paper inside; the moment his eyes fell on the parchment letter, his dark brown pupils suddenly shrank.

The entire letter consists of just one line written in charcoal black ink:

"What is your relationship with Thalia of the Rune family?!"

Anson was trembling all over and almost fell over from his chair.

"What's wrong?"

Lisa, who was eating the cake, raised her innocent eyes and looked curiously at Anson, who was suddenly shocked.

"No, it's nothing!" Anson quickly calmed down his expression and patted her little head gently. The corners of his mouth that barely squeezed out a smile were twitching crazily, crumpling the letter into a ball and hiding it in his palm.

how so? !

How did she and the two of them meet? !

ah! Wait, Thalia seemed to have mentioned in her previous reply that she was going to participate in a charity fundraiser in Clovis City... Could it be that time? !

No, she is an Old God sect, why would she go to the territory of the Church of Order... Well, I seem to be an Old God sect too, and I am still working for the church.

Something is going wrong, something is going wrong!

The frightened Anson felt the instinctive blood surge up rapidly in his body, constantly impacting his Heavenly Spirit Cap, as if his body and soul would be separated in the next second - he could send himself to the Ring of Order without bothering the Tribunal to do it himself. Confess in person.

This state lasted for almost ten minutes, and the rushing blood finally stabilized. He calmed down and began to think about the possible consequences of this incident.

After thinking about it, Anson, who was calm and clear-minded, gradually realized the result...

Well, that might not be such a bad thing.

First of all, the fact that the Luen family is an Old God sect is definitely not known to everyone even in the upper echelons of Clovis. At least Sophia does not know about it. This at least eliminates Sophia's suspicion that she is an Old God sect.

Of course, it is only a matter of time that he is exposed...Sooner or later, this matter will reach the ears of Archbishop Luther Franz, or he already knows about it; but since the other party has not exposed it, it means that so far, his behavior is still there Within the scope of his acquiescence.

Secondly, although I don’t know whether Talia did it on purpose or not – well, she must have done it on purpose – at least, this helped me solve a very critical problem.

That's who Lisa really is.

With the financial resources of the Franz family and Sophia's "detective fan habit" of inquiring, I am afraid that the problem of Lisa's identity has been discovered long ago; now that Thalia comes forward, she can blame it on the Luen family, and can also explain it by the way. Why did the Luen family go out of their way to find me before? It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Finally, now that the Luen family has made an official appearance and announced that they will become their sponsors, it can also restrain the army's control over the war in Yser to a certain extent.

The Rune and Franz families, a millennium-old family and an extremely wealthy country, both made bets on this war. The Army is disgusting. Don't you dare to act rashly against the Southern Army and the Storm Division?

Thinking of this, Anson even felt a little happy. He picked up a pen and wrote a reply to a girl who might be restless:

"Dear Miss Sophia Franz, please accept my apology when you receive this letter; the incident happened suddenly, the situation is complicated, and everything cannot be explained in just a few words..."

"...No matter what, please believe that I have always been loyal to you, and all my promises are absolutely true..."

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